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The Assassins Guild


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I suppose you all want some kind of flavour now, don't you?

The slowly shrinking group of townsmen met once again, the morning cold and foggy. The local news that morning was beginning to get stale, reporting murders every night in some kind of 'inheritance feud'. Not entirely accurate, but a reasonably enough description of the state of affairs.

Now, the four people looked at each other. One assassin among them, three innocent townsmen. But who was what?

Dear Weapons,

You are Joshua Homan, the Private

As a teen you were a little on the wild side, with a slight streak of bloodlust. That all changed after you forced someone’s car off a cliff -you were a little drunk at the time and it was great, but the morning after, you realised what you did. And you decided to repent by serving your country in the millitary.

Now you’re under the command of a famed general, although he’s involved with the Kanari genocide scandal. He’ll probably give you orders during the night, and you doubt you could get away with ignoring more than one. So you’ll just have to do what you’re told and hope things go okay...

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

Dear Silent Shaman,

I’m Linda Butterfield. I’m a shopkeeper.

Nicolas wants me dead for something I didn’t do. Apparently, I helped someone to swindle him out of money, or something, and I don’t even know what it was! It’s scary being here, but I’m just too poor to move away.

I wouldn’t describe myself as anything special, I’m just going to try and stop Nicolas and the assassins, nothing else. That’s all I really can do.

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

Day ends... later. I don't want to give a deadline because I don't know if people are on holiday etc. at the moment.

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Oh, I just realised, there should be some special flavour here.

Katana had taken Joshua back to their hideout. It wasn''t secure now, police would search it again in the morning. Katana knew that. But he now wanted Joshua to suffer, just as he'd suffered the past few years. As a newlywed in a nice, normal life, the man Katana once was had everything taken away, when a joyriding teen had forced their car off a cliff, killing his wife and leaving Katana a man out for nothing more than revenge. At last, he'd found the man responsible for his torment. He was going to suffer and suffer greatly.

"Please," Joshua begged, to deaf ears, "I'm truly sorry. I'm a changed man now, I never wanted to hurt anyone. Don't hurt me, just kill me quickly." No longer the image of military bravado and courage but a scared man being threatened, Joshua felt more and more terrified as Katana prepared... something. He couldn't see what it was as Katana faced away from him, and all four limbs plus his head were tied up and apart, leaving him in a vulnerable star shaped position.

"Do you know something... Joshua?" Katana began. "How it feels to have one half of oneself torn out? How it feels when the person doing it... did it consciously, and took pleasure in it?" He turned around, revealing the electric hand drill he was preparing. "You're going to die tonight... and the police are going to find your body in the morning, mutilated beyond description... maybe you'll even still be alive and concious and in great pain!" He let out a shrill laugh, and slowly started the drill. "Now... Perhaps you'll serve as an example to others... or perhaps you'll just finally let me find peace!"

(If this had happened earlier in the game a bonus effect would be confirming Katana as not being the spy. I think that's overkill at this point...)

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Mother fuck.

Honestly, I think it's JB25. <__< But I don't know, I'll have to look back. In fact I'm going to have to, because I still can't remember some of the earlier stuff (because I suck)

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OK, looking at the list of last 4...

Me: Innocent Townie

Ether: I'm curious why he hasn't been killed off yet.

Levity: A bit... too silent.

Mike: I just get the feeling he's town.

... I know I'm town, and Levity's a bit off, so...

##Vote: Levity

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... Wait a minute, how did 2 people die last night?

Vigilante says hi.

EDIT: Wait, he's dead, he can't really say hi.

Edited by Life Admiral
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A bit too silent, even though

1. I'm always pretty much silent lately because I suck

2. There's nothing to really even say anymore

3. The others have been way too silent than me if I couldn't even remember they were playing?

Also, you OMGUS'd me there <__<

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Really? Out of the 4 remaining players, Mike is confirmed inno (was looking through thread again), there's no reason for Ether to be an Assassin, which brings it down to me and you. I'd never vote for myself, seeing as it would cause town to lose, which means it has to be you.

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I'm more inclined to lynch JB than Levity but I'd like to hear more about Ether's role before doing this. Are you just a standard townie now that WoMC has been killed or can we do the same thing as the FE8 mafia where we lynch one and the vig. kills the other.

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Wait... Ether, what military roles are known to you? (e.g. Corporal, Private, etc.)? Also, do you get to control ALL the night actions of these people?

Looking back this has made me want to believe that JB25 is telling the truth when he claimed military faction, even if it was a week later.

Come to think of it, as a traveller why would you be on Podevin's hitlist, Levity? Does your role PM say why?

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Point again: My role does NOT say I'm on Povidevin's hit list. I'm just that corporal, doing what the General says... yet I can't even talk to the general at all.

That bit was directed at Bizz, I assumed you were on it because of the Kanari genocide the flavour mentions.

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Well, I know for a fact that I'm town, so I'm honestly thinking it has to be you or Eher. But your claim sounds incredibly genuine at this point, so I'm not sure.

My flavor states that I'm not a very important target, that I'm just a wanderer who happens to be here (I've traveled across the land but don't really possess any special skills) and I've allied myself with the town in order to receive benefits if I can help catch the assassins. I like being rewarded for good deeds, apparently.

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Time to fully reveal everything, I suppose. I am the General, as I said. I act as the Vigilante.

However, WoMC was the one carrying out the kills. When I sent in my order, WoMC performed it. When he was roleblocked, I was roleblocked.

Now, WoMC is dead. Every night I can now send in authorization requests for two people. During the next night, I can then kill one of those two people, or request authorization for different people. When WoMC was alive, I did not have this particular restriction.

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Levity for your name would've been on the list mentioned in the OP you would need to have done something to Podevin before it all kicked off. You claim to have aligned yourself with the town in this dispute but you also must have done this before it even started to be on the list. Whereas like with WoMC's role PM, JB25 only mentions the genocide in passing.

Thanks Ether, this pretty much means it will all come down to this lynch. Have you got any strong feelings about this lynch I'm tempted to go for Levity but most people have been suspecting JB of being mafia in the past, myself included, but I have too many qualms to trust him fully just yet, like him taking a week to reply to you being the general or me almost having to force the Kanari genocide into his mouth I'd just like to make sure I haven't missed something obvious.

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Hmm... at the moment, I am leaning towards JB as the final scum.

We have the entire claiming deal, of course, however, in this claim, something stuck out at me. He said he was simply a Corporal following his General's orders. This can easily be seen as a safeclaim, since the military was pretty much confirmed town, however, I look at it this way.

If I had another officer below me, as JB25 claims he is, then shouldn't WoMC's duties reflect to him to follow my orders? Why would I need authorization to kill myself, when there is a soldier right there?

The military affiliation in general is just a sketchy claim. I knew about WoMC, so if there was a third, why would I not know about him? WoMC knew I was out there, even if he didn't know who I was exactly until I outed myself. JB claims to have no flavour related knowledge of who I am, nor any connection to me aside from following my orders, which directly contradicts what has occurred.

Then there is the general fact that he hasn't looked all that good overall. Of course, these situations kill me, they really do... and WoMC also put JB25 above Levity on his scumdar, which was pretty reliable for the most part...

Let's see this through to the end. Here goes nothing.

##Vote: JB25

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That looks like a 3-1 consensus. I'll let it sit overnight and maybe through the day, firstly because it's too late for flavour and secondly because you might change your mind, or something.

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