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That I'll agree with. Getting rid of the weapon triangle is something I thought they would have done in Easy mode, not Hard mode.

That trouble can be solve easily if the game let you change the weapon you are equip when you are being attack. So, class that can use alot of kind of weapon can be more useful.

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That trouble can be solve easily if the game let you change the weapon you are equip when you are being attack. So, class that can use alot of kind of weapon can be more useful.

Agreed it would be easier on us during enemy phase, but it would kind of get rid of the point of having player and enemy phases. Imagine a unit is about to attack a magic unit with a long-ranged tome equipped, only for the weapon to have suddenly been switched for a close-range tome just before the attack. That would put units at a very high risk in certain conditions. The only thing that can really be done is equipping the right weapon ready for whatever you know the enemy will throw at that unit.

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Or you can attack with what you want and then have your backup units that can't quite get to the enemy or do something useful trade with the other player, putting the weapon you want them to use on top, essentially allowing you to equip what you want even after your turn is over.

I do that all the time, by the way.

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Another long one... I really need to keep these things short. Anyway, here's 1-4:

Part I Chapter IV - A Distant Voice

I've decided on not using Meg for this playthrough at all. Left her behind...

I get a kill in on the Laguz straight from the word "Player Phase". I sent Ilyana to the top-right of the area, next to the damaged wall, and attacked that Tiger with Elthunder. She could do 15 damage, and had 15% chance of a critical, and she pulled it off, taking all 39hp off that Tiger. One down.

I got Sothe and Micaiah to break down the middle wall.

Micaiah grew to lv10 finishing off the non-transformed Laguz that stopped right next to Sothe where the broken wall stood. gaining magic, speed and luck.

Laura healed Sothe and gained a level up to lv5, gaining strength, magic, skill and speed.

Nolan killed a Cat...

Ilyana killed the other tiger that comes from the top...

Aran killed a Tiger, growing to lv9 and gaining HP, skill, speed(again?!), luck and defense.

I drew Agony towards the top with Sothe, standing him on the spot where the wall was. Just stole the chest keys.

Leonardo just popped an arrow into Agony from behind Sothe, going up to lv9 and earning some HP, skill, luck and defense.

Another Laguz down, finished by Edward...

*Headcounts* Nine Laguz remaining.

Pain just attacked Sothe again, taking 16 damage, he's on just 3HP now, and about to get finished by someone who needs the experience. Leonardo is chosen, and Agony is left to die in pain. No pun intended, of course... Eight Laguz left.

Edward defeated an untransformed Laguz, seven left...

Nolan rises to lv12 after criticalling a Cat on 5%, rainsing skill, luck and resistance.

The second pair of reinforcements appear from the top of the map.Aran's up there bllocking their way, with Laura and Micaiah standing behind him. Micaiah to Sacrifice heal him, and Laura to heal Micaiah afterwards.

Aran finished off another untransformed Laguz, growing to lv10, gaining just HP... Pah. Worst level-up yet. Screw you Aran.

Picked up the coin earlier, and now I've got the Master Seal.

Edward finished off another Laguz, getting to lv10, and earning HP, strength, skill, speed, luck and defense. Impressive level-up, makes up for Aran's single HP level-up. Six enemies remain. Five enemy Laguz bandits remaining.

Leonardo finished off another Laguz, rising to lv10, having his strength, skill, speed, luck and resistance rise. Good.

Laura healed Micaiah and grew to lv6, having more HP, strength, skill and speed.

Micaiah then used Sacrifice on Aran, and grew to lv11, gainineg extra HP, magic, luck and resistance.

Aran used his javelin to finish off an untransformed damaged Laguz who was the other side of the northern-most wall. Four Laguz left.

Ilyana attacked and damaged a Laguz, grew to lv13 and gained more HP, magic, skill and luck.

Leonardo finished off that same Laguz, thee left.

Aran finished off another Laguz, growing to lv11, and upping his strength, skill and defense. Only two Lagus remain. Pain, and another generic Cat Laguz.

Picked up the skill Beastfoe...

The other cat's taken care of, I got the Seraph Robe, and I've left Pain in agony... Again, no pun intended, honest.

Edward grew to lv11 from killing him, and gained HP, strength and speed.

Chapter complete.

I'm quite pleased in general about how well my units levelled up. Not really complaining.

Well that was fun, not too difficult if your head's screwed on right.

Next chapter will be up in due time.

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Or you can attack with what you want and then have your backup units that can't quite get to the enemy or do something useful trade with the other player, putting the weapon you want them to use on top, essentially allowing you to equip what you want even after your turn is over.

I do that all the time, by the way.

Heh, yeah... I've been doing it for years. Literally. It's useful in alot of situations.

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I never knew you posted in pink, Al Ao. Looks good, and thanks. Next chapter, a nice short one:

Part I Chapter V - The Lost Heir

Ah, the desert chapter I really don't like... Defend/survive for six turns. I'm taking everyone except Meg. I'd leave Volug behind, but he's forced to go.

I've sent Sothe down the bottom side on his own, so I can steal the Master Seal. Everyone else is moving upwards and towards the middle platform.

Micaiah killed a soldier, grew to lv12 and gained some magic, speed, defense, luck and resistance. Pretty good...

Sothe went up to lv3, and only gained speed...

Leonardo killed an enemy, gaining some HP, strength, skill, luck, defense and resistance. Good level-up

Ilyana killed the boss, growing to lv13, and gaining strength, skill and speed.

By the end of turn six, there were only three enemies left - two soldiers up the top-right, and the healer on the right that was beside the boss.

Short chapter here. Although for some reason I'm finding this playthrough easier than my first playthrough, despite being on a harder difficulty. This chapter went much better than I thought it would. Also, looking at my unit's stats, they are doing well for themselves too. Onto chapter VI.

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Part I Chapter VI - Raise the Standard (I)

Edward grew to lv12 and gained HP, strength, speed and defense.

Nolan fose to lv13, rising only strength and defense...

Leonardo grew to lv12, got some HP, skill, speed, luck and resistance.

Micaiah got to lv13, earning some magic, skill, speed, and resistance. More speed, yay.

Those reinforcement Pegasi from the right are causing a few problems for Laura, she should have been safe but I overlooked the weapons the Pegs were carrying, and they were javelins... She could very well die. Holy fuck, Laura avoided an attack that had 85% chance of hitting and killing her. But, they missed, and that Peg's been dealt with accordingly...

Laura grew to lv8: HP, magic, skill and resistance up.

All the reinforcements and units that were initially in the centre of the map have been killed. All that remains is those units on the left.

Spoke too soon, three peg knights coming from the north. Dealt with by the way of the Norris Nolan.

Leonardo grew to lv13, with only skill going up... Pfft.

Edward killed some sword knight, had some HP, skill, speed, luck and defense.

I lured those two soldiers away from the myrmidon with a killing edge, and proceeded to kill them. Now it's just that myrmidon left and the priest.

I lured him out with Sothe, but Sothe kind of killed him, with a bronze dagger.

Laura healed Micaiah, growing to lv9, and ginaing HP, magic, skill, speed and defense.

Micaiah used Sacrifice and grew to lv14, having some HP, speed, skill, luck and resistance.

All enemies routed now, first half of chapter six complete.

Damn, did I have some good luck. Onto the second half of chapter six.

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Well, I do now. As for your playthrough, you had a very lucky Laura there. And your units seem to be good. Looking forward to the thrilling conclusion of Chapter Six.

Laura has some great growths. Caps screw her over.

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Why're you using Leonardo? He's sub-par, at best.

I never used him in my first playthrough, so I thought I'd give him a try on my second run... He seems to be doing well for himself, though.

Laura has some great growths. Caps screw her over.

True enough... I noticed this last playthrough.

That, and she's basically impossible to level up quickly.

True as well. I fet her BEXP like crazy last playthrough. But this time round, it's alot harder since Hard mode halves any and all BEXP earned...

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Part I Chapter VI - Raise the Standard (II)

Nolan killed, grew to lv14, and earned some magic, speed, luck, defense and resistance.

Aran grew to lv13: HP, strength, skill and speed rose.

Someone just grew a level during the enemy phase, but I never caught it. Oh well, screw it. Who actually gives a shit. I’m here to talk about what I think of the chapter.

Well to be blunt, it’s a bitch. I currently have Aran, Tauroneo and Sothe over the left side of that bridge, while everyone else in my team – Laura, Volug, Nolan, Edward, Ilyana, Leonardo and Micaiah, take the right side, and over the bridge.

By the time I get there with my fastest unit Volug, one of the Marado Knights and a civilian have been killed, Nothing I can do there, really. Now, Volug’s up there alone, for a complete enemy turn. He killed that damn bow knight in a round, but is completely open to the two fire Mages. Luckily one misses on about 50% and he’s spared… They manage to kill another one of the Marado troops on the next enemy phase, but not enough manpower to kill the citizen too. All of them are killed in the next turn. And on that turn, three reinforcements come from the top right. They are dealt with in one turn. But then, those reinforcements form the left come along and try to spoil it all… So I throw everyone in the bushes just past the bridge.

Edward grew, to Lv14, got some HP, strength, magic and resistance.

Aran grew to Lv14, getting strength, skill, speed and defense.

Leo grew to Lv14, gaining only HP and strength… Something, I guess.

Micaiah grew to Lv15 using Sacrifice, getting some magic, luck and resistance.

All that’s left on the map is six units, including one healer and the boss. I’m using lure tactics to pick them off, one by one. It doesn’t help that I can’t see their ranges, so counting their movement, taking terrain into consideration, is all I can do.

Laura healed Micaiah, grew to Lv10, and got some strength, skill, speed, luck, defense and resistance. Good level up there.

Boss moved, I never saw that he could also go through the hedges that way. Oh well, Edward criticalled him with 8%, taking 18 HP off his total of 33 HP.

Sothe grew a level killing the enemy healer. HP, speed and luck rose. He’s now Lv4.

And there we have it. I defeated the boss with just two other enemies on the map.

Edward grew to Lv15 from the kill, getting HP, strength and skill.

Chapter complete. That was probably the roughest map I’ve faced so far.

Onwards and upwards. If people are curious as to what my unit's levels and stats are, just ask. Otherwise, people can just wait unti lthe end of Part I until I give the stats out of everyone I was using mainstream in that part.

Edited by Raven
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either you have an EXTREMLY good memory or you are writing/typing this as you go along, either way very nice, you might have to start choosing which units to drop on engame and mainly use the ones you know you are going to use.

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either you have an EXTREMLY good memory or you are writing/typing this as you go along, either way very nice, you might have to start choosing which units to drop on engame and mainly use the ones you know you are going to use.

Heh yeah, I wish my memory was that great, lol. I've been writing this as I go along. I'll probably have the next part up sometime soon.

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Heh yeah, I wish my memory was that great, lol. I've been writing this as I go along. I'll probably have the next part up sometime soon.

i thought that much, would be amazing you could remember all of that......

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i thought that much, would be amazing you could remember all of that......

It would definitely make this whole thing easier on me. Doing something in the game, then typing about it can get really annoying, especially if I want to get the chapter over with.

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  • 1 month later...

Part I Chapter VII – A Gathering Hope

Micaiah, Sothe, Volug, Edward, Leonardo, Nolan, Laura, Ilyana and Aran have been deployed for this map. It’s the prison one.

I’ve begun by sending Aran and Edward northwards. Volug and Sothe are leading up the steps with Micaiah close behind, and Nolan’s gone eastwards with Leonardo and Ilyana just behind.

Enemy phase… Whoa… Nolan nearly bit the dust. He was doubled by a Knight with a Javelin because he was equipped with a Hammer, and was on 8HP. The other Knight came along and had 80% chance of killing him, yet missed. Nolan one-hit-killed him with the Hammer. Lucky git is you, Nolan. I think his time’s up; I’m probably going to stop using him really soon. His speed’s been relatively screwed, and can’t double anything. I know it’s Hard Mode, but come on Nolan. None of his stats are relatively good, apart from HP. I consider a unit to be good or bad depending on which stats are equal to or close to their level.

Nolan was attacked and grew to Lv15, gained some speed, defense and resistance. Looks like he heard me talking about him.

Another enemy phase now, and Ilyana grew to Lv16 where her strength and magic rose.

Aran grew to Lv15, having more HP, strength and skill.

A new player phase, and 7 reinforcements have appeared from the bottom of the map: 4 on the right, and 3 from the middle. Hmm.

Micaiah Sacrificed and grew to Lv16, and gained HP, strength, magic, luck and resistance.

Laura healed Micaiah, grew to Lv11, and got some HP, strength, skill, luck and defense. Some good level-ups here.

Player phase now, and I need to work something out to stop those steel-weapon wielding reinforcements.

Edward killed one, growing to Lv16. Everything except Resistance was raised by 1. I’m not complaining.

Great, it’s player phase now, and 4 more reinforcements have appeared beside the boss of the map. And there’s still 5 of the 7 other reinforcements still running around.

Leonardo grew to Lv15 after a kill, and got only skill. Meh.

Aran grew to Lv16, and his strength, magic, skill, defense and resistance rose.

All reinforcements are now dealt with… Only 10 more visible enemies left on the map.

Laura grew to Lv12, and gained HP, skill and speed.

Micaiah grew to Lv17, gaining HP, magic, luck and resistance.

Hmm, only 5 enemies remaining now. This’ll be over soon…

Ilyana rose to Lv17, where HP, strength, speed, luck, defense and resistance all rose.

Edward grew to Lv17, and gained skill and luck.

Leonardo grew to Lv16 and earned just strength. Pfft.

Just the boss remains.

Aran grew to Lv17 and gained extra strength and defense. Hmm.

Leonardo finished up the boss. All the captured soldiers have been freed and have already escaped. Spot seized, chapter complete.

Apart from that dodgy bit at the beginning involving Nolan, it was all pretty straightforward with no real problems. Onto the next chapter.

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looks like it's going well for you,my Hard mode runs are usually disastrous...*bad memories*

Heh, yeah it seems to be going well. The only noticeable bad character I have at the moment is Nolan: He is getting screwed in many stats. He'll probably get dropped soon. He is unable to hold his own, and just about survives when in range with Edward, who he's in an A support with. In short: He's pretty shit this time round.

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