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Duel Terminal Mafia


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Just change it last like everyone else ;/

Still missing claims from most of you! >:{

And by most you cleverly mean everyone but you?

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I think I have most of the night actions, but there is a huge-ass thunderstorm going on right now.

Update should go as planned. If you don't hear from me, that means I lost power.

EDIT: The storm sounds like it's directly over my house. I am missing ONE action. Get it in!

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Uwee-hee-hee, triple post~!

The morning dawned clear and cold. People gathered in the clearing they had first appeared in, some more bleary-eyed than others. It didn't take long before someone screamed like a little girl. Everyone moved in on the source of that scream. Rein squeaked and pointed at the mess in front of him. Strips of flesh hung limply from the corpse's half-exposed skeleton. Blood painted the ground and the nearby fauna. Balcerzak approached the mess, and retrieved a piece of paper that somehow escaped the bloodbath.

Dear Kaoz,


You are Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. You are the true Dragon of the Ice Barrier, unlike Brionac and Gungnir.

Since something is holding you back, the only information you were able to gain is that all the players are part of the following archetypes: Ice Barrier, Flamvell, Worm, X-Saber, Mist Valley, Fabled, and Genex.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

As news of Kaoz's death spread across the crowd, WoMC calmly pointed out that Strawman was nowhere to be found. A loud cackle answered WoMC. Everyone looked at each other nervously. Whatever had made that sound didn't quite sound human - or sane.


Not too far away, the Mist Valley Falcon swallowed hard.

"Are you--?"

Role PMs updated

tl;dr: Kaoz is dead, StSS is nowhere to be found, AND IT IS NOW DAY 2. DAY 2 ENDS AT 5:00 AM GMT (THURSDAY)/7:00 PM HST (WEDNESDAY). I know it's a tad earlier, but you guys are nowhere near as cool as my mom and grandma. You may post now.

Lastly, the Tee-hee~! count going into Day 2 is 12.

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The killer was most like Mafia, so hopefully the lack of a second death means there are no Serial Killers (unless the Doc got lucky). And yeah, it looks like we have a Mafia Kidnapper here...

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Guest Wen Yang

Well, one mafia, who also had a kidnapper, or two mafias, one will the kill and the other with kidnap?


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A Mafia that can't kill would be pretty underpowered. Kidnapping isn't permanent and this second Mafia would actually be depending on the first Mafia to kill the Townies. I doubt there's more than one Mafia group and this one Mafia most likely contained a Kidnapper.

If there ARE multiple Mafias, the kills would probably be distributed by odd and even nights or something like that, so it doesn't matter to us right now, because the Mafia kill rate is still gonna be one per night.

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I'd just like to point out this: Proto saying that that the possibility of one killing on odds and one on evens means they kill alternatively. Since an odd number always comes after even number when counting normally, and vice versa.

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I believe Sho is who he says he is; he claimed he was the one who kidnapped Strawman.


[spoiler=Conversation with Kaoz]

(03:27:43) Kaoz: possibly... say, can you tell me what Sho told you about his role, so that I can check whether it's the same he told me?

(03:28:12) Kaoz: I did that, but he didn't tell me anything that he didn't post in the meantime

(03:29:00) Kaoz: he said he can make one person not vote the following day, dunno whether that means he's a complete silencer though :-\

(03:29:14) Kaoz: somewhat

(03:29:37) Kaoz: yeah, but he could be holding back that he can stop more

(03:30:05) Kaoz: anyway, he also said that I can choose his target tonight to prove his role

(03:30:39) Kaoz: I see

(03:31:10) Kaoz: he said I can pick for him

(03:31:59) Kaoz: I know

(03:32:35) Kaoz: :-\

(03:33:05) Kaoz: smogon has people better than Life, so I suppose at least on average they are better

(03:33:28) Kaoz: Paperblade said the same

(03:33:42) Kaoz: I guess

(03:34:02) Kaoz: yeah

(03:35:00) Kaoz: it was pretty amusing

(03:35:23) Kaoz: lol

(03:35:52) Kaoz: probably, at least the first part

(03:36:09) Kaoz: I think I should change the field a bit...

(03:39:53) Kaoz: I could have Sho target me to see any potential flavour, but the risk of a potential persuader hitting me too is to high I think...

(03:41:29) Kaoz: it should be someone who we can actually check though :-\

maybe WoMC, he always votes, doesn't he?

(03:41:53) Kaoz: WoMC for you... that's it

(03:49:21) Kaoz: you know people here better than me... who would immediately say that they can't vote because of a night action?

(03:50:31) Kaoz: lol

(03:50:33) hextator: strawman

(03:50:35) hextator: rein

(03:50:42) hextator: wen

(03:50:50) hextator: proto

(03:50:57) hextator: levity

(03:50:58) Kaoz: Rein might be a good idea... he likes to talk a lot

(03:51:17) hextator: I would actually expect strawman to have better odds

(03:51:18) hextator: just saying

(03:51:37) Kaoz: hmm I'll think about it

(03:51:46) hextator: well let me know what you decide

(03:51:50) Kaoz: ok

This does NOT mean Sho is a townie, but it does mean he is very likely the kidnapper. It doesn't necessarily mean he is mafia either, though I wonder...

Repeating this for those who weren't in the chat: I am 99% sure Snike is allied with the town and after I get a chance to speak with him about it I may start encouraging you all to role claim to him. Or he may encourage you to role claim to me; I don't know~

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Repeating this for those who weren't in the chat: I am 99% sure Snike is allied with the town and after I get a chance to speak with him about it I may start encouraging you all to role claim to him. Or he may encourage you to role claim to me; I don't know~

Oh, yeah, I'll have to agree with this. Snike is a completely confirmed townie in my eyes.

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Here, I'll give you a picture.

Imagine this is the mafia.


Look at those fuckers. What a bunch of douchebags.

Now imagine this is the town.


Aren't we a colorful bunch.

Now, that's a poor diagram of the town, and here's why; the town looks more like this:


The left group of people includes me.

The right group of people is unlabeled as of yet.

The little O in the center is you, assuming you are a townie and have been fairly inactive (a somewhat safe assumption).

Now, what do you suppose the benefit would be of me clarifying things to you over you clarifying things to not just me, but everyone else I am in that particular group with?

In addition, what is so scandalous about information which CLEARS someone that you are afraid to show it, when more than likely the person you are claiming to be innocent will be claiming the same thing about ME in just a few hours from now?

But wait, there's more.

This is what is happening right now:

    ^                                                       v
    |                                                       |
    |                                                       |

The arrow, of course, represents the flow of townies from one group to another.

This is what I would like to happen:

    ^                          v                            v
    |                          |                            |
    |                          |                            |

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Rules clarification:

You are allowed to share ANYTHING in your PM that is not italicized. ANYTHING. NOT. ITALICIZED.

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Actually, this is kind of ridiculous.

The people who haven't claimed to me who are active are very few and I have a feeling the rest of you and even those of you who are active but refuse to claim are much more likely to be mafia than the people who are comfortable claiming.

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