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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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Awesome, two Boyds.

Are you talking about Aran and boyd on the same team? Its better that way, that way i can reliably take care of things on 4-1 and 4-4. For 4-2 I have and idea with Rolfie since he can fit 2 15 point skills at once.

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I like the song.

Me too. Anyway, I'm just here to see Silith's strategy for 4-E-5, 2 turns or otherwise.

Also Xander, if you can see this, if everyone agreed about everything, this place would be pretty boring.

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4-1 7 turns

I finally figured out how to do a 7 turner. Expect it to happen, its not done yet because the RNG is being a bitch letting my Aran die at best bio and resolve from a Mage :angry: . Aran takes the left side, Boyd the right side, Paragon!Ike the south then east.

10 turns Part 4

241 turns so far

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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Counting total turns per chapter is silly.

I just like to keep track of it.

NVM on the 7 turns of 4-1. I want to find out how to make a five turns.

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Not really.

Well guys, after some procrastinating, I finally cut to the chase this weekend and decided to get Part 3 done. Titania is excellent. There are many things I would like to say about her but I can't come up with anything witty.


Battle preparations

I give Boyd's axes to Titania and Gatrie.


Gatrie - Adept


Skirmir got smart this time. It's not to say my draftees didn't colaborate, because Titania sure did alot. She also got the boss kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       12.26 50 27   2  30  25  14  23   9
Titania   16.66 41 26  10  24  23  19  22  14
Gatrie    10.99 45 27   5  20  22  15  26  11

8 turns.


Battle preparations


Titania - HP, Skill & Spd

Gatrie - Skill, Spd & Def


Ike - Adept


Gatrie took the North-West side, since he had excellent 2-range capable of 1RKO'ing. Titania took the middle path and then made her way up. Ike took out the Generals at the dark alley.

Titania got me the Angelic Robe, and Ike got the Blue Gem.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.30 50 27   3  30  26  14  23   9
Titania   17.95 42 26  10  25  24  19  22  14
Gatrie    12.80 45 27   5  21  23  16  27  12 

5 turns.


Battle preparations

As always, I sell of a ton of stuff, buy some weapons, and then assign skills.


Titania - HP, Spd, Luck.

Gatrie - Skill, Luck, Def.


Titania - Celerity

Gatrie - Adept + Savior


Built Ike and Gatrie C support.


Gatrie carries Ike around and gathers some CEXP at the North. Titania goes for the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.55 50 27   3  30  26  14  23   9    C Gatrie
Titania   18.93 43 26  10  25  25  20  22  14
Gatrie    13.69 45 27   5  22  23  16  28  13    C Ike 

3 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy the Dracoshield at the Shop.


Titania - HP, Luck, Res.


Ike - Pass

Titania - Celerity

Gatrie - Adept


R.I.P Brom, for you are An Hero. Seriously, he helped out by setting two packages on fire at the South while Ike went for the one at the North-West and the Master Crown. Gatrie went for the one in the middle, and Titania went up the North and set the rest on fire.

I got the White Gem and the Goddess Icon.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       14.94 50 27   3  30  26  15  24   9    C Gatrie
Titania   20.06 45 26  10  25  25  21  22  15
Gatrie    15.18 45 27   5  24  23  17  29  13    C Ike 

9 turns.


Battle preparations

Nothing special. Gatrie takes the Crown and promotes into a beast.


Ike - Spd, Luck, Def.


Ike - Adept

Titania - Savior

Gatrie - Celerity


Titania carried Ike uphill, and then at the peak, Ike and Gatrie took out all the enemies. Gatrie 1RKO'd the boss with a Hammer for Ike to kill the General next to him for Ranulf to Arrive. Titania ran around gathering some CEXP since she had nothing better to do.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.27 50 27   3  30  28  16  25  9     C Gatrie
Titania   20.41 45 26  10  25  25  21  22  15
Gatrie     1.66 49 29   9  26  25  17  31  17    C Ike 

8 turns.


Battle preparations

I get Titania and Gatrie Hand axes.


Titania BEXP'd to 3rd tier.


Titania - Adept

Gatrie - Celerity


Titania and Gatrie team up on the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Titania    2.17 49 30  14  27  28  21  25  20
Gatrie     1.86 49 29   9  26  25  17  31  17    C Ike

3 turns.


Battle preparations

At the Shop, I bought a Beastkiller and a Physic staff.


Edward to lvl 9.


Edward - Paragon

Sothe - Adept


This chapter went alot better than I expected. Mostly for Edward. I thought I'd be doomed from the start due to the lack of Resolve to back up his shaky durability against Tigers. But a intellegent use of Thickets and Caladbolg (I know I mispelled it, and I don't mind) got him through safely and with a great amount of CEXP-gain. Sothe did great as well, as expected. And the NPC's were actually useful, and not a bunch of idiots as they tend to be. They pulled off a few criticals (That KILLEd their opponents) that shaved me one or two turns.

Anyway, my strategy was sending Sothe to the North side, while standing two spaces away from Micaiah, to make use of the bonus, and to keep her safe. The NPCs and Edward did an excellent job handling the right side. Then BK came along, and took over the NPCs work.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support 
Micaiah    2.89 19  5  11  10   9  12   6   8    A Sothe
Edward    16.36 40 24   4  30  30  20  17   6
Sothe     10.37 38 22   7  26  25  29  20  15    A Micaiah

10 turns.


Battle preparations


Increased Ike and Gatrie's support level to a B.


This is a really boring chapter. And if it helped for one thing, it was to get Ike and Gatrie some CEXP. They lolstomped everything there.

Jill died to an untransformed Ulki. trollface_small.png

I had a plan to kill BK until I remembered Titania couldn't go through the map because of the stupid swamp.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       17.29 50 27   4  30  28  17  26  9     B Gatrie
Titania    2.51 49 30  14  27  28  21  25  20
Gatrie     2.66 49 30   9  26  26  18  31  18    B Ike 

12 turns.


Battle preparations

I forge Max Mt Hand axes forges for Titania and Gatrie. One of the cards use gave me +4 Coins.

Lethe and Lyre give me Daunt.


Ike - Adept + Daunt

Titania - Celerity

Gatrie - Pass


I sent Ike to deal with the Generals to the left side. Gatrie to the middle, and would then meet up with Ike there. Titania to deal with the rest.

I think I could've shaved off a turn if either Titania proc's Str at the start, if I got a Hand axe for with 15 Mt, or if I had given her Adept. I didn't feel like restarting for that.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       19.20 50 27   4  30  29  19  26  9     B Gatrie
Titania    4.10 50 30  15  28  28  22  25  20
Gatrie     3.24 49 31   9  26  27  18  32  18    B Ike 

6 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy Adept at the Shop.


Geoffrey - HP, Spd, Luck.

I Crown Geoffrey.


Geoffrey - Adept

I removed his Paragon.


Geoffrey just went to the boss and critikilled him with the Killer lance. I didn't get the Speedwings, but it isn't necesary anyway.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Geoffrey   1.66 44 27  13  26  26  21  22  19

4 turns.


Battle preparations

I forge another Max Mt Hand axe forge for Titania.


Ike - Adept + Daunt

Titania - Celerity

Gatrie - Pass


Titania took out the whole upper side, with some help of the Crimean Lol Knights. Ike and Gatrie took out the South.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   4  30  30  19  26  9     B Gatrie
Titania    5.63 51 30  15  28  28  22  25  21
Gatrie     4.09 49 32  10  27  27  19  33  19    B Ike 

6 turns.


Battle preparations

I sell off things I won't be using again. Mostly consisting weapons. I forge a Max Mt/Crit (+5 more from a Coin) for Javelin forge for Sigrun.

Sigrun takes an Angelic Robe and a Secret Book.


Sigrun - Str, Luck, Res.

Then she takes the Crown.


Ike - Celerity

Gatrie - Paragon

Titania - Paragon

Sigrun - Paragon + Savior


Upgraded Ike x Gatrie to an A support.


I mostly wanted Sigrun to gain CEXP here. She gained a decent amount of it while carrying Ike and proc'cing Stun alot on enemies. They Ike weakened Gotan and Sigrun gave him the finishing blow.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   4  30  30  19  26  9     A Gatrie
Titania    6.15 52 31  15  28  28  22  25  21
Gatrie     4.53 49 32  10  27  27  19  33  19    A Ike 
Sigrun     3.30 46 24  17  28  27  30  23  27

7 turns.


Battle preparations

I bought Sothe two Silver knives.


Edward completed a level for Luck, Def & Res.

Then he took a Crown.


Edward - Paragon


I took a turn more than the usual because Micaiah's staff range is awful and Edward had to self-heal himself once or twice. Sothe took out the enemies from atop the ledges.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support 
Micaiah    3.11 20  6  12  11  10  13   7   9    A Sothe
Edward     2.86 44 27   8  32  32  21  21  11
Sothe     11.92 38 22   7  26  25  30  20  15    A Micaiah

4 turns.


This really went ALOT better than I expected. I thought I would have restart all my progress back from 1-E again because the lack of Resolve really hurts Edward. I just got lucky I could end this quickly, considering he started out with a High biorhythm and dodged a few attacks. Getting 3HKO'd by Tigers, as opposed to getting 2HKO'd, also helps.

Sothe Shoved Edward so he could jump down to the pit, where he dodged some attacks, but then had to take a Concoction on the next turn because he was left at 2 HP. Then he placed himself close to the Tigers around Ike's parameter and killed them on Enemy Phase. At last, on the fourth turn, Edward was left at around ~14 HP, could survive a shot from Ike, but couldn't double- I expected him to throw a critical (Which would've 1HKO'd Ike), but instead, he freaking Astra'd him. Epicness x5.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Edward     4.04 47 29   9  35  34  23  24  13    

4 turns.


Battle preparation

Here I was, getting ready for Part 4 by filling in Sigrun's convoy with Max Mt/Crit Javelin forges.


Sigrun - 99


Titania - Celerity

Gatrie - Paragon

Sigrun - Paragon + Savior


Sigrun gets a few kills on EP of the first turn, with Stun procs and criticals. Then she heads to deal with the Paladin mass up at the North, with her trusty Horseslayer. Titania, and then Ike and Gatrie deal with all the enemies in the North.

Edward went batsh*t and criticled and doubled Ike, leaving him at 6 HP. I had to have Ike, Titania and Gatrie gang up on him from range to defeat him. He's a terror. Jill got 1HKO'd by Titania.

5 turns.

Part 3: 94 turns.

Total: 214 turns.

The teams are...

Silver Route: Sanaki & Sigrun

Gawain Route: Gatrie & Titania

Hawk Route: Geoffrey & Edward.

EDIT: I'm sorry, Ulki. :(:

Edited by Soul
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Those part 2 penalties seriously fucked me.

But i'm okay i guess. You'll have to eat penalties on part 4. Of course i just realised you have Elincia for the hawk army and you have enough units for 4-4. You'll only be taking penalties for 4-3. Maybe 4-P.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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You have Haar. And that's all you need.

I meant at winning. Haar isn't everywhere in part 4.

Actual 4-1

4-1 5 turns

As i was looking through the forum i noticed that 5 turns is actually possible with a few units. So i change my startegy while keeping my units on the same direction. I went a little faster this time though, killed the priests rather quickly (by turn 4 they were no more). Ena died, but she was supposed to, in fact she died a little bit later than planned. Glad it didn't affect me though. Ike has like ~59 hp, 34 str, ~38 skl, 36 spd, ~18 lck, ~29 def, ~17 res :awesome:

Part 4: 8 turns

Total: 239

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought of something.

- Characters that are required to arrive or seize can be used to fight on ENEMY PHASE only free of penalty. (Ex. Lucia in 2-2)

Are these units allowed to use Vulnerary/Olivi Grass/etc?

By the way, my transfer is almost ready and will be awesome.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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My transfer is (near) ready and looks like this:

Ike - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Sothe - 39 HP, 20 Str/Skl/Spd/Def, 28 Lck, 15 Res

Jill - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, A Axes

Nephenee - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, S Lances

Astrid - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, S Bows

Calill - Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, B Wind/Fire, S Thunder

Mordecai - HP, Str, Def

And the extras:

Titania - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Shinon - Str, Skl, Spd

Brom - Str, Skl, Spd, Def, S Swords

Lucia - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Geoffrey - Str, Spd, Def

Giffca - Str

Calill x Nephenee, Sothe x Astrid, Ike x Elincia.

2 Coins.

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also 4-2 i got 8 turns, but i'm striving for 7 turner... A six turner could hypothetically be possible... but i think that might be pushing it...

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