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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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The Rules

(taken in bits and pieces from other drafts, and modified)

- Hard Mode

- You are allowed to transfer anything you'd like from a PoR normal, or hard mode file.

- You can start whenever you'd like. If you need more time, just tell me.

- The only characters you can deploy are those you drafted, or those who are needed to recruit another character(can be any character). Also as always the recruiter characters can't fight or heal unless you want to take a penalty. Forced units that you did not choose must not be used at all. NO ferrying, shoving, visiting houses, getting items off the ground, meatshielding.

- Characters that are required to arrive or seize can be used to fight on ENEMY PHASE only free of penalty. (Ex. Lucia in 2-2)

- Certain chapters where you do not have a character, you pay a penalty for using a character that you do not have. The turn penalty is below.

- BK is fair game in all chapters were he is forced(1-9 and 3-6), and is free for everyone in 1-E

- You can move skills around freely.

- Bexp use is allowed.

- Micaiah, Sothe and Ike to be free for all

- Use of recruiter characters for any of the following will incur a 2 turn penalty

1. Engaging in combat. So either keep them out of the enemies range or you will take a penalty. This includes meatshielding

2. Stealing or finding hidden items.

3. Healing units

4. Creating supports

5. Shoving

6. Ferrying units

7. Visiting houses


(From previous Fe10 draft VI, but with modifications)

Forced Character Penalties

1-P: Edward(3) Leo(2)

1-1: Edward/Nolan (3) Leo(2)

1-2: Edward/Nolan/Laura (3) Leo(2)

1-3: Nolan (3) Edward/Leo/Laura/Ilyana(2)

1-4: None*

1-5: Volug is free to use in this chapter

1-6-1: Tauroneo(6) Volug(4)

1-6-2: Tauroneo(6) Volug(4)

1-7: Volug/Muarim/Tormod(4) Vika(3)

1-8: Nailah(5) Rafiel/Tormod/Muarim/Volug(4) Vika(3)

1-9: None*

1-E: Volug (4)

2-P : 3 for everyone, one non drafted character may be used free of penalty

2-1 : Neph/Brom/Heather(3)

2-2 : Lucia (4) Everyone else (3)

2-3 : Geoffrey(4) Kieran(3)

2-E : Elincia(5) Marcia(4)/CRK(3)

3-P : Titania (5) Gatrie/Shinon/Oscar/Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-1 : Titania (5) Gatrie/Shinon/Oscar/Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(2)

3-2 : None

3-3 : You can deploy one undrafted 6 move unit to 3-3 without penalty.

3-4 : Ranulf(4)

3-5 : None

3-6 : None

3-7 : Ranulf/Janaff/Ulki(4)

3-8 : Ranulf(4)

3-9 : Geoffrey(3)

3-10 : Ranulf(4)

3-11 : Leanne(5) Ranulf(4) Sigrun/Tanith(3)

3-12 : Tauroneo (4)

3-13 : Tauroneo (4)

3-E : Ranulf/Sigrun(3)

4-P : Skrimir(4) Naesala(5) Sigrun/Sanaki(2)

4-1 : None*

4-2 : Tibarn (7) Elincia (3)

4-3 : Skrimir(4) Sigrun/Sanaki(3)

4-4 : Muarim/Tormod/Vika(3)

4-5 : Tibarn (6) Elincia (5)

* The chapters with no penalties do NOT mean you can use anybody in that chapter. They just mean that no one besides Ike/Micaiah/Sothe are forced, and therefore the only people in play should be them and the people you drafted.

The following pairs of units will be drafted together:





Snake Style


1. Red Fox of Fire

2. Claude_C._Kenny

3. Ulki

4. Silith

5. Xander

6. Reinfleche

7. Janaff

Draft Order:

1. Ulki - Haar, Aran, Boyd, Tanith, Tibarn, Tauroneo, Rolf, Tormod, Nasir

2. Soul - Titania, Edward, Elincia, Gatrie, Geoffrey, Sigrun, Sanaki, Caighnis, Muarim

3. Silith - Vika, Brom, Mist, Meg/Fiona, Danved, Shinon, Lethe, Ena, Lyre/Kyza

4. Red Fox of Fire - Jill, Nephenee, Nailah, Callil, Astrid/Kurthnaga, Heather, Mordecai, Rafiel, Gareth

5. Reinfleche - Mia, Volug, Leanne, Janaff, Laura, Naesala, Ranulf, Giffca, Volke

6. Vicious Sal - Zihark, Ilyana, Leonardo, Marcia, Makalov, Rhys, Renning, Lucia, Stefan

7. Xander - Nolan, Oscar, Reyson, Soren, Ulki, Kieran, Nealuchi, Skrimir, Pelleas, Oliver, Bastian

Lehran is free for everyone

Edit: Undrafted units may rescue other undrafted units free of penalty

Edited by AMU
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Oh good. Sign me up please. Thanks.

EDIT: I have nothing of worth to transfer. Cancel that. But thanks for showing me, regardless.

Edited by VanguardRaven
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Lyre, Meg, and Fiona? If you're unlucky enough to get all 3 you lose 3 turns. Did you mean or?

And if you did, do the turn bonuses stack for if you draft multiples? (Eg, -6 for Fiona and Meg)

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Lyre, Meg, and Fiona? If you're unlucky enough to get all 3 you lose 3 turns. Did you mean or?

And if you did, do the turn bonuses stack for if you draft multiples? (Eg, -6 for Fiona and Meg)

Ah, you're right, that should be or. And yes, if you get more than one, the bonuses stack.

Oh good. Sign me up please. Thanks.

EDIT: I have nothing of worth to transfer. Cancel that. But thanks for showing me, regardless.

Are you sure?You have two weeks now, and I might even give everyone a full month after drafting is finished before they have to start. That's plenty of time to do a transfer run.

Edited by Xander
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Aw, only four? All my transfer save files have more than that.

Play log:


Ike - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Sothe - 39 HP, 20 Str/Skl/Spd/Def, 28 Lck, 15 Res

Jill - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, A Axes

Nephenee - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, S Lances

Astrid - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, S Bows

Calill - Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Def, Res, B Wind/Fire, S Thunder

Mordecai - HP, Str, Def


Titania - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Shinon - Str, Skl, Spd

Brom - Str, Skl, Spd, Def, S Swords

Lucia - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Geoffrey - Str, Spd, Def

Giffca - Str

Calill x Nephenee, Sothe x Astrid, Ike x Elincia.

2 Coins.


Micaiah: Seraph Robe, Spirit Dust, Dracoshield


Jill: Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Master Crown

Nailah: Ashera Icon x2


Nephenee: Seraph Robe, Master Crown

Heather: Energy Drop, Dracoshield, Master Crown

Mordecai: Speedwing x2

Astrid: Energy Drop, Speedwing, Talisman, Master Crown

Calill: Master Crown




Part 4 teams

Silver		Greil		Hawk

Micaiah		Ike		Heather
Sothe		Nailah		Astrid
Jill		Rafiel		Mordecai
Calill		Nephenee

[spoiler=MVPs]1-P: Micaiah

1-1: Nolan

1-2: Sothe

1-3: Sothe

1-4: Sothe

1-5: Sothe

1-6: Sothe

1-7: Jill

1-8: Sothe

1-9: Micaiah

1-E: Nailah

2-P: Elincia

2-1: Nephenee

2-2: Lucia

2-3: Geoffrey

2-E: Mordecai

3-P: Ike

3-1: Titania

3-2: Ike

3-3: Ike

3-4: Ike

3-5: Nephenee

3-6: Black Knight

3-7: Nephenee

3-8: Nephenee

3-9: Calill

3-10: Nephenee

3-11: Ike

3-12: Jill

3-13: Jill

3-E: Astrid

4-P: Jill

4-1: Ike

4-2: Astrid

4-3: Jill

4-4: Ike

4-5: Heather

4-E-1: Ike

4-E-2: Mordecai

4-E-3: Jill

4-E-4: Jill

4-E-5: Nailah

[spoiler=Part 1]1-P: 6 +3 (Edward)/9

Edward feeds kills to Micaiah. Got lucky with a good level for Micaiah and two Wrath crits in a row on the boss for a quick clear.

MVP: Micaiah

1-1: 8 +3 (Nolan)/20

Nolan had to dodge some enemies to pull off my plan and Micaiah had to tank a Fighter for a few turns, but it's pretty reliable otherwise. This could have been 7 turns, but Nolan missed a crucial hit (The Hand Axe guy blocking the exit), forcing me to take an extra turn. I would have restarted but Micaiah had gotten a great level up (all but HP and Res), so I took it.

MVP: Nolan

1-2: 7 +3 (Nolan)/30

This strategy was pretty reliable and I mostly only had to reset so Micaiah could get a good level (and at this point she's 3 for 3 on Def). Nolan had to tank the enemies east while Laura and Leonardo blocked the ledges until Sothe came. Laura started going up when it was safe. Sothe went for the Energy Drop. Micaiah killed the Javelin Soldier from above so Nolan could drop down and take the Myrmidon hit, allowing Micaiah to drop down and kill him, allowing Nolan to then take the Chest Key and get Thani. This method got the Drop and Thani on turn 7, the earliest Laura could have arrived anyway (without 4 Shoves, at least).

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		4	16	3	10	10	9	11	5	6	A Sothe
Sothe		1	39	20	4	20	20	28	20	15	A Micaiah

MVP: Sothe

1-3: 7/37

I dared to take the left route. In the end, 7 turns was the best either way, but left got me Aran and more experience, including a boss kill for Micaiah. It required Micaiah to take the Dracoshield on turn 1 to survive a Steel Bow Archer attack (which made her Def > Res), but given Micaiah got ~150 experience, a great level up, and I was probably going to use the Shield on her anyway (transferred Jill is fine), I'll take it.

The strategy in the end required Micaiah to clear one of the Armors out of Sothe's way, which actually held Sothe back. I would have failed, but for some reason, the Steel Bow Archer chose not to attack Micaiah for the first two turns he had the chance and instead ran right next to her. This is the only reason she was able to get some kills and survive to pull this off.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		5	17	4	11	10	10	12	7	7	A Sothe
Sothe		1	39	20	4	20	20	28	20	15	A Micaiah

MVP: Sothe

1-4: 7/44

Base: Take everything away from anyone that isn't Sothe or Micaiah and buy the Beast Killer. BEXP Micaiah enough to get her a level on the first enemy.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - Cancel

Map: A slightly modified version of Sho's strategy because for some reason one Laguz screwed it up. Micaiah got a great first level, and Sothe got Str fast enough to conserve Beast Killer uses along with using the Kard where possible, including to help Micaiah kill Agony. Got only the Seraph Robe, unfortunately.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		6	17	4	12	11	11	13	8	8	A Sothe
Sothe		3	39	22	5	20	21	29	20	15	A Micaiah

MVP: Sothe

1-5: 6/50

Base: Bought the Spirit Dust for Micaiah and gave her the Robe. BEXP Micaiah close to the next level.

Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - Cancel

Map: Micaiah is starting to be able to take attacks. Doubling Myrmidons could not kill her. I got her some good experience here. Also got the Master Seal and Concoction.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		7	25	4	13	12	12	14	8	8	A Sothe
Sothe		3	39	22	5	20	21	29	20	15	A Micaiah

MVP: Sothe

1-6: 6-2/58

Base: Forged an Axe for Jill and gave her the Drop.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Jill -


1 - My investment into Micaiah is beginning to pay off. With Resolve she can somewhat hold her own and is able to get some good experience and levelling. Jill and Sothe also levelled. Got the Arms Scroll for much needed cash.

Jill took the northeast, Sothe went west, and Micaiah hung around the middle to pick up stragglers. Sothe waited outside the reinforcement trigger zone on turn 4 to go in on turn 5 but wasn't able to kill everything in one enemy phase. I decided to let 6 turns roll because my levels were pretty good and I didn't feel like resetting anymore.

2 - Had Jill drop Sothe in the sweet spot and then take enemies while blocking with Tauroneo. Sothe proc'd Adept for a kill. Resolve!Micaiah got some experience.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		9	26	4	15	12	13	16	8	10	A Sothe
Sothe		5	39	22	5	22	22	31	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		16	30	16	2	15	18	16	16	6

MVP: Sothe

1-7: 7/65

Base: Not much.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Paragon, Cancel

Jill -

Map: I opted to try sprinting Micaiah to the end without Rescuing her so she could kill along the way, and it worked. Jill ended up killing the boss after Sothe weakened him.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		10	27	5	18	13	14	17	8	10	A Sothe
Sothe		5	39	22	5	22	22	31	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		17	30	16	2	15	18	16	16	6

MVP: Jill

1-8: 5/70

Base: Re-assign skills, BEXP, the works.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Cancel, Adept

Jill -

Nailah - Paragon

Rafiel - Celerity

Map: Nailah and Rafiel take to the west. Sothe heads east. Micaiah goes south. Resolve!Micaiah is quite necessary for this, and this map is the first reason I've been making sure Micaiah is a capable combat unit. Rafiel helping Nailah clear out the west enemies fast also enabled her to get the Dracoknight reinforcement on turn 5 so Micaiah could finish the other one as Sothe took the boss area. I pulled the 5 turns on more of a test run just to see what I could do. 5 turns was possible and Micaiah's and Sothe's levels were good, so I took it.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		12	27	6	20	13	15	18	9	12	A Sothe
Sothe		7	39	22	6	24	24	33	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		17	30	16	2	16	19	16	17	7
Nailah		Base
Rafiel		Base

MVP: Sothe

1-9: 6/76

Base: BEXP Micaiah.


Micaiah - Resolve

Map: This map is the second reason I've been making sure Micaiah would be a capable combat unit. It was easier than I expected it to be. All I had to do was send Micaiah to the stationary Soldier at the north western end of the map. Resolve got her there easily enough. I think it could have done it faster, but, again, Micaiah had great levels, and it might have been too luck-reliant anyway. 6 turns is pretty good.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		15	28	7	20	16	17	20	10	14	A Sothe

MVP: Micaiah

1-E: 8/84

Base: BEXP Micaiah and Jill. Promote Jill. Make some forges. Prepare Ilyana. Also decided to give Jill the new Robe.

Ilyana transfer: Fortune, Celerity, Pass, Blue Gem, Brave Sword, Killing Edge, Silver Lance.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Savior

Jill - Paragon

Nailah -

Rafiel -

Map: There was no specific plan like a lot of the previous maps had. When you've got the Burger King and Wolf Queen, who needs a plan? I was also able to get Jill a nice amount of kills and the Speedwing after letting a Thief swipe it for me.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		1	30	10	21	17	19	21	13	16	A Sothe
Sothe		7	39	22	6	24	24	33	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		4	41	21	4	22	23	19	21	11
Nailah		Base
Rafiel		Base

MVP: Nailah

Part 1 total: 84

[spoiler=Part 2]2-P: 8/8

Only Elincia can kill multiple Dracoknights with nothing more than a Mend staff.

MVP: Elincia

2-1: 6 +3 (Brom)/17

Nephenee breaks through the center as Brom goes to recruit Heather. 4 turns was possible but Heather would have been missed. 5 turns was also possible but relied on Wrath critting and I didn't feel like a reset and Nephenee got a great level up (at this time I've lost a good number of turns for good level ups...).

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Nephenee	2	37	18	6	21	23	12	18	17
Heather		7	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14

MVP: Nephenee

2-2: 6/23

Base: Re-arrange items. I can't believe I forgot to trade Marcia's weapons to Nealuchi/Leanne, so Nephenee is going in with just her Steel Greatlance. Thank God for the transfer bonuses, but still no 1-2 range. Let's hope I'll be okay.

Map: Had I gotten any of the Javelins to Nephenee, I would have walked away with the Secret Book. Damn. Oh well, at least it's one of the more useless boosters as it is. I was hoping to use it for quick capping on someone.

I don't know how much luck this actually required, but Lucia got a lot of Wind Edge crits. She killed stuff like the Mages, the Crossbow Warrior, and plenty of Soldiers before weakening the boss. Mordecai and Nephenee took care of the General in front of him before Heather killed him and Lucia Arrived. If I'd had the Javelin, Mordecai could have killed the General, Heather could have Stolen, Nephenee would kill, and then Lucia would Arrive, but alas.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Nephenee	3	38	18	7	22	24	13	18	18
Heather		7	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14
Mordecai	16	62	16	1	9	9	15	18	4

MVP: Lucia

2-3: 6 +4 (Geoffrey)/33

Base: Buy Astrid some Bows, send a Killer Lance and Hammer to Convoy.

Map: I really hated this map. Unreliable chances of success and long enemy phases. Ugh. I was able to get Astrid a level and some extra kills in the end. I tried doing it without a penalty, then with a Kieran penalty, but in the end I really needed Geoffrey's player phase for that Brave Lance action. The transfer he got helped a lot, such as the Str allowing him to ORKO the Speedwing Halberdier. I kinda wish I'd transferred Kieran because I might have been able to take his penalty instead if I'd had that.

Oh, it's worth mentioning that, while he never engaged in combat, Kieran was helpful for helping the Allies move along and prevent Astrid from being targeted.

Geoffrey also Arrived with 1 HP.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Astrid		3	38	15	8	18	18	18	13	17

MVP: Geoffrey

2-E: 6/39

Base: BEXP Nephenee and Calill, buy some weaponry.

Map: With the +4 Mag from transfer and BEXP, Calill can 3HKO Ludveck with Meteor, which is exactly what I do. Or, at least, that's what I attempt. After two hits that healer comes in and heals Ludveck and I curse my bad luck. Nephenee and Calill share a Bond, but with only 3% crit, 64% displayed Hit on Meteor and no Battle Saving, I'm not crossing my fingers. As if in response to my previous bad luck, Calill actually procs a damned critical on Ludveck, exactly OHKOing him and clearing the map. Heather's level (she was blocking the west stairs) hadn't been too amazing, but that luck was too good to pass up. I also had the foresight to trade the Energy Drop Mordecai had acquired while blocking the east stairs to Heather on turn 6 just in case the crit actually happened. Hot damn.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Nephenee	4	38	18	7	22	25	14	19	18
Heather		8	33	15	9	21	25	17	11	14
Mordecai	16	62	16	1	9	11	15	18	4
Calill		8	32	11	23	20	22	17	13	20

MVP: Mordecai

Part 2 total: 39

Overall total: 123

[spoiler=Part 3 first half]3-P: 8/8

Base: Items, etc.


Ike - Adept, Provoke

Map: This was not as difficult as I'd imagined. The only real luck was Ike getting Adept on two Generals and the Laguz in general doing well enough. I am pretty sure this was fastest I could do with just Ike.

The real problem is that Ettard is more than half spent now.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		13	50	27	2	30	25	15	24	9

MVP: Ike

3-1: 7 +5 (Titania)/20

Base: Nothing really.


Ike - Adept, Provoke

Titania - Vantage

Map: Aside from needing Titania to dodge a lot (Def transfer helps), including Horseslayer twice, this strategy is pretty reliable. For all that Micaiah's levels were awesome, Ike's have been sucking. Good thing he's already broken enough. Also got the Robe.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		14	50	27	2	30	26	15	24	9

MVP: Titania

3-2: 4/24

Base: Make some powerful forges and BEXP a couple levels. Stock up. Give Nephenee the Robe.


Ike - Provoke, Celerity

Nephenee - Adept, Cancel

Heather - Counter, Miracle, Vantage

Map: Ike rushes to the boss. Nephenee and Heather get some experience.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		15	50	27	2	30	27	16	25	9
Nephenee	5	45	19	7	23	26	14	19	18
Heather		9	33	16	9	22	26	17	12	14

MVP: Ike

3-3: 10/34

Base: Give up 8k to put a Dracoshield on Heather. Hopefully I will not regret it. Built Nephenee x Heather C, though that wasn't what I was planning for.


Ike - Provoke, Celerity

Nephenee - Cancel, Pass

Heather - Counter, Adept

Map: This is my first RD draft without Titania (or any mounted unit for that matter), and I was feeling some pain in the early stages of planning this map.

In the end it wasn't that bad. Two units with Pass and one more with Celerity were enough to get this done fairly reliably in 10 turns. I even managed to get Blossom, Master Crown, and both items off the Senators. I might have been able to get Hammerne, too, if Nephenee hadn't missed the first Senator. Oh well.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		18	50	27	2	30	30	17	26	9
Nephenee	8	45	20	7	26	27	15	22	18	Heather C
Heather		10	34	17	9	22	26	17	14	14	Nephenee C

MVP: Ike

3-4: 7/41

Base: BEXP a few levels. Get that Tiger some Spd! Finally decide to give Heather the Energy Drop. Also give Heather some new weapons because hers run out pretty quickly.


Ike - Provoke, Celerity

Nephenee - Cancel, Vantage, Miracle

Heather - Counter, Adept

Mordecai - Pass

Map: Went on up the mountain. Heather killed the Sage in the way, Ike killed a lot of other stuff, including that stupid Longbow Sniper that always gets in my way on turn 6 so I'd have a clear path to clear the boss and his minion and Arrive on turn 7. Despite not worrying about Ranulf getting attacked in certain situations because of the Seize/Arrive rule, Ranulf was actually never targeted.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		19	50	27	2	30	30	18	26	9
Nephenee	10	45	22	7	26	27	17	24	18	Heather C
Heather		11	34	19	9	22	27	18	15	14	Nephenee C
Mordecai	17	62	16	1	9	12	16	19	4

MVP: Ike

3-5: 4/45

Base: BEXP'd and promoted Heather. BEXP Nephenee. Broke Neph x Heather (I'm sorry!) for Ike x Nephenee and Heather x Mordecai.


Ike -

Nephenee - Provoke, Celerity

Heather - Shade, Adept

Mordecai -

Map: I found a reliable 4 turn + Energy Drop strategy, but it required promoted Heather, so I have to slightly stint her growth. Not a huge worry. Horseslayer ruled the day here.

Neph had to crit the first General to the right, then took out the Paladins with Horseslayer. Turn 2 saw Heather clearing the Sage from Neph's way. Turn 3 they got into position, and the enemy AI leaves two spaces next to the boss open despite only having killed one of his guards. Steal + kill.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		19	50	27	2	30	30	18	26	9	Nephenee C
Nephenee	13	45	24	9	26	27	19	24	18	Ike C
Heather		1	38	22	13	24	30	19	19	18	Mordecai C
Mordecai	17	62	16	1	9	12	16	19	4	Heather C

MVP: Nephenee

3-6: 10/55

Base: Get items and prepare Zihark with such items as Master Crown, Short Spear, and Speedwing. Also buy Physic and Silver Dagger.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Jill - Paragon

Map: Jill took east until BK came and soloed, then joined Sothe and Micaiah to finish off up north. Her and Sothe's levels were pretty great, though Micaiah getting just Res kinda sucks. Oh well, that's why I suped her up before this.

Also gave the Brave Bow to Jill for Heather to hopefully Steal.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		2	30	10	21	17	19	21	13	17	A Sothe
Sothe		10	40	22	6	26	26	35	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		12	44	25	5	26	25	24	23	14

MVP: Black Knight

[spoiler=Part 3 second half]3-7: 12/67

Base: No BEXP. Just prepare weapons.


Ike - Shade, Disarm

Nephenee - Provoke, Celerity

Heather - Adept, Counter

Mordecai - Pass, Cancel, Miracle

Map: Three objectives in these 12 turns:

1 - Recruit Zihark and keep him away from any combat.

2 - Steal the Brave Bow from Jill.

3 - Have Ike enter combat with the Black Knight.

Number achieved: 3.

I really hate the Dragonmasters on this map. Seriously annoying to handle those guys without Haar.

I kinda wished I'd transferred Savior, because keeping Zihark out of combat required Mordecai to Rescue immediately upon Talking. Luckily I was able to get rid of all Sages and Mordecai's 40 Def meant no enemies could hurt him while transformed. Nephenee then took the Master Crown from Zihark and, with all but Mag and Lck capped, promoted mid-map.

I accidentally drew Jill in a few turns later. This happens all the time to me because of her flight catching me off guard. Luckily, Heather was close enough to Steal, and Nephenee got a crit so Jill wouldn't disturb me any further.

It was easy enough to have Ike in BK range for turn 12 enemy phase, though I misjudged his movement and let BK attack Ike up close on accident (Luna doesn't activate from range). I got lucky, though, because Ike survived. In fact, I think the BK actually missed.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	30	19	26	9	Nephenee C
Nephenee	1	49	28	13	28	29	19	27	22	Ike C
Heather		1	38	22	13	24	30	19	19	18	Mordecai C
Mordecai	18	63	16	1	9	12	17	20	4	Heather C

MVP: Nephenee

3-8: 8/75

Base: I am so annoyed that even after trying to keep my support pairs together last map, none of them can build anymore.


Ike - Disarm, Adept

Nephenee - Celerity, Cancel

Heather - Blossom, Miracle

Mordecai - Pass, Daunt

Map: Not much to say. Heather and Mordecai went east, Ike and Neph south. Neph stormed the boss area from behind.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	30	19	26	9	Nephenee C
Nephenee	3	51	30	13	30	30	20	28	23	Ike C
Heather		2	39	23	13	25	31	20	19	19	Mordecai C
Mordecai	19	63	16	1	9	13	17	21	4	Heather C

MVP: Nephenee

3-9: 4/79

Base: BEXP Calill for more Mag and Spd.


Astrid -

Calill - Adept

Map: I can hardly believe I went through with this. I decided to go through with rigging a turn 4 2% crit (could have been 3 but enemies get in the way). At least that was the only problem; Calill's Hit chance was a nice 93 and she had 0% chance of death before reaching there with my method. Same for Astrid. All I had to do was start Astrid off with a good level up and get there.

I also got the Speedwing because the path Calill took attracts him and he gets killed.

The reset counter is 14, with 4 Adept triggers. Not bad at all.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Astrid		5	39	17	9	19	19	20	14	18
Calill		9	32	11	24	20	23	17	13	21	

MVP: Calill

3-10: 7/86

Base: BEXP Mordecai to be able to ORKO Generals. Build B's.


Ike - Disarm, Counter

Nephenee - Celerity, Provoke

Heather - Adept, Cancel

Mordecai - Pass, Daunt

Map: Yeah, I really don't think that 5 turn clear was actually possible. Getting this in 6 turns with my team would have been extremely hard, and it's not like my team is significantly worse. But here we are, 7 turns. It's alright.

Nephenee headed to the boss with Ike trailing. Heather and Mordecai took south. Those damn Dragonmasters are so annoying since not only will they not attack, they'll actually just run away. The CRKs had to finish one off.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	30	19	26	9	Nephenee B
Nephenee	4	51	30	13	30	31	21	29	24	Ike B
Heather		3	39	24	13	25	32	20	20	19	Mordecai B
Mordecai(S)	21	65	18	1	9	13	18	22	4	Heather B

MVP: Nephenee

3-11: 7/93

Base: Give Astrid Energy Drop, Speedwing, and Talisman (for capping). Give Mordecai the last Speedwing so he can ORKO the boss.


Ike - Daunt, Pass

Sigrun - Shade

Nephenee - Provoke, Adept

Heather - Adept, Cancel

Mordecai - Celerity, Miracle

Astrid - Blossom

Calill - Paragon, Counter

Map: Getting this down was pretty annoying. It required two Smites on Ike and then Ike had to use full Move every turn with Pass. Sigrun helped get him the path to the end. Ike needed a Pure Water and hit of Concoction to survive everything. Nephenee and Heather helped to clear enemies out of the way, as did Tibarn. Astrid and Calill mostly just did self-improvement, but also ensured some enemies wouldn't attack Tanith or Sigrun.

I'm pretty happy I stole that Brave Bow; Astrid really likes it.

I traded all of Ike's weapons except a Bronze Sword to Mordecai at the end.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	30	19	26	9	Nephenee B
Nephenee	5	51	31	14	31	32	21	29	24	Ike B
Heather		4	39	24	14	26	33	21	21	20	Mordecai B
Mordecai(S)	22	66	19	1	10	15	19	22	4	Heather B
Astrid		11	40	22	11	23	26	24	16	20
Calill		11	32	11	25	22	25	18	13	21	

MVP: Ike

3-12: 3/96

Base: BEXP Sothe and Jill, prepare Jill. Give Jill Boots.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Jill - Paragon

Map: Have Jill massively rape two armies at a time by putting her right in the middle of it. Concoction kept her alive.

This is why Jill is hot stuff.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		3	30	10	22	17	20	22	13	18	A Sothe
Sothe		11	40	22	7	26	27	36	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		18	44	28	5	26	25	30	25	14

MVP: Jill

3-13: 2/98

Base: Promote Jill. Buy Blizzard (I have plans for this).


Micaiah - Paragon

Sothe - Adept

Jill - Resolve, Cancel

Map: Brave Axe + Resolve + Stun = ORKOd Ike.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		3	30	10	22	17	20	22	13	18	A Sothe
Sothe		11	40	22	7	26	27	36	20	15	A Micaiah
Jill		1	48	31	9	28	27	30	28	18

MVP: Jill

3-E: 5/103

Base: BEXP and promote Astrid and Calill. Put Celerity in the Convoy. Build Heather x Mordecai A.

Ike - Daunt, Pass

Nephenee - Provoke, Adept

Heather - Adept, Cancel

Mordecai - Renewal

Astrid - Imbue, Miracle

Calill - Paragon, Counter

Haar - Shade

Map: I brought Haar to recruit Jill but wasn't able to in the end. Oh well. I was able to get the Rescue staff and some decent levels. Astrid, ironically, did most of the work now that she has great stats with her mount. Other Phase finished it up.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	30	19	26	9	Nephenee B
Nephenee	5	51	31	14	31	32	21	29	24	Ike B
Heather		5	40	24	15	27	34	22	21	21	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	23	67	19	1	11	15	20	22	4	Heather A
Astrid		3	45	27	16	27	30	26	19	26
Calill		1	37	16	27	25	27	19	18	23	

MVP: Astrid

Part 3 total: 103

Overall total: 226

[spoiler=Early Part 4]4-P: 3/3

Base: Give Sothe a level for kicks.


Micaiah - Resolve, Vantage

Sothe - Adept, Shade

Jill - Resolve

Calill - Paragon, Counter

Map: Whew. I tried a lot of different ways on this, including Jill with Wrath and Calill with Resolve, but Jill died too much while Calill didn't die enough. Jill handled about 87% of the enemies by rushing to the middle area immediately. Calill soloed the east. Micaiah and Sothe took out a few extras that came near the starting area.

Jill's levels overall were pretty bland, but I think the chance of success on this map wasn't too high to begin with, and they weren't terrible enough to be worth restarting for.

Micaiah isn't as good at this as she was in Normal...

Wow, I knew Jill's levels weren't great, but upon looking, they were awful. 7 levels for 1 HP, 2 Str, 0 Def? My God.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		5	30	11	24	18	20	23	13	19	A Sothe
Sothe		1	44	24	12	28	30	35	22	19	A Micaiah
Jill		8	49	33	10	32	31	34	28	22
Calill		8	39	17	31	27	30	25	19	24

MVP: Jill

4-1: 5/8

Base: Support build. Too bad Ike and Nephenee won't actually be using their shiny new A yet.


Ike -

Nephenee - Adept

Nailah -

Rafiel -

Map: Let's break it down.

Nephenee in the west - First she must activate Adept on the blockade with a ranged weapon. This means 1) the Halberdiers will attack the other one and not get in her way and 2) the Sage that comes will be killed and not get in her way. This allows her to reveal the healer on turn 2, whom she kills on turn 3 (preferably with a ranged weapon to take out the Sniper). On turn 4 she draws in the new reinforcements and the Halberdier Ike left behind. It's necessary that this happens now so that the Warrior won't go after Ena. On turn 5, if it wasn't killed on enemy phase, she can now kill the last Sage.

Ike in the south - Ike blocks a Warrior so it will attack Ike instead of the blockade. On turn 2 Ike reveals the healer, who dies on turn 3. On turn 4 Ike moves in range of the boss and two Generals, killing them (he needs a few Str procs or Aether for the Generals). On turn 5 he kills the healer from in front of the last General and any leftovers suicide into him.

Nailah in the east (guest starring Rafiel) - Nailah chokes on turn 1, kills the Short Spear on turn 2, and then the new Steel Sword on turn 3 (along with the Halberdier on that enemy phase). On turn 4 she is one space short of reaching the Horseslayer General, who will not attack unless an enemy is right next to him. Yes, getting Nailah one extra space meant Rafiel likely saved me two turns on this map. On turn 5 she kills the last healer, Rafiel moves away, and the lonely Halberdier suicides into her.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		8	57	34	7	36	35	24	31	16	Nephenee A
Nephenee	8	52	33	14	32	34	22	31	25	Ike A
Nailah		33	66	17	5	23	19	35	16	13	Rafiel C
Rafiel		13	32	1	7	1	7	31	3	13	Nailah C

MVP: Ike

4-2: 9/17

Base: Nothing noteworthy


Heather - Adept, Cancel

Mordecai - Paragon, Daunt

Astrid - Blossom

Map: Astrid soloed to the west while Heather and Mordecai went south. Heather kept going and Mordecai eventually doubled back to take reinforcements because he is otherwise swamped by ranged enemies. At first I thought the late SMs would screw me over, but a powerful forge on Heather (+5 Mt Silver with Axe card for +2, making a 14 Mt Knife. That is stronger than Peshkatz) took them all down just in time. I was surprised and impressed that, barring an unlucky miss (and with Adept chances), Heather clearing out the remaining enemies was 100%.

Astrid killed everything in the boss area and on the way while Heather mostly picked up scraps. Contrary to Jill back in 4-P, overall my level ups on this map were freaking amazing.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Heather		7	41	25	15	28	34	24	21	22	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	28	72	23	1	15	15	22	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		10	50	32	18	33	35	33	23	30

MVP: Astrid

4-3: 8/25

Base: BEXP Jill a bit. Let's hope that lack of Def post-promotion won't get her killed.


Micaiah - Shade, Miracle

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Jill - Resolve, Vantage

Calill - Counter, Resolve

Map: Can't say I'm a fan of this map. Anyway, Jill started going east to clear the enemies and a path for Micaiah and Sothe so the two could escape from the coming enemies (and consequently, recruit Stefan), then wrapped around the map to the boss area and the Purge Bishop, killing enemies along the way. Calill took out some enemies in the starting area and ended up going down the left side when the Black Knight appeared to help me out. She actually had to use Rexflame for the final SM troupe that she could not naturally double. BK ended up getting the final kill.

No treasure except Stefan, sadly.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		6	30	11	25	18	20	24	13	20	A Sothe
Sothe		2	44	25	12	29	30	35	22	19	A Micaiah
Jill		16	54	35	10	34	35	35	31	22
Calill		11	40	18	32	30	32	27	19	26

MVP: Jill

4-4: 9/34

Base: Give Nailah a level so her Str can ORKO any General.


Ike - Pass, Provoke

Nephenee - Adept, Shade

Nailah - Paragon

Rafiel - Celerity

Map: Whew, this took some doing. There were a lot of very specific moves, particularly early on but also later for Ike and Nephenee. Nailah headed east with Rafiel help for the second turn and stayed there to take down reinforcements. Ike got Rafiel on turn 1 to take Tormod's position, allowing him to get the SM on enemy phase that would otherwise threaten Rafiel. On turn 2 he started baiting the Sleep staff with Pure Water and killing enemies in general while Nephenee went to the east chest room to clear the enemies there. By the time the Sleep was gone, Ike charged the throne room with Hammer and Ragnell while Nephenee got to the two remaining chest rooms. After the turn 7 reinforcements were taken care of, Rafiel caught up to Ike with the help of Celerity to both recruit Oliver and help Ike clear the remaining stationary enemies in time.

Unfortunately did not get any treasure.

By the way, I didn't recruit Oliver just for kicks. I needed Rafiel up there for Ike to take everything out in time due to how many enemies are stationary. Even with Rafiel up there, should Oliver not recruit himself, I'd have needed to find a way to recruit him anyway because with the method I used, Ike was never in position to attack Oliver.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		16	63	37	8	40	37	25	32	17	Nephenee A
Nephenee	12	55	34	15	35	34	23	31	29	Ike A
Nailah		34	67	18	5	23	19	36	16	13	Rafiel C
Rafiel		13	32	1	7	1	7	31	3	13	Nailah C

MVP: Ike

4-5: 3/37

Base: Use some BEXP.


Heather - Adept, Cancel

Mordecai - Paragon, Daunt

Astrid - Beastfoe, Miracle

Map: Turn 1 sees everyone just moving and Volke recruited. Turn 2 sees Heather move through Reeds and Mordecai Smiting her while Astrid gets into position. Turn 3, Astrid uses a Longbow to kill the Laguz that will inevitably be blocking Heather. Mordecai then Shoves, and with Pass Heather can run by and hit Izuka from range. Adept trigger at Best bio kills him.

With max Str and Peshkatz Heather would be able to cleanly ORKO Izuka, but this is Heather. After all, who needs Tibarn and/or Elincia when you have Mordecai and Heather?

It is unfortunate that Mordecai has not yet reached SS Strike, but he's close enough that he should at least be able to get it before 4-E-3.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Heather		10	42	25	16	29	35	27	21	24	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	29	73	23	1	15	15	23	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		12	50	33	18	34	35	35	23	30

MVP: Heather

[spoiler=Endgame]4-E-1: 4/41

Base: Break Ike x Nephenee for Ike X Rafiel. Build Jill x Calill and Nailah x Nephenee. Do a bunch of other stuff.


Ike - Pass, Provoke

Micaiah - Shade

Sothe - Paragon, Cancel

Kurthnaga - Boon

Jill - Celerity, Parity

Nailah - Paragon, Nihil

Rafiel -

Nephenee - Adept

Heather - Wrath, Vantage

Mordecai - Resolve, Adept

Astrid - Adept

Calill - Resolve, Daunt

Map: Jill gets a Ward boost and kills Hetzel immediately. Ike storms the center with Pure Water and gets the Sleep on turn 2. Blizzard was taken down on turn 1 by Astrid and Rafiel. Everything else was just kill.

I like Astrid for being one of few units who can ORKO the non-cover Generals every time, and the only one at 1-2 range.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		19	65	37	8	40	37	28	32	18	Rafiel C
Micaiah		1	34	16	27	20	22	24	18	22	Sothe A
Sothe		4	45	27	13	31	30	35	22	20	Micaiah A
Kurthnaga	20	55	15	7	8	10	21	15	15
Jill		18	55	35	10	36	35	35	32	22	Calill C
Nailah		35	68	19	5	23	19	37	16	13	Nephenee C
Rafiel		13	32	1	7	1	7	31	3	13	Ike C
Nephenee	13	56	34	15	35	34	24	32	29	Nailah C
Heather		11	42	25	16	30	36	28	21	24	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	29	73	23	1	15	15	23	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		18	50	33	20	36	35	35	27	30	
Calill		12	40	18	33	31	32	28	19	26	Jill C

MVP: Ike

4-E-2: 1/42

Base: Not much.


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah -

Sothe - Paragon, Cancel

Kurthnaga - Boon

Jill - Celerity, Parity

Nailah - Paragon

Rafiel -

Nephenee - Adept

Heather - Wrath, Vantage

Mordecai - Resolve, Provoke, Pavise, Miracle

Astrid - Adept

Calill - Resolve, Daunt

Map: Long ranged Levail for the Wishblade. Put Mordecai in the fray to gain some Strike, but Zelgius attacks pretty fast.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		19	65	37	8	40	37	28	32	18	Rafiel C
Micaiah		2	35	16	27	21	23	24	18	23	Sothe A
Sothe		4	45	27	13	31	30	35	22	20	Micaiah A
Kurthnaga	20	55	15	7	8	10	21	15	15
Jill		18	55	35	10	36	35	35	32	22	Calill C
Nailah		35	68	19	5	23	19	37	16	13	Nephenee C
Rafiel		13	32	1	7	1	7	31	3	13	Ike C
Nephenee	14	57	34	15	35	34	25	32	30	Nailah C
Heather		11	42	25	16	30	36	28	21	24	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	30	74	23	1	16	15	24	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		18	50	33	20	36	35	35	27	30	
Calill		13	41	18	34	32	32	28	19	26	Jill C

MVP: Mordecai

4-E-3: 1/43

Base: Hit Nailah with the Ashera Icons to cap it so she can get Str and Spd. Also get Calill some Mag and raise everyone's support level.

Weapons blessed: Ragnell, Rexaura, Peshkatz, Urvan, Wishblade, +7 MT Silver Knife forge, Double Bow, Rexflame, Purge, Wyrmslayer, Vague Katti, Brave Axe.


Ike - Celerity

Micaiah -

Sothe - Paragon, Cancel

Kurthnaga - Boon

Jill - Parity

Nailah - Paragon, Nihil

Rafiel -

Nephenee - Nihil

Heather - Wrath, Vantage

Mordecai - Resolve, Provoke, Pavise, Miracle

Astrid - Adept

Calill - Resolve, Daunt

Map: I was originally gunning for a plan that involved the Rescue staff where everyone contributed, but due to Mordecai having not yet reached SS strike, I was a single point of damage from the kill. After looking around a bit, I discovered a strategy that doesn't need the Rescue staff and leaves one unit free.

First, Rafiel must be Shoved three times (there are four units, Micaiah, Sothe, Heather, and Kurthnaga available for this. The extra is the free unit). Calill, in Jill support range, casts Meteor on the Red Dragon in my way, allowing Astrid to come up and 2HKO exactly. Nailah, Jill, Nephenee, and Astrid are Vigored by Rafiel when in position and Ike gets a Smite by Mordecai. The combined 5 attacks from them get me a grand total of 102 damage.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	65	37	9	40	37	29	32	19	Rafiel B
Micaiah		2	35	16	27	21	23	24	18	23	Sothe A
Sothe		4	45	27	13	31	30	35	22	20	Micaiah A
Kurthnaga	20	55	15	7	8	10	21	15	15	Astrid C
Jill		19	55	35	10	36	35	35	33	22	Calill B
Nailah		36	69	20	5	23	20	40	16	13	Nephenee B
Rafiel		13	32	1	7	1	7	31	3	13	Ike B
Nephenee	14	57	34	15	35	34	25	32	30	Nailah B
Heather		11	42	25	16	30	36	28	21	24	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	30	74	23	1	16	15	24	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		19	50	33	20	36	35	35	27	30	Kurthnaga C
Calill		14	41	18	35	32	32	29	19	27	Jill B

MVP: Jill

4-E-4: 1/44

Base: Cap off a few more levels. Nothing really necessary.


Ike - Adept

Micaiah -

Sothe - Cancel

Kurthnaga - Boon

Jill -

Nailah - Celerity, Parity

Rafiel -

Nephenee - Adept

Heather - Vantage

Mordecai - Resolve, Provoke, Pass

Astrid - Adept

Calill - Resolve, Daunt

Gareth - Smite

Map: Only one of Astrid and Jill was unnecessary for this. I had to get just the right amount of Shoves in on this, including two on Rafiel, one on Heather after the Vigor, two on Spirits (with the others being killed by Adept/Mastery), and two on Nailah (which ended up being a Smite by Gareth) to reach Sephiran. Jill or Astrid needed to take out a Spirit in the way of the others so the ones around Sephiran could be killed/Shoved, and Micaiah needed to use Rescue on Mordecai so Heather could Shove to where he had been.

That was likely Kurth's first and only legitimate contribution to this run.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	65	37	9	40	37	29	32	19	Rafiel B
Micaiah		2	35	16	27	21	23	24	18	23	Sothe A
Sothe		4	45	27	13	31	30	35	22	20	Micaiah A
Kurthnaga	20	55	15	7	8	10	21	15	15	Astrid C
Jill		19	55	35	10	36	35	35	33	22	Calill B
Nailah		36	69	20	5	23	20	40	16	13	Nephenee B
Rafiel		13	32	1	7	1	7	31	3	13	Ike B
Nephenee	14	57	34	15	35	34	25	32	30	Nailah B
Heather		11	42	25	16	30	36	28	21	24	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	30	74	23	1	16	15	24	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		19	50	33	20	36	35	35	27	30	Kurthnaga C
Calill		14	41	18	35	32	32	29	19	27	Jill B
Gareth		Base

MVP: Jill

4-E-5: 3/47

Base: Prepare skills, remove some useless ones, and cap off a few more levels.


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah -

Sothe -

Kurthnaga - Boon

Jill - Nihil

Nailah - Parity

Rafiel - Celerity

Nephenee -

Heather -

Mordecai - Pass, Smite

Astrid - Nihil

Calill - Daunt

Gareth -

Map: I got Rexaura and Matrona to Lehran on turn 1 by way of Kurthnaga. Astrid, Jill, Nailah, Ike and Lehran were the main Aura fighters with others taking kills on occasion, even Gareth with his 40 Hit. Getting Rafiel out of the way for Ashera's attacks did take some planning, but it didn't slow me down since 2 turns likely wasn't possible anyway. I only had one miss the whole time, and it was from Ike. However, with A Rafiel and a Matrona boost, Ike had 100 Hit on Ashera at the end. Beautiful.

This is why I've been building Ike x Rafiel as fast as possible.

Being able to do 30 x 2, Nailah was far and away the most valuable player here. Lehran was also very helpful with his strong attacks and Ashera Staff.

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	65	37	9	40	37	29	32	19	Rafiel A
Micaiah		2	35	16	27	21	23	24	18	23	Sothe A
Sothe		4	45	27	13	31	30	35	22	20	Micaiah A
Kurthnaga	20	55	15	7	8	10	21	15	15	Astrid B
Jill		20	55	35	10	37	35	35	34	22	Calill A
Nailah		36	69	20	5	23	20	40	16	13	Nephenee A
Rafiel		14	33	1	7	1	8	32	3	13	Ike A
Nephenee	15	58	34	15	35	34	26	32	30	Nailah A
Heather		12	42	25	17	31	37	29	21	24	Mordecai A
Mordecai(S)	31	75	23	1	17	15	25	22	5	Heather A
Astrid		20	50	33	20	36	35	35	27	30	Kurthnaga B
Calill		14	41	18	35	32	32	29	19	27	Jill A
Gareth		Base

MVP: Nailah

Part 4 total: 47

Overall total: 273

[spoiler=Character summaries]

Ike - 191 (1st)

Pretty sure I don't need to add him here every time, but whatever. It's not surprising that he got #1 considering he was a powerhouse for his entire existence. He even baited a few Sleep staves.

Micaiah - 51

It wasn't easy, but it was worth it to make her competent early on. Helped a ton in part 1. She didn't end up doing a whole lot past part 1, but it was nice to have her in certain places, like 4-E-4 with the Rescue staff.

Sothe - 110 (4th)

Hahaha. He found use all the way to the end. The only reason Lehran was able to use Matrona on Ike was because Sothe here was still available to weaken Ashera just enough. He was also quite a big help in part 1.

Kurthnaga - 0

He made two contributions: a Shove in 4-E-4, and Night Tide in 4-E-5 to help Rafiel survive with 2 HP. For being drafted in a pair, I'll take it.

Jill - 145 (2nd)

I love this girl. She made all her chapters so much easier with her flight, power, and durability (though that last part waned at times). Would totally draft again, and transfers just make her so amazing.

Nailah - 59

She needs a few Str boosts to keep going later on, but there's a good reason she's considered the best of the royals. Made 1-8 and 1-E too easy, needed no help for 4-1 and 4-4, and just a slight boost for Endgame. Awesome.

Rafiel - 0

Quite interesting. He rarely Vigored 4 units, and some maps he was only used once or twice, but those once or twice were always important. He concretely saved me at least 4 turns, and if not more, at least made things much easier. I can't believe I got him second to last. That's insane.

Nephenee - 138 (3rd)

Even with transfers, Nephenee isn't perfect in Hard mode, but she did her job well and, especially with the removal of penalties, was a worthy second pick.

Heather - 96 (5th)

I am actually surprised Heather made my top 5 instead of Astrid or Mordecai, but oh well. Having innate Pass helped in more than one situation, though her combat always left something to be desired. She grabbed the Energy Drop and Matrona for me, both of which were quite convenient.

Mordecai - 69

Third to last pick? Crazy. Removes part 2 penalties and is indestructable. If you can manage his Spd he is, both literally and figuratively, a beast.

Astrid - 78

She took some work to catch up, but once she got going (3-E), she was a team mainstay and a very important player in the later maps, losing in damage to only Nailah and Lehran.

Calill - 47

She also took a bit of work and some skills, but that Meteor of hers was pretty cool to have. She actually probably did the least of everyone by the last few maps.

Gareth - 1

As a last pick, this seems kind of weird. Normally I find last picks to be mostly useless, but Gareth was really good to have. +5 atk and +10 Hit is really helpful in 4-E-5. Thank you, Gareth.

Lehran - 1

Those stats and weapon ranks. What else needs to be said?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Should I just make it unlimited?

That would be my vote. But it depends on what people want.


Since you asked for suggestions, I may as well do so.

- You may use up to 4 character stat transfers from a PoR disc. Transfers for Haar are not allowed (and possibly Titania).

You know my stance on this. I'll also add that due to the nature of a draft, I don't find it likely we'd be drafting too many transferable characters anyway.

- BK is fair game in all chapters were he is forced(1-9 and 3-6), and is free for everyone in 1-E

So, basically, BK is free for everyone.

I'll alow any Heron of your choice to be free for Endgame.

This I don't agree with. There's not much point to it since Herons aren't high-priority picks as it is.

- Micaiah, Sothe and Ike to be free for all

- As usual, lords and Sothe are fair game


- Use of recruiter characters for any of the following will incur a 2 turn penalty

Like I've said in the past, just list what they can do. If it isn't on that list, it's illegal.

My ideas on the forced character recruitment has been gone over before.

Let it be known that drafting Lyre, Meg, or Fiona will result in a -3 turn reduction from your overall turncount. These reductions will stack, so if you draft two of them, or all three, you'll get a -9 turn reduction overall. I'm flexible about the rules though, since this is my first time hosting, so bring on suggestions.

Lyre and Fiona I can agree with, but isn't Meg a not-so-bad draftee? She's probably better than someone like Oliver.

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That would be my vote. But it depends on what people want.


Since you asked for suggestions, I may as well do so.

You know my stance on this. I'll also add that due to the nature of a draft, I don't find it likely we'd be drafting too many transferable characters anyway.

So, basically, BK is free for everyone.

This I don't agree with. There's not much point to it since Herons aren't high-priority picks as it is.


Changes made up to this point are done. I've also changed the heron rule.

Like I've said in the past, just list what they can do. If it isn't on that list, it's illegal.

My ideas on the forced character recruitment has been gone over before.

That's a good idea, will do.

Lyre and Fiona I can agree with, but isn't Meg a not-so-bad draftee? She's probably better than someone like Oliver.

Meg is god awful, which I know after the last HM draft. I would have been better off not using her at all. She is a waste of exp, and should never be deployed. Oliver at the very least can use Rescue, with an arms scroll Fortify, and Psychic. This is why I'm going to say that he probably has a use. Those three will probably never even be deployed if the drafter is smart, but this way they are at least worth something.

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Meg is god awful, which I know after the last HM draft. I would have been better off not using her at all. She is a waste of exp, and should never be deployed. Oliver at the very least can use Rescue, with an arms scroll Fortify, and Psychic. This is why I'm going to say that he probably has a use. Those three will probably never even be deployed if the drafter is smart, but this way they are at least worth something.

Still, it's only really replacing the previous worst draftees with new ones. I doubt Oliver is saving you turns. Same with Kurthnaga (I know this from my own experience), Kyza, probably Pelleas, etc. I personally prefer the idea of combining draftees to this. It at least doesn't give some arbitrary turn reduction.

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Still, it's only really replacing the previous worst draftees with new ones. I doubt Oliver is saving you turns. Same with Kurthnaga (I know this from my own experience), Kyza, probably Pelleas, etc. I personally prefer the idea of combining draftees to this. It at least doesn't give some arbitrary turn reduction.

Combining draftees sounds interesting, care to elaborate?

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Combining draftees sounds interesting, care to elaborate?

The following pairs are drafted together:





Or any appropriate combination. The idea is to get two bad units for the price of one and, where possible, preferably on the same team. Astrid could probably go with someone like Danved or Lethe, but I thought that might be a bit much, especially in a transfer draft. I don't think there's anyone else truly bad enough to need combining except possibly Sanaki and/or Lethe. Danved was pretty crappy in my HM draft before, but with transfers that probably wouldn't be such an issue.

Also, what do you personally think about allowing unlimited transfers?

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The following pairs are drafted together:





Or any appropriate combination. The idea is to get two bad units for the price of one and, where possible, preferably on the same team. Astrid could probably go with someone like Danved or Lethe, but I thought that might be a bit much, especially in a transfer draft. I don't think there's anyone else truly bad enough to need combining except possibly Sanaki and/or Lethe. Danved was pretty crappy in my HM draft before, but with transfers that probably wouldn't be such an issue.

Also, what do you personally think about allowing unlimited transfers?

I'll put in the drafted in pairs rule. I personally think unlimited transfers might be more appropriate here, since it's hard mode and all. I also think it might put some people at an unfair advantage. If someone has more transfer units than they need for their team, while other people don't, it could give them an unfair advantage. An example would be a transfer Geoffrey in 2-3 able to OHKO the boss, and seize a turn earlier, and a transfer Oscar able to do Titania's job in 3-1, allowing one player to avoid the Titania penalty while the other can't.

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I personally think unlimited transfers might be more appropriate here, since it's hard mode and all. I also think it might put some people at an unfair advantage. If someone has more transfer units than they need for their team, while other people don't, it could give them an unfair advantage. An example would be a transfer Geoffrey in 2-3 able to OHKO the boss, and seize a turn earlier, and a transfer Oscar able to do Titania's job in 3-1, allowing one player to avoid the Titania penalty while the other can't.

Anyone with a PoR disk has access to the same transfers. It just depends on how much effort they're willing to put in to getting the ones they want/need.

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this one bugs me. otherwise, I might join if I can find my PoR disc.

I signed you up for now.

Do you guys think that HM is turning people off from joining? Also, how long should we wait after drafting before everyone has to start?

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I signed you up for now.

Do you guys think that HM is turning people off from joining? Also, how long should we wait after drafting before everyone has to start?

@HM: I don't think so. The previous HM draft filled up fast enough. It's possible people don't want to do a transfer run first/don't have a transfer save file/don't want to compete without transfers.

@How long: 2-3 weeks would be my suggestion. Maybe a month at most.

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