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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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You can't just completely ignore someone's pick and give them a different character. That goes against the spirit of the draft. Seriously, I better be missing something here.

Do you take it to heart to try and pry into my business on this forum?

Shinon was on her list, so I gave her Shinon because I'm nice. This is the last question of yours I'm answering, because frankly, you are quite nosy.

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I read most draft topics on this forum. I find them interesting. But that's not the point.

Was Mist higher on her list? Who do you think you are that you think you're able to just pick and choose which unit to give her?

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I read most draft topics on this forum. I find them interesting. But that's not the point.

Was Mist higher on her list? Who do you think you are that you think you're able to just pick and choose which unit to give her?

...Lol. Why are you the only person I'm receiving criticism from (well, and Soul, but he actually understood)? Are you going to sit here, in my draft thread and tell me off about what the spirit of the draft is? I'm going to be disliked by even more people for this, but please don't post anything else in this thread unless it's a positive comment. I actually want everyone to have a chance to do well and finish this draft. This is HM. She'll have another opportunity at Mist, but not Shinon, who was adjacent on her list. If Silith wants it changed, she'll tell me, not you.

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So you confirmed that you didn't give a damn about her picks and just gave her who you thought was 'best'.

Maybe you haven't noticed Xander, but not everyone plays these drafts trying to win. Some people draft to have fun playing a game (Shocking isn't it? To have fun playing a game.). I think that would've been obvious when she picked Vika first.

Is that so hard for you to understand? Or are you blinded by your 'win at all costs' mentality?

It is not your place to change someone else's picks. For any reason. At all.

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That's dangerous water you're treading if she said she wanted Mist over Shinon. Sure, things may turn out fine, but you need to remember that some people care more about just having fun than the competitive aspect. Silith taking Vika as the first pick is especially evident of this.

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So you confirmed that you didn't give a damn about her picks and just gave her who you thought was 'best'.

Maybe you haven't noticed Xander, but not everyone plays these drafts trying to win. Some people draft to have fun playing a game (Shocking isn't it? To have fun playing a game.). I think that would've been obvious when she picked Vika first.

Is that so hard for you to understand? Or are you blinded by your 'win at all costs' mentality?

It is not your place to change someone else's picks. For any reason. At all.

I really wish there was a block user button on this site. I didn't give her who I thought was best, otherwise I would have given her a much better pick than Mist. I gave her who she wanted, and who I thought would be best for her. Stop posting in this thread. I don't have a win at all costs mentality, I'm in this for the fun, and I want everyone else to have fun too. You don't seem to understand this no matter how many times I say it. Where in the hell do you get this win at all costs mentality thing from anyway? When have I said that, ever? I'm obviously not in this for the fun, but to win, even though I've never won in a draft before, and generally use characters that I like. It's also obvious that I'm not in this for the fun since I went ridiculously out of my way to get people to join this thing, and redid the RNG after I got first pick and could have gotten Haar, who I've always wanted, and instead took last. I enjoy competition, and watching people compete. I also want other people to enjoy themselves. I don't want anyone to ragequit because it's impossible with the team they've chosen. Silith told me she was worried about 3-1, and since Titania and Oscar were already taken, I gave her Shinon over Mist. I'm obviously a complete douchebag for doing what I think will help someone else, but so be it. I don't care what you think, now please stop posting in this thread.

Edit: Unless you're going to, you know, stop insulting me anytime soon.

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I didn't give her who I thought was best, otherwise I would have given her a much better pick than Mist.

You did give her who you thought was a better pick than Mist.

I gave her who she wanted, and who I thought would be best for her.

These two are obviously not the same thing.

I don't have a win at all costs mentality, I'm in this for the fun, and I want everyone else to have fun too.

You said in the Tellius Draft that you had a 'win at all costs' mentality so you could actually win a draft. I would quote it, but you had a mod delete your posts for some reason.

I don't want anyone to ragequit because it's impossible with the team they've chosen.

What makes you think this is your problem? It's a fact of life some people don't complete drafts. Deal with it.

She may have a plan for Mist that you and I don't need to know. Or maybe she just likes Mist and wants to make sure she gets her (like Vika). Or maybe she thinks Mist is a better pick than Shinon. Or maybe she just doesn't like Shinon. It doesn't matter. It is not your place to ignore other player's picks and give them whoever you damn well please.

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You did give her who you thought was a better pick than Mist.

These two are obviously not the same thing.

You said in the Tellius Draft that you had a 'win at all costs' mentality so you could actually win a draft. I would quote it, but you had a mod delete your posts for some reason.

What makes you think this is your problem? It's a fact of life some people don't complete drafts. Deal with it.

She may have a plan for Mist that you and I don't need to know. Or maybe she just likes Mist and wants to make sure she gets her (like Vika). Or maybe she thinks Mist is a better pick than Shinon. Or maybe she just doesn't like Shinon. It doesn't matter. It is not your place to ignore other player's picks and give them whoever you damn well please.

Today is not a day for this. You put words into my mouth in the Tellius draft, iirc. I actually wanted to win the new draft and beat Soul, but thanks to your harassment that dream is dead. She obviously likes Shinon, he was on her list, in her top picks. I don't know how else to explain this to someone as thickheaded and hellbent on arguing as you. You didn't get her list. She didn't even say she wanted Mist. I didn't ignore her pick and give her who I damn well please, but I doubt you can comprehend that.

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I actually wanted to win the new draft and beat Soul, but thanks to your harassment that dream is dead.

You're free to go ahead and try that. I'll catch up as soon as I finish the FE9 draft (which I'm close to beating).

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There's an Ignore feature if that's what you're looking for.

Thanks smile.gif, but I'd rather not have every draft thread I'm in spammed to hell and back by Radiant Dragon arguing over something trivial, that he doesn't understand.

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You put words into my mouth in the Tellius draft, iirc. I actually wanted to win the new draft and beat Soul

This is another set of contradictory sentences, right next to each other.

I don't know how else to explain this to someone as thickheaded and hellbent on arguing as you.

I noticed in your last post that you said I was insulting you. Which I haven't. At least not yet. Actually, I did. Whoops.

You didn't get her list. She didn't even say she wanted Mist. I didn't ignore her pick and give her who I damn well please, but I doubt you can comprehend that.

At least you got something right (okay, I'll admit that is an insult): I didn't get her list. But if she didn't say she wanted Mist, then why did you give Mist to her earlier, before changing it to Shinon? And another insult. What the hell, man?

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This is another set of contradictory sentences, right next to each other.

I noticed in your last post that you said I was insulting you. Which I haven't. At least not yet.

At least you got something right (okay, I'll admit that is an insult): I didn't get her list. But if she didn't say she wanted Mist, then why did you give Mist to her earlier, before changing it to Shinon? And another insult. What the hell, man?

Part 1 of your post:

I would have phrased it another way. I was actually just trying to get you to shut up and stop calling me a cheater in the new draft, and just tried to explain my mentality in a way you could make sense of, which isn't contradictory if you think for a second about it. After your string of comments, people repeatedly said I RNG abused. Thus, you ruined my credibility in all normal mode drafts, and continue to pursue me when I'm having fun in a HM draft, so you can understand why I'm insulting you.

Part 2 and 3 of your post:

You have been constantly ignoring me and spouting nonsense about how I've insulted the spirit of the draft. That's calling me out. You also took a less passive aggressive approach in your last sentence and outright insulted me. You ruined my credibility in RD normal mode drafts, which I loved to do, and continually harassed me for my 1-9 strategy. After I told you what it was, you then again stated it required extreme luck, which is false.

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Part 1:

I would have phrased it another way. I was actually just trying to get you to shut up and stop calling me a cheater in the new draft, and just tried to explain my mentality in a way you could make sense of, which isn't contradictory if you think for a second about it. After your string of comments, people repeatedly said I RNG abused. Thus, you ruined my credibility in all normal mode drafts, and continue to pursue me when I'm having fun in a HM draft, so you can understand why I'm insulting you.

Part 2 and 3 of your post:

You have been constantly ignoring me and spouting nonsense about how I've insulted the spirit of the draft. That's calling me out. You also took a less passive aggressive approach in your last sentence and outright insulted me. You ruined my credibility in RD normal mode drafts, which I loved to do, and continually harassed me for my 1-9 strategy. After I told you what it was, you then again stated it required extreme luck, which is false.

This is what I don't understand. What does your 1-9 strategy have to do with anything? You're turning this into some kind of personal vendetta, and there's no reason for that. But fine, I'll humor you: I never said you cheated, and I never said you used RNG or Battle Save abuse. I did say your strategy of Micaiah dodging multiple fatal attacks at ~50% hit required extreme luck because it does.

Now you can stop ignoring me. I'll repeat my question, and maybe this time I'll get an answer.

I didn't get her list. But if she didn't say she wanted Mist, then why did you give Mist to her earlier, before changing it to Shinon?

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This is what I don't understand. What does your 1-9 strategy have to do with anything? You're turning this into some kind of personal vendetta, and there's no reason for that. But fine, I'll humor you: I never said you cheated, and I never said you used RNG or Battle Save abuse. I did say your strategy of Micaiah dodging multiple fatal attacks at ~50% hit required extreme luck because it does.

Now you can stop ignoring me. I'll repeat my question, and maybe this time I'll get an answer.


Facepalm_emote_gif.gif She doesn't need to dodge attacks at ~50% hit required, but at this point I doubt it's any use explaining that to you any further. The ~50% is pre resolve and bushes. I'm not turning this into a personal vendetta at all, but you did say you believed it wasn't possible to do 1-9 in 4 turns, and repeatedly insisted that I give you the strategy when you wanted, instead of at my own pace. On top of that you continue to post in this thread after I've asked you repeatedly to stop. Also, looking back, I don't think I ever even said I had a win at all costs mentality at all, that was just you. I'm actually not going to answer your question...I don't feel I need to, sorry.

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I'm not turning this into a personal vendetta at all

Then why bring up our previous argument? Why ask if there's an 'ignore user' option? Why continue to attack me instead of answering my question?

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Then why bring up our previous argument? Why ask if there's an 'ignore user' option? Why continue to attack me instead of answering my question?

If I said it in spanish maybe you'd get it. It's not your business. I'm actually not going to cave this time.

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You're probably right. How about you guys just assume that I know what I'm doing, and that I was confused when giving her her pick? happy.gif My logic here was that if she disagreed with what I did when he came back, he'd tell me, but instead, of course, you are there, weapons and RD, yet again. I was confused by his list, who is this hurting, exactly? Why can't I make a mistake/do something you disagree with without 2 pages of argument?

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It was not directed at you.

I mean to say he probably knows what he's doing.

Oh, okay.

If I said it in spanish maybe you'd get it. It's not your business. I'm actually not going to cave this time.

So, apparently you think I don't understand something. Well, you would be right. Actually, there are many things I don't understand.

I don't understand why you think you're able to change other player's picks.

I don't understand why you go and say I'm some kind of thickheaded, idiotic douchebag, then berate me for insulting you.

I don't understand why you go and berate me for ignoring you (which I wasn't), then proceed to ignore my question.

I don't understand why you think you're not turning this into a personal vendetta, even after bringing up our previous argument (which has nothing to do with this at all) and saying you wished I would stop harassing you.

Edit: You Ninja'd me.

You're probably right. How about you guys just assume that I know what I'm doing, and that I was confused when giving her her pick? happy.gif My logic here was that if she disagreed with what I did when he came back, he'd tell me, but instead, of course, you are there, weapons and RD, yet again. I was confused by his list, who is this hurting, exactly? Why can't I make a mistake/do something you disagree with without 2 pages of argument?

@Bold: Was that so hard to say? Apparently so, since the question was coming from me.

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