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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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What's the point of the deadline, anyway?

I've already stated it's to declare an official winner.

Alright Soul, take as long as you need, it can be pushed back.

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I've already stated it's to declare an official winner.

All right then, I'll rephrase my question: What's the point of an official winner? Bragging rights?

Although... If your disk is broken, why did you sign up for the Tellius Draft?

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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All right then, I'll rephrase my question: What's the point of an official winner? Bragging rights?

Although... If your disk is broken, why did you sign up for the Tellius Draft?

Sure, bragging rights and feeling good about yourself, and to encourage people to finish.

As for the second part, give me a minute to edit this post

Posted 23 July 2011 - 06:46 PM

That's fine, I'll still declare the winner on the 31st, but you're free to keep going and get this done. I might also try to get this done since my RD is working again.

Did you just miss that for some reason? Although to be honest I don't know why you're worrying about me in the tellius draft.

Edited by Xander
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Sure, bragging rights and feeling good about yourself, and to encourage people to finish.

If you need to win a Draft to feel good about yourself, you need help. And I still insist a deadline isn't going to encourage people to finish any faster.

Did you just miss that for some reason? Although to be honest I don't know why you're worrying about me in the tellius draft.

Actually, I did miss that. My bad.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey, look:

Part 4


Preparations screen

I give Sanaki all of my savings (statboosters) except one Speedwings I'm going to save.

Sigrun takes some Javelin forges from the Convoy.


Sanaki - Daunt + Resolve

Sigrun - Adept + Miracle


Sanaki goes up through the North gateway and kills all the enemies at the center of the map. Sigrun goes through the East gateway and kills the enemies at that side.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Sanaki    9.24  41  5   37  29  31 36  15   30
Sigrun    9.43  49 26   18  32  29 35  23   29

I love how Spd-blessed Sanaki ended up here.

4 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy a Wyrmslayer from the Shop and send it to the Convoy.

Titania takes a Max Mt Hand axe forge from the Convoy.

Ike buys a Torch from the Shop.


Ike - Paragon

Titania - Imbue

Edward - Adept (+Wrath)


Ike, as usual, obliterates the South portion of the map. Titania takes the East and Edward takes the West. The Torches helped clear the way for those annoying pacifist enemies.

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Elincia takes a Storm sword from the Convoy.

Gatrie takes a Max Mt Hand axe forge from the Convoy.


Elincia - Paragon

Gatrie - Celerity


Elincia went through the West side, heading to Valtome and killing all enemies along the way. Gatrie went South, killed all enemies there, and went back to deal with the reinforcements.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Elincia   16.29 39 30  25  32  32  39  20  31
Gatrie     9.51 54 36  10  30  30  21  36  19

9 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP - Sigrun - Lvl 12


Sanaki - Daunt + Resolve

Sigrun - Adept + Savior


Sanaki went to the East side, then went South and killed all those enemies there. Sigrun picked up Sothe, flew to the South-West, then to the Center of the map, to the East, and at last, to the Center of the map again to drop off Sothe, who got Baselard. BK killed the left-over enemies at the Center of the map. Sanaki got to Flare Lekain and Numida and kill them. :D

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.97 20  6  13  11  10  14   7  10   A Sothe
Sanaki    16.66 45 10  40  33  32  40  15  33 
Sigrun    16.67 50 29  18  36  32  35  25  34

12 turns.


Battle preparations

Tomohawks for Titania, Tempest blade and Chest keys for Edward.

Ike buys a Pure Water.


Ike - Lvl 20


Ike - Pass

Titania - Imbue

Edward - Adept

Muarim - Resolve


Ike and Titania killed the first two Swordmasters at the hall, then Titania Canto'd forward and up to the hall, killing the enemies along the way and waiting in the corner next to the ledge. Muarim assisted Ike a bit against those pesky Generals, and then went to assist Edward, retrieving the Fortify staff while he [Edward] killed the enemies at the chest room. Titania and Edward dealt with the reinforcements.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37  11  40  37  29  32  21    A Gatrie 
Titania   15.38 60 34  15  35  33  24  26  23   
Edward    11.29 53 32   9  37  36  27  26  14

12 turns.


Battle preparations


Elincia - Celerity

Geoffrey - Miracle + Paragon


Elincia 1RKO's Izuka, nothing to se- Oh yeah, Geoffrey stood up to a horde of ferocious wild cats by himself without the aid of Resolve, just sheer luck...and biorhythm.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Elincia   17.10 40 30  26  32  33  39  21  31
Gatrie    11.02 54 36  10  31  31  21  37  21
Geoffrey   7.14 49 30  13  30  28  23  23  23

2 turns.

Starting here, the Tower of Guidance. Chapter 4-E-1 I forgot to take note, and considering it's been so long since I picked this is up again, I don't even remember the details, such as the equipment and skills used during those chapters. The turncounts for those chapters are:

4-E-1: 4 turns


The usual BK Hammertime thing. :P I got Wishblade, courtesy of Sanaki.

1 turn


Battle preparations

I blessed Ragnell, Alondite, Amiti, Baselard, Thani, Caineghis and Muarim's fangs, Rexflame, Brave lance, Brave axe and the Wyrmslayer.


Ike - Parity

Micaiah - Paragon

Titania - Imbue

Edward - Adept

Geoffrey - Paragon

Muarim - Resolve


Build Caineghis x Sigrun C support.

Build Edward x Micaiah C support.

Build Sanaki x Titania C support.

Increased Geoffrey x Elincia to a B support.


Ike, Sigrun and Caineghis built a wall sorrounding the ramp to prevent Dragons from harming my other characters. Behind them, my other characters killed the Dragons close to them. On Turn 2, Sigrun was the first to attack Dheginsea with the Wyrmslayer, then she Canto'd diagonally to him so Ike could trade it and attack him with it. At last, I heal Caineghis a bit, and he deals the last two blows on Dhegninsea.

Holy crap, that was a close one. Caineghis survived an Ire from Dheginsea, being left at 6 HP.

Notes: To make this possible, I had to build some Atk supports. I was 2 HP short on one try, so that's why I made Sigrun x Caineghis. I also had the option of just getting Micaiah at Edward's support range as so he could finish him.

This is where I got stuck the last time I played. Now I don't see what was such a big deal of it. IIRC, it was because I couldn't 1-turn it, so I thought, "I'm doomed".


Battle preparations

So Caineghis takes the Speedwings I've been spearing for him.


Caineghis - Parity


On the first turn, everyone used their max Mov and killed as many little balls that were in their way as possible. On Turn 2, my characters killed the little balls sorrounding Lehran. Caineghis then proceeded to kill Lehran himself. ):


Sigrun trades her Wishblade to Geoffrey, and takes the blessed Brave lance instead.


Elincia - Lvl 20.

Sanaki - Lvl 20.

Gatrie - Lvl 14.

Sigrun - Lvl 19.98.

Caineghis - Lvl 38.


Updated Micaiah x Edward to a B.

Updated Elincia x Geoffrey to an A support.


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah - Paragon

Edward - Paragon

Elincia - Nihil

Sanaki - Adept

Titania - Imbue

Gatrie - Celerity

Sigrun - Adept + Parity

Geoffrey - Paragon

Muarim - Resolve

Caineghis - Parity + Pass + Nihil


So yeah, crap happened:

Cainneghis was THIS close to 1RKO'ing Auras, Edward couldn't double them Auras until halfway through the chapter- And THEN proceeded to get killed by Ashera's energy field. Muarim died protecting Micaiah, unlike Sothe, who died the same way Edward did. I got Ike to have a somewhat reliable Hit on Ashera (70~%) while doubling, totally unlike the other times where I faced around 50~% chances. It's even worse in HM. Credit goes to Gatrie, standing right there next to Ike 'til the very end.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37  11  40  37  29  32  21    A Gatrie
Micaiah    2.27 26 11  18  14  13  17  13  13    B Edward  
Sothe      2.31 45 24  12  30  30  32  22  19    
Edward    14.40 55 32   9  39  39  27  26  14    B Micaiah
Elincia   20.-- 41 30  26  35  35  40  22  32    A Geoffrey
Sanaki    20.-- 45 12  40  33  32  40  19  35    C Titania
Titania   17.31 60 34  15  35  33  25  26  25    C Sanaki  
Gatrie    14.00 57 36  10  34  31  22  37  23    A Ike
Sigrun    20.-- 50 32  19  36  36  35  26  34    B Caineghis
Geoffrey  11.08 53 32  14  34  28  23  23  24    A Elincia
Muarim    25.85 63 23   3  16  12  14  17  10
Caineghis 38.00 76 24   4  23  20  31  23  10    B Sigrun

5 turns.

Part 4 turncount: 59 turns.

Total: 273 turns

Bragging rights.

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