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(FE4) Draft 5


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To be honest, there's really nothing wrong with LexTiltyu. And AzelTiltyu isn't that bad either, both kids get pursuit. Not to mention overkill MAG growths.

Their speed is pretty good too. It's more that you were aiming for Holsety that made Lex funny.

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I take back whatever I said about the Prologue. Took me about 10 tries to get a working strategy including Midir not taking any hits. How I look forward to, well, anyone else. Or at least Noish leveling up.

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Here's the log. It seems 6 and 8 is pretty standard, and I don't think I can get a 13 turn Prologue. My unit list is heavy on the late arrivals.

Prologue: Birth of a Holy Knight

0-1 Chalphy to Jungby 6 turns

Lex stays on top and clears bandits. Noish goes up and spends some time saving villages and killing a couple bandits. Between Noish's bunch and Lex's bunch, Azel is trapped for a while. But it works out, eventually.

0-2 Jungby to Evans 8/14 turns

Midir runs off toward Chalphy. Sigurd heals, then talks to Alvis (I'd have it the other way, but his Steel sword was at the point of breaking and I don't trust enemies not to get in the way. They like to do that.) and bashes through the mass of enemies. Noish goes down to get the Speed ring. Lex, being low on HP, runs like Alvis himself is chasing him. Sigurd reaches the castle, and captures it the turn immediately following that.

UNIT      LEVEL     HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Sigurd    11.86     42    16    00    16    16    10    09    03
Noish     04.84     34    11    00    07    09    04    08    00
Lex       09.30     38    12    01    10    13    10    13    00
Diadora              In the Spirit Forest somewhere
Holyn             Off fighting for gold in the C2 Arena
Fury                 Worrying about Levin in Silesia
Brigid               Flying the skull and crossbones
Claude           Presumably still managing Edda's affairs

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Here's the log. It seems 6 and 8 is pretty standard, and I don't think I can get a 13 turn Prologue. My unit list is heavy on the late arrivals.

I got 6 and 9 due to enemies standing on the bridge instead of attacking Sigurd.

AIs don't like me.

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Yeah, archers on the bridge suck. Actually archers in general suck in the Prologue, because Lex and Noish don't dodge them well. I suppose you didn't have it much easier with Fin, Ardan and Midir. Did you know Azel is very very useful? >.>

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Yeah, archers on the bridge suck. Actually archers in general suck in the Prologue, because Lex and Noish don't dodge them well. I suppose you didn't have it much easier with Fin, Ardan and Midir. Did you know Azel is very very useful? >.>

Actually, I did, but I didn't really have any kids who want his as a father, besides Lana, but then no Hero Bow and Lester would suck. Azel managed to run to Chalphy without getting hit. Yay, no penalty.

Fin and Arden got hit by every single archer that attacked them, but Midir in a forest could dodge them and counter! Charge kept activating though, making it bad when he did get hit.

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Evans to Ayra

Sigurd clear the arena, everyone gets stuck along the line, Fin gets stuck at the general :|

Cuan talks to Fin for some buffs, and Fin still can't beat the general.

Sigurd runs to Genoa, carefully avoiding Ayra.

Dew and Aideen get set free. Dew gives Aideen his money and then sits in a forest while Aideen runs to heal Fin and Midir.

Ayra targets Aideen.


Genoa to Marpha

Ayra targets Genoa Castle now, thankfully, and Sigurd recruits her. She clears the arena and helps a lot with Astra in the next chapter.

Everyone reunites and kills the fighters swarming Dew.

Ethlin gets the return staff from Aideen.

Aideen gets the warp staff from Dew.

Dew gives Aideen more money.

The Manliness Sword breaks.

Ayra kills Gandolf.


Marpha to the capital, Verdane

Jamka comes out.

Aideen warps Ethlin home.

Everyone mucks around in the forest.

Aideen recruits Jamka rather effortlessly.

Diadora comes and silences Sandima.

Everyone helps kill the archers, except Fin Arden and Midir, who can't reach and are warped home for EXP for Aideen.

Jamka avenges his father.


Turns: 36 (<_<) + 15 = 51

EDIT: I'm halfway through Chapter 3. Drafting Dew was worth it. Look at Aideens $$$

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It's on the way to Mackily that everything starts screwing up.

And I don't have a savestate either.

Lovely <_<

I have to restart the entire chapter.

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This is why in-chapter save files are good and I have a new respect for saving every turn. On a different slot, of course. And separate slots for castles.

I'm using one rom for two playthroughs though. And I found a savestate on the way to Amphony. Thank god.

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I'm going to keep per-chapter turncounts and add them up at the end. Easier formatting.

Chapter 1: Girl of the Spirit Forest

Sigurd buys a Javelin. Lex buys a Steel axe. Noish buys an Iron lance. Sigurd clears the Arena, Lex and Noish get stuck on the Swordfighter.

1-1 Evans to Genoa 5 turns

Simple charge. Enemy AI attacked Sigurd from 1 range, allowing Lex to get the Hand axe next turn. Noish took the village, Sigurd captured Genoa and Ayra didn't attack anyone. Ayra is recruited on turn 6.

1-2 Genoa to Marpha 7/12 turns

Lex in a forest is good for clearing the troops who were after Aideen and Deu. After that, Sigurd charges ahead while Lex and Noish take turns standing on the church. Solos the entire Marpha army except the archers, too. Next turn, Noish goes to the Arena and clears it up to the Wind mage.

1-3 Marpha to Verdane 13/25 turns

Aideen can't catch up fast enough to recruit Jamuka. Doesn't matter, Brigid has the Ichival. Lex gets the Hero axe and Noish gets the lower village. Sigurd takes two player phases to kill the Silenced boss, unfortunately, so he seizes immediately on the second.

UNIT      LEVEL     HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Sigurd    16.92     48    16    00    20    18    12    12    04
Noish     10.38     40    14    00    11    10    04    10    00
Lex       15.80     43    15    02    11    15    10    17    00
Diadora   06.45     29    00    16    10    12    06    04    18
Holyn            Still fighting for gold in the C2 Arena
Fury                  Crossing the border to Agusty
Brigid               Flying the skull and crossbones
Claude                 In a trance at Blagi Tower

Look, Sigurd's STR fails.

Next: Recruitment of Holyn. Protection and healing of those crazy suicidal Paladins. Recruitment of Fury.

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Fact: I am absolutely terribad at playing through fast.

I took 61 turns on Chapter 2.


But.. Aideen and Jamka fell in love, and Aideen is level 19. Yay.

Also, Diadora "died" but came back. Oh well, it doesn't matter now, she only has the arena left.

Diadora, the soon-to-be kidnapped

11 Wins, 1 Loss.

I'm surprised at how great she did actually. She OHKO'd things with Aura, and the silence staff was helpful a few times.

I wish she could stay, having a second healer helped everything tremendously.

So Midayle, Fin, and Sigurd rushed to Nodion, and thankfully I didn't get RNG screwed with the paladins. Elliot decided to attack Midayle instead of one of the pallies who was on the verge of death. Thank god. Ethlin got the Light Sword. Arden got the pursuit ring. Aideen and Ayra stood next to their to be lovers. Everyone helped seize Herhein and Amphony, and the hell broke loose around MacKily. Everyone died multiple times, but I managed to get through with a shitty turncount.

And Aideen has 50000 Gold Again. Whee.

EDIT: Yay.

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Chapter 3

Epic Turnaround.

30 turns

Here, luck goes my way. I seize Madino very quickly and then Eltshan comes out. I manage to kill him without anyone dying. No Earth Sword is sad, but still, I'm happy I survived. Then Orgahill comes out. Midir sits on Madino and somehow kills Pizarl (yay leg ring), and Sigurd kills Dobarl, seizing. Briggid and Tiltyu die. >_<

Oh well.

Fin, The man

This guy rocked hard. He was generally useless in the prologue, but he once he got the ball rolling he killed everything in sight. He didn't get paired so he could keep his Hero Lance for Chapter 7.

30 + 112 = 142 turns so far!

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Yeah, absolutely epic turnaround...30 turns, wow. No Wind sword I take it...still deciding whether I should bother going for that.

No. Dew was too busy standing next to Ayra. The Orgahill part was rushed and took less than say 8 turns.

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Because of this, your lover Sylvia, must die.

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Chapter 4 - 42 Turns

Reshuffle of items, Aideen clears the arena and buys a ton of staves. Dew gets the Elite ring. Midir promotes.

Jamka gets the hero bow and I run to the northernmost area, where Dew gets the bridge. Sylvia dies...

Absolutely nothing. He's sitting at home in the castle.

22 turns to seize the northernmost fort. Aideen warps everyone home except for Jamka, whom she kills the Pamela Squad with.

Dew and Ayra also fell in love around here. Finally. I was beginning to worry.

You know what happens with Mahnya.

I avoid Lamia, and run to seize Zaxon.

After chapter 5 arena, Dew loses his frailness!

The last living female is Lachesis, and Arden is on her mind.

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Hahahaha Lachesis x Ardan. I'll attempt to beat your C2 turncount when I find the time to play. But Fury x Claude is going to be a headache to set up...it totally eliminates her flyer usefulness.

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No, Fury x Levin has a conversation. With Claude it's almost 40 turns of adjacents, or something. I mean I do have the 50 turns of adjacents that Brigid and Lex need, but I can re-move Lex back to wherever Brigid is. Fury, on the other hand, remains landlocked as long as she has to hang around with Claude.

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Killing Slaydar and Andre was easy with hero weapons. Sigurd killed Lagnobart.

Then Phinora.

Fuck Phinora.

So hard.

I hate sleep staves, and dragon knights in the desert. Lucky whoever has Fury in this chapter.

After I settled that, Ayra and Sigurd run to Velthomer and Ayra ORKOs Leptor with Astra!Hero Sword.

I talk to Aida.

The you know what scene happens..... :<

43 turns.


Sigurd, R.I.P.

Poor guy, I wish this didn't happen to him. He destroyed throughout the entire game, and once he picked up the Tyrfing from storage in Phinora, he was unstoppable to everyone excpet Leptor. Also, 100 kill Silver Sword ftw or ftw?

Celice is gonna inherit a lot of awesome.

Arden, Lachesis was on his mind

He was the most useless character I had in gen 1, and he will never be drafted by me again. He killed next to nothing, and his only real use was getting that pursuit ring.

Midir, Forever Alone

I don't like pairing Midir with Aideen. I drafted him for an easy time in Gen 1. He really had the sole claim to the steel bow. He didn't do much except cause a lot of resets. He couldn't double the priests in Phinora, for Christs sake! Jamka was superior in every way.

Jamka, badass prince

Married Aideen and passed down the pursuit ring to Lester. My Jamka got Skill blessed, and didn't suffer much. He spent most of chapter 5 asleep, but when he woke up he kiled everything. Hero bow is that awesome when you can actually double with it.

Dew, useless no longer

I'm surprised here. I thought Dew would suck, but he was epic. He started off slow, but providing Aideen with $45000 before chapter 3 was the best thing ever, and once he promoted he activated Sol a lot more, and he got pursuit. And we all know Pursuit is the god power in this game.

Ayra, Meteor Woman


And she was one of my only two good helpful units in chapter 2 until I reached the Spirit Forest and got Jamka and Diadora. Definately worth drafting first.

Aideen, Best Healer Ever

It's true. She was great, and saved Sigurds ass a few times. When she picked up a thunder she did decent chip. Also, reserve spam. Thank. God. For reserve spam.

Lachesis, Still Single

Thank you for being the only undrafted woman who stayed alive. You are great, just for that. :)

Lachesis sat at Nodion in Chapter 2, and watched Eltshan die in Chapter 3. She couldn't reach him in time before Jamka killed him. She got totally rich too by selling her stuff, which is nice.

Sylvia, whore

Thanks for falling in love with Levin >:C

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Highlight: I got resire. That's about it.

31 turns (>_<)

I must say, having all these characters this early is rather nice :):

Also, THE MAN is back.

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Chapter 7

Fuck Yied, Fuck Blume. Darna was surprisingly easy

Well, Janne, Daisy (no brave sword :<), and Leaf all died. Whoops, thank god they're free!

So getting to Yied was difficult due to those stupid Dark Mages which evryone was 2HKOd by. Shanan killed the bishop before Fenrir appeared though, yay.


Next, to Ishtor! I kill Liza, and Ishtor has fun thunderstorming things. >_<

I kill Ishtor too and seize.

Aless is here. Lana warps him to Rivough. Amid recuits Linda. The sister squad ruins my life.

I make it to Alster.

Blume takes 10 turns to kill.

Fuck Thorhammer.

Le Seize.

41 turns. At least it isn't a Chapter 2 repeat.



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  • 2 weeks later...


chapter 8

Rest Stop.

35 Turns.

Lana warped Celice and Yuria to Lenster with Fin. The Tordo kids and the Odo kids took care of Mohammads troops. Lana, the Tordos and the Odos lagged beind, Celice, Yuria and Fin were up at the front, and Lester, Johan and Oifey took the middle ground. Lakche retreated to go promote, but she caught up with the slow group again. Everyone reuinited at Conote, because once again, Blume was giving me hell. Lakche and Celice killed him together. Skasaher and Yuria got a few kills here too.

In the middle of this part:

Celice gets Continued by Ishtar.

The commoners are out! :):

Linda, Lester, Amid, and Johan save them for tasty 100 XP!

The DKs are out! :(:

Lester and Johan killed most of them. Lana promoted around here, Yuria bought her warp staff and warped her to Alster.

Celice killed some of the ballistae, and seized.

Pre-Chapter 9 promotions!

And Lester's Hero Bow has 50 kills. Whoop.

EDIT: Linda promoted too!

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Chapter 9:







Well, things started off bad. I killed all Hannibals troops like usual and surrounded him, but instead of doing what he usually does and peacefully retreating, HE KEEPS ATTACKING. I got 3 penalties for that.

Yuria got taken captive here.

Later on, Musar doubles Celice because 19 Speed - Weight = FAIL.


Oifey died due to sleep sword.

Oifey, Jagen's reincarnation


Oifey sucked. He didn't damage enemies well and he rarely doubled. >_<

Arion retreated and I seized the castle with him in it.

+9 = 61


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