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The Resistance 2


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Hmm. . .my thoughts. . .

1. Radiant Dragon - eh, seems to be playing with his head, and I'm not surprised to see him on this mission.

2. Papermole - I'm not getting the mole vibe this time.

3. Spykor - The hell has he been doing?!

4. Balcerzak - I wish he were on more. I can't find anything I'd want to nitpick in his posts.

5. Kevin - Seems to be as busy as me.

I'm not sure if I want to vote Yes on a mission where one of the members has been doing a Whole Lot of Nothing.

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Mission Proposal 2.2 by Radiant Kitty

Team: Darros, Kirsche, Balcerzak, Radiant Kitty, Paperkitty


No: Darros, zorbees, Balcerzak, Kirsche, Radiant Kitty, ClipseyKitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, SlayerX, Paperkitty, Psych

Result: Yes - 1, No - 10

Proposal Fails. ClipseyKitty is the new leader.

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#Give Plans To: Radiant Kitty, Balcerzak, zorbees, Paperkitty, Kiku-Ichimonji

Your logic may be weird, Proto, but I'm getting confused Resistance vibes from you. The rest should be self-explanatory (I think).

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I don't even know if we're actually trying to get very lucky and send a Spy-free team or just try to send a team with multiple spies so that we'll know how many Spies participated (Spies would not reject a chance to sabotage this mission, and the number of people refusing to cooperate will be revealed). If it's the latter, I certainly wouldn't want to me among a group of suspicious people.

I am gonna have to vote No, being among the next four people that follow the leader in the list.

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Unless I see an overwhelming amount of support for my own mission, I'm voting no on it.

If there is a lot of support, it's probably because there are spies in it. After all, if we can approve a Spy-free mission now, we can win the game. So spies would likely try really hard to sabotage it, even if it means approving a plan with two spies, which is bad for them, since we'll likely find out that there were two spies in it. Support for your mission seems like a better reason to vote no to it imo.

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Also, Proto's logic is sound.

There won't be any known support for until it is actually shown that it went through/didn't go through, since most people have and will likely keep quite about their choices. If it doesn't go through you stilll can't be safe about that team in particular since the spies could be playing WIFOM with the resistance (and everyone is voting no on most proposals likely without a single thought). Where does this lead? To the inevitable, 5th proposal mission where resistance is forced to go through or otherwise lose the game. Considering that there is a good chance a spy will be in the mission, IIRC (don't know how to do the math), its not a very bad plan. Although, it certainly is risky. In the cse it goes through it likely has a spy, but no early proposal will go through, since spies won't vote mindlessly yes in hopes it goes through (and clearly it won't due to strategies already sdiscussed), and it'd be too risky for them to vote yes anyway, unless they know most are voting yes..

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Mission Proposal 2.3 by ClipseyKitty

Team: zorbees, Balcerzak, Radiant Kitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, Paperkitty

Yes: SlayerX, Paperkitty

No: Darros, JCBWK, zorbees, Balcerzak, Kirsche, Radiant Kitty, ClipseyKitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, Psych

Result: Yes - 2, No - 9

Proposal Fails. Kiku-Ichimonji is the new leader.

Also if someone from now on fails to vote on a mission twice in a row without giving me prior warning they might be away, then they'll get subbed out.

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There won't be any known support for until it is actually shown that it went through/didn't go through, since most people have and will likely keep quite about their choices.

This is bad. People need to talk more.

If it doesn't go through you stilll can't be safe about that team in particular since the spies could be playing WIFOM with the resistance (and everyone is voting no on most proposals likely without a single thought).

We have one victory and two 5-man missions. If we send a Spy-free team now, we can send the same team tomorrow and win the game. So I don't think the Spies would try pulling some mindgames in this critical moment.

Where does this lead? To the inevitable, 5th proposal mission where resistance is forced to go through or otherwise lose the game. Considering that there is a good chance a spy will be in the mission, IIRC (don't know how to do the math), its not a very bad plan.

It is a very bad plan, because we'll be forced to vote Yes no matter what. In other words, we won't learn anything. But if the 4th proposal goes through, its success/failure can tell us quite a lot.

Although, it certainly is risky. In the cse it goes through it likely has a spy, but no early proposal will go through, since spies won't vote mindlessly yes in hopes it goes through (and clearly it won't due to strategies already sdiscussed), and it'd be too risky for them to vote yes anyway, unless they know most are voting yes..

We don't want early proposals to go through. That's why we have five people voting No by default. It doesn't prevent it from going through, but it makes it less likely.

Mission Proposal 2.3 by ClipseyKitty

Team: zorbees, Balcerzak, Radiant Kitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, Paperkitty

Yes: SlayerX, Paperkitty

No: Darros, JCBWK, zorbees, Balcerzak, Kirsche, Radiant Kitty, ClipseyKitty, Kiku-Ichimonji, Psych

Result: Yes - 2, No - 9

Proposal Fails. Kiku-Ichimonji is the new leader.

Also if someone from now on fails to vote on a mission twice in a row without giving me prior warning they might be away, then they'll get subbed out.

How much time do I have before coming to a decision?

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This is bad. People need to talk more.

Thing is people are not, all i see is the same people doing the talking, and they have stopped talking as much. Which is not bad specially for this game that seems to require a good communication between the players.
We have one victory and two 5-man missions. If we send a Spy-free team now, we can send the same team tomorrow and win the game. So I don't think the Spies would try pulling some mindgames in this critical moment.
Whats the chance we do however? We can hope for one, but the likely-hood of it isn't very high. Especially if people don't talk.
It is a very bad plan, because we'll be forced to vote Yes no matter what. In other words, we won't learn anything. But if the 4th proposal goes through, its success/failure can tell us quite a lot.
Actually, i was talking about the spies plan. For them its good, the resistance gets no info, the spies win a mission. Mostly, except there is a chance of a spy free team.
We don't want early proposals to go through. That's why we have five people voting No by default. It doesn't prevent it from going through, but it makes it less likely.

And thats why spies won't mindlessly vote yes. That'd make it far too easy for them to get caught.

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Note that a Spy will not want to approve a mission with multiple Spies because if there are multiple people sabotaging the mission, we will know how many. But Mission 2 will probably make them desperate to sabotage.

Now, Slayer, you said we should talk more, right? Why did you vote for Yes in a team that you aren't in?

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Why? Mostly, To incite discussion by announcing my vote choice (seems to have some mixed results but i doubt all of this discussion is because of it). The other reason was because i wanted to see if people would discuss voting more, as well as seeing if anyone would be more willing to vote yes. Which by the looks of it, it was since Zorbees, and paper did send a yes. While voting yes is bad it could give off some vibes as to who might be a potential spy, since no resistance member should follow someone voting yes just cause.

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