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Hm... that team had over half the people on the failed mission. I don't distrust Radiant, Paperblade, or Kevin, but when this mission proposal is really similar to the last one, I think I should vote no.

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Remember that spy leaders have just as much information access as resistance leaders, as spies aren't informed of other spies. And of course, if one assumes you think like that, then they might do that with who they think is a spy to help one of them blend in.

Bringing this back up as food for thought. Legitimate mistake, or Spy trying to act dumb? Opinions?

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Bringing this back up as food for thought. Legitimate mistake, or Spy trying to act dumb? Opinions?

It could be that he misread it. I doubt only that should be enough to make everyone suspicious of Kirsche. Just like it wasn't enough to make everyone suspicious of Proto (IIRC it was some discussion in item mafia i can't remember).

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SDS said that he would consider anyone who did what Proto did with the role PMs either scum or an idiot (for not being able to read the rules)

In the defense of my past mistakes (not in kevin's), sometimes you can misread stuff which is understandable. I for one, tend to end up reading words that aren't really there... :blink: Whether Kevin had an honest mistake or not i do not know. However, we should be wary of him a little more than everyone. Not only did he make a shady post, he was part of a failed mission.

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Mission Proposal 3.2 by arachnidsGrip

Team: zorbees, Pariah, Radiant Kitty, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip

Yes: Kiku-Ichimonji,

No: Darros, Snikitty, zorbees, Kay, Kirsche, Radiant Kitty, ClipseyKitty, SlayerX, Paperkitty, arachnidsGrip,

Result: Yes - 1, No - 10

Proposal Fails. Darros is the new leader

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Proto, what the hell? You're not on it, and several people don't trust Kevin, so you vote yes?

I voted no for two reasons:

1. This is the first proposal, so we've got a couple more before I start getting nervous.

2. It's by Psych, who hasn't been doing much of anything.

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The way I'm looking at it right now, I have two people I want to put on this mission because I trust them, and they'd be Eclipse and Tables Paper. I don't trust Slayer or Proto too much. I also don't want to make the team too similar to 2.5's.

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Proto, what the hell? You're not on it, and several people don't trust Kevin, so you vote yes?

I voted no for two reasons:

1. This is the first proposal, so we've got a couple more before I start getting nervous.

2. It's by Psych, who hasn't been doing much of anything.

The only difference between this one and the previous proposal was zorbees being replaced by Kevin. I really don't understand why people don't trust Kevin so I voted Yes. As zak said before proposal 1.1, players should vote what they think of the team while five people vote No to make sure it doesn't go through unless EVERYBODY else votes Yes. My Yes vote was to show that I approve of the team being sent, not because I actually want it to go through. I really think 2.5 had only one Spy in it and not more than that, while the remaining six people contain three Spies, so I want 2-3 of the people from Mission 5 to get in.

Also, this is the second proposal, not first. And I think if everybody just defaults their vote to No in the first three proposals, then we'd end up learning nothing from the failed proposals, making zak's plan useless. You guys should vote for what you generally think of the team and stop thinking about whether it's the best team at this point or not. That's what the fourth and fifth proposals are for.

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