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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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And then there was 3-7.

Wait, what? I suppose I could have removed the Savior skill and gave it as an item to some random dude and then taken a penalty with Heather to steal it. I might draft Heather next draft for that reason alone...

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Wait, what? I suppose I could have removed the Savior skill and gave it as an item to some random dude and then taken a penalty with Heather to steal it. I might draft Heather next draft for that reason alone...

Give it Zihark or Jill and recruit.

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Kieran can stay alive just fine if he's not ferrying Ike to the end, which is needed for a lower turncount.

Just give ike celerity and hope for the best, Have leanne be able to vigor him quite a few times.

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...I didn't know you could recruit them. ohmy.gif

Good thing I saved that 3-1 file. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

3-P: I don't remember. 8 turns, I think, but I might have gotten a 7.

3-1: 7 turns. Shinon as my free, rushed up with him and Soren while Gatrie pwnt all of the armors. Ike went to the middle. I tried a couple different ways after that, but Gatrie ended up being the one to take on the recruits. He couldn't double the Swordmaster though, hence the 7 turn. I got the Gem and could have had the Robe, but I thought I already had it, as it was a battle save. Fail.

3-2: 3 turns. Soren + Max Crit Thunder. With Celerity, of course.

3-3: 9 turns. Soren gets Celerity and crits people with that Thunder tome. Rhys I kept in the back until everybody ran after Gatrie. All the enemies love him as much as he loves all the ladies. Got everything except the boss kill...at worst biorhythm, I really couldn't expect Soren to adept and crit the boss, while surviving a bunch of other attacks...

3-4: 8 turns. Ranulf and Ike got Pass, Gatrie got Smite, and Soren got Celerity. Soren ran up, Gatrie smited Ike, and Ranulf kinda just chilled around people who wouldn't attack him. Ike ended up with the boss kill...

Edited by Ring Wraith
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  • 1 month later...

I've gotten tired of lingering in the shadows, but I come to inform that I've finished my draft a long time ago. I just didn't post it because I wanted to see how well others were fairing- But I lack the patience to reset-abuse like there's no tomorrow, and I don't wish to restart, so I'll just stick with this turncount:

213 turns.

So me and Queenie are tied. Well done, Queenie. :):

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  • 1 month later...

Super bump. I beat Skyward Sword and am bored of Path of Radiance. Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm still alive and going to finish.

3-5: 2 Turns. Soren pwns. I really don't remember anything about this chapter.

3-6: 7 Turns. Sothe and Miccy went left, Edward up. Used about half of the Brave Sword uses, Sothe killed Lethe and Mordy. Miccy actually was awesome with Thany + Resolve + Sothe support, and ended up getting to level 5 at least...

3-7: 12 Turns. BK attacked Ike. Does that work for recruiting Sephiran? Not too much of a loss if it doesn't, I hope...

3-8: 5 Turns. Same way as before.

3-9: 5 Turns. Pretty straightforward Geoffrey/Kieran rush.

3-10: 6 Turns. Still pretty sure it's possible to get 5, but I give up.

3-11: 6 Turns. Not bad without a flier, but I'm starting to think I should have grabbed Nealuchi instead of Naesala, as he would have easily saved turns in Part II and this chapter...oh well. I'm going to do a full report just so I have it for other drafts.


Ike - Pass and Counter (not that they helped...)

Gatrie - Smite

Soren - Celerity and Provoke

Kieran - Shade and Savior (who I bexp'd to level 6)

Turn 1: Kieran rescued Ike and ran to the north side of the bridge. Everybody else moves forward.

Turn 2: Gatrie smites (really he only needed a shove, but whatever) Soren so he can keep up with Kieran. Kieran moves as far as he can and Soren is two spaces behind him. Leanne vigors them and hides. Soren takes out the general, Kieran takes out the Shine Barrier dude and moves even further.

Turn 3: Soren moves one space, gets vigor'd (Leanne retreats) and moves as far as he can. Kieran moves pretty far too and equips his Tomahawk. Kills pretty much everything

Turn 4: Soren takes the general out, Kieran takes out the other stupid guy blocking the path.

Turn 5: Kieran goes to the south side and drops Ike.

Turn 6: Kieran kills Admiral Akbar with a killer axe and Ike seizes the day.

3-12: 3 Turns. Wow. Posting full log.

Turn 1: Ally target some random place in the middle north end. Micaiah moves, Sothe shoves her, Edward goes south to own.

Turn 2: Ally halt. Edward continues owning. Miccy and Sothe head west.

Turn 3. Ally roam. They trap a pegasus. Edward continues owning. Sothe kills some dude on the ledge (west side) with his old iron knives from Part I. Micaiah hops down. She's in resolve mode by now, and dodges everything.

3-13: 3 Turns. Straightforward.

3-E: 4 Turns. Barely. Took me awhile to figure out too. Had to forge a good hand axe. I'll post a full log just because...

Skills (the ones that matter):

Ike - Savior and Adept

Kieran - Celerity

Gatrie - Smite

Turn 1: Gatrie smites Reyson, Kieran goes as far as he can for vigoring -1 (so Reyson can be rescued by Ike), gets vigored, runs all the way up to the Myrmidons and kills one. Soren doesn't do much for once.

Turn 2: Kieran forces Edward to use his Tempest Blade instead of his Brave Sword (bad idea giving him those...) and lives. Gatrie takes Reyson from Ike and drops him. Soren and Ike take out some of the armors that were still alive.

Turn 3: Kieran kills Edward and runs up to the Halberdiers. Smite Reyson, vigor Ike, he runs a far way, Soren might have Meteored somebody?

Turn 4: Kieran goes into the heart of it. Ike does some stuff, Soren definitely meteors somebody, and Gatrie doesn't do much. Finished on the last guy of the ally phase.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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It's possible I 8 turned it, but I'm pretty sure it was 7 (during Enemy Phase). I'll have to check at the end.

Question: Can you vigor an undrafted unit? I'm assuming no, since it'd give exp to Reyson, but if I'm doing more than one at a time, it wouldn't matter, and it'd be similar to shoving... :)

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Done with Part III, finally!


3-P: 8/8/95

3-1: 7/15/102

3-2: 3/18/105

3-3: 9/27/114

3-4: 8/35/122

3-5: 2/37/124

3-6: 7/44/131

3-7: 12/56/143

3-8: 5/61/148

3-9: 5/66/153

3-10: 6/72/159

3-11: 6/78/165

3-12: 3/81/168

3-13: 3/84/171

3-E: 4/88/175

Unit		Lvl	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res

Micaiah		8	96	30	9	27	17	22	27	12	28
Sothe		14	9	39	22	10	26	27	27	15	13
Edward		3	76	46	28	9	33	33	30	25	13
Ike		1	0	54	29	8	32	30	15	24	11
Soren		8	44	43	14	34	29	29	19	17	28
Gatrie		5	8	51	32	9	27	28	21	35	22
Elincia		4	48	36	22	18	23	25	29	18	24
Kieran		9	25	56	33	12	27	28	20	29	19

Gatrie/Ike has a B support, Soren/Reyson a C, Sothe/Miccy A

I'm trying to decide on teams. I'm not sure I like the silver army, but I'm not sure what else to do with it.

Silver: Micaiah, Sothe, Naesala, Leanne, (Stefan)

Greil: Ike, Gatrie, Soren, Rafiel, (Tormod)

Hawk: Elincia, Kieran, Edward, Reyson,

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  • 3 weeks later...

3-11: 6 Turns. Not bad without a flier, but I'm starting to think I should have grabbed Nealuchi instead of Naesala, as he would have easily saved turns in Part II and this chapter...oh well. I'm going to do a full report just so I have it for other drafts.

I don't believe Nealuchi is available in 3-11.

Question: Can you vigor an undrafted unit? I'm assuming no, since it'd give exp to Reyson, but if I'm doing more than one at a time, it wouldn't matter, and it'd be similar to shoving... :)

I see nothing wrong with this, since Reyson doesn't really care what level he is.

I'm not sure what would Part 4 configuration would be better than what you have now, since you seem to have a lot of route-locked units.

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