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Prince of Tennis Mafia - Game Over


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I believe that whoever contacted Balcerzak is almost certainly telling the truth, unless scum has some sort of Informed role telling them that there are no cops in the game (and given that the set-up checker has apparently such a raging hard-on for 100% ACCURACY BE RIGHT EVERY TIME that he went out of his way to deride me for a set-up theory I posted that would go against the whole "town leader" concept, I doubt this). As for Balcerzak himself, I'm not fully sure, but I don't recall his content being particularly untrustworthy.

I don't buy into the Strawman wagon right now, but it's hard to actually comment on anything new because only 4 people are voting, and Balcerzak's is just temporary. :i More people should be talking / voting, yep.

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What exactly does Bal want us to claim? Character name, role ability, and C1 action taken?

Also if Bal is doing this are we going to be graced with a claim (I feel like town leaders should claim but at the same time mouth pieces don't necessarily do so)?

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Well, if this is the Mafia trying to pull some funny business in that somebody sent Bal a cop fakeclaim, then Bal is very likely town and we've pulled scum into a 1v1.

If the cop is telling the truth but Bal is scum, then we're probably not going to find anything out from everything reading the post, unless I forgot about something.

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I thought up of a bunch of scenarios, ranging from "exactly what he said" to some very twisted ones. However, most of the really screwed-up ones can be quickly dispelled if the real cop comes in here and says otherwise. Since it's been a bit over two hours since Bal's post, I'm waiting until I wake up tomorrow, at earliest.

Either way, this game just got interesting.

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Well, if this is the Mafia trying to pull some funny business in that somebody sent Bal a cop fakeclaim, then Bal is very likely town and we've pulled scum into a 1v1.

If the cop is telling the truth but Bal is scum, then we're probably not going to find anything out from everything reading the post, unless I forgot about something.

Well, consider this scenario.

Bal is scum and no one contacted him: he just wants to know all the PRs. In this scenario, the cop would claim and say "Hey guys Bal is full of shit."

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Still results in a 1 vs 1 trade, which is stupid at this point. Didn't he point out that nobody should PM him until the given time for counterclaims is over?

I think that if scum is involved in this, it's because Bal is the Godfather, but there's probably no point in arguing about it until we've heard from everybody.

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i already mentioned the distinct possibility of bal being the godfather and that's why i'm wary of him...

Ugh, after shenanigans with Life in previous games I just do not fall for this type of shit anymore. I will not be fooled again.

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... Huh...

... Man, so many other things right now that I want to say, but... no, I'm just not going to fully trust these shenanigans until I figure some things out.

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... huh, I use that word a lot. Shenanigans, shenanigans, you're all a bunch of mothershenaniganing shenanigans

this isn't looking like a word right now

anyway yeah i either don't trust bal or the 'cop' that claimed to him

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Nags, check the first post. >_>

oh there

i'm just the biggest fucking tool this game

maybe not as big as the cop outing him/herself to someone in a results-may-be-inaccurate game, but pretty big

Okay, JB flipped orange feathery asshole. Since my role PM says "town", I would imagine a mafia role PM would say "mafia", and not be orange in the OP because I don't remember Kaoz rolling that way. This may mean multimafia, or at least multiple anti-town factions. This makes Kroto and Kevin look pretty good, Prims as well. Bizz is obvtown. Guess it's time for a Sliding Scale of Scumminess.

- Right now I'm most wary of ROR'man and Tabletroll, mostly by virtue of level of contribution. They seem passive. Psych, there's a recap back on... page 13, I think. Go look if you haven't read the whole thread already.

- Next is Snike and Eclipse. Gut, more or less.

- Not getting any reads from Bal and Paper. I guess they're townish.

- Prims is town in just about every way.

- Kevin, Kroto and Bizz are basically clear to me.

- hey my role pm says town

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anyway yeah i either don't trust bal or the 'cop' that claimed to him

I think you might just be overly paranoid then. Unless the town doesn't have a cop, which would be incredibly stupid, that cop claim is likely to be true. And yes, Bal could be godfather, so perhaps a massclaim is too risky, but at least he's a little less risky.

Anyway, my second highest FOS was eclipse last cycle, and nothing has really changed since then.

##Vote: eclipse

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According to Kaoz, that bit about italics in roles has to do with Rule 7, which means there may or may not be roles that mess with Inspection. But moving on, there's the following potential scenarios

Bal is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 0 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 1 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 2 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 3 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 4 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 5 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 6 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 7 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 8 is godfather

non-cop non-Bal 9 is godfather

No one is godfather

that's a 1/12 chance purely from a statistical perspective, which then gets modified a bit because JB is dead and we know our own roles.

But then we can ask questions like "Would we have a game with both a Ninja and a Godfather and only 12 players?"

Plus the fact that Nags who I thought was suspicious is like "NOPE NOT GONNA CLAIM TO YOU" makes me very interested...

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I am trying to decipher your post, Nags. I am failing.

- ROR'man? Tabletroll? Why?

- What makes the people who are clear, uh, clear in your eyes?

ROR'man = Ether/Strawman (google the former)

Tabletroll = Tables/Psych

Kevin and Kroto because of JB's activities, Prims explained it better than I could. Bizz because of her weird evaluation of me that I doubt would come from mafia - if she were scum, I don't think she'd have let up on me yet, and she definitely wouldn't be showing such a high level of uncertainty with regards to her reads on me - I'd be a relatively easy mislynch. Her unconstested claim of being roleblocked is hard to judge at this point but gives her some credit for the time being. She deserves to be lynched for not being Haruhi anymore, though.

##Vote: Strawman

I think he should claim. Good or bad idea, guys?

Plus the fact that Nags who I thought was suspicious is like "NOPE NOT GONNA CLAIM TO YOU" makes me very interested...

Because we're all falling over ourselves to claim to a guy who said he got an SMS from the cop saying he flipped town, right? Let's count the ways Bal could be scum (that don't involve him being retarded):

-there's no cop, and the mafia knows (highly unlikely)

-cop is insane

-cop is naive

-Bal is godfather

I like how you're heavily downplaying the possibility of this plan turning sour there, Paper, as well as ignoring the consequences. Remember that if it turns out we all just gave our roles to the mafia we're pretty much fucked. You could say it makes me "interested".

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-there's no cop, and the mafia knows (highly unlikely)

You think a game checked by Life of all people would allow a town without a cop? And you think that on top of something that absurd, that Life would let Kaoz tell the mafia during Cycle 1 "Yeah the town has no cop?"

-cop is insane

Insane cop is a bastard role. Kaoz wants us to think, not have a game where he could go "HAHA GOT YOU YOU WERE INSANE!"

-cop is naive

A naive cop is worse than having no cop because it not only gives no real information, but it misleads the town into thinking that it does. Also note that even in this scenario there is a very high chance Bal is town: there is 1 scum dead with no town lost.

I actually raged when I saw the above 3 suggestions though. You really think that someone would make a game with a starting lineup that was invite only (including people who are already disillusioned with mafia here) to join a game only to troll them with shit like that?

-Bal is godfather

Or you're godfather!

Or I'm godfather!

Or there is no godfather!


I think you've already made up your mind with regards to this situation (that Bal and/or the cop are evil) and are grasping for reasons as to why you're right even though some of those reasons don't necessarily mean Bal and/or the cop are evil (such as the cop being naive). This is what we call a confirmation bias. However, despite your apparent conviction that you are right, you aren't doing anything about it other than trying to smudge me.

In fact, even though this might be due to your inexperience, between today and your C1 behavior, I'm finding myself wanting you around less and less

##Vote: Naglfar

btw the difference between you and everyone else is you have announced intent to basically never claim

and I'm downplaying the chance of it going sour because statistically it is very unlikely that Bal is evil. Paranoia is a good trait to have in mafia but you are letting it cripple your ability to think rationally.

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i'm supposed to be asleep but

why does strawman have like a wagon of four people voting him where three of them are basically voting him with one liners, that looks terrible to me.

I don't think he should claim when only five people have placed votes down, either. We haven't even heard from everybody and we don't even know if he'll stay a major wagon for the entire day.

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