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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2


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If you think this was good, you are able to be spoon-fed feces by writers and think it's good. Go watch Lucky Star and Mars of Destruction, give them 10's, and kill yourself please.

Explain this stuff and rating it well can be excusable:

-Nunnally surviving

-Guilford surviving

-Charles' ridiculous shift in character

-Lelouch's mom lol wtf

-Anything about V.V. at all

-What happened with Charles dying in that weird place...or really anything about that crap at all

-Cornelia being peppered with bullets and suffering only minor injuries

-Suzaku suddenly becoming loyal to the man who killed his lover and lied to him

-Schneizel randomly wanting to kill everyone

-Anything Jeremiah did at all for the entire series

-How they let Lelouch troll them into exiling thousands of Zeros

-Lelouch killing millions of people but having a guilt crisis over a kiss

-Rolo going from heartless assassin to devoted slave for his target based on almost nothing

-Lelouch trolling the entire planet into thinking he was the emperor

-The ending LOL

I am most likely forgetting more stupid crap the writers did to troll everyone. Anyone remember anything else? So many plot holes, deus ex machinas, and instances of "lolwut" occurred when I tortured myself with this show.

My new reason for hating humanity is this show's score on myanimelist.net, along with how many people favorited a crappy character like Lelouch.


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MAL is shit for anything except for the main purpose of the site. That includes what it calls things.

And that's kind of the entire point of Code Geass. It's supposed to be fucking stupid. Though, I will say that the ending was legitimately amazing and anyone who doesn't like it is a bad person. Unless you hate it for glorifying Lelouche, which I can see I guess.

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Hangyaku no Lelouch

You damned weeaboo, seriously.

I have yet to re-watch this series and remember it for myself, and until then I withhold judgment.

I already watched it three times and I want to watch it AGAIN (no seriously I do, the only reason I am not doing it yet is because of my studies)

@Inui, this is a show not real life, accept it you freak.

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Well, I can't expect you to understand true depth and complexity Inui. :smug: Either way, challenge accepted.

-Nunnally surviving

So how exactly was this bullshit? I am almost a hundred percent certain that they never intended to kill her, and it's not like it showed her dying. How this is even a criticism is beyond me.

-Guilford surviving

Similar to the above, though to a lesser degree. I was surprised he lived, but it wasn't that ridiculous. I mean, considering the number of people they killed off in this show, you can't really fault them for letting someone live when they could reasonably have survived.

-Charles' ridiculous shift in character

Holy fuck did you seriously miss half the point of the fucking Charles related story? Even if they pulled it out of their asses at the last moment (which I doubt) it works extremely well, and makes perfect sense if you think about it.

-Lelouch's mom lol wtf

-Anything about V.V. at all

-What happened with Charles dying in that weird place...or really anything about that crap at all


-Cornelia being peppered with bullets and suffering only minor injuries

I think you mean serious injuries, but yes, that is a somewhat legitimate criticism (though largely irrelevent to why the show is fucking amazing).

-Suzaku suddenly becoming loyal to the man who killed his lover and lied to him

I find it hard to believe you even watched this show holy shit. I mean, first of all, by that time Suzaku knows what actually happened basically, and at least has some respect for Lelouch because he realized that half of what Lelouch was doing was lying to actually place guilt on himself. Second of all, he didn't fucking become loyal to Lelouch holy shit.

-Schneizel randomly wanting to kill everyone

I like the part where this never happened.

-Anything Jeremiah did at all for the entire series

His decisions or his actions? His decisions weren't that unreasonable, and his actions were just over the top style badassery, which is rarely faulted in most shows.

-How they let Lelouch troll them into exiling thousands of Zeros

So what were they supposed to do? I mean, ignoring that even, the government itself might not have even cared that all those people left since they were pretty fucking troublesome anyway.

-Lelouch killing millions of people but having a guilt crisis over a kiss

-Rolo going from heartless assassin to devoted slave for his target based on almost nothing

Seriously, I don't believe you watched this show.

-Lelouch trolling the entire planet into thinking he was the emperor

Didn't. Fucking. Happen.

-The ending LOL

Fuck your couch.

Honestly, this shit is so dumb you must be trolling, and I certainly half expect an "LOLOLOLITROLUUUUUU" response, but fuck, with you Horio, I can never tell.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Your explanations are horrible LOL... You're just going "eh well the writers just kinda did it cuz..." and making excuses for their bullshit without actually explaining it.

Didn't take too long to get someone to rage and insult me though. I'm the greatest.

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Your explanations are horrible LOL... You're just going "eh well the writers just kinda did it cuz..." and making excuses for their bullshit without actually explaining it.

You cannot be serious. I'm going to guess this is you attempting to troll, because otherwise it's so fucking depressing.

Didn't take too long to get someone to rage and insult me though. I'm the greatest.

oh man you are too cool

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Your explanations are horrible LOL... You're just going "eh well the writers just kinda did it cuz..." and making excuses for their bullshit without actually explaining it.

Didn't take too long to get someone to rage and insult me though. I'm the greatest.

It's hard to compete with someone who has two years worth of experience.

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I have to say though Inui, I commend your cunning. You can post this insipid shit, and if anyone responds seriously and addresses it you can just be like "lol y so serious it's just a show bro", and if someone calls you out you can say they're raging and insulting you and ignoring your arguments, and both ways you get to feel really fucking clever.

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I don't wish to speak with people like you guys who just hurl insults, use old jokes that are lame at this point, and are really disrespectful towards people. So, yeah, I'm not going to respond to you. =|

I will if someone who isn't a jackass posts, though.

Hey, random question, but did you also think Evangelion was amazing and love Lucky Star?

Edited by Inui
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Hey, random question, but did you also think Evangelion was amazing and love Lucky Star?

I like the insinuation made here: I hate these shows, so people who like one probably like the others and therefore have awful taste since I know better what is actually good. All right after: "I don't wish to speak with people like you guys who...are really disrespectful towards people."

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I have to say though Inui, I commend your cunning. You can post this insipid shit, and if anyone responds seriously and addresses it you can just be like "lol y so serious it's just a show bro", and if someone calls you out you can say they're raging and insulting you and ignoring your arguments, and both ways you get to feel really fucking clever.

I thought it'd be unfair if you weren't allowed to voice your thoughts, so I moved it to FFTF. Now it can be even!

Edited by Tangerine
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I didn't hate Lucky Star and haven't seen Evangelion, so saying I hated them is false. Just trying to see if something I've noticed is consistent.

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I don't wish to speak with people like you guys who just hurl insults, use old jokes that are lame at this point, and are really disrespectful towards people. So, yeah, I'm not going to respond to you. =|

I don't particularly want to speak to someone who posts terribly unclear two word criticisms of a show and then bitches when somebody responds with several sentences but hey I guess you're just better than me.

I will if someone who isn't a jackass posts, though.

Too bad eh?

Hey, random question, but did you also think Evangelion was amazing and love Lucky Star?

First of all, you can't go "NOPE NOT RESPONDING TO YOU" then post a question to me. It doesn't work like that.

Secondly, while I liked Lucky Star, I don't think it's particularily good. I haven't seen Eva for ages, but while it had its problems it was also pretty good in its own way.

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I've noticed that a lot of people who were successfully trolled by Geass R2 also fapped furiously to the "deep" hipster plot of Evangelion (which doesn't look like something I'd like at all lmao)

the world needs more...


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I've noticed that a lot of people who were successfully trolled by Geass R2 also fapped furiously to the "deep" hipster plot of Evangelion (which doesn't look like something I'd like at all lmao)

the world needs more...


protip: the only people who can legitimately use hipster as an insult are people who both have taste and know enough about the subject matter to be called a hipster themselves. If your favorite musician is Taylor Swift and you haven't even heard of The National or The Decemberists you can't use hipster as a derogative in regards to music.

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i can't handle deep complex plots loved by hipsters i'm sorry =(

plus i know for a fact

i'd really really hate

that idiot shinji

a lot

And if you don't like it, it doesn't matter what everyone else says: it's shit.

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i can't handle deep complex plots loved by hipsters i'm sorry =(

plus i know for a fact

i'd really really hate

that idiot shinji

a lot

It says a lot about you that you hating the protagonist is somehow a massive black spot on a piece of fiction.

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