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Another new day... Another day of suspicion, distrust and paranoia. It doesn't help that Kay turned up dead this morning.

Kay has been killed. She was:

Dear Kay,

you are Marisa Kirisame.


You're one of the few humans in Gensokyo that are quite capable of defending themselves. In fact, you might quite possibly be one of the strongest humans in all of Gensokyo, second only to Reimu. You currently reside in the Forest of Magic, where you also run a general store named the "Kirisame Magic Shop". Your activities are quite varied - you're known for resolving incidents in Gensokyo just like Reimu, you often hang out with her at the Shrine, you spend a lot of time honing your magic, and you like to "borrow" things without asking their owners for permission.

You often are somewhat condescending, and you're known to be a bit of a sore loser. You're also known for relying on sheer power to the point of nearly breaking the Spellcard rules. Who cares about rules anyway? This conflict? It'd be much quicker to just resolve it using danmaku and spellcards as usual!

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Unleashing Master Spark on <USER>!". You will use one of your spellcards to kill <USER> with a giant laser beam. However, you only brought three spellcards with you, so use them wisely.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on Saturday, February 18th at 12pm GMT (a bit less than 50 hours from now).

If you feel like you should've gotten a result but didn't, let me know!

Additionally, Proto has been subbed back in to his own player slot (replacing Rein).

As usual, if you had any conversations with Rein that don't already include Proto, please add him to them.

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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11:45 Excellen_B sup bruh

11:46 Kaoz sup

11:46 Excellen_B care to trade roleclaims?

11:46 Kaoz hmm why the sudden change of heart?

11:46 Excellen_B Not exactly a change of hearty

11:47 Excellen_B The same concept, only with added gain for both sides

11:47 Excellen_B So

11:47 Excellen_B you up for it?

11:49 Kaoz sorry, phone

11:50 Kaoz what parts do you want to exchange?

11:53 Kaoz well?

11:55 Excellen_B well

11:55 Excellen_B the primary part

11:56 Kaoz so only the role?

11:56 Excellen_B not the "I can target someone and learn if they have an active or passive role" part

11:56 Excellen_B the actual role

11:56 Excellen_B Yes

11:56 Kaoz that's not enough to catch my interest I fear

12:01 Kaoz if you want to exchange claims, you should consider a bit more than just that...

12:02 Excellen_B Not really

12:03 Kaoz too bad... feel free to get back to me if you change your mind...

And then the following day, he comes and rolefishes me, though I accidentally clicked that log away and don't have it.

##Vote: Kaoz

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Good thing that I have it, eh?

[2012-02-15 15:47:48] <Kaoz> well, did you change your mind?

[2012-02-15 16:37:19] <Excellen_B> not really, scum

[2012-02-15 16:37:51] <Kaoz> scum?

[2012-02-15 16:38:19] <Excellen_B> scum

[2012-02-15 16:38:25] <Excellen_B> You read me

[2012-02-15 16:38:39] <Kaoz> surely you can support that claim?

[2012-02-15 16:39:47] <Excellen_B> I know you well enough to know the following

[2012-02-15 16:40:03] <Excellen_B> You arent intent on giving me any information even if I give you mine

[2012-02-15 16:40:11] <Excellen_B> You tried to push me for even more, knowing this

[2012-02-15 16:40:19] <Excellen_B> You come back and try to rolefish me

[2012-02-15 16:40:29] <Excellen_B> This is not town behaviour

[2012-02-15 16:40:34] <Excellen_B> This is scum behaviour

[2012-02-15 16:40:37] <Kaoz> you don't even know what else I wanted, do you?

[2012-02-15 16:40:46] <Excellen_B> I don't give a shit

[2012-02-15 16:41:13] <Kaoz> as you wish

[2012-02-15 16:41:58] <Kaoz> although I would have given you the exact same info I would have gotten from you... cant be helped if you dont want

I don't see at all how that's rolefishing. I wasn't satisfied with your original offer and suggested more, which you didn't want.

The second time, I simply asked whether you had changed your mind, that's all there is to it. Don't interpret stuff into my actions that isn't actually there...

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Please be aware i will be away for most of the day... I have to do a few things for tomorrow :/ Stupid 4 classes per day... I have homework in everysingle one... and study for chem...

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Maybe Snike should vote you until you're done with your homework.

The game's not going anywhere for the next few hours, and phase end isn't for a bit. Attend to your real-life duties!

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Someone pointed out that I put the wrong phase end time into the thread title by accident - I meant to put 12pm GMT there, not 12am. Fixed that now~

About 19 and a half hours left.

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Well all i can tell you is i have nothing to hide. It makes sense that i'm the atual driver because i was on ducky and prims therefore kirsche's action on strawman had to be switched.

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[1] Snike: eclipse

[1] Strawman: Snike

[0] Slayer: Snike

[0] Proto: Snike

[0] Kaoz: Excellen

And so, people watch as only two of them argue against each other, yet it seems that the arguments of one of them win over the other's. As the sun begins to set, it is decided upon that people no longer want Satori Komeiji, the girl that even the spirits fear, around. A few minutes later, she has been hanged with the attachments of her own third eye, dangling lifelessly from a nearby tree.

Strawman has been lynched! He was:

Dear Strawman,

you are Satori Komeiji.


You're of the species sharing your name (Satori), and you're Koishi's older sister. The third eye positioned over your heart allows you to read people's minds, which you are generally hated for - isn't the thought of being unable to hide your thoughts from a stranger scary? The only ones that like you for this ability are animals - of course, as unlike nearly everyone else, you can actually understand them.

However, while you're widely hated for your abilities, reading people's minds does have some practical use. Not only can you turn their own weapons against them, you can also tell in advance what they're going to do next.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Reading <USER>'s mind". You will learn whom <USER> intended to visit that night, but you will not know whether they actually arrived there.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

For killing my favorite character, everyone has been godkilled. The end.

It is now Night 4. Night 4 will end on Monday, February 20th at 12am GMT (36 hours from now).

However, my hard drive is acting up and I need to get it replaced, so there's a good chance that I'm not gonna be around at phase end, meaning that the actual update may happen up to two days later (I should definitely be back online by then). Sorry about that.

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