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Touhou Mafia


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Well, that sucked --- haven't read through everything. Sorry, I didn't do much. Oh, and, sorry to eclipse the most.

Sorry that I disappeared over the past week +; as many of you guys know, I've been very sick over the past few weeks, and it's only worsened as time goes buy. I've been taking medication & staying in bed lots -- (I missed the computer much, ha).

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Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned this before: the mafia had five safeclaims to work with - but only in terms of characters, not in terms of roles.

These safeclaims were Hong Meiling, Youmu Konpaku, Kaguya Houraisan, Suwako Moriya and Yamame Kurodani.

Player Analysis


Didn't hesitate for long and quickly established contact with some townies through OC, with the plan being that the mafia would contact every townie in the game. Helped a lot in thinking of a strategy and fakeclaims for the mafia to use. After the misunderstanding regarding clipsey's inspections, became paranoid that clipsey might have investigated him.

Claims to not have gone all-out at the beginning, but had to step up his game later on when the town was finally considering actually lynching a mafioso. Became more and more arrogant, distanced and self-confident as the game went on, towards the end making it kinda obvious that something was off about him. However, even though some townies suspected him of being mafia, they never acted on it.

Made a doll N0, but only used it for stalking. Purposely stalked without the doll once for his fakeclaim, in case he was tracked, but it turned out to be unnecessary in the end.

Proto / Rein / Proto:

Proto analysed the situation very thoroughly, pointed out a lot of valid things and also helped a lot in coming up with a strategy and fakeclaims for the mafia to use. In particular, he recognized that it might not be a good idea to shuffle the suit around in case he gets tracked/watched, as this would give away his buddies to the town if he dies without the suit on himself. Eventually decided to go with a Town Hider fakeclaim, which he softclaimed in some logs early in the game.

Then went ahead and made himself a target by not recognizing Slayer's (admittedly bad) joke as a joke and didn't defend himself very well either. Then subbed out because of unstable internet.

Rein was... ...not very pleased to be subbed in for mafia again, but later said that he at least liked the role. Wasn't very active from what I saw, so I can't really give much of an analysis of him.

When Proto subbed back in, his Town Hider fakeclaim had already been used by Prims instead, so he claimed action driver instead. For whatever reason, this worked.

13th / Prims:

I honestly don't remember anything of what 13th did. It either wasn't very much, or it wasn't particularly remarkable, or it was neither.

Got replaced by Prims after a while, who, just as usual, played on a completely different level of skill than most of SF. Even though - according to himself - he hasn't played OC before, he did very well. He tried to play like a regular townie as much as possible under the circumstances, something that a lot of the SF regulars seem to fail to do when they're mafia, and used Proto's former fakeclaim as Nitori the Town Hider, which worked moderately well until he got caught in a lie N3 by the tracker. Due to the events earlier in the game, however, people attributed the fault to the tracker at first, allowing Prims to get away with it. When people caught on and recognized that Prims actually was mafia, it was already too late for them to do anything about it.

JB / Naglfar / Balcerzak:

JB subbed out nearly immediately because of school-related problems. A shame, but that's what subs are for.

Naglfar didn't do very much either, and eventually subbed out as well. Seriously?

Bal was the replacement's replacement, and while he didn't do much either, he at least actually helped the mafia plan things and prepare fakeclaims. Prepared Yamame Kurodani the Town Jailor as a creative fakeclaim for himself (and actually did claim it to Snike later), which I quite liked.

Obviam / Ether:

In the beginning, played quite aggressively and was mostly being himself, though he contradicted himself a bit too much while trying to push suspicions on other people, making himself suspicious in the process. Then stopped existing.

Got replaced by Ether later on, who was much more active and, while not doing anything that particularly stood out to me, did well enough. Claimed his actual role when prompted to do so, just with an alignment change - and it worked, so why not?

Ether didn't want to sub in at first out of fear of being held responsible if his team were to lose afterwards. But you didn't do as bad as you claimed you would do, so don't be so shy next time!


Didn't use his action on N0 for whatever reason despite the fact that it would've taken effect on D1 as well. Played like a regular townie for the most part and actually had a lot of notably correct suspicions, going for the town's protection to stay alive until he had fulfilled his win condition. This worked out very nicely for him, as clipsey indeed stopped a kill attempt on him. After he had gotten his first successful protect through cooperating with the town, he repeatedly tried to backstab clipsey and block her kill in order to win. This was a sound idea, but unfortunately kept failing because the mafia kept hooking her, causing her kill to never actually go off and Core to never actually get his second successful protect. In the end decided to directly work with the mafia instead after they had learned of his role and contacted him.


Didn't exist until Proto became a serious lynch option, then started off by defending him (as usual). Picked up the pace a little and started talking via OC after that, at least, but was too late to prevent the Shinori lynch from happening. Still, she was overly paranoid of everyone and not very talkative to those she didn't trust, which didn't help. Thought about shooting a mafioso that she correctly was suspicious of multiple times, but never ended up actually doing it.


Was pretty active for the most part and played decently well overall. However, like the rest of the town, he made the mistake of complaining about the lack of activity of several players, but not actually doing anything about it. Other than that, didn't really stand out.

Creeper / Snike:

On D1 tried to vote via PM, but otherwise didn't exist. Later showed up a bit more, but apparently didn't know how to actually play the game. While that in itself is fine, please read up on how to generally play a game of mafia; the games we play here on SF are a bit more advanced, so you should at least know the basics. Mafia is a team game, and a single weak link can mean the demise of the entire team.

Eventually did request to be subbed out, but only after I was out of subs. ;/

Snike kinda saved the day there, actually making use of his role and proving it D4. Unfortunately, this was way too late, and this final mislynch cost the town the game - had Snike been there from the beginning, the town might have had a chance of actually fighting back.


I like how he kept misspelling "role" by accident on almost every possible occassion

Chose a sensible target N0, but got roleblocked. Tried to find out via OC what (and who) caused his action to fail, and correctly concluded that he must've been hooked with the info he was given from others (if for the wrong reasons), though unfortunately his pushing for information also made him suspicious in the eyes of just about everyone despite the fact that it was a perfectly valid idea. However, he managed to discourage people from lynching him by admitting to have made a mistake.

Fakeclaimed doc (as town) in some kind of gambit to catch mafia. This backfired spectacularly, later on drawing attention to himself again. Combined with reasons that were partially outside his control - his watcher results didn't match up with what the town expected - he was the town's lynch target again, and this time the town was unwilling to listen to his excuses, leading him to "giving up" and purposely getting himself modkilled.


Shuffled around people without a good reason to do so. Would have messed with kirsche's watcher results N0 had the latter not already been blocked by JB.

For whatever reason made a joke hooker claim D1 that caught people's interest and caused a lot of confusion, though considering that this caused Proto to draw attention to himself as well, it may not have been entirely a bad thing.

Thought of targeting dead people as a possibility, but I didn't realize how broken this would make the driver when I added the rule that targeting dead people was allowed (that rule was mainly there to notify the players that there are roles capable of messing with the dead, not to actually allow the other roles to interact with them), so I had to deny him that possibility.

Randomly claimed to Strawman N1 for advice on who to target, who fortunately was town.

Definitely gotta commend him for his activity though; he talked a lot and tried to help to the best of his ability. Work on your scum-hunting and try to take the game a bit more seriously in the beginning. Keep it up!

Rapier / Haze:

Rapier drew people's attention to himself by wanting to NL D1 for no good reason, then subbed out because his keyboard stopped working.

Haze subbed in under pressure, as there already was a vote on him, but managed to explain himself well and did not get lynched.

Decided to pick up Shinori's announcer role N1 just to watch everyone's head explode when there'd be an announcement N2, which I found extremely hilarious. :D

Unfortunately he got killed the same night he tried to pick up the announcer role. ;/


As expected, made the most reasonable choice and used her investigation right on N0, finding out that Iris is town. Unfortunately, she didn't act on it at first because she thought she might have hit a godfather. Aside from that, quickly came to be suspicious of multiple mafia members, for good reason - but again didn't act on her initial gut feelings and decided to pursue some townies instead, just like the mafia wanted her to. I then told her D2 that her investigation was supposed to be 100% accurate so that things wouldn't go too out of hand, as I balanced the game around Patchouli's investigation a bit. Sorry for the host screw-up. However, she ended up ignoring most of the mafia for being inactive, so, considering she was pretty much town leader, the town never really got anywhere. She was actually about to shoot a mafioso at some point, but changed it to a different action before the night ended. ;/

Came up with a very good plan to transfer town leadership to Iris in case she herself were to get killed - remember those videos everyone received? Iris had been given a list of all of them to contact the other players with, proving that she was clear. Due to clipsey never actually dying until the game ended, however, this plan never gained any significance.

It took her a while to realize what really was going on - when she talked to Prims D3 and suddenly got hooked the night after that while Kay got killed, she took that as a sign that Prims had leaked info to the mafia or was mafia himself. Unfortunately, it already was too late for her to do anything at that point, and she was unable to turn around the lynch to Prims. Had she realized this whole thing a bit earlier and managed to get Prims lynched D4, the town might have had a small chance to recover.


Was much more talkative than in previous games and made good use of the info he was given by his role. He attempted to fish for mafia with it by asking people for the town to mafia ratio, but that didn't really go anywhere. Quickly developed some notably correct suspicions anyway, though. Got lynched for his "fishing" and the fact that he denied being a numbers role, which his N0 info technically was.

You may need to be a bit more tactful, but overall, I don't think you did all too bad; the town being overly paranoid didn't help, either.


Talked to a lot of people in the beginning and, while not standing out much otherwise, wasn't bad, although her role would've allowed her to be magnitudes more aggressive in playstyle than she ended up being. Kinda disappeared later on because she was sick.


Despite not quite understanding his role at first, he made a reasonable move and attempted to ask some people whether they had active or passive abilities, with moderate success. Unfortunately, the way he went about it wasn't very good and made him another big target for the town. Accidently (?) roleclaimed to kirsche on D1, though the claim he gave was mildly inaccurate. His gut feelings and suspicions weren't bad, though; in fact, later on in the game, he was quite possibly one of the only townies to still pay attention to the inactives, and actually was able to correctly name the entire mafia minus one member. Had he acted on his suspicions or voiced them in public, maybe the town would've been able to recover before it was too late.

Aside from that, he was being Blitz, meaning that he made some unreasonable or plain illogical moves, like getting asked by eclipse to check Iris and complying despite thinking Clipsey might be mafia at that point. Also sat on his results for a while without doing anything with them (like the kill result for Kay), but at least outed them to Snike later when he claimed, so that's something.

You need to play a bit more aggressively, imo. You're capable of scum-hunting correctly, you just need to act on it.


As usual, started out not very talkative, but acted in accordance to his logical suspicions. Then somehow jumped to the conclusion that clipsey might be mafia because Slayer got hooked N1 after targeting clipsey N0. Claimed watcher to Slayer when prompted to do so, though it seems that he confused "watcher" with "tracker". Became more active than usual as the game went on, however, which was very refreshing.

Unfortunately, he happened to track untrackable roles nearly all game, so when he actually caught Prims in a lie N3, nobody really gave a damn, and in fact he was lynched D4 simply for not giving the town the expected results, despite having been an un-CC'd tracker all game. Apparently people thought he might have been a mafia tracker, partially for not getting night-killed after claiming.

And I think that's it for postgame. If there's anything else you'd like to know about, go ahead and ask, though~!

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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I don't exactly know what you mean. I don't necessarily think it has a bad meaning... Teachers mostly use it as keep up the good effort or something like that.

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Came up with a very good plan to transfer town leadership to Iris in case she herself were to get killed - remember those videos everyone received? Iris had been given a list of all of them to contact the other players with, proving that she was clear. Due to clipsey never actually dying until the game ended, however, this plan never gained any significance.

oh haha those actually meant something? I received a link and promptly forgot about it since I figured she was just linking people to iidx music just because vOv people who actually have money to import these things with.......

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I don't exactly know what you mean. I don't necessarily think it has a bad meaning... Teachers mostly use it as keep up the good effort or something like that.

No, I was referring to "sounding like your teachers". I dunno about you, but I don't particularly like thinking about my teachers, so naturally, sounding like them would be a bad thing. :P:

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No, I was referring to "sounding like your teachers". I dunno about you, but I don't particularly like thinking about my teachers, so naturally, sounding like them would be a bad thing. :P:

oh lol. Perhaps you are a closet teacher :P:

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btw I was laughing like a maniac when Blitz listed Obviam/Kaoz/Prims/Bal all as mafia for being evasive and jumping onto lynches for bad reasons. srsly Obviam sat in IRC all day and everyone just let him get away with "No I don't want to talk playing video games"

Also something I wanted to mention was people were too open about certain things. For example, eclipse thoroughly explained to Prims what Slayer and StSS were and what would happen if each were scum, which meant that Prims could lie about results or fuck with them if he was scum. There was absolutely no reason to do this because you gain nothing if Prims is town unless you die--but to your knowledge Core was Doc and protecting you. Kaoz also learned that Core had a useful role because eclipse told him she would die for him. Don't do this. If Kaoz had been town, what would he have done about it? There was a slim chance he was a protective role that could do something (you had a Doc and KPV claim plus your own JoAT Doc use) about it and a much higher chance he was evil.

Also also, seriously think about what people claim. Again with the Kaoz, but his claim of Name Cop was basically worthless. He was an info role that didn't learn relevant info about the game because characters were not assigned factions based on a theme. Name Cop is only useful in a game where factions are themed and thus mafia has a reason to lie about their role name. In this game the only people that ever cared about role names was the mafia coming up with fakes. I don't believe the town mentioned or cared about it ever. And yes Kaoz I know you intended to say your dolls could full inspect once the real cop died but you were still a glorified "Might get abilities later" role which should always be under immediate suspicion.

Also also also, if you think someone is mafia,

A. Don't tell them that until you are going to actually lynch them. Let them slip up, it'll make your case stronger later. If you tell them they will be even more careful with what they say around you.

B. Don't just stop talking to them. In the case that you are actually wrong (hint: everyone about Llen and Blitz), you are not going to learn anything useful from their death other than how you are wrong.

Edit: And yes Blitz should be more aggressive. I was surprised that he saw Kay try to kill someone and not say a fucking word.

Edited by Paperblade
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I don't necessarily agree with the Name Cop logic, I've probably come up with a couple unhosted set-ups before where a Name Cop was totally worthless but I slapped it in the set-up anyway just because.

I do agree that the claim was rather worthless (from a town PoV, not scum), though. Too easy for scum to obtain the information used, and Name Cop would have seemed pretty superficial in the face of claims like Hider, one-shot Cop and Tracker as well as a flipped Watcher and (...janned) Follower.

Edited by Prims
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