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[FE13]Let's try again to get one started


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Do the two of you guys have skype? I think a group chat to discuss the downs and ups of this draft is a good thing, because it's the first draft on SF for this game. I know I have a couple complaints, and frankly I'm getting high TCs with like 10 characters whereas you guys don't have nearly the early game support I do.

If not Skype, then I'll just start a private thread. We can sum all of our complaints up and post them on this thread at the end or something. I'm having fun, but I also have a *ton* of units.

I have skype. I'm generally on from 6:00 PM PST or so. Same username as here. The problem with too many units is probably solvable by just having more people int he draft, which won't really happen until an english release.

Chapter 3: 5/17

Turns out this is a boss-kill chapter. That made it way easier. Doubled Lyrina and Krom, and Vake and Fred, and rushed the left side.

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I have skype too, but I'm very busy these days and I get very anxious when I'm on skype(with new people), so a private thread will work for me. I can't say much flaws about the draft since I not that far in, but I'm having fun as well, being a mediocre drafter and all. :P

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Chapter 10: 5/83

Soiree/Miledy, Krom/Sumia, and Frederick marched towards the top left. Sol helped clear out enemies. Velvet/Ronku/Anna got some levels to the top right. Miledy promoted at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 11: 7/90

Miledy/Sumia took care of Gangrel and other than that, I had Ronku/Soiree, Sol/Velvet, and Frederick/Krom take care of the rest. Miledy/Sumia actually killed most of the enemies on the map (it was mostly Miledy). Sumia's gains are some shit atm, I'm pretty nervous about taking on Chapter 17-19 bosses atm. I made Sol a Paladin.

Chapter 12: 6/96

I had everyone but Velvet/Sol move north and kill everything in their way (did a little bit of tanking with Miledy/Sumia, they're deadly together) and sent Sol/Velvet to the left. Velvet got Beast Buster, which was a boon because it ORKO'd everything to the left once she got it. It killed the Bow Knight and she took 0 damage at 1 range, so when I offed the two guys with a Javelin it was an easy EP clear. Promoting the whole rest of my unit after this chapter.

Chapter 13: 3/99

I had Ronku doubled with Sumia march forward to kill the silver axe fighter and everything else in his way. Then he went up the left to kill the boss, which was a solid 4HKO (and the boss had 28% hit on him). I had everyone else hang back and pick up the scraps. Yay Henry!

Chapter 14: 1/100

Extremely easy chapter. Velvet cleared a mage, Frederick attacked with a Hammer, and Miledy/Sumia doubled kill the boss (Miledy attacked with an Elwind).

Chapter 15: 5/105

Recruited Sairi. I basically had everyone but Henry, Sumia, Frederick, and Velvet take on the north (and jesus fucking christ- all of these enemies move at once! What the fuck!) Henry/Sumia/Frederick/Velvet took the south and Henry, doubled with Sumia, killed everything in the south. I had Soiree/Ronku doubled take on the boss, got a killing edge critical (because it was a solid 4HKO) that ended it on Turn 5 player phase. Recruited Sairi as well, meaning I just have children characters left to recruit...

            Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Krom         Great Lord     02.22 40  20   2  20  19  13  17   8 B SWORD E LANCE
Miledy       Grandmaster    08.49 42  20  28  12  19  17  16  12 E SWORD A TOME
Frederick    Dragonmaster   01.56 38  21   3  21  14  11  18   9 A LANCE A AXE
Soiree       Great Knight   02.11 38  17   3  18  16  17  22   8 C SWORD B LANCE E AXE
Sol          Paladin        04.80 45  23   2  23  14  17  19  12 A SWORD B LANCE
Sumia        Pegasus Knight 06.06 31  16   8  24 22+2 17  11  14 A LANCE E STAFF
Ronku        Swordmaster    04.27 38  21   7  23  28  16  15   5 B SWORD
Velvet       Dracoknight    03.81 42 22+2  2  20  19  12  18   3 D AXE
Anna         Trickster      06.94 41  15  18  25  25  29  11  12 C SWORD C STAFF
Olivia       Dancer         04.40 21   4   1  10  11 6+4   3   2 D SWORD
Henry        Sorcerer       01.00 38   9  19  21  12  11  20   9 C TOME
Lucina       Great Lord     01.00 39  18   9  20  22  16  16  10 C SWORD E LANCE
Sairi        Swordmaster    01.00 41  18   7  24  27  21  13  11 B SWORD

    Kro Mil Fre Soi Sol Sum Ron Vel Ann Hen Luc Sai
Kro   --   S   B   B  --   C  --  --  --  --   C  --
Mil    S  --   C   A  --   B  --  --  --  --   C  --
Fre    B   C  --   C  --   S  --  --  --   C  --  --
Soi    B   A  --  --   A  --   B  --  --  --  --  --
Sol   --  --  --   A  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --
Sum    C   B   S  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Ron   --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Vel   --  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Ann   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Hen   --  --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Luc    C   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Sai   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Promotion path
Sumia:  L11 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight
Sol:  L15 Cavalier -> Paladin
Miledy:  L17 Strategist -> Grandmaster
Soiree:  L15 Cavalier -> Great Knight
Krom:  L16 Lord -> Great Lord
Ronku:  Level 15 Myrmidon -> Swordmaster
Velvet:  Level 16 Taguel -> Dracoknight
Frederick:  Level 12 Great Knight -> Dragonmaster
Lucina:  L14 Lord -> Great Lord
Henry:  L16 Dark Mage -> Sorcerer

Krom:  Dual Attack+, Charisma
Miledy:  War Knowledge, Magic Square, Magnificent Flame
Frederick:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Soiree:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle
Sol:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle
Sumia:  Speed +2, Refresh, Speed Cry
Ronku:  Avoid +10, Vantage
Velvet:  Even Biorhythm, Beast Buster, Str +2
Anna:  Picklock, Movement +1, Lucky 7
Henry:  Curse, Crimson Curse
Lucina:  Dual Attack+, Charisma, Aether, Magnificent Flame
Sairi:  Avoid +10, Vantage

Edited by Lord Raven
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So you're now farther on your HM draft run than on your vanilla "first" HM run?

Man, I wish I had thought of going straight for the boss on Ch14 Lunatic. Would've made it so much easier.

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Chapter 16: 5/110

Well holy fuck this chapter is hard. Lucina/Miledy doubled took care of Cervantes while everyone else either cleared the way or was involved in fighting a bunch of enemies. These enemies hit hard as holy fuck, jesus christ.

Chapter 17: 9/119

Fuck this chapter too. I had to get a couple 60% hits to kill the boss, cause she has like 24 Speed. Can't wait to take on Renha... enemies are powerful as fuck too. I think it was Sol/Miledy and Velvet/someone else doubled that won me the map. I know Ronku/Lucina took the entire left side on by themselves and Miledy/Sol solo'd the map more or less cause Miledy is too good and Sol is a good support partner.

            Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Krom         Great Lord     03.95 41  20   2  20  20  14  17   8 A SWORD E LANCE
Miledy       Grandmaster    12.38 45  24  31  15  22  20  18  12 E SWORD A TOME
Frederick    Dragonmaster   01.78 38  21   3  21  14  11  18   9 A LANCE A AXE
Soiree       Great Knight   04.94 40  19   3  18  17  18  23   8 B SWORD A LANCE E AXE
Sol          Paladin        07.11 48  25   3  23  15  19  21  13 A SWORD A LANCE
Sumia        Pegasus Knight 06.55 31  16   8  24 22+2 17  11  14 A LANCE E STAFF
Ronku        Swordmaster    07.87 40  23   7  26  29  19  17   7 A SWORD
Velvet       Dracoknight    08.50 47 24+2  3  24  22  14  18   5 D AXE
Anna         Trickster      09.40 44  17  19  28  26  30  12  15 C SWORD C STAFF
Olivia       Dancer         06.42 23   5   2  12  13 8+4   3   2 D SWORD
Henry        Sorcerer       02.82 39   9  20  21  14  12  20   9 C TOME
Lucina       Great Lord     03.51 40  18   9  21  23  17  18  10 C SWORD E LANCE
Sairi        Swordmaster    03.71 43  18   7  25  29  23  14  11 B SWORD

    Kro Mil Fre Soi Sol Sum Ron Vel Ann Hen Luc Sai
Kro   --   S   B   A  --   C  --  --  --  --   C  --
Mil    S  --   C   A   C   B  --  --  --  --   B  --
Fre    B   C  --  --  --   S  --  --  --   C  --  --
Soi    A   A  --  --   S  --   B  --  --  --  --  --
Sol   --   C  --   S  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --
Sum    C   B   S  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Ron   --  --  --   B  --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --
Vel   --  --  --  --   B  --   C  --  --  --  --  --
Ann   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Hen   --  --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Luc    C   B  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Sai   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Promotion path
Sumia:  L11 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight
Sol:  L15 Cavalier -> Paladin
Miledy:  L17 Strategist -> Grandmaster
Soiree:  L15 Cavalier -> Great Knight
Krom:  L16 Lord -> Great Lord
Ronku:  Level 15 Myrmidon -> Swordmaster
Velvet:  Level 16 Taguel -> Dracoknight
Frederick:  Level 12 Great Knight -> Dragonmaster
Lucina:  L14 Lord -> Great Lord
Henry:  L16 Dark Mage -> Sorcerer

Krom:  Dual Attack+, Charisma
Miledy:  War Knowledge, Magic Square, Magnificent Flame
Frederick:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Soiree:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle
Sol:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Doubler
Sumia:  Speed +2, Refresh, Speed Cry
Ronku:  Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra
Velvet:  Even Biorhythm, Beast Buster, Str +2
Anna:  Picklock, Movement +1, Lucky 7
Henry:  Curse, Crimson Curse
Lucina:  Dual Attack+, Charisma, Aether, Magnificent Flame
Sairi:  Avoid +10, Vantage

Who's crazy idea was hard mode? Renha has like 31 or 32 Speed.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Chapter 4: 5 turns

Decided to postpone S1 since I didn't need the rescue staff until I had a staff user. Not sure this chapter can be any faster with the team I drafted, since you can't have any javelins or hand axes yet.

Chapter S1: 7 turns

This chapter could definitely be faster if I had Sol, Soiree, or Sumia. Fred reached the rescue staff on turn 5, but then it took Lyrina an extra two turns to actually kill the boss. Buying a defense potion helped a ton, I'll keep in mind that they exist for sure.

Krom       7.92   26  10   1  11  13   6   9   5
Lyrina    11.39   25  11  14  10  13   7  10   8
Frederick  4.65   31  16   2  14  11   7  14   3
Vake       3.85   29   9   0   8   6   4   5   0

Vake hasn't even levelled up. He has some sexy doubling bonuses, but isn't very good on point.

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Also, we have a shitton of units to manage as opposed to a couple powerhouses that drafts tend to have. More testing needs to be done, say with four players, HMM OTHIN???????

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Sidequest 8: I got some level ups! Velvet promoted from a Level 10 Dracoknight. I went Dragonmaster like Frederick, cause she had 25 Spd as a Dragonmaster.

Chapter 18: 8/127

Another chapter filled with "what the fuck". Every enemy is about as strong as one of my units, and Renha wasn't too bad. I had to weaken him with Velvet's Iron Axe (55% hit rate lol) and Ronku/Sol doubled managed to do the last 31 damage with a Silver Lance. I nabbed 3 chests too (5000 Gold block, Rescue Staff, Str drop). I turtled a little bit if you can't already tell.

Sidequest 17: 7/134

I had everyone in some weird shape to take care of this, so I could have MU Rainbow Cry everyone and then be able to go to the tip of the formation. Her/Sumia were doubled and I made her a Sorcerer for this chapter. Henry was the man too.

Sidequest 9 took only 4 turns, but it was a lot of Miledy Nosferatanking. I killed the boss and got my huge bullion though!

Chapter 19: 7/141

I had Miledy and Henry solo the left side (Frederick was doubled with one of them at a time). Miledy had a duel with Valhart that lasted a couple rounds because she had anywhere from 37 to 68 hit on the dude, so she missed a lot. I had my other units take on the right hand side to a lot of success. The Royal Rapier is really cool, but unfortunately the other Rapiers broke :(

Sidequest 13 (? the one with Chambray) was easy, I opted for the one that lets me go against both sides. I beat it in 7 turns.

Chapter 20: 5/146

Easy chapter. I had people go through the left and right to get EXP, and I sent Sol/Soiree, Sumia/Krom, Miledy (who Nosferatanked) and Ronku/Velvet north. Because Miledy's hitrate is some shit on Valhart, I had Velvet killer axe him; she got a double Killer Axe crit at 40% odds, doubled with Ronku.

Chapter 21: 9/155

This chapter is absolutely brutal... It makes all the previous ones look like crap. The enemies tend to have stats between 20 and 30 with a couple enemies hitting the early-mid 30s in certain stats (so Swordmasters with 34 Spd, Assassins with 31, and inaccurate Berserkers that have like 33 Str or something). To add insult to injury, they all have forges of +4 Str I think. I basically had Henry critical a nearby Sorcerer, Sairi had to critical a Sorcerer with Slime, and I had to use a Barrier on Olivia to make sure the Slimes didn't go and maul her (they left her at 1 HP instead). And I had to constantly block reinforcements. Ronku luckily 2HKO's the boss with Amatsu (Amatsu is a ridiculously good weapon btw). After this chapter I will make ronku an Assassin...

            Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Krom         Great Lord     14.58 51  29   2  26  28  21  22  11 A SWORD E LANCE
Miledy       Sorcerer       12.52 59  25  43  16  27  29  24  15 A TOME
Frederick    Dragonmaster   03.31 41  23   3  22  14  11  20  10 A LANCE A AXE
Soiree       Paladin        01.00 45  19   3  20  24  22  23  15 B SWORD A LANCE
Sol          Paladin        12.66 53  29   4  24  17  20  25  14 A SWORD A LANCE
Sumia        Falcoknight    13.40 35  21  10  29 26+2 22  12  18 A LANCE D STAFF
Ronku        Assassin       02.05 48 30+5  6  35  34  23  18   6 A SWORD E BOW
Velvet       Dragonmaster   06.20 60 33+2  6  32  28  16  23   9 D LANCE B AXE
Anna         Sage           06.42 53  16  28  30  27  40  19  17 D TOME B STAFF
Olivia       Dancer         13.12 29   8   5  16  19 12+4  6   5 D SWORD
Henry        Sorcerer       16.70 52  11  28  33  23  17  27  12 A TOME
Lucina       Great Lord     12.57 48  26  10  25  30  24  23  15 A SWORD E LANCE
Sairi        Assassin       01.00 56 27+5  7  35  35  27  15  12 A SWORD E BOW
Chambray     Taguel         10.22 43  19   4  19  19  16  14   4
                                     +3      +5  +5  +4  +1
Cynthia      Falcoknight    02.30 32  15   6  21 22+2 17  12  15 C LANCE E STAFF
Degel        General        01.42 43  22   2  18  12  16 22+2  8 C LANCE E AXE

    Kro Mil Fre Soi Sol Sum Ron Vel Ann Oli Hen Luc Sai Cyn Deg Cha
Kro   --   S   B   A  --   A  --  --  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --
Mil    S  --   B   A   B   B   C  --   C  --   C   B   C  --  --  --
Fre    B   B  --  --  --   S  --  --  --  --   B  --  --   C  --  --
Soi    A   A  --  --   S  --   B  --  --  --   C  --  --  --   C  --
Sol   --   B  --   S  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --  --  --   C  --
Sum    A   B   S  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   C  --  --   C  --  --
Ron   --   C  --   B  --  --  --   S  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   C
Vel   --  --  --  --   B  --   A  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   C
Ann   --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Oli   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Hen   --   C   B   C  --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Luc    B   B  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   C   C  --
Sai   --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Cyn   --  --   C  --  --   C  --  --  --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --
Deg   --  --  --   C   C  --  --  --  --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --
Cha   --  --  --  --  --  --   C   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Promotion path
Sumia:  L11 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight
Sol:  L15 Cavalier -> Paladin
Miledy:  L17 Strategist -> L15 Grandmaster -> Sorcerer
Soiree:  L15 Cavalier -> L10 Great Knight -> Paladin
Krom:  L16 Lord -> Great Lord
Ronku:  Level 15 Myrmidon -> L15(?) Swordmaster -> Assassin
Velvet:  Level 16 Taguel -> L10 Dracoknight -> Dragonmaster
Frederick:  Level 12 Great Knight -> Dragonmaster
Lucina:  L14 Lord -> Great Lord
Henry:  L16 Dark Mage -> Sorcerer
Cynthia:  L10 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight
Degel:  L10 Knight -> General
Anna:  L15 Trickster -> Sage
Sairi:  L16 Swordmaster -> Assassin

Krom:  Dual Attack+, Charisma, Aether
Miledy:  War Knowledge, Magic Square, Magnificent Flame, Rainbow Cry, Vengeance
Frederick:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Soiree:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Sol:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Doubler
Sumia:  Speed +2, Refresh, Speed Cry
Ronku:  Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Sword Expert
Velvet:  Even Biorhythm, Beast Buster, Str +2, Ride Fast, Hot Start
Anna:  Picklock, Movement +1, Lucky 7, Acrobatics, Magic Cry
Olivia:  Luck +4
Henry:  Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengeance, Tome Slayer
Lucina:  Dual Attack+, Charisma, Aether, Magnificent Flame
Sairi:  Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Sword Expert
Cynthia:  Speed +2, Refresh, Speed Cry, Luna
Degel:  Defense +2, Outdoor Battle, Indoor Battle, Doubler
Chambray:  Even Biorhythm, Ride Fast, Sword Expert

We need to test normal mode while we're at it. Nosferatu should not be banned in HM because enemies are pretty ridiculous, but it may be too good for NM.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Also good luck on Chapter 21... most enemies have stats in the mid 20s (some hit the 30s) and everyone has a forged weapon. -_-

Also, am I allowed to enter Mark's gaiden chapter? I know I'm never realistically entering Olivia's lol, cause I need some levels....

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Just a small update.

Chapter 4: 5/23

Could have done this in four turns, but Freddy wasn't strong enough to kill one fighter. >_>

Going to continue this over the weekend, because hard mode is AGGGGGHHHH!

On Chap.5 atm with reinforcements, dragonknights, Richt and Mariabel dying, ect.

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Just a small update.

Chapter 4: 5/23

Could have done this in four turns, but Freddy wasn't strong enough to kill one fighter. >_>

Going to continue this over the weekend, because hard mode is AGGGGGHHHH!

On Chap.5 atm with reinforcements, dragonknights, Richt and Mariabel dying, ect.

On the other hand, you didn't draft Richt or Mariabel, so whatever.

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Richt and Mariabel really should be free for Ch5, at least to some extent (free to sit in place until they get ripped to shreds). Penalizing undrafted characters when forcibly deployed is ridiculous enough when they're not stuck in the middle of everything.

Also, am I allowed to enter Mark's gaiden chapter? I know I'm never realistically entering Olivia's lol, cause I need some levels....

The current rules say no, for some odd reason.

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I know, but do I still get the 4 turn penalty? :\ I presume yes.

The rules as I wrote them allow undrafted units to enter combat if they don't have a weapon equipped. Just uneqip Richt's weapon and meatshield all day long (or until they die horribly).

On the subject of my own chapter 5: 6/35 (now with correct math!)

Krom/MU double is starting to be unstoppable. All attempts to have Richt steal some exp failed. This game really really favors just having a few highly levelled units over a wider base.

The current rules say no, for some odd reason.

The theory was to be consistent about the rules of the children gaidens: you can only enter them if you have that child drafted.

Edited by cheetah7071
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Any reason not to make them only be free if you have the child drafted? As it stands, it really just means that drafting Azure or Mark gives you free Exp and items.

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Yeah I think Mark/Azure chapters should be fine to go into. Some of the later chapters have ridiculously strong enemies and another chapter or two of grinding doesn't hurt (though good luck reaching Azure's chapter).

I just finished in 179 turns (175 + 4 turn penalty for using Mariabel in that one chapter). I'll post everything in a moment.

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Chapter 22: 6/161

Simple chapter. I had to pull one group at a time. Thankfully, Velvet/Ronku are ridiculously powerful as a couple because they both hit like trucks and double everything. Ronku gives her +9 Speed, too.

Chapter 23: 5/166

I killed Fauder on Turn 1 EP because I doubled Miledy with Krom, who then dropped her in front of Gimle. As far as everything else goes, I rushed everyone east and killed everything in my way; Lucina held back for a little while to kill some of the enemies in the back. I marched people forward, doubled together and they carefully went to the east because some of these enemies are powerful (and there's the forged-killer Assassin). I had Ronku/Velvet doubled together and I killed Fauder that way.

Chapter 24: 4/170

I ferried Miledy using Velvet over to the boss so she can Nosferatank around the boss area. Otherwise I had people spread out (south north and center were my spreads) so I could rout them easily.

Chapter 25: 7/177

I did everything I could to rout everything in my way, I think against Inverse Miledy had like a 5HKO so thankfully I had a couple Magnificent Flame activations as well as some assistance from Sairi (who she was doubled with). Henry destroyed the entire right side to the best of his ability with some assistance from Krom/Frederick here and there, and I had Velvet/Chambray and Ronku/Sol take care of reinforcements coming from the back so they wouldn't catch up to and kill Olivia.

Endgame: 2/179

My plan for this chapter was pretty complicated, but what I needed to do was double Henry and Miledy, then Dance them with Olivia (who I used Anna to rescue). She was also Speed Cry'd once. I doubled Krom and Lucina too. When I danced Henry and Miledy, Miledy Nosferatanked everything over there. Afterwards, I sent Miledy and Henry forward to attack with Goetia (the one that Inverse dropped) and Henry had Ruin, after I used Speed Cry with Sumia and Magic Cry with Anna. Henry did zero damage and Miledy activated Magnificent flame and did a total of 20 something damage? It got Gimle down to 60 something HP anyway. I had Cynthia use Speed Cry on Krom/Lucina and sent them to go against Gimle, who then doubled Gimle for 20 damage each and Lucina hit twice as well for 11 damage. That killed Gimle off. I also used a Speed/Skill/Defense drop on Krom/Miledy, a Magic Drop on Miledy, and a Str drop on Krom that I bought before the chapter.

            Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Bat Win Weapon
Krom         Paladin        03.66 56  31   3  27  27  23  25  16 147  84 A SWORD E LANCE
Miledy       Sorcerer       19.90 65  28  47  19  31  32  25  20 291 196 A TOME
Frederick    Dragonmaster   04.02 42  24   3  22  14  12  20  10 153  88 A LANCE A AXE
Soiree       Paladin        01.87 45  19   3  20  24  22  23  15  85  51 B SWORD A LANCE
Sol          Paladin        14.41 55  30   5  24  17  21  26  14 139  61 A SWORD A LANCE
Sumia        Falcoknight    14.83 35  22  10  30 27+2 22  12  19  44  37 A LANCE D STAFF
Ronku        Assassin       05.31 51 31+5  7  38  37  25  20   6 142  93 A SWORD E BOW
Velvet       Dragonmaster   13.89 67 38+2  6  37  32  18  25  10 124  84 D LANCE A AXE
Anna         Sage           11.20 57  17  32  33  29  45  23  18  58  27 D TOME A STAFF
Olivia       Dancer         15.73 31   9   6  17  21 13+4  8   5   3   0 D SWORD
Henry        Sorcerer       02.43 57  13  28  36  26  19  29  13 137  76 A TOME
Lucina       Swordmaster    01.40 51  27  13  28  34  26  22  17  78  48 A SWORD
Sairi        Assassin       03.92 58 29+5  7  37  36  27  17  12  78  55 A SWORD E BOW
Chambray     Taguel         10.57 43  19   4  19  19  16  14   4   0   0
                                     +5      +8  +8  +6  +4  +2
Cynthia      Falcoknight    02.30 32  15   6  21 22+2 17  12  15   0   0 C LANCE E STAFF
Degel        General        01.77 43  22   2  18  12  16 22+2  8   1   0 C LANCE E AXE

    Kro Mil Fre Soi Sol Sum Ron Vel Ann Oli Hen Luc Sai Cyn Deg Cha
Kro   --   S   A   A  --   A  --  --  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --
Mil    S  --   B   A   B   B   C  --   C  --   C   B   B  --  --  --
Fre    A   B  --  --  --   S  --  --  --  --   B  --  --   C  --  --
Soi    A   A  --  --   S  --   B  --  --  --   B  --  --  --   C  --
Sol   --   B  --   S  --  --  --   A  --  --  --  --  --  --   C  --
Sum    A   B   S  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   B  --  --   C  --  --
Ron   --   C  --   B  --  --  --   S  --   C  --  --  --  --  --   C
Vel   --  --  --  --   A  --   S  --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --   C
Ann   --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Oli   --  --  --  --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Hen   --   C   B   B  --   B  --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Luc    B   B  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   C   B  --
Sai   --   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
Cyn   --  --   C  --  --   C  --  --  --  --  --   C  --  --  --  --
Deg   --  --  --   C   C  --  --  --  --  --  --   B  --  --  --  --
Cha   --  --  --  --  --  --   C   C  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Promotion path
Sumia:  L11 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight
Sol:  L15 Cavalier -> Paladin
Miledy:  L17 Strategist -> L15 Grandmaster -> Sorcerer
Soiree:  L15 Cavalier -> L10 Great Knight -> Paladin
Krom:  L16 Lord -> L15 Great Lord -> Paladin
Ronku:  Level 15 Myrmidon -> L15(?) Swordmaster -> Assassin
Velvet:  Level 16 Taguel -> L10 Dracoknight -> Dragonmaster
Frederick:  Level 12 Great Knight -> Dragonmaster
Lucina:  L14 Lord -> L15 Great Lord -> Swordmaster
Henry:  L16 Dark Mage -> L20 Sorcerer -> Sorcerer
Cynthia:  L10 Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight
Degel:  L10 Knight -> General
Anna:  L15 Trickster -> Sage
Sairi:  L16 Swordmaster -> Assassin

Krom:  Dual Attack+, Charisma, Aether, Royal Weapon
Miledy:  War Knowledge Magnificent Flame, Rainbow Cry, Vengeance, Tome Slayer, (Magic Square)
Frederick:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Soiree:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna
Sol:  Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Doubler
Sumia:  Speed +2, Refresh, Speed Cry
Ronku:  Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Sword Expert, Lethality
Velvet:  Even Biorhythm, Beast Buster, Str +2, Ride Fast, Hot Start
Anna:  Picklock, Movement +1, Lucky 7, Acrobatics, Magic Cry
Olivia:  Luck +4, Special Dance
Henry:  Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengeance, Tome Slayer
Lucina:  Dual Attack+, Charisma, Aether, Magnificent Flame, Royal Weapon
Sairi:  Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Sword Expert
Cynthia:  Speed +2, Refresh, Speed Cry, Luna
Degel:  Defense +2, Outdoor Battle, Indoor Battle, Doubler
Chambray:  Even Biorhythm, Ride Fast, Sword Expert

Pr  4
C1  4
C2  4
C3  5
S1  5
C4  3
C5  7+4
C6  6
C7  4
S2  7
S3  7
C8  7
C9  4
S4  7
C10 5
C11 7
C12 6
C13 3
C14 1
C15 5
C16 5
C17 9
C18 8
S17 7
C19 7
C20 5
C21 9
C22 6
C23 5
C24 4
C25 7
End 2
Tot 175+4=179

Edited by Lord Raven
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Inverse drops Goetia. Dark Tome Gimle is currently unavailable, although we may get it through SpotPass or otherwise.

Interesting strategies. Say, did you use Rescue staffs much or at all?

Edited by Othin
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I only used Rescue to get someone out of the way of death or to get Olivia closer to someone (I used it a lot in Chapter 21 because my units were mediocre and enemies were fairly strong, so I needed to get a bunch of people out of the way at once). I should've used it more, but I also wanted to heal with Anna some more (and Sumia's magic sucks dick). Having only one staff user actually really blew for this playthrough. I viewed combat as far more important in HM so I never used Rescue to make things quicker, only for survivability.

Thanks though I'll edit out Dark Tome Gimle. I barely used it so I forgot the name.

Edited by Lord Raven
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