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Draft Mafia Round 2: AnonyDraft gameOver


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Also getting a slight-scum read on Bear_Knight. Lot's of long posts but all are concentrated on FLC, who has looked a lot less scummy than (least) the three people above. IIRC your argument as to why I'm scum is just an echo of others (hmm am I seeing a pattern here?), but I don't think you've given any of your views on other scumspects. Quit tunneling man, and give out your opinions on other players in the game. Care to share Mr. Bear?

Aside: Why is his argument wrt Navo similar to my read? Ok, going to go and address the relevant part.

Good to know that you're defending yourself from Caliban's posts. Oh, wait. You're ignoring them. As you seem to be doing about my post that called you on that. My argument was that, along with the useless prodvotes, you literally ignored Caliban's post ,which essentially deconstructed your activity to be not really productive to scumhunting, for taking shots at plutonium and I. It's hard to echo when I'm the first person who made that particular remark. And, considering part of your attack on me in that aforementioned post was that I had half-assed reads , I think you're just hopping on the scumread + tunneling accusation bandwagon.

FLC, I'm sorry I can't elect you for Mayor today, I really am. But this candidate will half to suffice. Truce for now?



Get at me.

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How is it suspicious of me that your opinion on Nava is similar to mine, when my post was made half an hour before yours?

I always have this hope that people will actually reread, but this hope ends up biting me in the ass every time so I'm not going to believe anymore. My answer to Caliban's post (which I thought I responded to earlier but I guess I didn't) is simple: look at the situation of the game prior to simply ISOing, and you notice that NOTHING WAS GOING ON. Well, apart from the FLC/Robin's Egg debacle, we were basically still in RVS and the transition from RVS to Early D1. If we only focus on that we're getting nowhere, so I instead chose to focus on reactions towards the instance as well as prod others to get their reactions, to formulate reads that way, since you're not just going to have a read on every player automatically early D1 (unless you're scum of course). In Post 3, where I only "defend my vote on FLC" I also mention my read on him/her (slightly scummy at the time) based on reaction, dodging questions thrown at him/her, being extremely defensive causing a lack of scumhunting, and tone of post (these are all methods of scumhunting, in case you weren't aware). Post 6 was a question towards RMS in order to get more contribution out of him/her, which is beneficial to the town. Post 8, where I "only asked Bear to hurry up with his post" also gave a couple town reads on Caliban and RMS, who were the only people posting at the time so I was responding to that. Notice the timing of my "first scumhunting post" which was also at the time when we fully transitioned to Early D1. Coincidence? I think not. After rereading through the game I noticed Plutonium's post, which I hadn't noticed before since he had been forgettable, and addressed it, hence the vote (since that's what you do, you vote people you find scummy).

It seems like you've had your panties in a knot since I called your reads (at the time) other than FLC (who you've been tunneling pretty hard) were half-assed. So let's take a look at them then shall we?

The lack of other reads was intentional, as it would dilute the message of my post. But now, here are some more reads, my tempestuous friend.<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); "><br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">-Okarin bothers me for the pro-prod stance and the vote on RSR. <br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">-It felt like Moonrise was defending me late page 2 (40ppv), which I find odd. Null read for now, though <br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">-See below for Scumnori

I think it's more than that. His first post can be read as an echo of Clover's 'stupid' remarks, with regards to Sidekick. This might be a result of the fact that Rocky has posted all of five posts, so the scum read might be hasty. However, I doubt it as this point in time.

This is sadly accurate of his behaviour, according to the ISO. That should probably be remedied, no? I mean, Navo and plutonium (?) have posted about 1 more post than he has, and they're infinitely more helpful than this character.

Oh wow. One liners. This is the epitome of quality right here good sir. (Mini in this case) List posting is usually a scum-tell since scum do it to feign contribution. I bother you because you disagree with my stance on prodding inactives (probably because I was agreeing with FLC in this case lol) and my prod vote on RSR (who I thought was lurking at the time since I saw him/her reading the topic but not posting anything, though I guess that ended up just being a coincidental timing thing). Yup that just REEKS of scuminess. You don't even address any of Moonrise's points and just go to a line where he/she defends you, say it's weird, and then stamp on a null-tell. Your reasoning behind Scumnori's scuminess was probably the weirdest because of your comment where you say "this is sadly accurate of his behavior". The dude had two posts. How do you judge someone's behavior on such a small sample size and call him scum? Please explain to me how this was quality scumhunting.

On to your next two posts, which are again based on nothing but ISOs which isn't a substitute for rereading (which is necessary for scumhunting). I find it strange that in both posts you borrow Caliban's reasoning, and reality a lot of your reads of characters NOT FLC have been echoing Caliban. Gonna keep a mental note of that.

Your attack on me is as follows: didn't defend yourself against Caliban (and chose to scumhunt instead that's really scummy of me), called (Bear_Knight)'s other reads (at the time of the post) half-assed, and accusations of jumping on the "tunneling" bandwagon (you ARE tunneling on FLC, and my scumread on you is justifiable as everyone else can see). I believe I've responded to all three of these things now, as well as giving my case on you as to why you're scummy (and I even typed out quite a bit so readers enjoy). All in all your case on me is borrowed reasoning from others, as well as twisting my posts/misrepping, and other mehtier attacks.

Vote still stays on Plutonium since he/she has done nothing to change my opinion on him, but I'm leaning heavier on Bear_Knight as scum now than before.

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Your posts now are more indepth but the early ones (even the ones AFTER RVS had finished!) were very shallow and meager, and commented very little on what was going on- at least not in a helpful way. Your defense also reads to me as very passive-aggressive and snippy, which occurs more as frustrated scum than as frustrated town. Also, I didn't ISO you- I read your posts in context, and there was plenty of stuff you could have commented on. I'm too lazy to pull up examples, but in one of your later posts you say that me and RMS are two of your townreads. How exactly did we get there? I'm assuming because we were contributing. And if we were, then you could have been doing the same. And whether or not discussing town reads helps the mafia, it doesn't help the town much either.

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@Caliban: The ISO comments were really just in general, not pointed at a specific person. I've just been noticing that ISOing has been substituting for rereading lately and I'm just not a fan of it. As for a response to your post:

Take a good look at when the posts I made where; what situation the game was in at the time. Before my prod vote on RMS, the entire discussion had been about Robin's Egg/Four Leaf Clover. I already responded to my thoughts to that earlier, and echoing and restating would be pointless pseudo-contribution. This was, IMO, still in a transition from RVS stage (since the discussion had been about something that occurred in RVS). So I decided to prod others and get reads on them (and my read on RMS is a direct result of this), and these reactions and such factored into the complete transition into D1. As I stated before, the posts I made that weren't about how shitty Internet Explorer is were beneficial to the town. As you can see, as time has passed, my posts have become more and more in depth and quality, and this is a direct result of how the game has developed. It's a lot easier to discuss and formulate opinions when there's more posts to work with.

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After a quick reread, one thing that sticks out to me is Moonside's posts. When you take a glance at his posts, you notice that he's done nothing but ask questions, and just agrees with what players have already stated. Zero actual scumhunting or producing any of his own opinions. Slight scum read for now. Moonside, when you see this, can you actually give some of your own opinions on some players, namely on the current scumspects?

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Red Text: Once D2 rolls around, there will be night results to consider as well. Feel free to nominate me for World Leader if we're both alive and the night results don't demand attention elsewhere. Meanwhile, don't be afraid to amass notes on people in an external file. If I go belly-up on N1, you're gonna have to start from scratch.

I'll have to disagree with Caliban's assessment of Okarin's tone. It strikes me as flat-out aggressive, while most of his other posts have been more on the passive side. I don't much care for the view of "I'll put out more when there is more". Take a look within the first two pages of the game proper, and you'll see someone who managed to work something out of very little. If you're lacking information, find a way to get it. Okarin's response doesn't look good, but I'm not fully sold on shifting my vote at this point in time.

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I'm not entirely bought on the navo bandwagon despite his scummy reasoning and thought process, to me, plutonium's self-pity and apathy is much more lynch worthy and the fact that navo at least puts effort into his posts makes him potentially more useful as a townie than plutonium. If pluto comes up scum then tha will say a lot about navo, and if he comes up town its not like we're losing anything as its not like he's being super helpful or contributing to discussion much. Of course he might be newb-town, but should acting newbtown in an anonymous game be a get out of jail free card? I don't think so, and thus I've decided on my vote:

##Vote: Plutonium95

Okarin is still ringing alarm bells, mostly because even though we've been telling him to elaborate more and to respond to hsi criticisms, he only seems to react when he's actually in danger of getting lynched. If not plutonium, then I would like to see an Okarin lynch.

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Well I consider "aggressive" to consist of a bit more yelling, but I can see why you might consider it aggressive. I agree with you about the rest of his defence though.

Okarin, there were a good few posts you made that were very unimportant even after the discussion had moved away from FLC. For example one of your posts says that you like RMS's posts so far- his post included an analysis of Plutonium that you could have commented on. There was a mini-wagon against Scumnori at that point- you never said anything about it. Someone had made a non-RVS vote against you- you barely responded to that at all. Also, considering that we asked Bear to focus on somebody who actually had a chance to get lynched today just a couple posts before your's, the choice to target him with your last post is puzzling since he's probably not going to get lynched today either. Then you went on to target Moonside, who is most definitely not getting lynched today. I mean, your vote is still on Plutonium but eh something about it strikes me as off.

Anyways, uh... I would like to think that activity will improve but seeing as the weekend is over it most likely won't. We need to start consolidating on a lynch. For starters, everybody not voting for Plutonium, Navo, or Okarin needs to start doing so ASAP.

Also, Elie, is a hammer needed for a lynch?

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Bear_Knight (1): Spongebob

Scumnori (2): plutonium95, Moonside,

Okarin (2): Navo, Bear_Knight

plutonium (5): RockMySocks, Robin's Egg, Okarin, Scumnori, Balboa (L-2)

Navo (2): Caliban, FourLeafClover

Voteless: Tesla.

Time left in phase: 17 Hours. 7 to Hammer.

Hammer = instalynch

Tie @ phase end = nolynch

Leading in votes by phase end = lynch

Edited by Elieson
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Caliban, could I have your exact reasons as to why you feel that I am more scummy than X player or Y player? I get you think I've been inactive and you think I've not responded to criticisms that have been pointed at me, which I don't really think is true, the majority of it was just me not posting and having a life.

Yeah, can I get your full thoughts as to why you find me more scummy than other players?

And since we are stating lynch preferences, mine would be Okarin>Scumnori>Pluto.

Gut has me feeling wierd about someone, I'll ISO said person later today. Probably not anytime soon though.

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Revised OP to include rule modifications, regarding the anonymous-aspect of the game, and voting policies.

Also putting it out there that I have 10 posts following when I posted the official Game Start on Pg2 (20ppp), including this one. Meaning, that those who may be brought up for questionable amounts activity by Day End are (Colorcoded in order of severity):


Spongebob/Randy Butternubs






Just clarifying that there are 14.5 hours left in the phase. Phase ends 0200 GMT-6 (3am EST, 2am CST, etc etc etc)

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Navo, can you explain why you think I'm scummy? I don't think you've even mentioned me up to this point.

You may want to ISO me. I've mentioned you a few times and even have a question directed at you.

Here, I editted out parts that didn't apply to you but this was all focused at you from one post.

Now, here he states that he had a specific tone voting said player because they were stupid. This really leads me to believe that it most definitely was not an RVS vote. If it was RVS then why are you defending your tone in the vote post? I really don't like this and it seems contradictory to me.

I'm going to leave my vote on Okarin for now but I expect some sort of answer to the contradictory posts from Scumnori. For what it's worth I'm leaning scum on Scumnori and Okarin.

Also this from earlier in the phase:

Don't like Scumnori's vote. I also don't think his vote was RVS.

Still waiting on you to respond to why you seemed contradictory by the way.

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Half the game is on the warn list. No wonder activity goes downhill after N2. Not cool.

I don't like that Scumnori didn't bother reading Navo's posts, since Navo has a clear stance on, like, three people total. Of those with votes, I'm not oppposed to any of the lynches except for the one vote that is a RVS artifact.

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Caliban did my job for me for explaining reasoning for Okarin. Okarin seems to be doing what Shinori did in ICBINSFMM3.

The vote swap doesn't seem that good to me. I could be biased though because I don't see the Plutonium reasoning at all. The vote swap seemed to me though that he swapped because other people were starting to say plutonium was scummy. Seems to me like Okarin is sheeping here.

This is Navo's case on me. Borrowed scumhunting, using a different person's meta, and disagreeing with my vote on Plutonium because he doesn't understand why Plutonium is scummy. Apart from a case on Scumnori he's done zero scumhunting, and nothing beneficial to the town. Someone explain to me how he doesn't look almost as scummy as Pluto.

Okarin is still ringing alarm bells, mostly because even though we've been telling him to elaborate more and to respond to hsi criticisms, he only seems to react when he's actually in danger of getting lynched. If not plutonium, then I would like to see an Okarin lynch.

Check the last few posts man. I've responded to all criticisms, have elaborated my opinions even more. Also no, I don't react because I'm in danger, I react when I get on the computer and have time to make a post. I've been attacked since RVS, so in a sense I've been in danger all game. Again, someone explain to me how Pluto or Navo is more beneficial to keep around when they've done next to nothing all game.

Okarin, there were a good few posts you made that were very unimportant even after the discussion had moved away from FLC. For example one of your posts says that you like RMS's posts so far- his post included an analysis of Plutonium that you could have commented on. There was a mini-wagon against Scumnori at that point- you never said anything about it. Someone had made a non-RVS vote against you- you barely responded to that at all. Also, considering that we asked Bear to focus on somebody who actually had a chance to get lynched today just a couple posts before your's, the choice to target him with your last post is puzzling since he's probably not going to get lynched today either. Then you went on to target Moonside, who is most definitely not getting lynched today. I mean, your vote is still on Plutonium but eh something about it strikes me as off.

I chose to allow things to develop a little further before I threw in my two cents, otherwise my opinion would have been mostly an echo of others, which isn't very beneficial. I waited a little before I voted Plutonium simply because I caught him lurking, and wanted to see if he'd make a post. I checked back later but he didn't make a post, so then I decided to place my vote on him. As far as the Moonside comments, it was just something I noticed while rereading the thread. No one else commented on him/her, and he/she has been a fairly forgettable person. Just because someone isn't getting lynched this day phase doesn't mean you can't look at other characters, just don't prioritize your focus on them (like Bear_Knight on FLC so far). Putting a scumread on someone who others haven't commented on yet is beneficial to the town, because it keeps things in mind for later in the game. Now we can look back at that post later for an opinion on Moonside.

Alright now that that is out of the way, I've realized that apart from attacking me nothing has really happened in this thread since I went to sleep. Navo's lastest post hasn't helped his cause since he hasn't posted any new thoughts on the game when his previous cases on people were weak, and decided to stall on defending himself. My lynch preferences at this point would be Plutonium>Navo, for reasons I've stated.

Also has Tesla even posted yet?

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Check the last few posts man. I've responded to all criticisms, have elaborated my opinions even more. Also no, I don't react because I'm in danger, I react when I get on the computer and have time to make a post. I've been attacked since RVS, so in a sense I've been in danger all game. Again, someone explain to me how Pluto or Navo is more beneficial to keep around when they've done next to nothing all game.

I think you've missed the point, in that I know you've been in danger all game, I'm saying its scummy to only just respond to the criticisms when the votes are coming your way in larger numbers, and with more votes being threatened. It's like you were trying not to explain your actions until absolutely necessary.

Its good that you finally did respond thoug, which is what has saved you from my vote. Although I'm not 100% sure on voting someone who is inactive.

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Spongebob Randy Butternubs has been replaced by Sensational Bahamas.

Also, just under 11 hours remaining.

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