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Touhou NOCfia - Game Over


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Who would you prefer if you couldn't pick those two? But not counting that if you had to pick one of those two who would it be?

proto/kay if i couldn't

and i don't have a preference to either nnr/scorri because i don't think either of them are that scummy

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Shinori: You're ignoring my point. You weren't sure of your read on me, so you chose to ask other people. Fine, that's great, whatever. But then, *after asking* you didn't do anything about that. It was like you were waiting for them to say something so that you could start to build off of it or whatever. If you found me the least bit scummy, *why didn't you say something in thread?* Instead, you still haven't said exactly how you feel about me and are instead using some spell card that no one knows what it does and telling people to pick me or Nexo. How is that helpful to anything?

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Though really, you shouldn't be depending on other people to form your reads. Don't find me scummy or not scummy because Paper thinks so or BBM or whoever else you sent messages to. Trying to get reactions from people before openly declaring your scum read is exactly what I'm talking about and why I find it scummy. You're depending on other people's approval before you were open with your read. That's not a townie thing to do.

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Actually, you know what?



Using other people to make sure your scum read is "ok", deathtunneling on Nexo, and now doing some random mysterious thing that you aren't explaining, 10/10 would lynch.

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Actually, you know what?



Using other people to make sure your scum read is "ok", deathtunneling on Nexo, and now doing some random mysterious thing that you aren't explaining, 10/10 would lynch.

I'm gonna state the same thing I said on day one that that won't work.

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Mondays are lovely.

By lovely I mean hell why do I need to travel so much in one day.


I also maintain that I think the Xin'dy vote was quite unnecessary on Blitz yesterday when he already had 5 votes on him for pressure.



Come at me bro I'm sick of you harping this point against me without competent backup ever since yesterday you're asking for it m8. *raises fists*

--Ahem, serious talk:

Let's go to the object that started your only means to read me so far --this post here.

Let's denote this here in specific since I'm sure I've sourced before but let's go through it again:

I don't think a single big wagon on Blitz is the best idea, should the case happen that he provides good reason to prevent a lynch and let the voters without enough focus to take late in the game, and iirc we can hammer to end the day anyways. So I'm going ahead with what I find more scummy.

That is not to say I don't suspect Blitz more after his final D1 post. I find the last sentence quite passive-aggressive and doesn't seem like a proper reaction test to employ late in a day phase to vague recipients, with an yet vaguer uncommited rebuttal to marth's info. But my read on him is much weaker and I'd like to get reactions from more people and THEN consolidate on a wagon as phase nears its end.

Pedit: I am mistaken, it's deadline... >_____>

So let's have some good explaining done on the basis of this post only first.

By then, I was still confused about the whole deadline lynch/hammer lynch (I kept being oblivious to an actual hammer exising until I realized Prim's votals said it was 12 to hammer not long after D2 ended, so here's a new piece of goof up information).

But what does that have to do with my reasoning to pursue a single wagon over the multiple wagon logic I preferred before?

I meant to say it's a deadline lynch day, so it's more passable to focus on one person without the risk of a quicklynch. Which means to say I see the point he made now.

Him referring BT. , who had made a point about wagon focus here.

At first, I disagreed, intending to stick to the original method I was used to (spread your votes and see many reactions). However, since I fell under the misreading of rules that lynches would only happen at deadline despite votes (akin to FFmafia). That made me think we had much more time and freedom to foil around than usual, so I decided that this wagon focus could be a good idea, under the logic of quicker relevant reactions with lots of time to try again > multiple later reactions and less time to consolidate a lynch.

I would like to wait for the follow up to this post, as it's also the reason I'm okay with wagon focus for now.

Finally, for reasons of game balance, I'm inclined to believe something that can affect day lynches on the magnitude that is suggested here to be pro-town. Yes, that still hasn't come to fruition, I understand the risks associated with this thinking still.

This is all I can explain about the matter. Is there anything other than my vote on Blitz that you find scummy?

Now onto other big stuff that's happening before I get forever behind

Or let's just skip to the later pages because it's getting late here:

Shinori, why are your reads basically relegated to people that don't post a lot. Have you even said something about other people that was remarkably memorable? (That's a question for other people to answer k)

The reason I didn't help you with scorri is because I actually thought her D2 early posts were a-ok when I showed up, and she seemed to be ok in interactions with other people, so I left it be (and honestly expected her to improve as the day followed, which didn't happen a lot because I don't think she existed a lot either), her impression on me is inactivity, and I'm personally curious to know why you find her scummy again (forgive me for being a skimmerbutt ;/).

NNR just barely even exists for me to even have a solid thought on what the guy is, but I wouldn't hold that against him over people with actual content I take issue with.

If your card is a dayvig of sorts, I choose NNR. If not, I'd rather you choose it yourself.

This post is already ridiculous but I want to finish reading a few more people before I consolidate a vote so hold your hats for a moment.

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Ugh, waiting for Fera is lame. I'm not sure he's even posted today which is >_>

Paperblade, what are your opinions on Fera? I don't think you've said anything about him other than saying he was a lurker on D1, which is kind of weird since he's a somewhat major wagon.

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Shinori: That's nice. I'm still leaving my vote there because I find you scummy as heck and don't mind people knowing it. Besides, never know what a little pressure might result in.

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Ugh, waiting for Fera is lame. I'm not sure he's even posted today which is >_>

Paperblade, what are your opinions on Fera? I don't think you've said anything about him other than saying he was a lurker on D1, which is kind of weird since he's a somewhat major wagon.

Fera is more town than Proto
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@Bluedoom you want me to out that my card's been changed, yes you're right. I don't see why that's necessary at this point though, it doesn't really prove anything except that your role is a card-switcher

@Shinori what are you doing? I don't quite understand. I suppose since you're the potion guy you're the one that sent those potions in N1 telling scorri looks scummy? I didn't receive the potion but why do you find scorri scummy from N1?

And my new card is basically better than my old one, so thanks Blues! And why do you still find me scummy?

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Fera is more town than Proto

IIRC you think Proto is town, so mind explaining why you have a townread on Fera? I don't really see anything townie he's done so far.

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@Bluedoom you want me to out that my card's been changed, yes you're right. I don't see why that's necessary at this point though, it doesn't really prove anything except that your role is a card-switcher

Why didn't you mention this earlier? There could be benefit to town knowing that a card switcher exists. Scum would likely figure it out soon enough anyway if they weren't responsible (as soon as one of them gets switched, they tell each other).

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@Xinnidy: So tl;dr version is: You derped up on rule of what it takes to be lynched, so you agreed on multiple wagons, but when you read it again, you decided since we had more time so you went on Blitz anyway?

...ok, understood. Also I didn't find any other stuff scummy about you as of yet, however out of the votes on Blitz's wagon, I found yours to be scummy at firsthand, hence I called you out.

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I suppose since you're the potion guy you're the one that sent those potions in N1 telling scorri looks scummy?

what do you mean you "suppose"? explain pls
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Why didn't you mention this earlier? There could be benefit to town knowing that a card switcher exists. Scum would likely figure it out soon enough anyway if they weren't responsible (as soon as one of them gets switched, they tell each other).

This is the point I have against you. Also you entered into a 1 vs 1 with SB yesterday since I haven't heard any other redirected claims yet.

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BASICALLY I have a potion that I can give and if X person chooses to take it I get to learn of their alignment.

Thus why I'm asking between scorri/NNR. But I mean I can use it on someone else if we would so prefer.

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Marth's role (item switcher) is pretty similar to the Trader role I made in Void except from my understanding he picks two people to trade, and since he can't target himself, it's just kind of dumb and annoying. The Trader was more of an info role because he could trade with someone and go "HEY THIS GUY'S ITEMS AREN'T WHAT HE SAID LYNCH HIM," with him giving away the items supposed to be a drawback. Marth's role doesn't really have this utility but Prims is a cocksucker.

Mass Janitor is probably a misinterpretation on the part of Marf, since presumably you don't know WHO is being janned so you just jan everyone who dies.

Ninja is probably just because Prims is a ruseman

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