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New tier list method


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This is a kind of tier list that absolutely anyone can participate in. Everyone cares about which units are durable and which units can kill a lot of enemies.


Combat potential: being able to kill as many units as possible is good.

Durability: being able to take as many hits as possible is good.

Units like Olivia can increase combat potential by letting other units kill enemies, so they aren't useless. Healers add to durability.

Availability is very important. Being durable and strong over many chapters is good.

This tier list is based on HM. I'm not sure what to do about this tier list, since it's so new, so this is a very preliminary tier list filled with mistakes:

God Tier

Female Avatar

Male Avatar

Top Tier




High Tier











Mid Tier









Low Tier








Bottom Tier


Edited by Celes
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I guess Tharja is up there because Nosferatanking, right? It makes sense I suppose.

Chrom is probably pretty high. Decent defences, good availability. Dual Strike+ is very good for killing stuff, and he also has DG+ lategame as well giving a partner significant durability. Swordlocked until promotion/SSing is an issue though.

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Henry speed is also a problem. Being able to recover some hp with nosferatu is worthless when he's being doubled anyway.

I think sully and maybe stahl should also be on the top tier. Their avaliability is great and their high Str/def/spd make them able to kill almost every thing, while also taking many hits.

Edited by Nobody
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Not to be that guy, but Sumia for top tier above Tharja. She can burst through enemy lines after just a few chapters of doing whatever with -any- defensive supports, and with Galeforce, provides amazing hit and run tactics. Plus, she can fly stronger units into the Frey of battle and just switch, giving high speed pairUp bonuses.

Great at accessing sparkly squares for niche items that can make the game easier.

Once promoted and with a B-Higher support unit? Dodges everything forever and wrecks EP by doubling everything with inexpensive forging (and if with Chrom, high-as-heck DualAttack chances post Gangrel)

She just makes it that much easier to add freedom to your play style.

Cordelia should be in between, due to still coming early, but not as early, and because Dark Mage line is neigh invulnerable.

Are we considering Anna-shops? renown? Sparkly square treasure?

Actually if this is a nos/tanking tier list, Cordelia immediately under Tharja, Sumia just under Cordelia.

Edited by Elieson
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Sumia shouldn't be top tier simply because she needs training and isn't a Nosferatanker, who are basically invincible. Sumia is not invincible. Far from it.

But maybe Sumia could be bottom of top tier thanks to Galeforce. But she'd only get Galeforce endgame anyway.

I'll get to the rest of your post soon but I'm on my phone now.

Miriel above Tharja because she has availability over her (more combat potential, even if it's chip damage it's better than nothing).

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Frederick for God Tier simply because of his utility I guess


Frederick is very durable against just about anything, and if you give him Limit Breaker and Res +10, he can take a couple hits from magic as well.

Frederick is strong as hell. He can OHKO a lot of shit when trained up, so his lowish speed doesn't matter much either. If his strength stat is done right, he can be the strongest unit in the army, probably. His strength cap is 50. Add Limit Breaker for 60. Add a pair up with someone that has a lot of strength, like a strength-asset Avatar. My Avatar gives him 7 strength, so that's 67. Add Defender and that boosts it to nearly 70. And I haven't even gotten to items like the Naga's Tear yet. He can basically become Steroiderick. lol

Frederick comes in at the prologue. His availability is as good as Chrom's if you don't count the premonition.

Frederick can use the whole weapon triangle as a Great Knight, so he can get an advantage over anyone basically.

Frederick can get other good skills like Luna, Dual Guard+, and Defender (I'm so tempted to give him this, but I'd have to slowly level him another ten levels...)

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In what casual environment is Sumia getting Galeforce by Endgame? This isn't LTC remember? We're likely killing every enemy on the map because that's what newer players do

*oops I hit post by accident*

So they have higher level counts earlier in the game.

Edited by Elieson
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Even if we're killing every enemy on the map I don't see why we should give Sumia a lot of favoritism. That's a point against her since her combat potential is lower than the Nosferatankers and she isn't invincible like they are. Needing babying while sacrificing combat potential and durability is not good.

Miriel's case is different. She needs babying but she only needs to get to level 10. She can kill things from range without sacrificing durability.

Also Frederick has nothing on the Nosferatankers.

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Frederick might be on the top tier for the same reason that Marcus is on FE6's or jagen is on FE11's (I'm not sure about that one), because he helps a lot in the beginning of the game. He becomes pretty bad after some time, though, and his contributions aren't even that good compared to Marcus, since awakening's hard mode isn't that hard to begin with. I think he should be on high tier, but I wouldn't be bothered if he was on the top tier either.

But Henry on top tier I don't agree. Yes, nosferatank is great and breaks the game, but his bases are simply terrible, he's takes some time to not be doubled AND his growths are not that good. I think he should be at high tier. He's without a doubt the worst nosferatank, unless you decide to count cordelia as a nosferatank as well.

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Henry would probably by the lowest of the Nosferatankers because of his speed, although they are tonics/speedwings/pair-up/etc.

I can't honestly give a vote for Tharja's position because I have literally never had a good Tharja. Ever. But I CAN speak for Miriel and Henry.

I'd say he's about middle of the High Tier, honestly, while Miriel is definitely top of the high tier because her magic's amazing.

Edited by Vashiane
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Sumia PairUp on Henry makes him easily more durable simply by the ridiculous speed she'd pass him.

Casual Nosferatu Users Tier List:





Morgan!Non-Slow Melee Parent


Laurent!Magic Parent

Noire!Magic Parent


Severa!Magic Parent


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Sumia PairUp on Henry makes him easily more durable simply by the ridiculous speed she'd pass him.

Casual Nosferatu Users Tier List:








Yup, that's about right.

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I guess Brady/Owain would fit in there somewhere too, but pretty low because Maribelle/Lissa+Male Avatar will likely pass pretty cruddy defensive bases to them. They'd be pretty good otherwise. Plus, getting to them, sheesh.

All Other child-producing Units that marry Avatar (except maaaaaybe Lucina) are gonna be pretty low on a Nos-tier. Nah would be higher up, maybe above Lucina, with good reason (Manakete growths in general plus avatar growths would create a defensive, average speed/mag Nah). Debate luci/nah for me, I'm sure their placement is questionable but close

Casual Avatar!Married Nosterfatu Tanking Tier list featuring kids:


Morgan (God incarnate)


Laurent (Overall Solid)

Owain (Good Speed/Mag)

Brady (Meh Def/Speed but good Mag/Luk/Skill)

Noire (late recruitment due to chapter difficulty)


Lucina (availability lead and speed)

Nah (Manakete growths)

Cynthia (speed and decent Mag)

Severa (speed and decent Mag)


Gerome (Access to Tomefaire which is neat, and pretty defensive)

Inigo (Merc skills I guess, and good speed)

Kjelle (Lolk)

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Frederick's selling point is his Pair Up bonus for early game

Most, if not all unit when paired with Fred become ridiculously tanky unless its someone like Miriel or Ricken

Heck, if you want to use training arguments, then Miriel has no business in Top Tier because she is one of the harder to train unit

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