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[X & Y] Battles~Casual and competitive players, reunite!

Alfred Kamon

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Even if this hypothetical blaziken is running stone miss/rock slide, Talonflame wouldn't care. Gale wings means it will be able to OHKO blakizen before it can even scratch it. It's like talonflame was created literally for countering blakizen.

That's why Rotom-W + blaziken works so well. Rotom destroys talonflame and azumarill, which are blakizen's biggest fears.

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What are everyone's standards when it comes to good IVs?

Do you aim for 5 perfect IVs or just settle for "relatively superior" or "outstanding" and just perfect in Speed and whatever attacking stat(with a few exceptions) like I do?

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What are everyone's standards when it comes to good IVs?

Do you aim for 5 perfect IVs or just settle for "relatively superior" or "outstanding" and just perfect in Speed and whatever attacking stat(with a few exceptions) like I do?

5 perfect IVs all the time.

I'm a lunatic =/

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What are everyone's standards when it comes to good IVs?

Do you aim for 5 perfect IVs or just settle for "relatively superior" or "outstanding" and just perfect in Speed and whatever attacking stat(with a few exceptions) like I do?

I usually try to get at least three perfect IVs in relevant stats, preferably four. Like, for one of my Mawile, I have 31/31/31/x/31/x.

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What are everyone's standards when it comes to good IVs?

Do you aim for 5 perfect IVs or just settle for "relatively superior" or "outstanding" and just perfect in Speed and whatever attacking stat(with a few exceptions) like I do?

I've been going for five, because I want to practice my breeding. The only exception is my Mawile, where I reasoned that there was no point in going for Sp.Atk and Speed.

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I've been going for 5 IVs, but 10 hours of Dratini breeding made me rethink that. I might go for 3-4 IVs in future. Getting 5 IV Deino after less than 10 eggs felt good though

I've bred Mawile for 4 days and still no 5 IV one so I just gave up on 5 IV Pokémon in general

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The most I could ever tolerate breeding is three hours and that's pushing it. I'm just wondering if my "meh" IVs would hinder me in the long run.

You can get pokemon with 5 perfect IVs in less than 30 minutes. All you have to have is good parents.

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The most I could ever tolerate breeding is three hours and that's pushing it. I'm just wondering if my "meh" IVs would hinder me in the long run.

My advice for making it a bit easier; once you start getting Pokémon with four IV, save them start offering them for trade. I've managed to get five IV Pokémon quickly by trading for Pokémon with four IVs, and then using them to breed. I got a five IV Togepi by trading for two Togetics. I've also got a breeding pair of Eevees through trade, and hopefully a second Charmander soon.

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By the way, if you really dislike breeding, try getting battle points and then trading them for perfect pokemon on gamefaqs boards. People there are crazy for BP items, and are willing to give perfect pokemon for them

btw I'd just like to point out Pokemon breeding contains 100x more incest than FE4



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But would it really hinder me?

Based on an IV calculator, my Pokemon generally have 2 31 IVs (always 31 speed btw) with the other stats hovering around the 25-30 area. Are those few points going to hinder me in the long run?

It's true that once you get good IVed Pokemon, breeding becomes so much easier. (I got some perfect IV Pokemon back in Heartgold that will definitely be useful when Pokebank comes out).

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But would it really hinder me?

Based on an IV calculator, my Pokemon generally have 2 31 IVs (always 31 speed btw) with the other stats hovering around the 25-30 area. Are those few points going to hinder me in the long run?

It's true that once you get good IVed Pokemon, breeding becomes so much easier. (I got some perfect IV Pokemon back in Heartgold that will definitely be useful when Pokebank comes out).

Yes, it's true. Once you have pokemon with good IVs, it becomes easier to breed perfect pokemon.

If you have two parents with 4 perfect IVs, you have a 1/24 probability of generating a perfect pokemon (as long as two of the parents perfect IVs are different).

Also, If you have a perfect father of the same egg group, it becomes really easy. I used my perfect gengar to breed a perfect ralts, and it took me 5 eggs in order to get it.

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Very well. I'll just stop being lazy and work harder with my breeding.

Power Items seem real dodgy lately. They sometimes fail to pass the relevant stat.

I always use the destiny knot + everstone.

When the parents have good IVs, they're much more useful than the power items.

Also, in my experience, the power items don't stack. If you put two of them in the parents, only one of them will work.

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I always use the destiny knot + everstone.

When the parents have good IVs, they're much more useful than the power items.

Also, in my experience, the power items don't stack. If you put two of them in the parents, only one of them will work.

If what you say is true, then my entire breeding strategy has been revolutionized and I am an idiot.

Edit: FUCK! You're right! I spent FIVE YEARS breeding with 2 power items without realizing this. GAAHH! I'm gonna go lie down...

Edit 2: I finally got my first 5 IV Pokemon. Was it worth the reality that I spent 5 years living a lie?

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