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Unnamed Mafia (anon) - Game Over


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Grill's doing the same thing that you're accusing me of doing in the bolded, which I find hilarious that you're using that argument for scum!me as opposed to Grill. And I'm not denying that I'm not looking too much at anyone else because I'm just that sure that he's scum.

But at least he wasn't disappearing and not posting until I repeatedly called him out yesterday. And maybe you missed it but both you and Grill are my current scum reads.

Also, we are in fucking LYLO. Even if you're just that sure Grill is scum, you should look at every other player's ISOs and their content to make sure that there is something you overlooked. Even if your final consensus is "I honestly cannot see anyone else as scum", you have to LOOK at them first to make that conclusion. Because right now I am getting the impression you haven't even really looked at anyone else.

I'm starting to think that there's an unclaimed tailor, tbh. I'm not sure who I suspect to be that... HW, maybe? Or do you one of two have clears on him as well?

Hi, I claimed tailor in my first post. Question to you (and anyone else who speculated about a tailor that's not me), why double tailors as opposed to anything else that could give faulty results (like a godfather)? And why Hot Wheels? You're going to need to explain that.

And were you not paying attention when I said earlier, as clear as I could get, that I CANNOT CLEAR ANYONE WITH MY ROLE.

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But at least he wasn't disappearing and not posting until I repeatedly called him out yesterday. And maybe you missed it but both you and Grill are my current scum reads.

Also, we are in fucking LYLO. Even if you're just that sure Grill is scum, you should look at every other player's ISOs and their content to make sure that there is something you overlooked. Even if your final consensus is "I honestly cannot see anyone else as scum", you have to LOOK at them first to make that conclusion. Because right now I am getting the impression you haven't even really looked at anyone else.

I have been looking at others aside from Grill to see if I can find something else out, but nobody else is sticking out as scum right now FMPOV. If I had to say a possible scumbuddy for Grill right this minute, I'd go Hot Wheels just because they've had noticeable interaction, but I don't know for sure. I'll feel better once Grill's lynched and I can get an associative read on him.

Hi, I claimed tailor in my first post. Question to you (and anyone else who speculated about a tailor that's not me), why double tailors as opposed to anything else that could give faulty results (like a godfather)? And why Hot Wheels? You're going to need to explain that.

And were you not paying attention when I said earlier, as clear as I could get, that I CANNOT CLEAR ANYONE WITH MY ROLE.

Double tailors would mean both sides have an investigative role of at least some usefulness. As for Hot Wheels, I'm still feeling ehhhhhh on his D1 claim, since it seemed to off and the other Miller (Ike) had a supplementary role as well. Just having Miller seems dumb to me.

I probably did miss that part, so I'll give you that point.

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I have been looking at others aside from Grill to see if I can find something else out, but nobody else is sticking out as scum right now FMPOV. If I had to say a possible scumbuddy for Grill right this minute, I'd go Hot Wheels just because they've had noticeable interaction, but I don't know for sure. I'll feel better once Grill's lynched and I can get an associative read on him.

Okay, just ... Grill doesn't have a flip. No matter how much people may feel he's scum because of his content or claim or night actions or whatever, he has no flip. He's not confirmed scum. Don't look for Grill's scum buddy. Look for someone who seems scummy. Your thinking that Hot Wheels is the scum buddy of a guy who has not flipped is really vexing to me. Even if at this point you're at a loss and think no one else except Grill strikes you as scum, just say it and stop looking for "scum buddy interactions" of a guy who hasn't flipped.

Double tailors would mean both sides have an investigative role of at least some usefulness. As for Hot Wheels, I'm still feeling ehhhhhh on his D1 claim, since it seemed to off and the other Miller (Ike) had a supplementary role as well. Just having Miller seems dumb to me.

Do you want Manix to smack you over the head with the "stop fucking rolespeccing" stick or something? Iketani being a miller with a secondary role is a fair point if we are rolespeccing, but why was Hot Wheels' claiming miller on D1 "off"?

I probably did miss that part, so I'll give you that point.

I don't know how you missed that part, since you're the one who asked me if I could "clear" Hot Wheels in the first place.

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Okay, just ... Grill doesn't have a flip. No matter how much people may feel he's scum because of his content or claim or night actions or whatever, he has no flip. He's not confirmed scum. Don't look for Grill's scum buddy. Look for someone who seems scummy. Your thinking that Hot Wheels is the scum buddy of a guy who has not flipped is really vexing to me. Even if at this point you're at a loss and think no one else except Grill strikes you as scum, just say it and stop looking for "scum buddy interactions" of a guy who hasn't flipped.

My point is, I'm so confident that Grill is scum, I'm looking through his ISO for associative scumreads based off that belief. Right now, no I don't see anyone else as scum, so that's why I'm going through to see if I can get something associative based off of my own opinions up to this point.

I don't see how that makes no sense to you, honestly.

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My point is, I'm so confident that Grill is scum, I'm looking through his ISO for associative scumreads based off that belief. Right now, no I don't see anyone else as scum, so that's why I'm going through to see if I can get something associative based off of my own opinions up to this point.

I don't see how that makes no sense to you, honestly.

Because to me it's scummy to try to link two people as scum based on their interactions when neither of them had flipped. And I do recall at least one instance of someone getting slammed, hard, for calling people scum buddies on their interactions without either of them having flipped. And it's scummy because you're drawing conclusions based on evidence that does not even exist in the open. I really don't know how else to explain it to you.

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##Vote: Grillmaster

My case for him being scum during the past couple of days hasn't changed since D1. But now he's added a major fuckup to that list. He's scum FMPOV since there was no quickhammer on me (which there likely would've been if he weren't scum, if we're assuming a three-man scumteam) or there's only two scum, in which case my vote won't kill him. Then there's his claim, which seems bogus since there's enough protective roles for town anyway to prevent NKs.

HOW many times do I have to ask you to ACTUALLY STATE YOUR CASE ON ME and take into account N1, D2, N2? The bolded doesn't count because it's full of shit: first, that's not a "major fuckup" by any stretch of the imagination, second, why am I scum as opposed to anyone else who was voting you at the time, third, you were at L-2 and never L-1 so there would have had to be 2 scum to quickhammer and look scummy as heck, fourth, what makes my claim seem more bogus than anyone else's? I claimed after the other protective roles and I could have faked vanilla if I was scum and thought there were too many protective roles. Also Reinbach confirmed me as doctor, so either Reinbach is my buddy and will be found after I flip scum, or you're full of shit (and now I've come full circle in my point).

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No, they haven't.

If it's 4/3 right now then Fluffy and I might be 1v1, since scum not hammering for the win means either the voted person is scum or the voter is (or scum isn't around fast enough). FMPOV that makes him scum and FHPOV that makes me scum... But we don't know if it's 4/3 (although I dunno what else would cause guaranteed LYLO)

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Until I see evidence to the contrary, I'm going to assume that Fluffy ignoring my "please restate your case" request means that he can't remember why he's supposed to find me scummy/never had good reasons/can't be assed to reread and make stuff up

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Because to me it's scummy to try to link two people as scum based on their interactions when neither of them had flipped. And I do recall at least one instance of someone getting slammed, hard, for calling people scum buddies on their interactions without either of them having flipped. And it's scummy because you're drawing conclusions based on evidence that does not even exist in the open. I really don't know how else to explain it to you.

it's okay boron, I know you're thinking of pokemon adventures

reinbach, grillmaster was also a wagon at the time. he didn't have to switch to dragonite.

also, reinbach, do you know what you'd get if you inspected me? when eiki isn't tailoring me.

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it's okay boron, I know you're thinking of pokemon adventures

reinbach, grillmaster was also a wagon at the time. he didn't have to switch to dragonite.

also, reinbach, do you know what you'd get if you inspected me? when eiki isn't tailoring me.

Uh, I was thinking about Folgore Rangers mafia.

And, uh, mod?

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My first reaction upon seeing Manix's name was, "Who the fuck is this person?"

Also, I won't be around for much of tomorrow (well, technically today) but I WILL be around an hour before phase end for sure. Please try not to end phase without me there.

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won't be around until around an hour or two before phase end either. will vote for fluffy then.

I think that what grillmaster is saying is pretty good also. the only posts in which fluffy gives reasons for why grillmaster is scum are #107, #144, and #157. and in the last one the part about grill only looking at one or two people and tunneling on them is just false. in fact it actually applies much more to him, since fluffy hasn't pushed a case on anyone except iketani, dragonite, and grillmaster, over three days.

also fluffy's reasoning for grillmaster being scum is:

- only one concrete read on day 1; hypocritical vote against dragonite

- excessive focus on two millers and rolespec case against me

- focuses only on one or two people at a time

- must be scum since he hasn't been quickhammered yet

point three is false. point four most likely is as well because 3p scumteam would have caused mylo yesterday and they didn't. point two is okay I guess. the first half of point one is kind of bad because having only one concrete read on d1 isn't really scummy. second half is okay. but just these points by themselves are hardly enough for fluffy to be so sure that grillmaster is scum as to look for his scumbuddies. and consider he's been doing this since n1, at which point only the first two points had even been stated.

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I won't be here for deadline, so.

##Vote: Fluffy Platypus

You know, if scum win this... I'm OK with it. This is one of those games where I'm just really not sure of any of my reads, and I'm quite sure people can relate to that. If Fluffy/Grillmaster are both genuinely Town, then uh, well, good job Scums.

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