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Cam who do you want to lynch today?

As for who I think is scum I am scumreading Makaze and FFM at the moment and leaning scum on psych but tbh it is hard to get a read on him. What do you think of FFM now Cam?

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1. Why couldn't Scum!Shinori post that wrt a possible buddy?

2. I went through Paper's comments/posts entirely yesterday (with limited time to post/run through the ISOs) with my own comments/thoughts. He really didn't do anything productive, and everything I felt was bad with his posts = I mentioned. Having literally responded to/looked at every post he made, I fail to see how "I put no effort into reading him" when there was little to nothing to actually get from him. His posts were bad, lazy, and unproductive, which is exactly what I got as a result of the ISO read.

3. Vote on Bladescape is just bad- of all the people to look into (moreso active), why are you prodding/sticking to an inactive? Not the greatest gameplay here, imo.

4. What interactions are you referring to with Paper (wrt Makaze)?

5. If he ends up being SK, as town, what logical reason is there to leave him alive/alone (thus resulting in 2 NKs each night phase until Mafia scum are all removed)? In addition, there's 1 SK and 2 Mafia left. So there's 1/13 chance of hitting the SK, and 2/13 chance of hitting Mafia scum. Either way, the chances are close nonetheless (between finding the two), and as town, they're both scum. I want them both dead. Logically speaking though, if you nail the SK first, then it's the 2 scumbuddies on Mafia side left (and down to 1 NK). Kill a mafia member today, and we still have the SK + Mafia member still floating around, and 2 NKs happening until one or the other dies. Which is in the best interest/preference to town?

1. i'm reading it as legit town misgivings because as scum it's utterly pointless decry a buddy's wagon if you're not going to try and save them. shinori doesn't strike me as the sort who'd try to wifom it as scum, but he would say whatever's on his mind as town. also shinori's actual content was good so whatever

2. well comparing to the rest of your comments you presented your read on him like you went through his posts and gave surface level responses to them. this may be because of your posting style

3. actually my bladescape vote is on scum. youre voting makaze

4. see what i said about paper's makaze vote early in the post. makaze was also momentum at the base of the paper wagon.

5. from what i can tell you don't like the way makaze is playing but have not pointed anything out that actually implies he's a SK. this sort of problem is why SK hunting is totally futile until mafia is dead or we have role results to go on. mafia dies first

If nobody wants to push bladescape then I'd vote Cam. The "Paperblade case just seemed like meta" defense is absolute garbage because I never once cited Paperblade's meta while explaining while he was scummy.

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"explaining why he was scummy", even

in fact yeah let's go with this over the lurker lynch because although bladescape is still hella scummy cam is clearly not reading the thread and making up reasons for his disinterest in paper


##Vote: Cam

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fuck this shit i've literally deleted the same post four times

BROAD STROKES because i want to get this out before i delete it again trying to get more specific

- ITP spec is dumb; SK and mafia are indistinguishable to town and it is antitown to devote a large amount of discussion to weeding out who could or could not be ITP (as opposed to who is or isn't scum, which is a better question). I would definitely peg one of Boron/Darros/Makaze, as well as whoever else spent more than one or two posts discussing it (those three in particular spent a huge amount of time arguing over pointless things like "who brought up the ITP anyway") as scum trying to throw suspicion off of themselves or someone else (or just trying to add confusion and clutter in general)

- I don't know what to make of Boron, her posts aren't actually bad but then there are things like this which smells like OMGUS, as well as most of her posts leading up to that consisting of "rehashes of things other people have said" and "things that aren't game related"

- Psych claiming was stupid but I don't think it's an alignment tell; I would be ~~~~~~~accepting~~~~~~~~ of his lynch because if this keeps up I can see him being a liability in the later stages of the game. there is also definitely scum on his wagon (esp me because followed by empty unvote omg omg omg)

> Makaze, Boron, Darros - I want your opinions on the other two, as well as on Prims vs BBM from D1.

> Junko - whoisscum? You've been asking a lot of questions without doing anything with the answers (if you have been, then please do tell)

On Darros: Getting solid town vibes from his posts, especially things like stopping me from role fishing.

Sangyul too. I haven't covered them for a while because don't really see a point in addressing my town reads.

I have to agree with Prims. Paper being confused about a scumbuddy is strange, so Junko is town until proven otherwise.

I'm not seeing either of your reads on Darros or Sangyul. They have acted squarely in the interest of town on a few accounts. What do you have to say about that?

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i explained what i think of boron

i'm also not seeing anything particularly pro-town about darros; "stop rolefishing" is too easy to say

also since junko basically dodged th epoint of my question

##vote junko

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i'm also not seeing anything particularly pro-town about darros; "stop rolefishing" is too easy to say

That's just one example. It's not really my job to defend Darros, but I've seen a lot of posts from him that hurt mafia. He's not confirmed town but his intent seems good.

I can't say I'm that confident about you. Your reasons are weak on just about everything including this vote. Is this a prodvote or what?

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If Psych or Cam flips scum, I'm willing to call FFM town (or at least not mafia) because they tried to push him as a counter wagon to Paper.

Also, Cam's vote on Junko is crummy. He was voting Junko for most of the last phase without really pushing his case. Looking at his ISO, I don't think he ever gave an "updated" read on Junko based on what Junko has (or has not) been doing since his vote first went on him. Why is Junko worthy of a vote now and so much worse than everyone else? Just because he's "dodging your question"?

@Makaze: You're throwing around the words "confirmed town" and "confirmed scum" much too loosely. No one who's still alive at this point in the game is actually "confirmed" …

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@Makaze: You're throwing around the words "confirmed town" and "confirmed scum" much too loosely. No one who's still alive at this point in the game is actually "confirmed" …

May be light, but eh. I did say 'until proven otherwise', if only the first time. I'm looking for things that categorically define someone's alignment.

Given how lazy Paper was as a scum, I highly doubt they intentionally played dumb about Junko's name. It's actually one of the better reasons for believing someone is town: a confirmed (by death) scum doesn't know who they are.

So, yeah. Pretty close to confirmed as far as I can tell. Feel free to correct me if I'm not making sense.

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Hahaha, why would I do that on cue?

I'd like some reactions first.

If you're town you should want to lynch mafia. Or are you his scumbuddy?

I think Cam's late-day FFM vote makes a lot more sense as a scum maneuver than Psych's. "Sell me on Paper" is pointless if he's never going to come back to be sold, and he never put down an actual opinion on Paper's wagon until the next day. Psych's last minute push is questionable but what has me uncertain is why he'd choose to bus Paper first instead of pushing the FFM vote right out the gate. Also FWIW I heavily disagree his claim is scummy rather than just A Silly Thing. There's no benefit for him to go through with it as scum or town so it's not a tell.

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If you're town you should want to lynch mafia. Or are you his scumbuddy?

I think Cam's late-day FFM vote makes a lot more sense as a scum maneuver than Psych's. "Sell me on Paper" is pointless if he's never going to come back to be sold, and he never put down an actual opinion on Paper's wagon until the next day. Psych's last minute push is questionable but what has me uncertain is why he'd choose to bus Paper first instead of pushing the FFM vote right out the gate. Also FWIW I heavily disagree his claim is scummy rather than just A Silly Thing. There's no benefit for him to go through with it as scum or town so it's not a tell.

This is actually reading kind of bad to me. You are asking me to sheep you and vote Cam without a reaction, or else I'm scum? I'm not understanding the town intent behind this behavior.

If I switch my vote to Cam, I'll do it on my own time. Preferably after hearing his opinion on Junko's confirmed-or-not-ness.

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well if you're town you would want to be mafia with me so as far as im concerned you are basically confirmed mafia. checkmate


##Vote: Makaze

it was a joke response noob


##Vote: Cam

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btw manix why are you so touchy about everything on this here day 2

*makaze but as seen above proofreading posts is for the dumb & heterosexual (like manix, ironically)

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Psych's claim definitely isn't a scum tell, it's just a Psych tell. However, I'm still not entirely convinced that he didn't just plan to bus Paper, then decided that maybe FFM lynch is still plausible. Also, he seems to lack conviction on his reads and has to be pushed to say anything at all, it looks like he's just trying to duck out. I'm not opposed to a Cam lynch, but Psych is also bad and he needs to stop dodging important discussions.

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