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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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j00's "if I were scum" explanation doesn't satisfy me since scum definitely will bus earlier than necessary, hell I did it last game. I also don't believe switching to Cam is as easy as she makes it sound, on the grounds that another player could easily come along and get Psych lynched anyway, or if Psych died soon after (very likely as he'd be next on the chopping block) j00 would look horribleterrible. If she's willing to bus early it makes sense for her to commit.

re: the case on me:

- Okay if I haven't been very noteworthy outside of D1, but what magically makes my position on the Paper wagon not matter?

- I never seriously pursued the Darros suspicion; furthermore, how is it even scummy that I suspected him in response to him attacking me? I thought his push on me was bad and explained why. What makes this scum behavior and not town irritated over a poor case?

- I wanted eclipse to claim because I was going to be very frustrated if I had to defend against an accusation that I literally knew nothing about. The request for FFM to claim and out his results is standard protocol for lynch targets.

The argument that I'm being more defensive than usual is poorly supported and it's weird that you're making it a meta point when after recent experiences I try to be thorough responding to cases on me as both alignments. From what I can tell I've responded negatively to the people attacking me a few times, yeah, but that was 3 or so posts and I'm hunting scum in the rest of them.

How do you know scum!Eury can't possibly know Makaze's alignment? Scum can have roles too. Additionally, there's nothing preventing her from just going "oops, I was wrong" if Makaze flips town, and Makaze flipping SK wouldn't actually have any bearing on whether she's scum or not in the first place.

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I thought your Paper lynch was good, but that your other content haven't been noteworthy. Also you just said scum would bus earlier than necessary, which fits you better than me since you built the Paper wagon at D1, I voted Psych halfway into D2, which can't be called an early bus??

While individually, annoyed responses on Darros and eclipse would've been null, in general I feel you've been rolefishing, you're just a lot less obvious than Makaze about it.

About Eury, I don't think she'd be scum sop because Paperblade had follower, which is basically role cop unless the target is passive. Going "oops, I was wrong" is fair enough, but people are going to be less forgiving about that when she's claiming someone's SK rather than scum, since the basis for SK-hunting is a lot less clear than mafiahunting.

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I meant bussing earlier than necessary as in offing buddies and leaving yourself as the only scum alive early on. That said, my vote on Paper isn't really comparable since nobody was focusing on him at all until I pointed him out and I could've easily let him go unnoticed.

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This might border on self-meta, but it's pretty risky for scum to do that, why do you think I would've done it?

And if I wanted to, why didn't I just do it properly and give a proper scumread on Paperblade too, then? It'd be kinda half-assed on my part, and all in all it's a pretty weak argument on me.

If the mod messed up, I don't really think eclipse needs to clarify further, but she always does whatever she wants so w/e

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Also, I'm going to be working at a summer camp for a week starting tomorrow, so I won't be able to post other than at evenings, if I've got time at all. Sorry for the inconvenience, but if the mods find a sub, it might be better to replace me.

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Day 1 you evidently wouldn't have been planning to bus, hence only giving Psych and Paper passing mentions (also it's still suspicious that you complained about them not giving enough to go on but did nothing to extract content from them, eg. pressure or asking them questions).

Obviously you would've done it for the cred. This isn't really a good question, I could say the same thing about getting the effective all-in-one rolecop/hooker/strongman lynched on day 1. That said, it makes the most sense if you voted Psych because you thought his slot was hopeless and wanted to make the best of a bad situation, and Psych seemed like a guaranteed lynch when you made the vote. Eury and I were evidently willing to consolidate, Cam would inevitably vote the wagon that wasn't him, and I doubt you could have foreseen Boron switching wagons last-minute.

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Paper was unarguably a lot more hopeless than Psych, he had IRL issues in addition and didn't even have a counterwagon. I don't buy the argument about not being able to plan it from the start if the scumteam knew Paper wasn't gonna be here, and your argument about me bussing Psych is more WIFOM than anything else at this point.

I'm not denying you case/lynch on Paper was good, since you made it happen and all, but you've been coasting on it since.

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The argument about bussing Psych isn't WIFOM so much as "it's either this or that, which one do you think is more likely?", which any argument in mafia is going to boil down to given enough time (again, this applies to what you're saying about me bussing Paper as well).

Thing is, I'm not actually coasting. I mean, yeah, as a result of it people aren't suspecting me, but if you look through my ISO I contribute to the thread very often. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, I did more than you did during Day 3. You're making it sound like I'm taking a back seat or something which just isn't true.

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Yeah, I admit I didn't do much D3, but I didn't and still don't think Eury is scum and didn't have any comments on the Eury/Makaze fight, and I didn't get more than null on Kay.

The reason I'm even bringing up an ITP-alternative to Makaze is that he's so incredibly obvious, he's like a text-book example of what you'd expect an ITP to play but absolutely shouldn't. I assume that's what most others are thinking, else we'd have lynched him a long time ago if we were so sure.

Regardless, while you've been contributing, you jumped a lot around D3, and in the end you just waffled on the lynch.

I also stand by that I feel like you're rolefishing.

1)Paper also had a hook, you don't need to guess at the existence of another if no one has complained about being hooked yet.

2)You're basically asking if something else than a kill hit Boron, which doesn't matter since scum is unlikely to have spent other actions than a kill on her. If something else hit her, it's more likely to have been town.

3)If you're town and think eclipse is town, it'd been better to ask some indirect questions than to have her claim outright, since you don't want town roles in the open.

Going to bed, won't be back for a while.

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I do agree that Baldrick's been jumping around a lot, but I don't think he's scum. Cam, you were scumreading that slot for a long time, what is your current opinion on him?

I don't think he's nearly as conftown as everyone else does (I have no idea what's going on in Paperblade's brain, nor do I care to speculate). Additionally, I'd like to point out that he was the only one hardpushing anyone other than psych at the end of D2 (unless I'm misremembering/misreading someone?)

His recent content has been pretty good, though, so I'm not really sure what to make of him? If you pushed me I would probably say ~maybe~? I think it's definitely a possibility worth pursuing if other suspects don't pan out (ie shinori)

not sure about prims vs j00; not going to comment on that until i can be more informed

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Also: eclipse, if you're still in the game, are you saying you weren't redirected at all?

I just got back.

Turns out that was a host error. I targeted who I intended to, and that unvote along with something else I said should've made it pretty obvious as to what my role is, and who I meant to target. I'm taking everything I have with a grain of salt, as it wouldn't surprise me if there's at least one role that can screw me up.

That being said, I want to look at the wording on both Paperblade and Psych's role PMs first. Something's bothering me.

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Okay, done. First, my reply to Baldrick.

I know you said you probably wouldn't be around, but no reason not to ask.

Why do you say Eury is cross-factional bussing? Mafia don't know who the scum are.

Do you think FFM is lying about his target? Personally, I think the best use of Voyeur isn't very clear-cut anyway.

Don't quite get what you're saying with Cam - he should have assumed people's reasons based on their posts?

- Assuming Makaze was ITP and she had him lynched, it would get attention off of her

- I didn't think he was lying, but I thought his choice of targets was awful

- Asking for clarification here and there is fine. Asking for it constantly looks like an attempt to look like he's contributing without actually doing any scumhunting.


Next up, an explanation for my first post of D4. My lone "content" D3 post was pretty lackluster, even for someone who just subbed in. Somehow, exactly one person cared about my statement of "I can't claim" - which means Baldrick has the biggest balls on scum I've ever seen, or he's town. No one asked the important question of WHY I couldn't claim, which tells me that scum was either not on to question it, or was playing really cautiously D3. This means that the people I need to look at are those who weren't trying to draw attention to themselves - which eliminates Prims from today's lynch targets. This means I need to reread the entirety of D3 (FML), but for now. . .

##Vote: Shinori

Where's that vote on Makaze?

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Here. My internet is terrible right now but I'll get this post through if it kills me.

He also seems to ignore the fact that announcers give you the opportunity to voice your scumreads if you get NK'd.

Where did this come from?

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Okay, running list of things I noticed during D3:

- This and this rub me wrong. It's not like bladescape's role PM is hidden!

- WRT to that second link, Eurykins made a bunch of reads and concluded it with no vote.

- On second thought, Darros is Just Bad at reading backwards.

- Do not like the first two sentences of this - feels like she's going for an emotional response, as opposed to a logical one.

- Lots of text, no scum reads.

- DO NOT LIKE. No need to be condescending. ;/

I'd put something from Shinori, but he had very presence. Not really feeling Prims/Makaze from their D3 stuff, and there's not much to say about j00. Eury needs to get back in here right now (along with Cam/Darros/Baldrick), and Shinori needs to post something that isn't super-passive. Considering that one of the hostile parties is ITP, I'm less inclined to let people get off in terms of associative reads. I think my vote is fine where it is ATM.

I have an absolutely insane theory regarding the announcer. . .anyone want to take a stab at who's posting those things?

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it's pretty obvious who the announcer is lol

eclipse, how do you feel about the j00 case I've presented, wrt her approach to Paper/Psych D1 and effective lack of a D3?

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We should lynch you for making me read backwards :P:

The strongest thing I'm getting off of her is her D1 Boron case (the one that's chasing the numbers claim). WRT to Paper, it looks like she's using BBM's meta logic to justify that vote, which is eh. What I see on D2 is this, which. . .should actually be a null read, not a scum one (this wouldn't be the first time someone has had a pile of town/null reads). Then there's this, which is probably the strongest case I could make on her - it sounds like she's certain that Cam would've been a mislynch, as opposed to Psych. Reading backwards towards the end of D2, she has her vote on Psych, but she seems to like Boron's Cam case better?

I can sort of see it, but it's not a particularly strong read (yet). The vibe I get from her on D3 is busy. Lemme sleep on this - perhaps it'll make more sense tomorrow.

Prims: Reread the announcements. Do you see it?

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"I do say, there aren't many of you chaps left! Perhaps it would be safer to go somewhere else? Maybe Hull! I've heard other than being stabbed three times a day, it's rather pleasant!"

j00 (1): Prims

Makaze (1): Shinori

Prims (1): j00

Not voting: Everyone else

Big Ben says there are 56 hours remaining! With 9 left alive, it takes 3 to lynch and 6 to hammer! Phase ends on 24/6 22:00GMT+0!

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