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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Well, there was this one time where i was walking to school, like any other day, and all of a sudden, some fat girl smacked into me outta nowhere. I was completely dazed as she started to profusely apologise, at which i just looked at her pitifully, said its ok, and walked off to school


A friends girlfriend did that to me obce! Shes otherwise pretty chill. But she smacked me pretty hard

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Something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go.

I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east. It was moving very irregularly.

Suddenly there was intense light all around me - and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me?

aliens probed your penis brah

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Once when we were spending some time outside during afternoon elementary school daycare, this border collie that was probably taller than I was appeared out of nowhere (despite IIRC coming from the direction of a mostly open field??), jumped on top of me (and as far as I can remember, only me), knocked me down onto the woodchips and licked me for a bit. Then it sped off around the corner in the opposite direction it came from, disappearing at least as quickly as it came, and that was the last I saw of it (as far as I can remember).

It happened so fast I don't even remember having time to be scared. I was left unharmed, if slightly more slobbery around the face area. Pretty much everybody was left going what the heck

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Once my friend in high school chem lab decided to be a dumbass and unplugged the gas pipe to the bunsen burner, turned the gas pipes on, and lit a match over the escaping gas. Me and my other friend in lab nearly defenestrated him but we got him to turn it off.

I s2g if anything actually happened i would defenestrate him to use as my landing out the window.

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i greeted a friend of mine with "how are you," to which he replied "i'm fine, how are you," to which i replied "i'm fine, how are you." to which he replied "i'm fine, how are you."

we kept this up for a good 5 minutes

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one time my baby goat judge dredd was playing too hard and he ripped his ear tag out which was alarming, but it has since healed up no problemo and so now he just has a badass notch of his ear missing

I'm sure the ladies dig it

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Once had to learn all the countries in Africa and pronounced Niger "Nigger". Teacher politely told me it was a bad word.

Oh, man, that's embarrassing.

Did they at least tell you the correct pronunciation?

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So there was like this one time when I was a wee lil' Lettuce and I went with one of my parents and a friend to see the 3rd Pokemon movie back when they actually played Pokemon movies in theatres here and also you got a free TCG card and that was some cool shit right there SO ANYWAY I thought it was pretty great but like within about an hour left in the movie I had to go pee something fierce but no dammit I just thought the movie was just oh-so engaging and wouldn't dare take a risk to miss anything good, it was starting to become rather painful but at least I managed to stagger torwards the bathroom when the movie ended without any problems-- and so that day forward I decided to never hold out on taking a piss if I can help it and learned an important lesson on being more mindful of beverage consumption at movies

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Speaking of Pokemon, Burger King had a promotion years ago for 23K gold-plated Pokemon cards ("23 karats? What happened to the other karat?" I wondered). Anyway, my brother and I had collected 5 out of the 6 in the set despite hating Burger King's food, and my dad took us to BK to get the sixth one. He asked us which one we needed and I said, "Jigglypuff." My dad was a stereotypical sort of tough guy - motorcycle, leather jacket, piercings, epic chin hair, etc. I'll never forget him pulling up to the window and asking, "I don't want any food, man, but do you have... uhh... Jigglypuff? We need a Jigglypuff," and looking like he wanted to die.

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Speaking of Pokemon, Burger King had a promotion years ago for 23K gold-plated Pokemon cards ("23 karats? What happened to the other karat?" I wondered). Anyway, my brother and I had collected 5 out of the 6 in the set despite hating Burger King's food, and my dad took us to BK to get the sixth one. He asked us which one we needed and I said, "Jigglypuff." My dad was a stereotypical sort of tough guy - motorcycle, leather jacket, piercings, epic chin hair, etc. I'll never forget him pulling up to the window and asking, "I don't want any food, man, but do you have... uhh... Jigglypuff? We need a Jigglypuff," and looking like he wanted to die.


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Uhhh let's see

The only one I can think of off hand is:

Once, when I was about 4-5, my older sisters (I have 3 of them, no brothers) were ordering a pizza. Pepperoni was the only kind I'd eat, and when they didn't order it, I got mad. "I WIGGOW MY WEINOW AT YOU!" I say as I take off my pants and... do the motion, if you catch my drift.

I couldn't pronounce "L"s or "R"s when I was that age, either.

If this confuses you because my profile says I'm a woman... well, it's incorrect.

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you did what now

...Do you need an explanation?

Here's another one.

Still around the same age of 4-6, had an eyepatch, my mom's blue sweater, and a sword. My mom whispers to my oldest sister: "Hey, look. A gay pirate." I heard this and promptly yelled "I'M NOT A PIWATE!!"

Not that I knew what "gay" meant at the time :/ (Pretty sure I didn't even hear that part.)

holy shit that's more cringeworthy than mine

...Is that a bad thing? :/

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One time two of my friends and I were playing a horror game. I told the person controlling it to turn left, and she ran straight into the giant guy trying to kill us. We alll screamed and our character was brutally murdered.

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One time two of my friends and I were playing a horror game. I told the person controlling it to turn left, and she ran straight into the giant guy trying to kill us. We alll screamed and ouir character was brutally murdered.

Name of the game?

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One time two of my friends and I were playing a horror game. I told the person controlling it to turn left, and she ran straight into the giant guy trying to kill us. We alll screamed and ouir character was brutally murdered.

And from then on they could not turn left.

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