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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Generally, just being an active member is enough to at least get your name out there. Preferably not solely in fftf, cause thats the hardest place to standout, with the who knows how many members trying the same thing.

30,000 posts in fftf over 8 years is probably enuf tho

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this whole thing is a popularity contest tbh; if you're not involved with a bunch of people on SF then you're never getting an interview lol

Looks like I won't have to worry about being interviewed, then.

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Looks like I won't have to worry about being interviewed, then.

lol but you've been here about as long as I have and tbh I don't really participate with a bunch of people in a variety of topics we kind of just do our own things kek

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SF Interview #75: Austin
Interview ends on 5/6/2016.

Final nomination count:
7: Austin
5: Thane
3: Aquakat
2: Vashiane
2: Zera
2: Tryhard
1: KingMarth64
1: Ercdouken
1: Quintessence
1: Sirius
1: NinjaMonkey
1: Jin/Kuro
Edited by Hattusili I
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how do you cope with the fact that you are lame

out of the four orations cicero delivered on the catilinarian conspiracy, which is the best?

do you sexually identify as cato the elder

how about a passive periphrastic

is sejanus ur favorite roman

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If there was an eternal shota elixir, would you drink it?

Too late; already have.

1. Favorite fictional character?
2. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?
3. Favorite FE villain?
4. Cake or pie?
5. Favorite movie?

1. Camilla Macaulay from The Secret History by Donna Tartt

2. Dagda leaf is smol bb birb who needs to be protected

3. Ishtar

4. Pie, but I've been known to enjoy the occasional cake.

5. inglourious basterds 4 days

1. impressions

2. favourite aoa song

that's uh all i got so far ill get back to you

1. idk you tried to hand my shota title to somebody else man that's not cool

2. h e a r t a t t a c k (followed by cherry pop because i'm a dirty hipster like that)

1: Still up for Anime Weekend Atlanta this autumn?

2: First and current impressions of me?

3: What made you join Serenes Forest?

1. Yaaaas. Probably doing a Himouto cosplay with my girlfriend. Just not sure if i want to do a genderbend Sylphyn (fun + expensive) or just Taihei (boring + cheap)

2. You old/used to mix you up with DLV all the time; you old

3. I don't know I was playing fe8 in 8th grade and i was like w o w who do i promote into what omg help me internet

how do you cope with the fact that you are lame

out of the four orations cicero delivered on the catilinarian conspiracy, which is the best?

do you sexually identify as cato the elder

how about a passive periphrastic

is sejanus ur favorite roman

1. I drink

2. The first

3. unfortunately

4. only with a dative of agent

5. no who the fuck is that

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craziest thing you've done at uni


I went on a tinder date and fell in love with an amazing girl who makes us the most loving and supportive relationship I've ever been in.

Edit: also got laid

Edited by Austin
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