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Shin Megami Tensei Mafia The Second- Day 3


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Actually, I will be here at phase end. I misread the hour at which I was meeting my friend.

I know that the Santa and Cutiefly lynches are going nowhere but I'm not sure of what else to do either.

So I guess that this comes down to "out of my Hiiro, Upbeat and Sharp townreads, which am I the most likely to be biased about?". I guess that's Sharp, since he was sheeping me and all. But still, I'm pretty sure my townread on him happened before that.


##Vote: Sharp

I'm not feeling this at all but anything is better than a no lynch.

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I'm extending phase by an hour because being with friends is better than handling a mafia game, clearly.

Not like it'll make a difference, I bet.

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If someone has to be lynched, then, by the good of the Town, I feel that I am the least harmful result had you have to lynch a Townie.

I am merely a Vainilla Townie, and I'll gladly accept the bullet to save a possible PR from being myslynched.

That's why we're here the Vainilla Townies, right? Take the heat away from those who really matter :3

"The rising sun will eventually set,
A newborn's life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead."

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Well, if people think that scum would just give up instead of voting their counterwagon... then I just don't know what to say. Also what Upbeat just said.

I'm here. No lynch isn't a good idea really but nothing is really.

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Only half-viable option to me seems to turbo someone who already has a vote on them not counting our votes (our = people around). That only leaves Bolt which I am ok with. Would you guys be cool with it?

This looks like it's heading for a no lynch either way.

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Wait there's <1 hour until phase end?

Who're we lynching? Sharp's wallpost has a townie tone despite not bing the strongest in terms of reads. At least she has content now which was my main complaint. Also the whole "If someone has to die it should be me" doesn't quite read disingenuous.

Can we even get someone else lynched t this point? I still want to lynch Hiiro (look how he's disappeared again now that there's no pressure on him!) and don't really want to lynch Bolt because Bolt looks like he's actually trying.

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Based on the Hour extension, I'm assuming so?

Instead of your usual Townie/Scummy, I'll give you a scale of X/5, where the lower the number, the lesser of a threat they are for the Town at my eyes.
This includes not only the chance of being a Mafia member, but also a freelancer evil guy or something :)

Santa: I feel weird towards him. He likes to be assertive, I guess, that's... something? His voting pattern seems to be getting around upbeat every now and then, but sometimes he kinda pretends some posts were not directed at him and ignores'em. I'll give him a 3/5
Upbeat: He seems to kinda float around, make some sayings, vote someone who's already voted, and then float back up. I like his attitude, relaxed and all. But I still feel that claim Day 1 was out of place, so.... 4/5
Bast: I have no idea. Really, I don't
Best Girl: Honestly, I feel super uneasy about her. Her post are all so logical and well explained, so... calculated. Like, every word comes out in a perfect spot. It's like a machine talking. But she does asks the right questions, all the time. People (including me, I just noticed) seem to ignore her for some reason. Weird, but safe weird 2/5
cutiefly: She's cool, and her claim (should it be confirmed) will be a sure spot to hold on, I guess 1/5
Sharp: Lovely Townie that deserves only the sweetest of meads :3 1/5
B-Cup Camilla: I still thinks she's the most Townie out of the bunch. She constantly posts about asking questions to people, instead of just stepping on'em like the miserable flies we're. That encourages us to talk and loose the fear of going out to play a propper game, I guess. She's being productive and has helped the Town by fighting that extension. Everyone will say "BVut Sharp, that could be a Mafia bait". Cool beans, then keep'em coming, because that sorta saved us. There was no activity up unbtil that point, and Day 1 would have been wasted. Anyone saying that's not true, looses a point for being a meanie. 1/5

Azure Blood: Haven't seen anything from him since Day 1 :Kappa:
Fly Amanita: Who?
Bolt: Cool beans. He seems to be on the nice boat of jumping votes around. His posts are long, and (surprisingly) not repetitive, He makes clear cases, against anyone, really. 2/5 (would be 1/5, but not trusting Camilla is wrong to me)
Tether: Who?
Tetsuo: Oh, the absolute madman. I like you, you know? I appreciate people who bark to every tree on the park, it makes people talk (I'm living proof, haha :P ) even if the bark is completely misdirected. The problem is, this also makes you impossible to locate. You had your suspicions on me from Day 1, even though there are much more people who did absolutely nothing so far. I think you just smelled a weak player, without much confidence, and decided to try it out on me. Good job, but bad, bad dog >:( 3/5
Brexit: I guess my concerns with him Day 1 were basically, pointless. Probably just the player's life getting on the way, really. New Brexit is cool, but sparse. You'll be lucky if you find him. But I like new Brexit. 2/5
Hiiro: His defense was so perfect. A bit enraged (understandable) but perfect. I felt the frustration of knowing everyone is in the wrong about you. ANd the explanations were on point. 1/5

I'm sorry that my "Readlist" (and I use that term very loosely) isn't more... assertive. I don't feel okay judging people when my performance is being far from stellar in some people's opinions. And I can't help but to work on honesty and feels.
This is what I can give you, my lovely Town.
If you see the Sharp side of the Page, by every First time, there should be an answer to your wonderings.

##Vote: Upbeat

This feels really forced. So many townreads and Nullreads, and one scumread, that's really a hard waffle.

And if anyone thinks that scum!Sharp claims Vanilla and then they're being very very silly!

I'd rather no lynch than lynch him at this point. How many are around?

We need information though, and Vanilla is a dangerous role to keep around lategame. I do not think Sharp is a wasted lynch, because the claim is the most townie thing about them, and there three things to bear in mind:

Two No Lynches and game ends.

If we need a No Lynch later, we won't be able to afford one by No Lynching this phase.

Vanilla is a super safeclaim now, especially with a tracker dead. It's not worth its weight in gold.

Well, if people think that scum would just give up instead of voting their counterwagon... then I just don't know what to say. Also what Upbeat just said.

I'm getting the feeling that if Upbeat is scum, they're being bussed. I'm just not seeing the case on them.

I'm conflicted on Bolt and I'd rather see his reply before this but it's clear that it won't be happening anytime soon.

##Vote: Bolt

30 minutes to deadline, I'll leave in around 20 minutes.

to this?

I've spent 10 minutes trying to understand what you mean here but I still can't. Could you explain it again?

What I meant was that Brexit was under some heat at the time for posting things that Sharp didn't like. In particular, Sharp stated that Brexit only posted one post, and it was not a happy-tone post. It could be assumed that due to Brexit calling for a sub twice basically, that Brexit wasn't paying too much close attention to the game. It was my first thought when I was playing catch-up, and it's what I think Sharp was kinda building their argument around. I think Brexit was paying attention though.

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Just like the day before, all of you wake up to a large noise and see a piece of note, not far away from a dead body as well. The note reads as follows:

You tracked B-Cup Camilla and learn that they visited Upbeat and cutiefly.

Surprisingly, it was Camilla who died tonight! Their role PM reads as follows:

Dear B-Cup Camilla,
You are Flynn, the protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei IV.
A young man living in the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. At the beginning he has a dream of beings speaking, but whom he cannot see. He then has a dream of a burning city and meets an apparition calling itself Walter after it takes shape, who requests that he join him to make a world where anything can be changed if they have the will. Then he appears in a desert wasteland, where he meets another specter, calling itself Jonathan that takes shape who wants him to join him so that the peace today will last forever. Then he meets a young girl whose words are barely understood until she asks him to revive her. He wakes up from the dream to be greeted by his childhood friend Issachar at Lake Mikado outside Mikado Castle.
A Casualry from Kiccigiorgi, both him and Issachar traveled from their hometown to the capital in order to participate in the Gauntlet Rite. He is chosen by the gauntlet to be a Samurai. He is greeted by Walter after joining the Samurai, and meets the other prentices and Hope alongside him. In Naraku he meets Burroughs and wins the exercises given to them by Hope. He also wins the Challenge Quests that K gives them and the challenge given by Navarre about who would complete them first. After succeeding, he is greeted by a Samurai who asks him to go rescue Navarre, but to keep it quiet so Navarre's dignity can remain intact. It was a trap, however, and he is attacked by the Hooded man twice, being aided by Isabeau and Jonathan in the second battle against him. Joined by those two and Walter he goes on to save Navarre, only to see the ghost girl from his dreams in Alraune's Domain. He then meets Stephen who tells him that she is interested in him. On their day off the next day, he comes across Issachar at Lake Mikado, who leaves after seeing him.
In Kiccigiorgi Forest, he learns that his parents helped two villagers escape with their child, but their fate after that is unknown. He later meets Issachar deeper into the forest, and fights him after he is possessed by a demon. His friend's final words is to ask him to become a magnificent samurai and change the corrupt world. He is incapacitated by the Lilim Horde summoned by the Black Samurai, and sees Stephen once again, who lets him know the girl wants to see him once again. Meeting with the young girl again, she asks him to revive her for the sake of everyone. He is the last of the group to awaken. After returning to the capital he has another dream of meeting Walter in a burning city, where he tells him to hurry to the underground. In the desert wasteland, however, Jonathan tells him not to go to the underground. He acquires his first gun on the floor beneath the Hall of the Minotaur. After learning how Red Pills are made, he is influenced by Yaso Magatsuhi's gas, but is the last one to be affected and the last to wake up. Jonathan mentions he took off his pants and did something with his nose, but Isabeau cuts off the rest.
After leaving the Hills Building, Hugo tells them to go to Shene Duque, which according to Jonathan is known as a holy land. When they arrive, they encounter Gabby, who leads them inside the cocoon shaped object nearby. Once inside, they are greeted by three heavenly figures. Gabby's form changes completely, and the group introduce themselves as the four heralds Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael. They are the new leaders of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado, however when Isabeau suggests they tell them about Fujiwara and Skins, however Gabriel tells them that they will kill any resident of Tokyo who will try to enter the kingdom via Naraku. Gabriel reinforms them of their mission to kill the Black Samurai, or rather Lilith. However, after exiting the cocoon, Walter says that he wants to bring about the world Lilith spoke of, a world where the strong can shape the world as they see fit. Jonathan is angered by this, asking if he is siding with Lilith and abandoning his duties. Walter says nothing, but tells them that he will be waiting at the Barracks for anyone who wishes to come. After he leaves, Isabeau who is completely at a loss of what to do, takes her leave. Jonathan reaffirms Flynn of what their duty is, and tells him that he will be waiting at the entrance to Naraku for him. After this, the endings of the game depend on Flynn's choices.
Being a Samurai, you have the power to take hits for your allies, and keep a close eye on them. Reply in your role PM as follows, "Defend USER with the Bushido Code!" You will see whoever visits USER for that night, and should a kill be aimed at USER, you will die in USER's place.
You are the Bodyguard Watcher. You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
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I also was able to motivate last night and wasn't blocked. I motivated Hiiro.

I have no idea why I, a proven motivator, wasn't roleblocked either time. Either the scum are scared of a more powerful ability, I'm simply low priority, or there is no roleblocker.

Camilla was my strongest town read. Everyone else I'll have to reread.

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A roleblocker almost certainly exists.

##Vote: cutiefly

I'm tired of dancing around this. I'm a 2-shot Empowerer (role name Assistant). I idled N1 and targeted Camilla last night! Scum has no reason to ignore cutiefly's claim when they almost certainly have something to run interference (my role) is proof of this. I also think that my role being both weaker and more limited in usage compared to cutie as both supportive type roles is a big red flag but I wasn't confident enough to loudclaim until today.

I also know Marth as a player hates it when he doesn't get fakeclaims as scum and so giving over Motivator to mafia doesn't seem strange to me at all.

The only reason scum don't hook cutie here is if they rolecopped someone else and found another PR, but we have our buffed up watcher and tracker both dead already, me crumbing a PR and probably not too much left, unless we have a vig getting chainhooked.

There's also the fact that cutie's play has been scummy on its own and they start every phase with "I motivated X I don't understand why the mafia let me do this!!!".

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