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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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Good, you did good. I don't think Blitz was serious when he claimed that role, since he's posting and that role seems ridiculous. So with that in mind, how does that change your opinion on Blitz?

Whilst I'm leaning towards the "the role is so ridiculous that it's difficult to make it up" side, if Blitz is not being serious, then it makes him less trustworthy, as he would have stuff to hide?

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Also, Ryker, you do not deserve to be lynched, you deserve to be mod subbed out if you keep this up

#1 but from what I can tell, Ryker is being a troll and he may or may not have a reason to vote for me, regardless, nothing indicative of alignment and in his defense, he claims to have a reason


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Whilst I'm leaning towards the "the role is so ridiculous that it's difficult to make it up" side, if Blitz is not being serious, then it makes him less trustworthy, as he would have stuff to hide?

I think that was simply a joke.

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at a glance it feels like half of the thread is elimina trying to buddy up with ryker, and rkyer trying to tilt as much of the playerlist as he can, spinal particularly. I wish I could emulate kirsche's professional-level apathy here because I'd probably be playing a lot better lol

curious as to why hober mallow is continually trying to shift his conversations away from the active players. do you not like confrontation, or do you think all the major posters so far are town, or...? feels like you're trying to avoid committing to reads on people who may be around to call you out on them.

also, probably not important, but is there any reason I should be aware of that you're calling me "Green Tea"? I don't mind it, just curious if it's supposed to mean something special

did ryker ever explain why he thought/thinks blitz is scum? I should have pushed harder on this when it was still talked about. someone called me out on this in the last couple pages and I only then did I realize that ryker actually replied with "yeah, you're right, I did not give any reasons for voting blitz" and left it at that. that's no good...

proto's justification for disclaiming that his ryker vote was rvs seems ok to me. I'm probably not able to play this game as attentively as you'd like to see so far so :shrug: I don't have an excuse for the cases I've dropped. I don't see the issue with my spinal vote though, as failing to push ryker's blitz vote is independent of being able to see spinal as scummy

proto, what do you think about this prolonged ryker vs. spinal exchange? we seem to have gotten opposite scumreads out of it.

@blitz, there is nothing that I like about the argument between spinal and ryker. what I dislike about it is that it's allowed ryker to go on for pages without talking about the people he's said he actually thinks to be scum, and instead humoring the wallpost arguments of someone who he maintains isn't even one of his scumreads. I think the argument is wearing down spinal's patience to the point where he's just casing anyone who disagrees with him, like with hober mallow. or spinal is just scum...

blitz, who is scum? you seem to disapprove of ryker but I cannot tell from reading your post if that's an entirely personal issue or something pertaining to his alignment. and apart from him, I didn't see anyone else who you might think is scum

irony doesn't seem to be saying anything radical but her effort is noticeable, which is good.

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ProTip: Don't just say "I want to see more content from Refa/[other inactive]", it's not going to do anything. If Scum!Me was trying to active lurk, you'd just be letting me get away with that by giving me the benefit of the doubt. Luckily for you guys, I don't play lurk scum am town.

Waiting on Refa before I say anything else. Blitz I'll get to you later.

Why, I'm not your mother. Feel free to voice any grievances with me anytime.

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Refa seems less active than other games.

It's a combination of being busy (taking care of my bro for the weekend since my parents are out) + lack of motivation.


@Ryker- I didn't like Irony's first post from a personal standpoint, but didn't say anything at the time because that post wasn't telling by itself. His initials read post was scummy, but his followup was :ok_hand: because it shows that he has a townie mindset, he's just not the best at expressing it. Also I don't see him asking people if he should claim as scum. What if they said "yes, claim"?

Irony, at Post #80, why did you say that Ryker gave you nothing to go off of in terms of his alignment? Later on, you mentioned that you'd been scumreading him before but I don't remember that (could be wrong but there aren't any ISO's in the OP, so frankly it's really hard to check).


Ryker, why did you unvote Spinal just because Elemina did? Did you agree with Elemina's logic, or was there some other reason?

Regarding Ryker himself, I was townreading him when I last posted. Now uh...I'm not sure how to read his later posts. All of the people who are casing him (Blitz, Proto, Spinal) read to me as town and the first two in particular have well thought out cases, I just don't agree with them. Fair enough on wanting him to explain himself more and not be so obtuse (I want him to do both of those things as well!), but I'm just not reading the scum intent in him doing that.


Don't really like Spinal's responses to Ryker. Reads like he decided Ryker's alignment in the vote post and hasn't made an effort to understand Ryker's position. I really like his other content, though, so I could Spinal just being frustrated with Ryker over having scum intent there. I don't get why people say you were tunneling, though, since there wasn't much else for you to go off of at the time.

[spoiler=Hober Mallow]

SPEAKING OF SPINAL though, he made a very good point on Hober Mallow that noone seems to have picked up on. I don't mind him defending Ryker, but him not having a stance on Ryker while defending him? Now das scummy. Pretty sure Blitz made some good points as well, but I don't remember them.

[spoiler=Green Poet]

Fair enough on your Elemina case, GP. I'm also cool with your response to Proto, but SB made a sheepable case that I'd like you to reply too.

Blitz, you mentioned my case on GP made sense, but honestly I thought her explanation of that was good enough for me to drop it. What are your thoughts on it?


YOLO, reasoning on your Blitz vote?


Elemina, if you had an explanation for why you voted Blitz, why didn't you put that in the post you voted him in? It's one thing for Ryker to make a vote w/no reasoning (still would like an explanation of that vote BTW kthnx), but you literally sheeped that vote with no explanation. But okay, maybe you didn't think it was necessary, being obtuse clearly isn't going to be a good scum tell in this game anyways. I don't like your Blitz case. None of the things you mentioned about him are actually scummy things (also Blitz is a veteran player FYI, even though admittedly he's not the greatest at scum), and it feels like you just made a vote because you had a lot of content without a vote despite not having a good reason to do so in your position. Continued justification of his Blitz vote bothers me, because there isn't any despite some pretty telling posts from Blitz (IMO anyways).


Proto, fair enough on your explanation. Honestly makes me feel better about you than if you took the easy out and said it was a joke (also yeah uh that recent game was why I didn't want to vote you for it my b). Also you should have your vote not in spoilers, otherwise people will miss it.

Gonna make a vote in five minutes, I want to reread Blitz's case on Hober before making a vote.

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Okay cool yeah Blitz's case is good. I agree that Hober Mallow has being playing very passively, and I don't like how he's calling out other inactive players. It's not actually scummy (generally, I'd consider it alignment neutral), but it just rubs me the wrong way considering his other content.

##Vote: Hober Mallow

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@Refa (I.e the Irony/Ryker section)

1) Um.... I'm actually female.

2) I do remember giving a read last night (probably around 12-2am-ish where I live.) If I didn't, I apologise, but I'll try and find it for you?

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MY BAD but if you could find that post, it'd be helpful for me!

Also Elemina, FTR since it's hard to convey tone over the internet, sorry in advance if I sound really abrasive; I don't have anything against you.

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Found it!

"With Ryker, it's that he keeps on trying to paint people as being members of the Mafia (I think he's done that to at least three people by now, including myself?) and, when I asked him to prove his alignment he didn't give me any evidence."

This was all I had at the time, but yeah, I'm getting more Mafia-vibes from him.

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im confused

how could elemina have a scum read off his role pm when it hasnt been night yet? mods never give bingo scum results out the gate. were you really trying to read him?

Green Poet, as I eat, can you answer this? Thanks.

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