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The Laziest Awakening Playthrough Ever: The Playlog

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For units I regularly abuse alongside male Robin, I have them have the following skills:

Limit Break

Armsthrift (makes non-staff weapon usage practically brainless and helps save time from having to grind for weapons/cash outside of perhaps forging the now unlimited-use weapon)


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Just alongside Male Robin? Those are my favorite skills to abuse on anyone who can get them in almost every situation. Actually, the reason I don't play Male Robin that often is because he can't get Galeforce and ends up being outshined by just about everyone who can. That's also the reason why the Logbook League has been all-female so far, though I do have DLC Seliph who I might use at some point. But yeah, those are awesome skills and I plan to abuse them thoroughly in this playthrough.

Edited by NobodyInWonderland
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@TheSilentChloey, I consider "shiny" to be a good reason for many things and this will probably influence this playthrough a bit. As for Chromia... well, when I'm playing MaMU, Sumia sometimes ends up married to Chrom because there's not a lot of options. I like other dads for Inigo (though, as I've said, I do think he's impossible to mess up as long as Olivia passes on Galeforce), and Sumia's the third best choice for Lucina's mom. On the other hand, I don't play MaMU that much. I've only played as FeMU without marrying Chrom once. I kinda restarted the game halfway through after I decided that it was just weird having Morgan as an only child.

@MewMewExorcist, "glass cannon" is definitely the right term for them. At the moment Miriel and Ricken are some of the hardest hitters on the team, not counting Riza who's gotten a lot more levels than anybody else. They don't even have the worst defense; Lonqu is a good example of really abysmal defensive stats, and Gaius had better not get hit with anything any time soon. The difference is that Lonqu and Gaius are good at dodging, and Miriel and Ricken are... less good at dodging. If I were trying to do a non-lazy playthrough where I didn't let the Avatar and Chrom bulldoze through everything in the early game, I'd probably make more use of Miriel's fantastic attack since it would be a bit more necessary. As it is, I'm still going to use 'em, but it'll be after I can get them a few more levels.

Alright, next chapter! There's not enough stuff that's changed since last chapter to make a special spoiler for it, so here's the summary: Riza has been reclassed and got another 20 levels, Cordelia has Galeforce, and a Streetpass team with a very nice shop showed up with both kinds of Seals for sale, so I've got another Second Seal. I also went ahead and reclassed Gaius to Hero so I can have him get Sol at my leisure, and I have plans for one more of those seals, so that means I have 3 Second Seals to play around with - 4 after this chapter. I'll have to think about what to use them for.

[spoiler=A Moving Story: Chapter 8]


The chapter opens on sand. Yep, that's it. Sand. Chrom is expecting a trap, but it looks like Gangrel isn't exactly worried about the angry guy with the sword who's headed for him. However, that doesn't mean that Chrom's able to stay out of trouble, because this is Chrom and things that need to be hit with swords must follow him wherever he goes.

The battle preparation screen shows up pretty quickly. And as usual, it's time to introduce our cast today. But before I do that, let's reveal what I reclassed Riza as!


If you didn't guess "Dark Flier" already, then you have underestimated my unholy love of Galeforce. I probably make it out to be a bigger deal than it really is, but it's useful in so many ways that it's impossible to properly break the game without as much of it as possible. Since I'm trying to make everyone useful in this playthrough I'll probably rely on it less than I usually do. I know, this is very sad and I should feel bad.

Anyway, on with the introductions. Chrom hasn't changed since the last chapter, but let's include him anyway along with Riza's new stats. She actually capped her magic stat in the process of getting her to Dark Flier Level 20, so I gave her Limit Breaker.


Cordelia just joined, might as well use her for a battle. She can hang out with Sumia. They can start a Dark Flier club or something.


I also managed to recruit DLC Palla. At least this wasn't nearly as difficult as recruiting Katarina. I think I found Roster Rescue more annoying than Apotheosis, though. Not nearly as difficult as Apotheosis; just a lot more annoying. At least in Apotheosis if you hit the things enough times and then head for the hills before enemy phase, you'll probably win eventually. There's no surprises. Roster Rescue is for people who thought that Nah's paralogue was far too straightforward, and those walls needed to be forming and disappearing while you're in a maze. And getting your best characters stuck in rooms in that maze. With a limited number of turns to kill certain enemies that are very far away from the rooms your best characters are stuck in. With reinforcements appearing from the second turn onward. And the things you need to kill appear to be the result of when a Revenant and the Hulk love each other very much, except uglier.

I apologize for the rant. Anyway, I have Palla, and for the moment I've got her as a Falcon Knight. She's joined by Falcon Knight Riza, who gets a Rescue staff for this mission. I've managed to pick up a few more Rescues from Streetpass and Anna, so I can spare a use or two.


Katarina returns, because since I went through that much trouble to get her, I'm going to use her. I even gave her the tome with her name on it, since I keep picking them up in the barracks. She is joined by another Avatar I got via Streetpass. I've upgraded this one a bit. She was originally a sniper. She also originally had much lower stats and none of the skills that she's currently sporting.


When did I do Tiki's paralogue? It's not even unlocked yet. (Just kidding; this one's from the Bonus Box.) And, since I've been remiss in my favorite strategy of using Celica's Gale as much as possible, Celica herself is joining us today.


You know how these sand chapters are annoying because none of your good tanks can really move much? You know how I'm a petty person who likes to go overboard in this playthrough with destroying any difficulties whatsoever that have annoyed me in the past? Well, if you didn't know about the last one, it's not that important. What is important is that today's theme is just how fast I can get the Logbook characters to run around this fairly large map. Besides the Logbook Boots trick (and thanks to the very helpful person who reminded me about it), we have three skills today that are going to help these characters run around the map with the speed of a hyperactive squirrel. Four, if you count Acrobat for Tiki. These skills are:

1) Galeforce

2) Movement +1

3) Deliverer (a.k.a. movement +2 in a pair up)

If I really wanted to go crazy with the maximum movement possible, I'd use Rally Heart and Rally Movement and I'd have made everyone Dark Fliers for the pair-up bonus; but at this point I think that the Logbook League isn't going to have a problem with getting pretty much wherever they want to go in a hurry.

And I think I'm ready to start.

Before the battle, some elf kid shows up. Definitely an elf; she's got the pointed ears and everything. Hey, the game has pegasi; elves aren't that far-fetched. A text box covers most of her besides the head, but since she's an elf I bet she's wearing a pretty dress and...


... that's definitely not a dress. I'm not sure what it is, but I don't think "dress" is the right word for it.

Y'know, I think I need to start a clothes drive for some of the characters in this game. Because obviously, some people are desperately in need of shirts. I'll even give one to Aversa if she promises not to try to murder me in my sleep as a thank you. It's going to be a long road till the poor shirtless denizens of this game are no longer shirtless, folks, but with your efforts the entire Sorcerer class will one day be able to put down their tomes without revealing too much of themselves to the world.

Anyway, clothes aside, Gregor has arrived! Nowi is not as happy as I am. I don't understand why. I mean, look at this face, isn't it the most innocent face you've ever seen?


Chrom doesn't seem very convinced, Nowi doesn't seem very convinced, and Lissa is calling him a creep. Good thing he's a forgiving fellow, since I'm planning on pairing her with him for this playthrough. While they are doing this another face shows up, apparently belonging to a guy called Chalard. This guy immediately starts making Gregor's face actually look like an innocent-baby face by comparison. It's pretty easy for Chrom to decide that Chalard is the bigger problem than the poor maligned Gregor, as threatening Grima's wrath upon everyone tends to be a pretty clear sign of who needs whacking with a sword the most.

And so the battle properly begins. I go ahead and pair Gregor up with Nowi for the moment, to move the two of them around more efficiently. And, since I'm using Deliverer today, I'll be pairing up everyone, including the Logbook units.

Chrom supports Riza, Sumia gets to be A-support buddies with Cordelia, Palla is joining Falcon Knight Riza, and Katarina is backing Drale. Celica and Tiki are the final pair-up for today's battle.


First things first: I want to clear all the enemies out of the range of the nearest sparkly tile so Nowi can see what's over there. Because sending a manakete to help out a manakete amuses me, Tiki is the first one I move. She goes after the cavalier at the bottom of the screenshot there. He's taken out by 68 damage-worth of dragon breath. Tiki and Celica are within range of the lower left-hand village; might as well go visit it because I'm easily distracted. I have Celica take out another cavalier on the way over with 75 damage and a flurry of pretty pink wind. Then I let Tiki be the one to actually visit the village.

Oh, in case you didn't know - if you have two characters with Galeforce paired up, you can actually get three moves out of them by switching them for the second enemy. Theoretically, you'd get more kills by letting everybody with Galeforce fight by themselves. In practice, by the time your army of Galeforce users wipes out everything in the vicinity, all the enemies are probably on the other side of the map and you're wasting turns trying to get your army to them. By using the Galeforce pair up strategy, you can get a lot of mileage by moving a pair as far as possible, killing an enemy, moving again, switching who's in the lead and killing another enemy, moving again, and by that time they have a group of enemies all to themselves or they're bidding a less-than-fond farewell to the commander.

Anyway, the village.


Y'know, I might be able to get Master Seals in Harvest Scramble, but it's a bit tedious to farm enough for everyone, so this Master Seal will definitely come in handy. I'll probably give it to Gregor.

Back to rescuing the little girl. I still want her to go see what's on that sparkly tile, after all. Let's have Riza and Chrom go kill the dark mage near the upper right-hand village, since he's the current problem with this plan. Ignis activates for 64 damage, and is completely awesome, and when I attempt to take a screenshot I realize that the whole screen-goes-blurry effect is not the nicest thing to get a picture of. Next time I'll try to get a screenshot when it first activates. At least the flurry of flower petals at the end is pretty.

This means that the sparkly tile is now safe for Nowi. She has a nice civil chat with Gregor - I guess she decided he was a good person - and their relationship improves.

There's a ridge that runs along the right side of this map, and at the very end of it is a myrmidon who is probably up to no good. I end my turn by having Riza - that's Our Riza, by the way - take him out. 51 damage deals with him just fine.

Before we send out the actual fliers with ridiculous range, let's see how Cordelia does against this axe guy. He's the fighter in the upper right-hand corner. Correction: He was the fighter in the upper right hand corner. He is no longer fighting, nor is he in the upper right hand corner any longer.


Sumia crits for 90 damage against the myrmidon near the same village. I then let her visit said village. I get another Rescue staff; told ya it was fine if I used those a bit. Not that I have yet.

I decide to use Falcon Knight Riza next. Remember the village that Tiki visited? A little bit to the south and right of that, there is a Dark Mage. Falcon Knight Riza has 13 movement. I think I'll just drop her on the other side of the map now.


She hits the guy for 55 damage. Nice.

There's three villages on this map, and I think it will be amusing if I manage to visit all of them on the first turn. I send Falcon Knight Riza toward the lower right-hand village. She's one square away from being able to visit it, but that's fine, since I can get an extra turn out of Palla. I have her attack the Dark Mage in front of the the last village. Then I let Palla visit the village. I get a Second Seal, which is awesome and I am happy.

I have one pair that hasn't moved yet; that's Drale and Katarina. There are three enemies over on the left-hand side, above the village Tiki visited. These are the only three enemies within range of Drale, so I have her fly over and attack the Dark Mage that's the farthest south. She hits him with an axe for a good 59 damage. I decide that I want to have someone near Nowi to make sure that nothing nasty gets by me while I'm busy looking at all the things to look at, so I have her finish off the fighter near Our Riza and Chrom. She crits for 177 damage, and needless to say, the fighter is very much dead.

The enemy phase begins, and the first enemy to move is the fighter near Tiki. Since I don't want to have Nowi fighting this time around, we won't be seeing her as a shiny awesome dragon for now; so here's a shiny awesome dragon to tide you over until Nowi is a shiny awesome dragon with better stats.



A dark mage attacks Drale and gets smacked with an axe to the face for 60 damage. The myrmidon near Drale experiences a similar fate. A cavalier goes for Palla afterward, and it doesn't go very well for him; she neatly crits for 171 damage. The Dark Mage and the Fighter in the upper left-hand section of the map move toward the right side, and a cavalier near Chalard decides to go sit right in front of the guy for some reason. Then it's the player phase.

I don't very much appreciate those two rascals in the right-hand corner heading for poor sweet defenseless Nowi, so I send Tiki and Celica to take care of them. Not at all because I want to see Shiny Awesome Dragon again.


That used to be a Dark Mage, by the way. Celica takes out the fighter . Now, there's one sparkly tile left at the bottom of the map; I think I'll have Tiki wait on it. She gains 26 XP that she doesn't exactly need.

Now I have a little problem. I'd like Chrom and Riza to actually participate in the killing of the boss. There isn't any special dialogue from doing that, but after seeing so much of those two in the beginning I feel like I'm abandoning the main characters or something. Problem is, they're not close enough. Well... in the meantime, might as well have Palla and Falcon Knight Riza deal with the other nasty things around him.

There's a fighter, a cavalier and a myrmidon left, all in a row in front of the boss. Palla takes out the fighter with 56 damage, Falcon Knight Riza gets the cavalier with 54, and guess what? I've got one more turn from her, and she has a rescue staff. Excuse me for a minute while I chuckle at Riza rescuing herself.


Our Riza can go ahead and deal with the last two enemies now - the myrmidon and the ugly. Er, I mean Chalard. Our Riza is hitting almost as hard as the Logbook Rizas now; 51 damage and that's one myrmidon down.

Chalard asks if we dare defy the Grima, the god of annihilation, and given that I personally am not interested in being annihilated, I do think I'll go ahead and defy him if it means I'll avoid that. Oh wait - wasn't Grima the weird pantless person from before, with Creepy Gray Guy? Let me put this Grima fellow on the list of beneficiaries for that clothes drive, I forgot about that. And anybody who has pants to spare, won't you please help out your poor local Grima, god of annihilation, who seems to have annihilated his pants?

Riza lands a critical strike for 129 damage on Chalard, which probably destroyed Chalard's pants along with the rest of him. If he was wearing any; I didn't really look too closely at his Dark Mage outfit, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't include pants.


Chalard says that his life force is Grima's, though I don't really think that's what Grima needs right now. I guess it's not like Chalard has much to offer in the way of clothes, but maybe one of his myrmidon buddies could have loaned Grima one of those long coats or something in the meantime?

Anyway, with that the stage is complete.


It was inevitable that Riza and Chrom would end up being the heroes again. With all the enemies gone, Nowi and Gregor are of course safe. Nowi doesn't seem to be very happy at first, until Gregor reminds her that the enemies being gone is a good thing. I'm not sure what those two were up to while hanging out in the center of the map and watching the Logbook League race around the battlefield in the most haphazard patterns possible, but at least they're friends now.

Gregor recommends that Chrom hire him, because beneath the innocent-baby face lies a very capable mercenary. I probably chuckle more than I should at his comment that he is perfectly reliable even though he just finished killing his former employers. It's more accurate to say that he stood by and watched the massacre unfold on his former employers; it's not like he could have stopped it even if he wanted to. I suppose it's the thought that counts.

I honestly think that Gregor is the funniest first-gen character in this game, at least according to my sense of humor. I continue laughing at his attempts to convince Chrom that he's definitely the guy for the job of smacking things with a sword. Chrom finally gets tired of listening to him get more ridiculous by the sentence, and Gregor's hilarious and fumbling impromptu resume comes to an end when Chrom hires him with the reasoning, "Why not."

Nowi was apparently being sold as a slave, since somebody thought it was a good idea to enslave a freakin' dragon, because mistreating something that can eat your face and call it a light snack is always an excellent plan. Her age comes up in an attempt to make the people playing this game a little more comfortable with her outfit. The Grimleal - in other words, the guys we just finished clearing off the battlefield - are explained as followers of Grima. It is not explained why they want to follow Grima, and Riza looks just as puzzled as I feel. Nobody bothers to ease her confusion or mine.

And so ends the chapter, not with a bang, but with an awkward suggestion from Flavia that everybody go to sleep.

Because Shiny coats and Dragons are awesome :XD:. Chapter 3 should be done some time tonight if I get to it :D:

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Just alongside Male Robin? Those are my favorite skills to abuse on anyone who can get them in almost every situation. Actually, the reason I don't play Male Robin that often is because he can't get Galeforce and ends up being outshined by just about everyone who can. That's also the reason why the Logbook League has been all-female so far, though I do have DLC Seliph who I might use at some point. But yeah, those are awesome skills and I plan to abuse them thoroughly in this playthrough.

Yeah, I only use him out of preference, plus, double female Morgans by pairing him with Cordelia.

DLC Seliph, Jaffar, and Camus are the only dudes who can have Galeforce legitimately without inheritance or cheating, so have fun with that.

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Yeah, I only use him out of preference, plus, double female Morgans by pairing him with Cordelia.

DLC Seliph, Jaffar, and Camus are the only dudes who can have Galeforce legitimately without inheritance or cheating, so have fun with that.

I didn't know that there were boys that can get galeforce without their mothers O.o this does open up for some fun I must say!! :XD:

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... I've never actually been a very big fan of Nowi as a unit (I hardly use her) so I've not ever noticed her clothes. Or lack thereof. That's... disturbing. I mean, she's centuries older than anyone else but... modesty anyone?

Well I guess that IS thought it was a good idea...there is one character in Fates that has a similar problem to Nowi...and she isn't a child either...but she looks like one.

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I'm not sure how the friend codes work either. I think that my girl would be a nice addtion when I start capping her.

By the way I have finally finished chapter 3 :D: I can't wait to see what Chrom and Riza get up to next. I am not looking forward to chapter 9 though, because chapter 9 is...

depressing as all hell because Emm dies D: or at least it makes us think that she does.

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For units I regularly abuse alongside male Robin, I have them have the following skills:

Limit Break

Armsthrift (makes non-staff weapon usage practically brainless and helps save time from having to grind for weapons/cash outside of perhaps forging the now unlimited-use weapon)


You see, when I use a female robin, i get an op morgan.

Donnel is a great father, so i finished from chapter 14 and on using ONLY Morgan (with chrom)

P.S (On Lunatic LOL)

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@Roflolxp54, oh, yep, the double Morgan thing is always cool. Also, Manakete Morgan is really fun; I got her during my last MaMU playthrough, and of course that's MaMU only. I decided to get Seliph maxed-out after seeing him about a million times while grinding for Paragons; I might end up going and training the other Galeforce guys too at some point. I've already got so many Logbook characters cluttering up my roster though...

@TheSilentChloey, yep, guys with Galeforce! There are some pretty cool skills you can find on Spotpass characters if you look hard enough. Oh, and as Ebony said, you can only exchange avatars locally... I don't really think the friend codes do anything for Awakening, that I can tell.

@MewMewExorcist, yeah... I really like dragons, but I usually never use Nowi as part of the main team and only deal with her long enough to get Nah. A pity, really; I'd feel more comfortable if they put her in... well, even stuff like what Nah or Tiki wear would work.

@EvilElectro, even Chrom Morgan using magic gets pretty OP. Morgan is always going to be awesome. If I didn't get tired of MaMU trailing behind his own kid(s) I'd have Manakete Morgan almost every time, because dragons.

@Ebony, it would be really awesome if remotely trading avatars was a thing - I'd love to do a chapter with avatars of people on this forum. You'd think that Nintendo would have made something to use those friend codes with this game.


Alright, so, I have a few really busy days ahead of me so I'm probably not going to get a new chapter up till later this week. Also, I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle the next chapter yet. There's only so much I can joke about before it gets tacky and insensitive with a chapter this serious. But I also don't want to make things boring. I'm sure I'll think of something, but it might take a few days.

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@Roflolxp54, oh, yep, the double Morgan thing is always cool. Also, Manakete Morgan is really fun; I got her during my last MaMU playthrough, and of course that's MaMU only. I decided to get Seliph maxed-out after seeing him about a million times while grinding for Paragons; I might end up going and training the other Galeforce guys too at some point. I've already got so many Logbook characters cluttering up my roster though...


Alright, so, I have a few really busy days ahead of me so I'm probably not going to get a new chapter up till later this week. Also, I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle the next chapter yet. There's only so much I can joke about before it gets tacky and insensitive with a chapter this serious. But I also don't want to make things boring. I'm sure I'll think of something, but it might take a few days.

Try training over 90 Logbook characters (getting them ALL skills, stat-cap them in all classes with Limit Break on, and give them Boots).

You can always joke before Emmeryn's death, though Emmeryn's death isn't that great in retrospect to a lot of players due to stuff like her paralogue.

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Try training over 90 Logbook characters (getting them ALL skills, stat-cap them in all classes with Limit Break on, and give them Boots).

You can always joke before Emmeryn's death, though Emmeryn's death isn't that great in retrospect to a lot of players due to stuff like her paralogue.

Yes well, I figured that would be something that I certainly wouldn't joke about...what are the odds that someone managed to actually save Emm? Not enough to fully save her, but enough that she would lose her memories etc at the cost of being alive?

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Try training over 90 Logbook characters (getting them ALL skills, stat-cap them in all classes with Limit Break on, and give them Boots).

You can always joke before Emmeryn's death, though Emmeryn's death isn't that great in retrospect to a lot of players due to stuff like her paralogue.

Emmeryn's death may have actually been a very sad thing if not for that paralougue. I remember it was actually sad the first time round when I didn't know about the paralougues. Honestly those Paralogues robbed alot of the impact of the plot I mean you may aswell be batman because you arent killing anyone.

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Yeesh, that's a lot of training logbook characters! Not that I couldn't imagine myself doing that if I had a couple of months with nothing to do. But otherwise my attention span wouldn't survive that long.

Regarding Emmeryn's death - I have found the most peace of mind by believing that Paralogue Emmeryn came from an alternate timeline, like Paralogue Yen'fay. I don't know if that's a discredited theory, but I think it would explain a lot, and there'd be precedence. It's never explicitly stated that she was our Emmeryn, and a head injury doesn't necessarily have to be from a fall. Heck, she could have arrived in our timeline perfectly fine only to get knocked in the head by a Risen at some point.

And don't worry, I won't avoid joking entirely! Not with Gangrel giving me such excellent material.

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Yeesh, that's a lot of training logbook characters! Not that I couldn't imagine myself doing that if I had a couple of months with nothing to do. But otherwise my attention span wouldn't survive that long.

Regarding Emmeryn's death - I have found the most peace of mind by believing that Paralogue Emmeryn came from an alternate timeline, like Paralogue Yen'fay. I don't know if that's a discredited theory, but I think it would explain a lot, and there'd be precedence. It's never explicitly stated that she was our Emmeryn, and a head injury doesn't necessarily have to be from a fall. Heck, she could have arrived in our timeline perfectly fine only to get knocked in the head by a Risen at some point.

And don't worry, I won't avoid joking entirely! Not with Gangrel giving me such excellent material.

Gangrel was one to open himself up to jokes and the likes :XD: I think we certainly could say a few things about him in that regard :P:

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