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[FE10] You guys should stop talking about EM on skype chat


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3-3: 7/78

Celerity Heather rushes to the boss and caps str! She is higher leveled than Titania. Btw, Titania and Heather both reach their supplies by turn 6 but Ike and Mist didn't, so I took an extra turn and the Master Crown. Titania capped both str and def holy shit.

3-4: 6/84

Heather gets all the credits. I needed an extra unit in order to shave a turn here. Mist shoved heather to kill the halb in the middle of the way in order to make Titania full move and drop Ike to reach the arrive tile much faster. However, a 5 turn isn't possible unless Haar ferries Gandalf and other mage sieges one of the two gens. But hey, Mist left every laguz alive due to Physic and Recover, so moar bexp.

3-5: 1/85

CeleriTitanic owns Lawmbrosso

3-6: 5/90

Holy shit Aran is gr9. He is bexp'd up to 16 for stat's sake, specially for lck and res. He gets the crown and paragon because beastfoe was useless. He gets up to lv 8 or 9 and has awesome str, skl, sp, lck and def, wait did I said lck? Yeah easymodo is dat gr8. Miccy and Sothe do their thingy up north. Who needs that silly red-haired draco rider that comes up late and abandons you in 1-8? Bwahahaha

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but why don't you make rhys do what neph does? Or give her miracle or adept vantage, I dunno

I'm gonna restart for Heather and her pass anyway so I can save a turn in 3-3

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I'm pretty sure Pass doesn't save turns.

I think yes, specially when you have a cav. Pass helps so much because of the enemies that appear in the left: the sms that appear by ep1, the high def/hp swd gen, the halbs in the west and the swd gen duo and sm+fire sage in the north. It shaves at lest one turn. And if she has only foot units then it's far better. Also, the longbow sniper, the swd silver gen etc etc.

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It doesn't save turns at all if you play it right. Pass is pretty terrible aside from 3-12 and 3-13 in my experience.

Edited by Peekayell
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I had a bad experience without Pass in a draft I skipped Heather, but well, at least 2-1 is free.

3-7: 12/102

Heather caps sp and lck, and has more mag than def. Please give me some dark magic imbued knives c_c. Mist gets like 4 lv ups and isn't afraid any more of sages! On the other hand Mordy grabs zihark, Heather and Ike own Miccy and her group of losers n_n'.

3-8: 4/106

CeleriTits with hand, short and forged axe own the enemies. She caps skl and sp.

3-9: 4/110

Geoffrey is so boresome, lol. He brave sol'd da baws in his face.

3-10: 4/114

Mist is bexp'd up to promotion. Heather goes down with forges abd silver dagger, Ike and ValkMist follow Titania. Mist gets the boss kill and gets a perfect lv up without hp.

Now, Sigrun comes and is going to eat a drop, a book and an icon!

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3-11: 4/118

Sigrun gets drop, book and icon, gets bexp and prefers hp str sp over lck and res :awesome:. Anyways, the thunder sage arccrtkilled Ike, so GAME OVER

3-12: 3/121

Ugh, 4 enemies left to 2 turn it, there should be a way to fix this but eh. Aran caps skl, sp and def.

3-13: 3/124

Aran caps str and lck and Impales Ike with a killer lance. Also, equipped bronze wpns to dbs to sd on the gms on the next chapter heehee.


3-E: 5/129

Sigrun caps lck, skl and str. Heather east! Sigrun, Titania and Ike up! Mist left up! Got rescue.

Edited by Quintessence
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Part 4: Gods and Men

Silver: Sigrun, Heather

Greil: Aran

Hawk: -----

4-P: 3/132

Pacifist chapters suck, raeg. Oh! Sigrun capped lv, hp, sp and res due to bexp.

4-1: 3/135

Meh, Ike down the right, Tits right, Mist left then down, Aran left.

4-2: 5/140

CeleriLincy and Paragon Lucia. Lincy caps str, sp and lck. Lucia caps hp, skl, sp and res. Pelleas just fenrir'd.

4-3: 5/145

Confirming a 4 turn is possible, just needed Stefan or another good move unit. Sigrun flies and destroys shit, Heather and Sothe team up and deal with the central enemies. Miccy full moves and reaches Stefan's spot by pp4. Sigrun flied west then south then to numida.

4-4: 6/151

Paragon Tormod gets up to lv 17, capped hp, str, sp and def.

4-5: 2/153

Ugh, no Pass cost me a turn here but oh well, instead Paragon Pelleas got up to lv 18 and capped mag, skl, sp, def. He arcflared izuka, so pro.

4-E-1: 2/155

Miccy to hetzel's spot and celeriTits to Lekain's with hammer. The rest just cleared enemies.

4-E-2: 1/156

Hammer bro.

4-E-3: 1/157


4-E-4: 1/158

Lol, CeleriBootsParity Ike orkos seph.

4-E-5: 2/160

Lol, 2 auras and ashera left to 1 turn this.

Unit Records:

Aran 81w

Heather 105 w

Sigrun 105 w

Ike 113 w

Tits 137 w

edit: Reyson died at 4-5 lol

Edited by Quintessence
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lol fuck formatting

3-2 - 3/71

lol em

3-3 - 8/79

fuck it i don't care

3-4 - 7/86


3-5 - 2/88


3-6 - 5/93

Nolan is the best

3-7 - 12/105

3-8 - 4/109

^> >

3-9 - 3/112

3-10 - 4/116

3-11 - 4/120

3-12 - 3/123

3-13 - 2/125

gave da boobs to nolan

3-e - 5/130


silver miccy sothe leanne claill stefan

greil ike nolan neph muarim rhys rafiel

hawk astrif manith reyson

4-p - 3/133

people move. sothe kills the first dude in the way and then calill and micaiah split and go up and right. stationary enemies and passive enemies are dumb. also leanne is the best and she almost died but didn't

4-1 - 3/136

rhys neph brolan ike split up rafiel vigors

4-2 - 5/141

Celerity!Manith and astrid go around while reyson stones for mov, i needed an extra unit here to go lower since they had to backtrack

4-3 - 5/146

5 turns is still possible with only calill on em so i put rhys and tanith in the other routes cuz i needed more help there. also leanne died because she needed to be closer to calill and resovlemiccy in order to 5 turn. i had to reset a bit because stationary/passive enemies are dumb. sothe shoves at the beginning and stefan shoves miccy once he spawns. also resolve sux on calill because she flares too much and she can double anyway so meh

4-4 - 5/151

Boobs!nolan paid off because the extra move helped here. Muarim was bexp'd and he ran around and rhys purged doors (the whole reason why i put him here) and nephenee killed things like ike did and rafiel vigored

4-5 - 2/153

tanith went straight for da boss and reyson died

4-e-1 - 2/155

went up

4-e-2 - 1/156

4-e-3 - 1/157

4-e-4 - 1/158

4-e-5 - 2/160

had nasir for rhys and calill/10 also em

edit: fuck i typo'd

haha we tied

Edited by Ciarre
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but theorically he has a 2 turn lead over me by 3-E

inb4 he roflstomp us with his tc

why do I leave him win when I have the chance of winning raegraegraeg

Goddamnit rage

*blows walls with teh head*

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I'm pretty sure CR would've tied me if she had given boobs to nolan in 3-12 instead of 3-13. Though i might be able to 1 turn 4-E-5 anyway and beat her due to Ena and EM bonus + a lot of my units having 39 spd after the boost.

I should stop being lazy and post my log already, quint might beat me to it since he has it in a PM xD.

Edited by Peekayell
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