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Onani Master Kurosawa


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This doujin is too good for a doujin about masturbation.

Oh yeah like, it starts out as a Death Note parody about masturbation and it's nsfw (no you don't see penis but ha ha ha) and and and later it gets its' own story and wow it is way too good for a doujin about masturbation you should read it all.

I am terrible at explaining things but this is really good.

Oh yeah I am certain this will convince you

CERTAIN LATER POSTS contain unmarked spoilers. Just a warning.

Edited by Hikarusa
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Anyone who can make masturbation into a serious compelling story is a master writer.

Seriously, it's only 31 chapters and they're all finally translated, so everyone should read it.

Edited by smash fanatic
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Anyone who can make masturbation into a serious compelling story is a master writer.

Seriously, it's only 31 chapters and they're all finally translated, so everyone should read it.

This... I can't believe how compelling a story it was. I just read the whole thing up to chapter 31. What a phenomenal story....

Honestly this is probably the best manga I have read in ages.

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Aside from that, this manga actually superseded my original opinions of it. Thanks for the tip-off. ;)

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Haha, I've never read anything so funny in my life. Very good stuff. I empathise with Kakeru on his feelings towards

Takagawa and Nagaoka when they first start dating

. I was like... "D:> WTF NO WAI".

Edit: Edited for spoilers.

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Takagawa and Nagaoka when they first start dating


I lol'd at Kobayashi.

Whoa! Did you hear that Kurosawa? This broccoli head fucker got a GIRLFRIEND. XD

...Although, I have to admit, Kurosawa's revenge on her was pretty mean. :/

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I lol'd at Kobayashi.

Whoa! Did you hear that Kurosawa? This broccoli head fucker got a GIRLFRIEND. XD

...Although, I have to admit, Kurosawa's revenge on her was pretty mean. :/

You call cumming all over her stuff because she is dating someone he doesn't want her to date "pretty mean"? :P

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You call cumming all over her stuff because she is dating someone he doesn't want her to date "pretty mean"? :P

uh... maybe? I mean, Taka couldn't even forgive him at first. :mellow: And that person she was dating called out to Kurosawa all the time...

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uh... maybe? I mean, Taka couldn't even forgive him at first. :mellow: And that person she was dating called out to Kurosawa all the time...

I would have called it depraved and somewhat psychologically unstable, but okay.

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Damn, this dude is trifling.

Everything said and done by everyone in this manga is awesome. This guy has balls to do what he does.

And owning up to all that shit in front of the whole class. I wouldn't do the stuff he did in the first place.

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They should definitely turn this into an anime. I'd watch it.

I wonder who would have the nerve to be Kurosawa's seiyu. :mellow:

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I wonder who would have the nerve to be Kurosawa's seiyu. :mellow:

I don't know, but it would be fucking hilarious to watch. I laughed at still pictures, who knows what state I'll be in if I'm watching it animated and hearing it.

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Enjoyable, but I don't quite get the meme/next-breakout-manga-on-the-internet status aside from the early bits being pretty awesome DN parodies.

Fucking laughed at that random-ass string of Street Fighter stuff he spewed while was doing it that one time, you know the one

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