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Mafia Postgame Discussion

General Spoon

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The MAFIA wins!

Mafia Members








Emergency Appointed Emergency Detective


Of note, on night 1, I had to mod kill Issac55 for severe delay of game (when he finally gave a reply to this, he seemed to agree with what I did). To compensate, I made Hero detective on day 2.

The game was close, as you can tell, since there were only 2 players left at the end.

EDIT: Since some of you seemed a bit hung up on The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal...


Edited by General Spoon
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lol good shit.

If I had bothered to read the wiki article I might have picked up on the cyborg thing. :(

And killing Hero was apparently a bad idea lol.

Was the polar bear really alluding to Ether?

Edited by Crysta
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lol good shit.

If I had bothered to read the wiki article I might have picked up on the cyborg thing. :(

And killing Hero was apparently a bad idea lol.

Was the polar bear really alluding to Ether?

You never know,maybe Spoon did mean to give me away,maybe it was coincidence.

Anyway,Gogo CATS,you managed to keep our memory alive...still kinda wish you wouldn;t have shoved me off a cliff to do it...but I guess it worked... >_>

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I got bored with this game like...first day in? I'm not even sure why. But hopefully next game, I'll be a bit more motivated.

CATS was terribly suspicious before, but the last day he made it really obvious that he was actually mafia. Too bad no one else was active/alive/motivated.




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Yeah, sorry about letting you go Ether, but considering there was no evidence in your defense at all, I just really didn't think I could risk defending you. You were being lynched in the first place because you protected Weapons, so people were obviously paying attention to stuff like that. It would've been too suspicious.

Good game.

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Looking back at my own death, I don't think anyone could really complain about having a little bit of Furetchen on your business suit. I mean, splotches of blood really are the latest fashion.

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