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FE8 mafia Postgame


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FE8 mafia was a game where everyone had a non-negative role. It was a game where everyone was supposed to have fun. Proto and I realised that the mafia was kinda overpowered, but the town went and lynched most of them. Mafia came pretty close, though, and if I had modkilled Furet for editing, mafia would have won it. Oh well, role PMs.



Role: Town Paranoid.

Role PM:


You are Myrrh, Town Bomb. You are a Manakete from Darkling Woods, and the daughter of Morva. You were found by Ephraim, and you begged Ephraim to be able to travel with him. When you are about to die by any means, you become paranoid with your Dragonstone and kill the killer as well. Or the last person to vote for you when you are lynched. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"I can feel the darkness. I feel a broad pool of darkness deep within its walls." ~Myrrh

Psych posted his role PM and got modkilled Day 1. lol.




  • Amelia! (Town Tracker) tracks Slayer (Result: Nothing)
  • I Like My Cake Iced!!!!! (Town Watcher) watches BK (Result: Nothing)
  • Snike (Town Thief) steals from Ether (Result: A magical green-hilted sword)
  • Reinfleche (Town Warlock) predicts the deaths of Kai, Fayt, and Psych (Kai prediction correct, so he gets to practice medicine the next night)
  • Dracohon (Town Doctor) protects Bizz (moar fail)
  • Weapons (Town Roleblocker) goes to sleep (Lazybones)
  • Kai (Town Bodyguard) guards Bizz (and dies, killing I eat tables)
  • BK (Town Hider) hides under I eat tables (and dies)
  • Core (Town Sniper) kills Slayer (Slayer's armor breaks but he survives)
  • Furetchen (Town Vigilante) goes to sleep too (Oh, wow, you too?)
  • Lux (Town Jack-of-all-Trades)
  • Bizz (Town Pupil) learns from Reinfleche (was unsure how to handle this but now I don't need to)
  • Ether (Self-Aligned Serial Killer) slays Raymond (SUCCESS!!!)
  • Silent Shaman (Mafia Godfather) gives mission to I eat tables (typical Lyon)
  • I eat tables (Mafia Hitman) pierce-kills Bizz (BLOODBATH TIEM!!!)
  • ALS (Mafia Roleblocker) roleblocks Psych (Successful, but pointless)
  • Pride (Mafia Poisoner) poisons Raymond (too late, he's already dead)
  • Fayt (Mafia Spy) investigates Ether (Result: Self-Aligned Serial Killer)


  • Bizz (Town Pupil) died
  • Kai (Town Bodyguard) died
  • I eat tables (Mafia Hitman) died
  • BK (Town Hider) died
  • Raymond (Town Summoner) died
  • L'Arachel and Gerik had a wonderful moment together in bed.


Role: Town Pupil

Role PM:


You are Ewan, Town Pupil. You are Tethys’ brother and the pupil of Saleh. During the Night phase, you may become someone else's student, allowing you to learn their ability and use it in the following night. You will be unable to target the same person consecutively. Attempts to learn from a Mafia member will cost you your life. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"I tried to fight those monsters. And you know what? I killed four of 'em! With my magic! That's pretty good, huh?" ~Ewan

Bizz got murdered by IET to throw suspicion onto Lightning. This had the potential to be a wonderful role, but it’s too bad it went early.


Role: Town Bodyguard

Role PM:


You are Seth, Town Bodyguard. You are the famous Silver Knight of Renais and one of their best Paladins. At any time during the Night Phase, you can choose to guard a target to save them from nightkills. If someone DOES attempt to kill your target, then both you and the killer will die. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"If you are still true to our late king, then let's win this war together. And together, we shall visit His Majesty's tomb to report our victory!" ~Seth

Standard BG role. Targeted Levity to prevent her from being killed, and thus it would prevent Lightning from being targeted. Unfortunately, it failed. =D


Role: Mafia Hitman

Role PM:


You are Valter, Mafia Hitman. You are the Moonstone, one of the generals of Grado. You are an insane killer that really enjoys causing as much bloodshed as possible. Three times during the game, you will be able to take control of the Mafia's nightkill for the Night. Thanks to your Pierce ability, your kills are not affected by any other Night action in the game. You are aligned with the Mafia and your objective is to kill all anti-Mafia players.

"I am Valter, the Moonstone, Grado's finest general! And you’re just a corpse who does not know he is dead." ~Valter

IET was the mafia’s hitman. Apparently Proto contradicted his role PM by having Kai kill him, but I only noticed this... 1 minute ago. He murdered 3 people before he died. Great job.


Role: Town Hider

Role PM:


You are Rennac, Town Hider. You are a mercenary from Carcino but you unfortunately agreed to work for Princess L'Arachel of Rausten. Now you realize that she's not gonna pay you a dime and are trying to hide from her. At any time during the Night Phase, you can choose to hide under another player to protect yourself from nightkills. If you attempt to hide under a Mafia member, you will die. If the player you hid under is killed that Night, then you will also die. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"No more being ordered around by that selfish princess and her moronic bodyguard. This is the life. Lady Luck loves me." ~Rennac

I don’t like Hiders, but eh. He hid under Tables, and got stabbed in return.


Role: Town Summoner

Role PM:


You are Knoll, Town Summoner. You are a shaman from Grado whom assisted Lyon in the formation of the Dark Stone, and you foretold of the earthquake which would devastate Grado. During the Night Phase, you may summon a dead character, and that person will be alive for the next day phase, during which he/she will be able to vote and talk. A person may only be summoned once, and you can only use this ability once every 2 nights. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"You would drop everything without hesitation just to help others. This is the difference between mages and priests. Knowledge versus sacrifice." ~Knoll

Raymond knew this was a good role, but Ether went and killed him. Using this role, mafia would have been gone much faster.


Psych gets Life’s role, and dances for Rein.


Role: Town Watcher

Role PM:


You are Tana, Town Watcher. You are the princess of Frelia, and you were captured by Grado forces before being rescued. You then fought with Renais against your family’s wishes, in order to stop Grado. During the Night Phase, you may choose a target to watch. Your Pegasus will land on that person’s building, and you will be able to find out who visited your target during the night. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"You and Ephraim, my father and my brother... You're all fighting together, fighting for a noble cause. I cannot be left out. I will not be left out." ~Tana

Got lynched for inactivity. Derp.


Uhai subs in for Amelia.


  • Uhai (Town Tracker) tracks Lux
  • Snike (Town Thief) steals from Furetchen
  • Reinfleche (Town Warlock) predicts the deaths of
  • Dracohon (Town Doctor) protects Fayt
  • Weapons (Town Roleblocker) roleblocks Dracohon
  • Core (Town Sniper) hides under Uhai
  • Furetchen (Town Vigilante) kills Uhai
  • Lux (Town Jack-of-all-Trades)
  • Ether (Self-Aligned Serial Killer) slays
  • Silent Shaman (Mafia Godfather) kills Ether
  • ALS (Mafia Roleblocker) roleblocks Ether
  • Pride (Mafia Poisoner) poisons
  • Fayt (Mafia Spy) investigates Mikethfc (Result: Town Unlynchable)


Role: Town Sniper

Role PM:


You are Innes, Town Sniper. You are the prince of Frelia, and you were fighting in Carcino with some mercenaries when you were rescued by Princess Eirika. You then joined her in battle against Grado. During the Night Phase, you can choose to either kill a target or hide under one to protect yourself from nightkills. Hiding under a Mafia member or a player that was killed that Night will cause you to die. Killing more than one Townie will also cause you to die as well. You cannot use the same action on consecutive Night phases. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"Surrender? I'm the prince of Frelia. I don't know the meaning of the words." ~Innes

This is basically a slightly weaker vig. Core hid under Uhai, who got sniped by Furet.


Role: Town Tracker

Role PM:


You are Ephraim, Town Tracker. You are the prince of Renais, and you were fighting in Grado when Renais was defeated. You were able to escape General Valter, and you then started fighting to win your country back. During the Night Phase, you may choose a target to track to find out who that person visited on the same Night Phase. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"Trust me. I don't pick fights I cannot win." ~Ephraim

Did ab-so-lute-ly nothing. Was shit on by Furet.



  • Psychout (Town Dancer) dances for Fayt
  • Pride (Mafia Poisoner) was lynched


Role: Mafia Poisoner



You are Riev, Mafia Poisoner. You came from Rausten but you got banished and became a Grado general instead, known as the Blood Beryl. During the Night Phase, you can call monsters to poison a target. The target will be killed in the following Night Phase. You may not use this ability on consecutive Nights. You are aligned with the Mafia and your objective is to kill all anti-Mafia players.

"Heh heh heh... Rise and rage, my precious children of darkness. Ruin the wood and ride the sea! Drown your foes, and devour their flesh! Come celebrate the glorious rebirth of your lord and master, the Demon King!" ~Riev

His only act was of him poisoning Raymond, which utterly failed. Got killed for inactivity.



  • Snike (Town Thief) steals from Weapons
  • Reinfleche (Town Warlock) predicts the deaths of Lux, Psych, and Ether
  • Dracohon (Town Doctor) protects Fayt
  • Weapons (Town Roleblocker) roleblocks Dracohon
  • Furetchen (Town Vigilante) washes his cool brown coat
  • Lux (Town Jack-of-all-Trades) jumps out to die
  • Ether (Self-Aligned Serial Killer) slays Lux
  • Silent Shaman (Mafia Godfather) kills Psych
  • Silent Shaman recruits Fayt
  • ALS (Mafia Roleblocker) roleblocks Snike
  • Fayt (Mafia Spy) investigates Snike (Result: Town Thief) and Lux (Result: Town Jack-of-all-Trades)


Role: Town Dancer

Role PM:


You are Tethys, Town Dancer. You are Ewan's older sister and a dancer for Gerik's mercenary group. During the Day phase, you may dance for a target. Your target will then be able to use their night ability twice on the following night. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"Really? Perhaps faith is a good thing. I've never had much before, but perhaps good things do happen to good people." ~Tethys

Mafia deemed him as a bit of a thread, so they smashed his face into the floor.


Role: Town JoaT

Role PM:


You are Lute, Town Jack-of-all-Trades. You are a prodigy of a mage, and you helped Eirika defeat some monsters in Za’ha forest. You then joined up with the group permanently. During the night phase, you may use any of your four abilities. You can either use your genius to investigate someone to know whether they're innocent or guilty, kill someone with your really high magic, heal someone at night to save them from death or to block someone from using their night action using status staves. You may only use each ability once and you can't use more than one ability on the same night. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"I've been reading up on these revenants. They are, quite simply, no match for me. I am superior after all." ~Lute

He idled every single night. Funnily enough, at first he wanted to kill Mike, but he retracted it in the end.


Fayt gets lynched.


Role: Mafia Spy

Role PM:


You are Orson, Mafia Spy. You used to be part of the Renais army but then you decided to betray them to Grado in exchange for the revival of your beloved wife. The Mafia do not know your identity yet but they are aware of your role and what it does. You cannot communicate with your scumbuddies until the Godfather recruits you (after that, the Mafia will know who you are). Before that, however, you can investigate a target every Night to learn their exact role. You will also show up innocent when investigated yourself. The Mafia can recruit you whenever they want but after that, you will lose both of these abilities. You are aligned with the Mafia and your objective is to kill all anti-Mafia players.

"My fondest wish will be granted... To spend the rest of my days in the embrace of my loving wife once more..." ~Orson

A rather useful role, and he found Ether out, which killed any chance of him winning. He also found Snike and Mike.



  • Snike (Town Thief) steals from Weapons
  • Reinfleche (Town Warlock) predicts the deaths of Ether, ALS, and Snike
  • Reinfleche (Town Warlock) kills ALS
  • Dracohon (Town Doctor) protects SilentShaman
  • Weapons (Town Roleblocker) roleblocks
  • Furetchen (Town Vigilante) dries up his cool brown jacket
  • Ether (Self-Aligned Serial Killer) slays
  • Silent Shaman (Mafia Godfather) kills Dracohon
  • ALS (Mafia Roleblocker) roleblocks Reinfleche


Role: Town Doctor

Role PM:


You are Natasha, Town Doctor. You were a holy cleric of Grado, but you were deemed a traitor after your teacher was executed. You’re aiding Renais in its quest to defeat Grado, and your job is to heal your allies at death’s door. During the Night Phase, you may choose to heal a target of your choosing, and if your target was attacked during the night, they will be saved by your healing spell. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"They may not want to hear what I have to say, but... I must speak with one of the Grado soldiers. Oh, if only one of them will listen to my words... Please! Grant me strength." ~Natasha

Was essentially a townie. He protected Cocytus and SS quite a few times. :awesome:


ALS kicks it, and we get to see his 2 role PMs.


Role: Mafia Roleblocker

Role PM:


You are Selena, Mafia Roleblocker. You are the Fluorspar, Grado's most loyal general who would obey the king even when you know that he's wrong. You have access to your status staves, which allow you to roleblock a target to negate their Night Action for that one night. You are aligned with the Mafia and your objective is to kill all anti-Mafia players.

"I humbly acknowedge your orders. Your Majesty... I am the empire's servant. I am Your Majesty's vassal. I am General Selena, the Flourspar of the Grado Empire." ~Selena[

Got lynched for his claim.



  • Snike (Town Thief) steals from Mikethfc
  • Reinfleche (Town Warlock) predicts the deaths of
  • Weapons (Town Roleblocker) does nothing.
  • Furetchen (Town Vigilante) kills Ether
  • Ether (Self-Aligned Serial Killer) slays Reinfleche
  • Silent Shaman (Mafia Godfather) kills Snike


Role: Town Warlock

Role PM:


You are Joshua, Town Warlock. You are the runaway prince of Jehanna, who left the royal court 10 years ago to prove yourself as a man. You were convinced by Natasha to join Eirika’s cause, and now you fight alongside her. At night, you may tell me the usernames of 3 people, and if any of those people die, you will be able to use a random ability on the following night. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"Well, well. There's an arena in this town. Perfect. My pocket's feeling a bit light." ~Joshua

Was on crack most of the time, but forgot to send in his actions. Oh well.


Role: Town Thief

Role PM:


You are Colm, Town Thief. Your hometown of Lark was destroyed when Grado attacked, and you were able to escape along with Neimi. You stole Eirika’s bracelet, and Seth eventually retrieved it back from you before you joined up with the party, having nowhere else to turn to. During the Night Phase, you will be able to steal from a target, and you will retrieve an item (staff, sword, tome, etc.), which you can use to identify the type of ability the target possesses. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"We don't have a home! Don't you get it? Look, just leave everything to me. I can take care of it in a flash, but I don't need a clumsy oaf like you tagging along." ~Colm

Found Ether, Furet, WoMC and Mike before dying. Was thought to be cop =P


Ether finally kicks it.


Role: Self-Aligned Serial Killer

Role PM:


You are Carlyle, Self-Aligned Serial Killer. You are the former leader of the army of Jehanna, but you eventually fell in love with Queen Ismaire. You were corrupted into fighting against Renais in order to keep your beloved safe, but after her death, you were driven insane. Having gone mad, you wish to kill everyone else in order to be with your queen. During the Night Phase, you will have to target someone to kill at night. Due to your high evasion, you will also be able to evade all attempts on your life during the night phase. You are Self-Aligned and your objective is to be the last one alive.

"I need no country. I care nothing for my countrymen. I can see nothing but you. If you would only be mine..." ~Carlyle

Somewhere along the way Proto decided he could NK. Was found N1, and ended up helping the town before kicking it.



  • Weapons (Town Roleblocker) roleblocks Slayer
  • Furetchen (Town Vigilante) kills
  • Silent Shaman (Mafia Godfather) kills Weapons


Role: Town roleblocker

Role PM:


You are L’Arachel, Town Roleblocker. You are the princess of Rausten, and your life goal is to rid the world of monsters. During the Night Phase, you may incapacitate a target using your status staves, preventing them from using their night action. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"Aha! Foul creatures, beware! I, L’Arachel, bestow upon you the honor at banishment at my blessed hands!" ~L'Arachel

Got killed so he wouldn’t prevent mafia kills.


SlayerX dies.


Role: Town Bulletproof

Role PM:


You are Gilliam, Town Bulletproof. You are a soldier of Frelia, and you were commanded by King Hayden to accompany Eirika on her quest. Because of your tough armour, you will be able to survive one attempt on your life at night. You have no other special abilities. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"I've stronger armor then you do. I'll take the lead. Watch my back." ~Gilliam

Took one for the team.



Role: Town Vigilante

Role PM:


You are Gerik, Town Vigilante. You are a mercenary who fights out of loyalty, not for money, which has earned you the respect of your comrades. During the Night, you can kill another target. You may only make 3 kills during the course of the game. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"There's no way I can abandon you after that fine performance. I'm staying with you. To the end." ~Gerik

Killed quite a few townies, but he killed SS in the end.


Role: Mafia Godfather

Role PM:


You are Lyon, Mafia Godfather. You are the Prince of Grado that attempted to revive your father but you ended up being corrupted by the Dark Stone. You now command the Grado Army to invade the rest of Magvel. You are in charge of the Mafia's nightkill. You don't directly get your hands dirty though, so no one will be able to see you kill the target and you will show up innocent when investigated. You are aligned with the Mafia and your objective is to kill all anti-Mafia players.

"I forget nothing! I know I am too weak. Because of me, all of Grado will be destroyed. I need... I need the Sacred Stone. I must become stronger. I will become stronger. " ~Lyon

So close, yet so far.

So! I hope you all enjoyed this game! I know I enjoyed it, and well, good luck for all future mafia games!

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Also, you didn't list the Night Actions and stuff. Plus, you conveniently forget to include the details on Bizz's Mom, the GAME'S CHAMPION! And you probably didn't see this post either

Edited by Proto
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SlayerX dies.


Role: Town Bulletproof

Role PM:

You are Gilliam, Town Bulletproof. You are a soldier of Frelia, and you were commanded by King Hayden to accompany Eirika on her quest. Because of your tough armour, you will be able to survive one attempt on your life at night. You have no other special abilities. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"I've stronger armor then you do. I'll take the lead. Watch my back." ~Gilliam

Took one for the team.

... :angry:

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Lately, all I've seen is "______ had the potential to be a great role but unfortunately Levity got killed N1 and it was wasted"

and all I have to say to this is


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Lately, all I've seen is "______ had the potential to be a great role but unfortunately Levity got killed N1 and it was wasted"

and all I have to say to this is


What about Psych's mini-maf, you survived the whole time there :awesome:

*Inb4 Lightning posts*

Edited by mikethfc
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Apparently Proto contradicted his role PM by having Kai kill him, but I only noticed this... 1 minute ago. He murdered 3 people before he died. Great job.


When Mafia Godfather and Town Doctor both share the same target: Nobody dies

When Mafia Godfather and Town Bodyguard both share the same target: Target lives, but the Godfather and Bodyguard both die

When Mafia Hitman and Town Doctor both share the same target: Target dies

When Mafia Hitman and Town Bodyguard both share the same target: Target, Hitman, and Bodyguard all die.

Leaving the target alive would contradict the Hitman's role PM. Leaving the target dead while the bodyguard and hitman survive would contradict the Bodyguard's role PM. So yeah, three people WERE supposed to die. BK was just a bonus.


Role: Town Sniper

Role PM:


You are Innes, Town Sniper. You are the prince of Frelia, and you were fighting in Carcino with some mercenaries when you were rescued by Princess Eirika. You then joined her in battle against Grado. During the Night Phase, you can choose to either kill a target or hide under one to protect yourself from nightkills. Hiding under a Mafia member or a player that was killed that Night will cause you to die. Killing more than one Townie will also cause you to die as well. You cannot use the same action on consecutive Night phases. You are aligned with the Town and your objective is to kill all anti-Town players.

"Surrender? I'm the prince of Frelia. I don't know the meaning of the words." ~Innes

This is basically a slightly weaker vig. Core hid under Uhai, who got sniped by Furet.

huhwut? The hiding ability is really useful here. Keeps him safe in alternate Night Phases and allows him to confirm townies by hiding under them (if he doesn't die, the target is Town). A Vigilante that can confirm townies = awesome

Edited by Proto
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