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[FE11] Some standard boring FEDS draft thing


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- Normal Run

- Prologue don't count towards turn goals. [No boss abuse in these chapters though!]

- Reclassing allowed.

- Warp Staff is cool, if you don't mind a 40 turn penalty for each use

(Exception: Julian [Or Rickard if you drafted him] is allowed to be warped to the treasure room in Chapter 17 by an undrafted staff user)

- Undrafted units can only be used for meatshielding [should be unarmed]; same with faceless units. They can be used to recruit characters though. They shouldn't be healed, or use items. They can take part in trade chains.

- Lowest Turncount wins!

- No Forging

- Drafting by Random Turn order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.)

- WiFi is allowed for Elysian Whips only

- Post a Playlog here, count turns

- No Clock Abuse

Free: Marth, Jagen, and Nagi/Gotoh. Julian is free for thieving but not combat.


3. PegKnightLover: Caeda, Sedgar, Bord, Lena, Radd, Midia, Rickard, Astram, Roshea, Arran, Tiki - 138 turns clear

5: Vicious Sal: Abel, Wolf, Cord, Vun Voman, Linde, Darros, Caesar, Jake, Vyland, Lorenz, Boah

1. Darros: Cain, Hardin, Draug, Minerva, Palla, Wrys, Wendell, Castor, Tomas, Maria, Samson - 242 turns clear

4: blues: Frey, Merric, Navarre, Xane, Catria, Norne, Dolph, Beck, Macellan, Est

2. 13thshadow: Ogma, Barst, Julian, Gaggles, Etzel, Ymir, Elice, Horace, Roger, Matthis

Unit List:



Edited by Komatsu
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Question: Are gaidens free? You should make them free for up to 20 turns.

Free up to 20 turns yes. They're also optional.

Random.org says 3,5,1,4,2. PegKnightLover, go.

Edited by Darros
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Free up to 20 turns yes. They're also optional.

Random.org says 3,5,1,4,2. PegKnightLover, go.

Nice, first. My bias says I should pick Caeda...Normal mode says I should pick Frey or a pally. What to do... Give me Caeda.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Random.org says 3,5,1,4,2.

EVERY! *facedesk* FRIGGIN! *facedesk* TIME! *facedesk, facedesk, facedesk!*


*references Random Reclass Roundup 1 and Wen Yang's Soyo Reclass draft, among others*


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