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(FE11) Random Reclass Thingy Draft


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Cuz SD drafts are easy and quick to finish.


1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Marth, Jagen and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use.

3. The game will be played on H2.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. Gaiden (and prologue, if NM) chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5.

6. Players will draft as per normal and then, random.org will decide which class your picked character will be. The numbers are:

Class A:

1- Cavalier/Paladin

2- Archer/Sniper

3- Myrmidon/Swordmaster

4- Mage/Sage

5- Curate/Bishop

6- Dracoknight

Class B:

1- Knight/General

2- Mercenary/Hero

3- Fighter/Warrior

4- Hunter/Horseman

5- Dark Mage/Sorcerer


1- Pegasus Knight/Dracoknight/Falcoknight

2- Archer/Sniper

3- Myrmidon/Swordmaster

4- Mage/Sage

5- Cleric/Bishop

6- Paladin

Classes cannot be repeated unless its neccesary. So if random.org gives you another mage or something, just try again. Actually, you have to roll twice. One number to determine starting class and another for promoted. Makes it more fun, huh?

7- Characters with a different class from the one rolled can participate in their current class until u get the base. After the base, they must be the class random.org gave you.


1. Wi-Fi Shop ( except for Elysian Whips), and usage of the Warp staff are strictly prohibited.

2. You may not use loaner units.

3. Forging is allowed. Only first 3 cost tiers (+ 3 MT, +15 Hit and + 9 Crit)

4. Julian is free for opening doors (no chests) in Chapters 6 and 12.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


Naglfar- Abel, Draug, Bord, Castor, Minerva, Dolph, Roger, Vyland, Jeorge, Lorenz

Blues- Barst, Sedgar, Navarre, Radd, Caesar, Beck, Xane, Arran, Est, Samson

eclipse- Cain, Cord, Wolf, Wendell, Jake, Matthis, Tomas, General_Horace :awesome: , Etzel, Elice

Dr. Will- Julian, Merric, Gordin, Darros, Roshea, Tiki, Midia, Ymir, Astram, Macellan

PKL- Caeda, Ogma, Hardin, Athena, Catria, Rickard, Palla, Lena, Wrys, Boah



3 -> 6 Myrmidon --> Dracoknight Abel

3 -> 1 Fighter --> General Draug

5 -> 2 Dark Mage --> Hero Bord :facepalm:

4 -> 3 Hunter --> Warrior Castor

5 Bishop Minerva

3 -> 2 Fighter --> Hero Dolph

1 -> 2 Knight --> Hero Roger

5 -> 6 Curate --> Dracoknight Vyland

1 Paladin Jeorge

1 General Lorenz

Dr. Will

3 -> 2 Myrmidon --> Sniper Merric

1 -> 2 Cavalier --> Sniper Gaggles

4 -> 5 Hunter --> Sorcerer Darros

5 -> 2 Curate --> Sniper Roshea

1 Dracoknight Midia

4 Horseman Ymir

4 Horseman Astram

3 -> 2 Fighter --> Hero Macellan <--MVP XD


4 -> 5 Mage --> Bishop Cain :facepalm:

1 -> 5 Knight --> Sorceror Cord :facepalm:

2 Hero Wolf

1 Paladin Windex

2 -> 5 Archer --> Bishop Matthis

5 -> 4 Curate --> Sage Tomas

3 Warrior Horace

2 Hero Etzel :facepalm:

3 -> 4 Myrmidon --> Sage Elice :facepalm:


1 -> 4 Knight --> Horseman Barst

2 Warrior Sedgar

1 -> 3 Cavalier --> Swordmaster Navarre

4 -> 5 Mage --> Bishop Radd

5 -> 3 Dark Mage --> Warrior Caeser

5 Bishop Arran

2 -> 6 Archer --> Paladin Est

4 Horseman Samson


3 -> 1 Myrmidon --> Dracoknight Shiida

5 -> 3 Dark Mage --> Warrior Ogma

3 -> 4 Myrmidon --> Sage Hardin

3 -> 2 Myrmidon --> Sniper Athena

3 -> 2 Myrmidon --> Sniper Catria

4 -> 6 Mage --> Paladin Palla

4 -> 1 Mage --> Dracoknight/Falcoknight Lena

1 -> 6 Cavalier --> Dracoknight Wrys

4 Sage Boah

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Nice. Brb, determining drafting order with random.org.

4, 5, 2, 3, 1.

That means:

Naglfar picks first, Blues second, eclipse third, Dr. Will fourth and me last.

Also, remember, your picks will be reclassed with http://www.random.org/ .

Just put 1-5 then generate for the first number and 1-6 for the second number. The first number is for your character's starting class and the second number is what they will be after promotion.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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always first


You're saying to randomise our classes ourselves? I get 4 and 5 (Mage/Bishop oh god). Redo it yourself if that was your plan.

You may be right. Ill do it myself since im more neutral :p. I got a 4 and a 1 for you. Abel Mage->Paladin for you.

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Thanks Horace~!

How long are we gonna give blues before we start RNGing his picks (mostly so I know how long I've got)? And did I just misspell picks as pickles?

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Just reading through, and noticing that PKL is not updating the unit list.

And in the case of doublepicks, I'd recommend either

A) Do it like XiSrOn did and have them pick one, get it reclassed by the other end, and then pick the other, getting it reclassed by the next picker


B)Have the next person reclass both of them.


C)Have picker pick 2, have next picker reclass the first one, and then have the other end reclass on their pick.

But, that's just my 2 (3?) cents.

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Blues is nowhere to be found. If he does not show up today or tonight, then we decide his pick with RNG.

Also, @ 13th shadow- fixed it. Totally forgot to take out Abel from the units list >.>

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Ok, RNG for blues since I dont want to have to keep delaying. I intentionally put in the RNG every character (1 to 52) to see if he got a bad unit but, suprise surprise. RNG rolled 9 and he got barst. >.>

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