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Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen draft.


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Starters are free

In-game trades are legal

The game is over when the Sevii Isles are beaten. ALL 7.

All Johto mons in the isles are free.

Mewtwo is banned.










10-Sona Buvelle


9,8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2, 10, 11

Helios-Nidoran(m), Drowzee, Growlithe, Electabuzz, Aerodactyl, Paras. Ekans

CR-S01-Mankey, Zapdos, Vulpix, Gastly, Tauros, Weedle

Fallenite-Staryu, Sandshrew, Bellsprout, Venonat, Machop, Magmar

ASK-Abra, Tentacool,KANGAMOMMA,, Geodude, Jackie Chan, Krabby

Racer-Pidgey, Vaporeon, Bruce Lee, Koffing, Ponyta, Meowth

Myself-Nidoran (f), Jynx, Poliwag, Clefairy, Cubonez, Grimer

BBMeteor-Spearow, Snorlax, Lapras, Magnemite, Eggcecute, Dratini

Snivy-Pikachu, Caterpie, Flareon, Magikarp, SLowpoke, Zubat

Venasaur-Diglett, Ratata, Horsea, Articuno, Voltorb, Moltres

Sona B.-Mr. Mime, Dodou, Oddish, Jolteon, Scyther, RHyhorn















Edited by The Insane One
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With 12 players its 6 picks per player.

With 10, its 8

With 8, its 10.

I can change the number of people needed, and we get more picks per person.

Should I reserve spots?

since CR-S01, and Snivy will probobly join, and IDK about Sho or MKSlime.

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*groan* I will join! I must be in every pkmn draft possible!

*runs off to make a Platinum draft* And is it going to be like my awesome draft? (which I took from the other one)

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I don't do 4th gen kid.

Only 3rd and older!

I can totally see some pplz joining this.

If we get 8, that'd be alright, but the more the merrier!

Inb4 first pick nidoranM

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Sometimes there are low level challenges.

But, I hate doing frlg with low levels, freaking lance and Blue.

So, its just a fun runthough in a draft style unless said otherwise.

3 here, 9 more to go, unless people hate frlg.

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How do Pokemon drafts work if there are no turns?

Is fun not a thing people are allowed to have? Just because you're picking from a limited pool for a team doesn't mean it has to be competitive. :P:

I may join this if I can find my cart for LeafGreen.

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Also, are legendary pokemon banned, or are they part of the draft?

The birds are part of the draft.

Any 2nd gen mons that appear are free, but stuff like Crobat is not-unless you've drafted Zubat.

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Although I adore Pokémon and have become rather fond of the drafts, I'll have to take a pass on this one, because to be honest FRLG bores me to tears and I never did finish my first draft of it due to getting bored/frustrated with it.

This coming from the girl who is dead set one starting an epic Hoenn adventure with her older sister and said older sister's fiancé

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Forgive my ignorance -- I'm new here -- but what are the rules on trades for evolution (ie Alakazam, Machamp, Golem, etc)?

Regardless, I'm contemplating joining. Haven't played any pokemon games in too long.

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This looks very very tempting. o3o But do I have time for a Pokemon draft? :< Put me down, anyway, I'll figure something out.

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Fine, trading from the cart your playing on and back to get one of the 4 trade evos is allowed.

But no other out of game trades.

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Fine, trading from the cart your playing on and back to get one of the 4 trade evos is allowed.

But no other out of game trades.

So I can't find my fr cart...great. guess i can always use vba though. so i guess unless i use pokesav it's gonna be impossible to get a trade evo lol. regardless though, count me in. i'm interested to see how these things work.

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9,8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2, 10, 11









Sona B.


Shit, in the middle as usual.

Now Racer's gonna ninja all my picks...

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