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Top 10 NES Games


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Since every third American household had one, then every third American in this board should be able to reply in this thread.

  1. Super Mario Bros. 3
  2. Gimmick!
  3. Contra
  4. Kirby's Adventure
  5. Mega Man 2
  6. Mega Man 3
  7. Life Force
  8. Final Fantasy
  9. Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link
  10. Super Mario Bros.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Since every third American household had one, then every third American in this board should be able to reply in this thread.

I don't think that works how you think it works, Mike.


10: Contra

9: Mega Man

8: Super Mario Bros.

7: Mega Man 2

6: Zelda 2

5: Duck Hunt

4: Castlevania: Simon's Quest (yeah bitches never played the original)

3: Final Fantasy

2: Zelda

1: Gauntlet

oh my christ i came up with 10

Edited by Integrity
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I still play my NES to this day.

1) Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

2) Nightmare on Elm Street (Gawd, that game is hard)

3) Startropics (This game was the SHIT)

4) Startropics 2: Zoda's Revenge (equally awesome sequel)

5) The Legend of Zelda

6) Metroid

7) Shadow of the Ninja (Also really freakin' hard. Curse you, Garuda!)

8) Gauntlet

9) Final Fantasy

10) Super Mario Bros 3

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1. Punch-Out!!

2. Punch-Out!!

3. Punch-Out!!

4. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

5. Duck Hunt

6. Metal Gear

I am not very well read on it, unfortunately

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We had one, don't remember much. And I'll list the ones I've played later in life.

1. Legend of Zelda

2. Duck Hunt

3. Super Mario Bros. 3

4. Legend of Zelda 2

5. Athena

6. Super Mario Bros.

7. Fire Emblem 2

8. Mega Man 6

9. Kirby's Adventure

10. Punch Out!!

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For what purpose does he have a SFC? (as opposed to an SNES)

He was living in Japan when it was released. We don't have either anymore, but at one point in my youth we had an NES, a SFC, and a SNES.

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One from each series for me, or this would end up being an orgy of Dragon Warrior at the top.

1.) Dragon Warrior IV

2.) Mario 3

3.) Zelda II

4.) Destiny of an Emperor

5.) Kirby's Adventure

6.) Bonk's Adventure

7.) Metroid

8.) Tetris

9.) Mother (While I appreciate it for being a DW clone, it just doesn't match up to DW)

10.) Bandit Kings of Ancient China

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