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Misaha, Sanaki...

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We all know that Misaha was Sanaki's grandmother, and that fifteen years after Misaha's death Sanaki succeeded her as empress, but that raises a few questions about the generation between them, i.e. Sanaki's parents and Misaha's child(ren). Now, the apostle's heir had always been her firstborn daughter, which leads me to believe that Misaha should have also been succeeded by her firstborn daughter, if she had one.

In light of the fact that this did not happen, I believe instead that Misaha was survived by a son, who would eventually sire Sanaki

and had already sired Micaiah by the time of Misaha's death, unless Sanaki and Micaiah are cousins rather than sisters.

I was going somewhere with this post, but I've lost sight of my goal... Anyway, that's probably enough debate material right there anyway.

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Ah, I remember where I was going with this, but it involves spoilers from the endgame...

Then I thought about how the senate said that Sanaki's older sister had been killed along with Misaha, and obviously that didn't happen because she turned out to be Micaiah, who had spent most of her life in Daein. And it was probably her parents (again, who would eventually become Sanaki's parents) who had taken her to Daein to hide her from the Senate.

Now, Daein seemed like a strange place to hide, at first. Sanaki said that her parents were just as pro-Laguz-emancipation as Misaha was (PoR chapter 18, I believe), and anti-Laguz sentiment had always been high in Daein. Then I remembered that Daein made for a good place to hide for exactly that reason. It was the last place anybody would look for Laguz sympathizers.

Darn. I've lost my train of thought again. Don't worry. Either I'll catch it again or it doesn't matter. Or both.

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Well, the basis for these next few thoughts is my last few thoughts, which contained spoilers, so I guess it's best to bracket these too.

On the grounds that Misaha's child and granddaughter went into hiding after her death, maybe Misaha's child wasn't a son after all. Even if tradition dictated that her daughter succeed her as apostle and empress of Begnion, she could hardly do so while in hiding with her husband and child. It would be like Elincia becoming queen before defeating Ashnard.

Anyway, there's something else that doesn't add up: Unless Sanaki was also born in Daein, her parents must have returned to Begnion... and left Micaiah in Daein. Nothing about Sanaki suggests that she had ever been in Daein prior to the events of Radiant Dawn, although admittedly she may have simply forgotten. She was crowned empress at age five, after all.

And she had certainly been separated from Micaiah by then, if indeed they had ever been together in childhood. Otherwise, Sephiran would have recognized Micaiah as the firstborn daughter, the true apostle, so unless he had ulterior motives for deliberately NOT putting forth the true apostle...

Come to think of it, the whole coronation of Sanaki reminds me a bit of the coronation of Pelleas, and Sephiran's role in the former reminds me a bit of Izuka's role in the latter. It makes me wonder if Sanaki is related to Misaha and Micaiah at all... or if this was the one lie to which Sephiran was referring...

Edited by Paper Jam
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Well, the basis for these next few thoughts is my last few thoughts, which contained spoilers, so I guess it's best to bracket these too.

On the grounds that Misaha's child and granddaughter went into hiding after her death, maybe Misaha's child wasn't a son after all. Even if tradition dictated that her daughter succeed her as apostle and empress of Begnion, she could hardly do so while in hiding with her husband and child. It would be like Elincia becoming queen before defeating Ashnard.

Anyway, there's something else that doesn't add up: Unless Sanaki was also born in Daein, her parents must have returned to Begnion... and left Micaiah in Daein. Nothing about Sanaki suggests that she had ever been in Daein prior to the events of Radiant Dawn, although admittedly she may have simply forgotten. She was crowned empress at age five, after all.

And she had certainly been separated from Micaiah by then, if indeed they had ever been together in childhood. Otherwise, Sephiran would have recognized Micaiah as the firstborn daughter, the true apostle, so unless he had ulterior motives for deliberately NOT putting forth the true apostle...

Come to think of it, the whole coronation of Sanaki reminds me a bit of the coronation of Pelleas, and Sephiran's role in the former reminds me a bit of Izuka's role in the latter. It makes me wonder if Sanaki is related to Misaha and Micaiah at all... or if this was the one lie to which Sephiran was referring...

that last point you made, is disproved by this conversation between sephiran and micaiah

Micaiah: You... I've heard about you. Have we... met before?

Sephiran: The Silver-Haired Maiden. It's taken so long to finally meet you. If I had known you still lived, I.. I... No, it's too late. This changes nothing. I cannot falter.

Micaiah: What is the matter with you?

Sephiran: I'm just overly sensitive. Don't feign concern over me.

(Micaiah will attack, but Sephiran will not)

apparently, sephiran didn't know Micaiah still lived before he committed his ultimate act. and he wasn't lying because he was prepared to give up all at the moment.

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that last point you made, is disproved by this conversation between sephiran and micaiah

apparently, sephiran didn't know Micaiah still lived before he committed his ultimate act. and he wasn't lying because he was prepared to give up all at the moment.

I was referring to a conversation between Sanaki and Sephiran, in which Sanaki asked incredulously if everything Sephiran had ever told her was a lie (paraphrased, but that was the idea), and Sephiran said that he had only ever told her one lie.

Could that one lie have been about Sanaki's heritage?

On second thought, the other Senators would have used that information against her...

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I was referring to a conversation between Sanaki and Sephiran, in which Sanaki asked incredulously if everything Sephiran had ever told her was a lie (paraphrased, but that was the idea), and Sephiran said that he had only ever told her one lie.

Could that one lie have been about Sanaki's heritage?

On second thought, the other Senators would have used that information against her...

duh! silly me!

(Neither Sanaki nor Sephiran will directly attack each other)

Sanaki: ...Sephiran... Everything you've ever told me, every time you gave your hand to me, every time you smiled... They were all lies? ...You're the most appalling fraud I've ever known!

Sephiran: No, Lady Sanaki... I've actually lied to you very little. What I have done is hold things back. I've also twisted the truth from time to time... But I have only told you one blatant falsehood. That one lie has weighed heavily on me. It makes me hate myself sometimes.

Sanaki: Sephiran...

Sephiran: I'll always care deeply for you, my little Lady Sanaki... You are my sun and my moon. I never wished to harm you. Please... You must understand...

Sanaki: ...No! Sephiran, no!

hm...... what could that lie be?

the only thing i can think of is telling Sanaki that she's the apostle knowing that the apostle was somebody else.

i really don't think that she isn't micaiah's sister.

this isn't the best way to prove things, so don't be posting that my points aren't valid.

micaiah and sanaki have the same color of eyes. you know, the weird golden type. i don't think many characters in the game actually had that color of eyes.

also, Sanaki has the same color of hair that Altina had, the purple shade.

and another thing. after all that happened, assuming that Sephiran survived, you would think that he would confess to Sanaki that she wasn't Micaiah's sister. after all, what other reason was there for him to hide this information?

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The more I think about it, the less Sanaki reminds me of Pelleas. Sanaki was quite a powerful mage even at age 13, whereas Pelleas... well,

he made a pact with a spirit at age 13

, and it still didn't make him as powerful as Sanaki. I'm increasingly inclined to think that Sanaki really did have Laguz blood and really was Misaha's granddaughter.

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The more I think about it, the less Sanaki reminds me of Pelleas. Sanaki was quite a powerful mage even at age 13, whereas Pelleas... well,

he made a pact with a spirit at age 13

, and it still didn't make him as powerful as Sanaki. I'm increasingly inclined to think that Sanaki really did have Laguz blood and really was Misaha's granddaughter.

after all, she's the only known person who practically learned all magic types. i don't think many people can actually do that

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I'm pretty sure that Sanaki IS Micaiah's sister.

It's possible that when their parent(s) fled to Daein with Micaiah, they thought that Sanaki had been killed in the confusion (and so didn't bring her with).

Or somebody other than their parents could have brought Micaiah to Daein, leaving Sanaki.

Or Micaiah could've been taken away to Daein without her parents' consent. This would make sense if the Senate kidnapped her.

The second two theories work better I think because they leave the possibility that Sanaki had not yet been born, which is probable because Micaiah didn't recognize Sanaki as her sister until late in the game.

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I'm pretty sure that Sanaki IS Micaiah's sister.

It's possible that when their parent(s) fled to Daein with Micaiah, they thought that Sanaki had been killed in the confusion (and so didn't bring her with).

Or somebody other than their parents could have brought Micaiah to Daein, leaving Sanaki.

Or Micaiah could've been taken away to Daein without her parents' consent. This would make sense if the Senate kidnapped her.

The second two theories work better I think because they leave the possibility that Sanaki had not yet been born, which is probable because Micaiah didn't recognize Sanaki as her sister until late in the game.

Indeed. Furthermore, we have conclusive proof that Sanaki was born 10 years after Misaha died: Sanaki was 13 in Radiant Dawn, which happened 3 years after Path of Radiance, which happened 20 years after Misaha died.

But if the Senate had no compunctions about killing Misaha, then why wouldn't they kill Micaiah as well? I doubt that the Senate had anything to do with taking her to Daein. More likely she was taken there by those who wanted her alive, such as her parents.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that Ashnard might have had something to do with it. But in the first place, Ashnard would need some interest in the civil unrest in Begnion, and in the second place, he would need to be willing to side with the Empress's family against the Senate. I don't think that either of those is the case.

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