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[FE13] Back Seat Driver Draft


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1. This draft is for 4 players.
2. Chrom, Avatar, Lissa, and Lucina are free for all to use.
3. The game will be played on Normal Mode Casual
4. The last round of drafting is reversed.

5. This game will be played with the use of AI commands only.

6. Frederick is banned.

1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling)
2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units.
3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.
4. Paralogues are optional and are free.
5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold.
6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops.
7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units.
8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are banned.
9. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited.
10. Forging is allowed.

1. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move. Taking another action with Galeforce other than using a healing item is worth a penalty of 10 turns. The AI probably won't use it though.
2. The Rescue staff can only be used once per turn. This probably won't be an issue.
3. Avatar may only be an infantry class at all times.

4. Recruiting is a free action.

5. Opening required doors (such as that in chapter 3) is allowed.

6. Units may pair up on the first turn.

1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns,
2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead.

1. Ricken and Maribelle are free to be attacked without countering in Ch.5.
2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8.


SB: Stahl, Sumia+Cynthia, Kellam, Morgan, Libra, Owain, Tiki

Horace: Sully+Kjelle, Virion, Maribelle+Brady, Say'ri, Olivia+Inigo, Flavia, Donnel

Bearclaw: Cordelia+Severa, Cherche+Gerome, Gregor, Nowi+Nah, Miriel+Laurent, Gaius Lon'qu

SRC: Panne+Yarne, Vaike, Anna, Ricken, Henry, Tharja+Noire, Basilio

Edited by SRC
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There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. SB
  2. Horace
  3. bearclaw
  4. SRC

Timestamp: 2013-07-09 21:21:17 UTC


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List Randomizer

There were 21 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Gregor





















Timestamp: 2013-07-09 21:40:19 UTC

Now that that's over with I'll go watch youtube videos.

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pkl loses by default

not because he isn't in the draft, but because he is pkl

I always win. Even when i lose.

Edited by PKL
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