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[Battle:FE9] Losers Round 1 - Randa vs. Dio


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Round 2 of Serenes Arena Cup I crawls forward with Randa vs. Dio!

Randa's team



Dio's team!



Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%  Atk  Hit
Brom     60   27   10   27   18   10   30   13   64   46   13   27
Tibarn   66   32   12   32   25   26   27   20    0   76    0   32
Tibarn   66   39   13   37   28   26   30   21  100   82   18   37   47  195
Boyd     60   30    3   28   26   17   16   11   73   69   14   28
Ulki     60   27    5   24   27   15   19   16    0   69    0   24
Ulki     60   33    5   29   30   15   23   18   73   75   14   29   40  163
Ulki     60   30    5   27   29   15   21   17   69   73   13   27   37  159
Zihark   59   24    8   29   30   22   22    8   80   82   29   29/14

Ike      52   26   11   27   28   20   24   18   74   76   13   27
Boyd     60   30    3   25   27   17   20   15   67   71   12   25
Mist     53   19   26   21   26   33   11   25   75   85   10   33/21
Jill     55   27   14   26   27   14   24   12   66   68   13   13
Giffca   68   32   10   28   25   22   25   16    0   72    0   -
Giffca   68   40   10   32   29   22   30   19   86   80   16   -    50  181

Randa's Tibarn transforms!

Dio's Giffca transforms!

Randa's Ulki activates Shade! He cannot be attacked for 2 turns!


Randa acts first! Choose your character, his weapon and target!

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 1.

iqfw.pngvs 8yat.png

Randa's Boyd (Silver Axe) attacks Dio's Jill (Silver Axe)!

Randa's Boyd activates Nihil!

30 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

Jill receives 30/55 damage!

Jill counterattacks!

31 dmg 92% hit 0% crit

(59 55 9)

Boyd receives 31/60 damage!


Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 52/52
Tibarn 66/66 [17]          Boyd 60/60
Boyd 29/60                 Mist 53/53
Ulki 60/60 (13)            Jill 25/55
Zihark 59/59               Giffca 68/68 [20]

Dio acts next.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 2.

iqfw.pngvs kkny.png

Dio's Boyd (Silver Axe) attacks Randa's Boyd (Silver Axe)!

Dio's Boyd activates Nihil!

Randa's Boyd activates Nihil!

36 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

Randa's Boyd receives 29/60 damage!

Randa's Boyd is KO'd!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 52/52
Tibarn 66/66 [17]          Boyd 60/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 60/60 (13)            Jill 25/55
Zihark 59/59               Giffca 68/68 [17]

Randa acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 3.

fy18.pngvs 8yat.png

Randa's Zihark (Brave Sword) attacks Dio's Jill (Silver Axe)!

Jill activates Vantage!

25 dmg 54% hit 0% crit 26% Guard

( 59 75 4 53)

Jill misses!

Zihark counterattacks!

9x2 dmg 92% hit 15% crit

(25 64 8)

Critical hit!

Jill receives 25/55 damage!

Jill is KO'd!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 52/52
Tibarn 66/66 [14]          Boyd 60/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 60/60 (17)            Jill 0/55
Zihark 59/59               Giffca 68/68 [17]

Dio acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 4.

r9ys.pngvs kkny.png

Dio's Boyd (Silver Axe) attacks Randa's Ulki (-)!

Dio's Boyd activates Nihil!

35 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

Ulki receives 35/60 damage!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 52/52
Tibarn 66/66 [14]          Boyd 60/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 25/60 (19)            Jill 0/55
Zihark 59/59               Giffca 68/68 [14]

Randa acts next.

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Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 5.

r9ys.pngvs kkny.png

Randa's Ulki transforms!

Randa's Ulki (Beak) attacks Dio's Boyd (Silver Axe)!

Dio's Boyd activates Nihil!

9 dmg 92% hit 0% crit

(85 36 35)

Boyd receives 9/60 damage!

Boyd counterattacks!

31 dmg 94% hit 0% crit

(48 84 15)

Ulki receives 25/60 damage!

Ulki is KO'd!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 52/52
Tibarn 66/66 [11]          Boyd 51/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 0/60                  Jill 0/55
Zihark 59/59               Giffca 68/68 [14]

Dio acts next.

Edited by Espinosa
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Why would you even use Ulki if you're just suiciding him?

I let him die because he lost his main purpose of Boyd support and lost his major advantage over mat in vigilance and I didn't want o risk Brom or Zihark.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 6.

fy18.pngvs h99n.png

Dio's Ike (Silver Sword) attacks Randa's Zihark (Brave Sword)!

Dio's Ike activates Parity!

22 dmg 97% hit 0% crit

(77 87 66)

Zihark receives 22/59 damage!

Zihark counterattacks!

9x2 dmg 79% hit 9% crit

(90 64 34) [77]

Ike receives 9/52 damage!

(99 32 62)

Ike receives 9/52 damage!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 34/52
Tibarn 66/66 [11]          Boyd 51/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 0/60                  Jill 0/55
Zihark 37/59               Giffca 68/68 [11]

Randa acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 7.

fy18.pngvs h99n.png

Randa's Zihark (Vague Katti) attacks Dio's Ike (Silver Sword)!

Dio's Ike activates Parity!

12 dmg 84% hit 44% crit

(61 76 96)

Ike receives 12/52 damage!

Ike counterattacks!

19 dmg 97% hit 0% crit

(87 54 7)

Zihark receives 19/59 damage!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 22/52
Tibarn 66/66 [8]           Boyd 51/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 0/60                  Jill 0/55
Zihark 18/59               Giffca 68/68 [11]

Dio acts next.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 8.

fy18.pngvs h99n.png

Dio's Ike recovers 5/52 HP with Renewal!

Dio's Ike (Silver Sword) attacks Randa's Zihark (Vague Katti)!

Dio's Ike activates Parity!

19 dmg 97% hit 0% crit

(71 72 8)

Zihark receives 18/59 damage!

Zihark is KO'd!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 60/60                 Ike 27/52
Tibarn 66/66 [8]           Boyd 51/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 0/60                  Jill 0/55
Zihark 0/59                Giffca 68/68 [8]

Randa acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 9.

3jbw.pngvs h99n.png

Randa's Brom (Silver Lance) attacks Dio's Ike (Silver Sword)!

Dio's Ike activates Parity!

24 dmg 98% hit 0% crit

(84 14 9)

Ike receives 24/52 damage!

Ike counterattacks!

11 dmg 100% hit 3% crit

(60 68 2)

Critical hit!

Brom receives 33/60 damage!

Ike attacks again!

(49 92 1)

Critical hit!

Brom receives 27/60 damage!

Brom is KO'd!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 0/60                  Ike 3/52
Tibarn 66/66 [5]           Boyd 51/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 0/60                  Jill 0/55
Zihark 0/59                Giffca 68/68 [8]


Dio acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Randa's team



Dio's team!


Turn 10.

udry.pngvs kkny.png

Dio's Ike recovers 5/52 HP with Renewal!

Dio's Boyd (Silver Bow) attacks Randa's Tibarn (Beak)!

Dio's Boyd activates Nihil!

21 dmg 87% hit 0% crit

(95 30 61)

Tibarn receives 21/66 damage!

Randa                      Dio
Brom 0/60                  Ike 8/52
Tibarn 45/66 [4]           Boyd 51/60
Boyd 0/60                  Mist 53/53
Ulki 0/60                  Jill 0/55
Zihark 0/59                Giffca 68/68 [5]

Randa acts next.

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