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34 members have voted

  1. 1. Which version of it is most useful?

    • FE4/5 Avoid 100%
    • FE 9/10 Damage Reduction
    • FE 13 At least 2HP the unit is saved once

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Genealogy of the Holy War Is_snes02_miracle.png The user's avoid is increased by
[(11 - HP) x 10] for one turn. 100%, if user is at or below 10 HP -- Has no effect if the user enters anarena at 10 HP or less. Thracia 776 Is_snes03_miracle.png The user's avoid is maximised to 100%, if the enemy's next attack will otherwise kill the user. (Luck x3)% -- --

Path of Radiance Is_gcn_miracle.png If an enemy's attack would otherwise kill the user, it reduces the damage to half the user's current HP. (Luck)% 5 --

Radiant Dawn Is_wii_miracle.png If an enemy's attack would otherwise kill the user, it reduces the damage to half the user's current HP. (Luck)% 5 --

Awakening Is_3ds_miracle.png When the user has at least 2 HP, it leaves the user with 1 HP after taking hit that would otherwise kill them. (Luck)% -- --

Which of the Miracle versions do you think are most useful and what occurrences do you ever use, or finding any need for them as they are unreliable in some games.

FE4/5: Helpful in only the arenas, really?

FE9/10: Don't really use at all as it is rather isky to use above all else. It may be good on Brom, Or Gatrie. But...it is very risky nonetheless.

FE13: Broken. It saves you from a restart sometimes and you can further increase the chances with Limitbreaker, All Stats+2, Luck+4, Rallies and, ...or all at once. It also cancels out Lethality once. This skill is also useless in this game if your playing it on Casual.


FE13 gets my vote.


If you can find any other use for them throughout the series, say what you know.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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in my opinion the fe4 version is far more broken, but the number of units its on is lacking. Fin can solo the chapter 1 axe dudes pretty easily with it, which is pretty neat, and once he gets the hero lance, its pretty ridiculous.

Unfourtunately there aren't really any units with 1-2 range that are orko machines with Fin as a father, and there's stuff like Light sword Celice and Holsety users that do it better.

The big thing it has is an 100% activation rate, in my opinion. If it was in any other game, it'd be ridiculous.

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in my opinion the fe4 version is far more broken, but the number of units its on is lacking. Fin can solo the chapter 1 axe dudes pretty easily with it, which is pretty neat, and once he gets the hero lance, its pretty ridiculous.

It is said that the skill only activates once, or few times at most in actual combat. In the arena, it's only one fight and that the skill always activates there without fail. However, it got nerfed in FE5 as it is meant to be a harder game than anything else.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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If I read the description, I would say FE4 has the best use of miracle. The activation is guaranteed for one turn, while in FE13 the activation is based on luck. The activation will be much better later, if you got a high support level and the limit breaker. But especially in the beginning it is not much better than miracle in the Tellius games, which is probably the worst.

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Judgral > Future Akaneia >= Tellius

For one turn includes the entire enemy phase, so if you time it right you can hit as many enemies as can fight you with 0 chance of death. Having a guaranteed effect means you can use it strategically, whereas the other versions are only really good for giving high-avo characters a better chance of dodging. I guess Awakening's is slightly more useful because of stat inflation.

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Judgral > Future Akaneia >= Tellius

For one turn includes the entire enemy phase, so if you time it right you can hit as many enemies as can fight you with 0 chance of death. Having a guaranteed effect means you can use it strategically, whereas the other versions are only really good for giving high-avo characters a better chance of dodging. I guess Awakening's is slightly more useful because of stat inflation.

Yes. Jugdral's FE4 implementation can be used to bait and to exploit choke-points as well as for slaughtering the arena. Miracle in Tellius, or on a low-leveled FE13 unit just can't compare with how you can utilize Prayer.

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I guess I find them useless in any game since they are in since they are almost entirely luck based and can therefore not really be used for anything. I think it should be more something like being guaranteed to survive a single lethal blow during a map.

But if I had to pick I guess it would be FE4 since the skill is not luck based and because it is possessed by units who actually see combat.

Edited by BrightBow
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It was more useful for me during the Judgral games. It saved most of my units including my dancer, and was a very good tactic for bait.

I did get some use from it in radiant dawn, but its something I could survive without. I barely saw its use in awakening. It rarely activated for me and for the ones it did activate for would end up getting killed the next hit.

So my vote goes for miracle in FE4/5

Edited by GenericUsername
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FE4 is the best without a doubt, it can reliably knock hit rates down to zero or near-zero. FE5 is the runner-up since it gives a very reliable dodge chance in tandem with the (mostly) poor enemy hit rates. Its usefulness took a nosedive in Tellius and Awakening, Luck% is just not reliable enough.

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FE4 version is downright broken lol!

Buuuuuut for certain combinations I think FE13's can be better. If you've got Sol or Nosferatu, you could potentially heal yourself every time you get hit. So logically if you have a high enough luck, you will never die with this build. Though for all intensive purposes, FE4's is better simply because it's broken on anyone. FE13's needs some tweaking to be made better.

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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All FE13's really needs is a higher activation rate, say Luck x2 or x3%. If you want to prevent abuse via Sol or Nosferatu, halve its activation rate with each subsequent proc and require staff or item healing to reset it.

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Oh yeah I forgot, the "miracle" skill is called prayer in FE4 and 5. Or at least in the fan translations. The name of the skill gave me an idea. Whenever you get into an arena battle like this:


Listen to this:


Seeing as prayer in the arena can prolong fights pretty good sometimes, this is something I'm fond of doing when it happens.

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