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I hope to God this new Fire Emblem isn't "KAWAII-DESU >W<"


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Once I heard the "Onii-Chan" in the new Fire Emblem trailer, I knew we were gonna be in for one helluva ride. Course, it may just be in the Japanese titles, but I hate to think that something "kawaii" like Onii-Chan could penetrate a serious Fire Emblem game.

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I mean what do you expect them to call their older siblings, "kisama"?

It may seem "kawaii" because of what the anime fanbase has done to certain terminology but really, that is how you address your older brother in Japanese if you're going for a more casual tone, just like the word kawaii itself doesn't actually carry any weird connotations in the language itself but weebs abused the shit out of it in the west

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It all depends on what your preferences are. Though, onii-chan is basically just "older brother" in Japanese (Edit: Ninja'd), so I don't really see the problem there.

It's definitely going to be changed to "brother" in the English translation anyways but if they do decide to throw in occasional "onii-chan"s in the English dub, then I kid you not that would be fucking fantastic.

the word kawaii itself doesn't actually carry any weird connotations in the language itself but weebs abused the shit out of it in the west


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I'm positive that the game won't be kawaii-desu, but a lot of the fans will make it seem like it is. That's just what happens when the majority of your fanbase is made up of weeaboos.

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But... the kawaii imoutous... my kokoro needs them for super sugoi fun time slaying all the ningen enemies with my kyoudai kazoku!

In all seriousness, this game is centered around family, but I'm sure they'll probably relegate the sisters into saying Big brother and Big bro to differentiate how they call you and possibly the little bro and little brother with Ryouma/Marx. We'll be setting up the names for our personal avatars so it isn't too odd that they'll just call us by our family names in voiced cutscenes while they'll stick with our actual names in the dialogue boxes.

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I think some of the "cute" pandering is unavoidable because the intention is to make you bond with your siblings. The imoutos are just two characters in the game so I wouldn't be concerned with the game going overboard on the kawaii uguu moe desu factor. Hinoka, Camilla and the maids may be the fawning type, however.

But... the kawaii imoutous... my kokoro needs them for super sugoi fun time slaying all the ningen enemies with my kyoudai kazoku!

In all seriousness, this game is centered around family, but I'm sure they'll probably relegate the sisters into saying Big brother and Big bro to differentiate how they call you and possibly the little bro and little brother with Ryouma/Marx. We'll be setting up the names for our personal avatars so it isn't too odd that they'll just call us by our family names in voiced cutscenes while they'll stick with our actual names in the dialogue boxes.

Fire Emblem characters generally don't have surnames so there is no other name to call them by. From what we've seen of the trailers, they will say things to Kamui but never address him directly by name. "Come here!" "Return to us!" "Come at me!" "You traitor!" etc.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I think some of the "cute" pandering is unavoidable because the intention is to make you bond with your siblings. The imoutos are just two characters in the game so I wouldn't be concerned with the game going overboard on the kawaii uguu moe desu factor. Hinoka, Camilla and the maids may be the fawning type, however.

Fire Emblem characters generally don't have surnames so there is no other name to call them by. From what we've seen of the trailers, they will say things to Kamui but never address him directly by name. "Come here!" "Return to us!" "Come at me!" "You traitor!" etc.

what do you mean the fawning type?

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Fire Emblem characters generally don't have surnames so there is no other name to call them by. From what we've seen of the trailers, they will say things to Kamui but never address him directly by name. "Come here!" "Return to us!" "Come at me!" "You traitor!" etc.

Oh dang sorry, needed to edit that and didn't check it very well. I meant Kamui will just be referred to as big bro/sis or big brother/sister by their family in the cutscenes or just on that particular one with the little sisters. Also, yes, I do believe you'll end up just being referred to with simple pronouns or ditch them all together to avoid having to call out any type of title.

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Assuming that the game will have English voice acting, then only play the game with English voices (or voices of any other language that is not Japanese) if you're that concerned of typical Japanese terms (probably compounded with the Japanese voice acting).

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I mean what do you expect them to call their older siblings, "kisama"?

Senpai. Senpai is best. noticemesenpai

Pretty sure "onii-chan" wont even be a thing internationally what with English dubbing.

'onii-chan' was localised to Chrom though. Because Chrom was a set name, it felt natural to us westerners because we call our siblings by name. It's gonna be weirder for Kamui as he/she is the avatar and doesn't have a set name. "Come back to us older sibling that I haven't seen in manymany years"

Brother was used formally in our culture in the olden days (sometimes still), so I guess it's not that big of an issue. Calling someone Brother or Big Bro still sounds weird to my ears though.

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what do you mean the fawning type?

Like the kind of person who will dote on you with cutesy mannerisms. The maids will almost certainly refer to you as "Master" at some point and Camilla and Hinoka are shown to have a soft and caring side. An interesting difference between Drillz and Sakura is while Drillz appears to be the standard imouto, calling you the cutesy "oniichan", Sakura seems to regard you with polite reverence. Perhaps she'll be the "love and be silent" type.

Oh dang sorry, needed to edit that and didn't check it very well. I meant Kamui will just be referred to as big bro/sis or big brother/sister by their family in the cutscenes or just on that particular one with the little sisters. Also, yes, I do believe you'll end up just being referred to with simple pronouns or ditch them all together to avoid having to call out any type of title.

Okay, that makes more sense.

Senpai. Senpai is best. noticemesenpai

'onii-chan' was localised to Chrom though. Because Chrom was a set name, it felt natural to us westerners because we call our siblings by name. It's gonna be weirder for Kamui as he/she is the avatar and doesn't have a set name. "Come back to us older sibling that I haven't seen in manymany years"

Brother was used formally in our culture in the olden days (sometimes still), so I guess it's not that big of an issue. Calling someone Brother or Big Bro still sounds weird to my ears though.

Ironically, nowadays Brother and Bro are more often used as an affectionate pronoun for people you are NOT blood related to.

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Like the kind of person who will dote on you with cutesy mannerisms. The maids will almost certainly refer to you as "Master" at some point and Camilla and Hinoka are shown to have a soft and caring side. An interesting difference between Drillz and Sakura is while Drillz appears to be the standard imouto, calling you the cutesy "oniichan", Sakura seems to regard you with polite reverence. Perhaps she'll be the "love and be silent" type.

Okay, that makes more sense.

I can see how Camilla can be the fawning type… but why Hinoka?

… and what do you mean by "love and be silent type…?"

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I personally don't think they were made for marketing. For instance, the scene with Nohr blond chick has Kamui's hand at the very start, and I imagine there's more to the scene at the end too.

Like, I feel like there are a few seconds before there where she's holding your hand, and I'm fairly sure she's actually going somewhere.

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The problem with them being pre-rendered cutscenes is that they'll have to switch out "onii-chan" with "onee-chan" in every instances this is brought up depending on the Avatar's gender.

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