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Support Convo Contest(voting closed!)


Remember, no voting for yourself!  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Best canon/canon

    • Frederick/Lon'qu
    • Robin/Morgan
    • Ike/Elincia
    • Calill/Tauroneo
    • Cain/Jagen
    • Shinon/Lethe
  2. 2. Best oc/canon

    • Boyd/Cerai
    • Ike/Lalita
    • Dozla/Chigai
    • Canas/Nadine
  3. 3. Best oc/oc

    • Rannoc/Darcen
    • Atlantic/Murk
    • Tia/Mana
    • Kael/Lalita
    • Lemming/Avia
    • Cerise/Jinx
    • Max/Benjamin
  4. 4. Your top favorites. Pick as many as you like.

    • Cain/Jagen
    • Robin/Morgan
    • Frederick/Lon'qu
    • Ike/Elincia
    • Calill/Tauroneo
    • Ike/Lalita
    • Boyd/Cerai
    • Canas/Nadine
    • Dozla/Chigai
    • Rannoc/Darcen
    • Atlantic/Murk
    • Tia/Mana
    • Kael/Lalita
    • Lemming/Avia
    • Cerise/Jinx
    • Max/Benjamin
    • Shinon/Lethe

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May I write ones for my OC's Cerise (last of the angels, trust issues) and Jinx (funny, drunk 30% of the time, pervy)?

Fair game. OC x OC category.

Chigai and Pancham: Adding.

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Here's my entry, I took forever because I'm lazy, go me. It's Frederick and Lon'qu, so CanonxCanon.


You there, Lon'qu! I didn't see you at this morning's training session. It's unusual, your discipline on the battlefield is astounding, I assumed it was from rigorous training but I seem to be mistaken...
I train alone, I don't need other people to hone my skills. The battlefield is practice enough for me.
Hah, very well then. I hope you're prepared to show the results of your isolation! Have at me!
Wait, you can't be serio-...
*Sounds of swords clashing*
Quick as ever, there's no doubt you've been putting the effort in. However, I'd still like to see you at morning practice, it would do you good to show your face to the other soldiers. I hope to see you tomorrow.
*Frederick leaves*
Ugh, I'm not sure if I'll be able to shake him off my back... he is good practice though.

Lon'qu! Where were you this morning? We waited a whole fifteen minutes for you, but you never showed up! Don't you remember what I said last time we met?
Yes... but I have no interest in training alongside the others. I train alone.
But what about last time? You didn't seem uninterested to me. In fact, I could see the light in your eyes when our blades met.
That was different, with you... it's fine. I just don't want to train with the others.
Oh? Perhaps a disagreement with one of the others? Very well! I will go give them all a stern talking to! No doubt that Vaike has been up to his usual antics. Have no fear, I shall resolve the issue!
No, that's not what I mea-...
*Frederick leaves*
Damn, I wish he'd stop to listen before rushing off... maybe I'll have to tell him...

Frederick, can I have a word? I feel that there may be a-...
Lon'qu? It's not time for training, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that. Anyway, I've spoken to Vaike, and he's promised to keep quiet during training, hopefully that shou-...
That's not it, it's not about Vaike, it's not about what anybody said. Frederick, I'm not comfortable around women. They... they just unnerve me, I don't really want to go into why, but I-...
Lon'qu, don't worry. I fully understand.
Wait? You do?
I do. You don't need to tell me why, but I understand your pain. You have an air of uneasiness around you, but that vanishes once you are in battle. I only wish I could help you overcome your fears.
The battlefield is where I can truly be myself. Things like conversation, intimacy and women don't exist there, regardless of who your foe is.
Very true, victory is determined by the strength of the combatants. However, you're not alone, Lon'qu. I would be proud to fight by your side. You're a valued ally, our army would not be the same without you. I am proud to call you my friend.
Frederick... I...
It's OK, Lon'qu. I won't make you join us for training. I only hope that one day you'll be able to join with the rest of us. I'll leave you be.
Wait, Frederick!
Yes, Lon'qu? Is there something wrong.
Make sure you come find me after you're done with the others. You're an opponent I want to face again.
Of course! Just make sure you're ready for me next time!
I'll be waiting for you. If it's just the two of us, you won't have my nerves to rely on!

*Sounds of swords clashing*
Ah... I thought I had you, but you had me right where you wanted me. Well met, Lon'qu.
Hah... it wasn't like it was easy. You really had me on my toes. It was difficult to predict your next move. I wasn't sure what you were going to do next.
That's fair enough. I'm not sure you'll see this coming either.
A ring? But Frederick, we're both...
Lord Chrom won't mind, he of all people knows that love can blossom from anywhere. Besides, there's nobody I'd rather have by my side than you. Even before we started speaking to each other, I knew there was something about you. You seemed so focused, so dedicated... but also so lonely. I wanted to reach out to you, and see what you were truly like.
Frederick... I may fear women, but I'm comfortable around you. Perhaps with time, old wounds can heal... perhaps I'll once again breathe freely.
And I'll be there alongside you, ready to support you. Of course, that still doesn't mean you can skip out on training!

As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. Many were surprised by his choice in partner, but Lon'qu was welcomed regardless. The pair were a shining example of strong bonds between soldiers.

Edited by Shin
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Now THAT I didn't expect! Now we have two male/male romantic supports...I wonder if this is going to be a trend. Well written even if I wasn't expecting the yoai.

Before anyone asks...my opinion on yoai and yuri is meh. Too many people use it to write bad smut and stuff like that. I have nothing against gays, but if someone is said or implied to be straight in canon, people making yoai or yuri of them irks me.

You're fine though, you have done it tastefully.

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Yeah, at first I was surprised, but then I remembered "oh yeah, I forgot, there are plenty of people on SF that wish for same-gender marriages." :P

Seeing Frederick in one is awkward for me, of course, but that's my fault. xP

And yeah, my opinion is the same as Dcat's. Don't like yaoi/yuri or the idea of homosexuality, but I won't hate a gay/lesbian person just because of their sexual preference (they're people with feelings too, thus they should be treated as such). And it also irks me when people purposely put canonically straight characters in gay/lesbian relationships...

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm not sure if I dislike it, it's just meh. I know a few gays and I don't hold it against them. It's just something I'm pretty much neutral on. Unless "Oh hey, let's throw these two guys/girls together and write smut! Their chance of actually being together is less than zero, but let's do it anyway so we can drool!" is involved. Then...yeah.

Kinda awkward for me too. I saw Lon'qu's fear of women as like he describes it in his support with Cherche. He doesn't want anyone else to get close to him because of what happened to Ke'ri/he doesn't want to get his heart broken again. Because he loved her, he's likely straight. Frederick...well...people could say he swings that way because of the naked Chrom posters.

ANYWAY. Shin did yoai tastefully, so I can't complain...

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So I have a canon X canon with Ike and Elincia. Yeah, yeah, it's extremely overdone, but I really like Ike and Elincia together. The lack of a satisfying support for them in Radiant Dawn did not satisfy my fanboy needs. I originally didn't intend to do a romantic support between them, but in the end...why not throw in romance? This takes place in Radiant Dawn, not Path of Radiance. I also hope I didn't ruin any sort of characterization of Ike or Elincia, I tried my best to keep them as in character as possible.

C Support

Ike: Elincia.
Elincia: Oh, Sir Ike. How do you do?
Ike: I'm fine, just checking up on you. You have become quite the formidable pegasus knight.
Elincia: I have all of you to thank for that.
Ike: Don't sell yourself short Elincia, you continued to practice even after the war.
Elincia: Yes, that is true. However, the Greil Mercenaries were the ones to give me such powerful training partners.
Ike: Hah! I believe that may be true. How about a training session for old time's sake?
Elincia: I don't know how I can compete with your physical transformation.
Ike: Don't let that stop you from taking a swing at me. Your abilities defeated many opponents before.
Elincia: Hee hee! You flatter me. For old time's sake then.
Ike: Come, Elincia!
Elincia: Haa!

B Support

Elincia: ...
Ike: Are you not faring well, Elincia?
Elincia: I am fine Sir Ike. Why do you ask?
Ike: Your performance in the last battle seemed to be a little lackluster. I fear that you may have fallen victim to an illness or fatigue.
Elincia: Oh, no Sir Ike I am fine.
*Elincia stumbles*
Ike: I see that you're not fine. Your face is turning dangerously red. Even a queen must rest. You have to take it easy.
Elincia: No, no, I just tripped over my feet a bit. Please do not worry about me Sir Ike. Pardon me, but I must tend to the--
Elincia: I--
*Elincia faints*
Ike: Elinicia!? I must get you to Rhys immediately!

A Support

Ike: It appears that you are feeling much better since our last encounter.
Elincia: Yes, Sir Ike. Forgive me for causing you to worry, it must have appeared to be quite uncharacteristic for a queen.
Ike: Queen or not, you're still a Beorc. It's natural for you to succumb to fatigue.
Elincia: I still doubt my capabilities as Queen Crimea. Falling to illness shows ineptitude.
Ike: Your devotion and love for Crimea is admirable, however you must be wary of your health. It would be a shame for Crimea to lose such a precious Queen. Your people need you to be safe just as much as you need them to be safe.
Elincia: I understand. The turmoil within Crimea with the rebellion and recession is a bit much for me. There are still some that believe the throne should belong to another noble. However, as Queen I must remain strong for my people.
Ike: You are strong, but don't be afraid to ask for help. There are times where you can rely on others, there's no need to do everything yourself.
Elincia: People to rely on... How could I have forgotten such a simple lesson?
Ike: It happens to all of us.
Elincia: Can I rely on you Sir Ike?
Ike: Of course! We're all in this together.
Elincia: From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

S Support

Ike: Do you have a moment Elincia?
Elincia: Yes, what is it Sir Ike?
Ike: Do you remember what you said to me at the southern sea?
Elincia: Hee hee! I remember, I believe it was, "Give them a sound thrashing!"
Ike: It has been a long three years since I heard those words again.
Elincia: I only said those words to fit in with the rest of you.
Ike: And fit in you did. We're both in the same company once again.
Elincia: The Goddess blessed me with wonderful comrades. I am truly grateful.
Ike: As am I. However, I fear that after this war is over we will once again be separated.
Elincia: Sir Ike...
Ike: It's normal for a mercenary to go on journies. My next one would come up shortly after this war. Maybe I will travel to other continents. Who knows what a future adventure has in store for me. Ah...sorry Elincia, I got a little sentimental there. I should go.
Elincia: Wait Sir Ike.
Ike: What is it?
Elincia: Is it possible for you to offer your services to me forever?
Ike: Forever? I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking for.
Elincia: I don't want to lose anyone, whether it be through death or distance. You gave me the courage and confidence I needed to be queen. If it isn't a bother for you, will you remain by my side?
Ike: I...I, too, must confess that I do not want to lose you. However, for a mercenary and a queen to be together is but a pipe dream. We come from different worlds.
Elincia: That should not be a problem. You did bring union between Beorc and Laguz after all. A legendary division between races has begun to be erased because of your efforts.
Ike: Heh, don't forget that you're by my side as it's all happening.
Elincia: And I am eternally grateful to be by your side even now. You give me more strength than I could have ever imagined.
Ike: And you have given me the strength I needed to overcome my greatest obstacles. Thank you Elincia and...
*Ike takes Elincia's hand*
Ike: I promise, my sword will forever be yours.


After the war, Ike departed on a journey to lands far from Tellius. Meanwhile, Elincia governed Crimea with deep love for her people. Elincia waited for Ike's promised return, being the only one he contacted with during his travels. Upon his return, Ike and Queen Elincia gave way to a golden age of prosperity.

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Daaaw, more Ike x Elincia fluff! <3 I really love them together too, shame that they didn't get that ending you made there. It's in character and I can totally see it happening! In fact, if I made some slight tweaks, my Ike/Lalita support could go hand in hand with this. ^^

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I'm not sure if I dislike it, it's just meh. I know a few gays and I don't hold it against them. It's just something I'm pretty much neutral on. Unless "Oh hey, let's throw these two guys/girls together and write smut! Their chance of actually being together is less than zero, but let's do it anyway so we can drool!" is involved. Then...yeah.

Kinda awkward for me too. I saw Lon'qu's fear of women as like he describes it in his support with Cherche. He doesn't want anyone else to get close to him because of what happened to Ke'ri/he doesn't want to get his heart broken again. Because he loved her, he's likely straight. Frederick...well...people could say he swings that way because of the naked Chrom posters.

ANYWAY. Shin did yoai tastefully, so I can't complain...

Eh. The point of fan fiction is things that didn't happen in the game so I SORT of get it... BUT I HATE WHEN PEOPLE INSIST IT MUST BE TRUE! Look. I get that people like pairing two guys or girls together at times (like Heather X Ilyana or Mist X Jill) but there is a HUGE difference between 'smutty fanfic' and 'THIS PAIRING IS SO TRUE GUYS AND I'M JUST THE ONE WHO BROUGHT OUT THE WRITERS HIDDEN MESSAGE AND IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME YOU'RE A HOMOPHOBE!"

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I agree with Snowy on that one for sure. Ike x Soren fans tend to really annoy me because they insist that the pairing is canon and I've even been called a homophobe for simply preferring hetero pairings. >_>

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Alright. It's time for my final gambit!


Lemming, from a certain RP I'm in, and Avia.


Avia is a noblewoman from afar, (I don't know Tellius well enough sorry ;w;) with blonde-brown locks tied up into a ponytail that streams down her back. She's a more wild and adventurous type, and is the first to volunteer for the front lines. Her class? She's a trueblade, meaning she has excessive training with the blade.

Lemming is a dutiful but reluctant youth freshly graduated from the Air Force Academy, where fliers learn to fly their flying beasts, with his father's wyvern, Des. His hair is red, with his bangs swept aside. Two streaks of hair reach down to his chin, and the backside of his head is covered by hair reaching to the neck hole in his armor.

C Support

*sticks clashing*

Lemming: Show me and Des what you can do, princess!

Avia: You're on! Nobody can best me!

*Wyvern roars, followed by more sounds of sticks clashing*

Lemming: Hah!

Avia: Eeyah!

Lemming: Alright, Des! Now, special attack pattern!

Avia: Hah, you shouldn't shout what you're going to do out loud, boy!

Lemming: Kyah!! You blocked it?!

Avia: Did you even LISTEN? I just said you shouldn't shout out your attacks...

Lemming: Fine, I... I give in, then.

Avia: What? But this has just begun!

Lemming: It's been going on for half an hour.

Avia: You know, almost everyone trains more than that!
Lemming: You may be right, but I have to review my tactics. Goodbye.

(Lemming leaves)

Avia: Wait!! Ugh, what a pain. Where was that swordsman, now...

B Support

Avia: You! Lemming! I've found you!

Lemming: Can it wait? I'm doing something.

Avia: What do you mean? You aren't doing anything.

Lemming: well, actually... I was heading for war council. Weren't you supposed to go as well?

Avia: Oh! Yeah, that's right... Darn, I've been preparing all day.

Lemming: For what?

Avia: I wanted another round with you! I just have to teach you more.

Lemming: I think it would be best that we don't, though. I need to keep diversity in my training.

Avia: Well, I can be as diverse as it gets!

Lemming: No, you're not. You can't fight with anything but a sword. What would happen if I fought someone with an axe or a lance?

Avia: Well, you WOULD be unprepared...

Lemming: That's right. Perhaps you have some things to learn, as well.

Avia: You're right. I don't have time! I have to get to training!
Lemming: We still have war council to attend to. We're late.

Avia: You're right again! Come on, let's hurry!

A support

Lemming: Ah, hello... What are you reading?
Avia: Oh, this is just a book on blade techniques. I took our last conversation seriously.

Lemming: Really? Well, it feels great to be acknowledged, I have to say.

Avia: There's always something to learn, isn't there? But the more books I come across, the more I realize I haven't got enough time to read them...

Lemming: Well, libraries tend to have a lot of books. You're already highly skilled as it is. Why do you need to learn any more?

Avia: I can never rest. As a leader, I must fight, I must learn, and I must do everything I can for my people.

Lemming: I see... Being a ruler is much harder than it seems, isn't it?
Avia: Yes. I thought I'd be relieved of some liability when I joined, but... All of the work coming to me is relentless since I left.

Lemming: I don't think I can fully understand your plight, but I can surely help. I'll train with you some more, if you need.

Avia: Ah... Yes, that would certainly help. Thank you.

Lemming: No problem.

S Support

Lemming: Er... Avia... Are you still in here?!

Avia: ... Zzz....

Lemming: You stayed here overnight, didn't you? You've put so much time into this...

Avia: Hrk! Ah! Wh-where am I?

Lemming: You're at the library... And from what it looks like, you read a few books.

Avia: No... That's the pile I haven't read.

Lemming: Then you read all of those?!

Avia: Yes... As I said, it's hard work.

Lemming: I... See. Look, Avia, I have something to ask you...

Avia: Yes?

Lemming: You see, you've taught me... A lot. About being a warrior, and a person. And I want to keep learning.

Avia: I don't understand...?

Lemming: I want to learn with you forever... I want you as my bride. Will you marry me?

Avia: I... I... Of course, I will! Oh gosh, this is... Amazing!

Lemming: Yes, I think it is, too... Now, let's rejoin the army and inform them of the news.

Avia: Right. But how do we tell them?

Lemming: I can't be sure myself... We'll figure it out.


When Avia and Lemming returned to Avia's land, they were fully wed in a ceremony attended by many. As the ruling king, Lemming made a just example for many a young boy, and Avia's bravery was admired by most, if not all women across the land. Even Des made an example of how a wyvern can brave the fright of wars without fear.

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Alrighty, finished my OC x OC entry! Staying in Ike's family and having his children talk! ^^ Kael and Lalita are such opposites that it's amusing. lol Kael is more like Ike himself. Loves meat, doesn't care much for his appearance, etc. Lalita, on the other hand, is a bit of a neat freak and is always trying to dress neatly, have good manners all the time, that kind of thing. She's pretty feminine too, though a bit bratty at times. Kael is very insecure though, mainly due to the pressures he has of being the son of a famous hero like Ike. His trying to be the leader of his own mercenary group doesn't help with this either. And of course, it results in him messing up a few times. He's also very protective of Lalita, to the point where it annoys her. Also, Dilan, the son of Boyd and Mist, is mentioned here. He's my OC too, of course.

Kael/Lalita (OC x OC) Support Conversations

C Support

Kael: Hey, Lalita. Are you doing alright?

Lalita: What? Of course I am, Kael. Why wouldn’t I be?

Kael: Well, we’re far from home and staying in a deserted warehouse right now. You don’t really have a bed or anything anymore, and I know how much you enjoy looking in a mirror and playing with your hair and such. And then there’s all the people we meet mentioning our parents’ legacy and comparing us to them. I just want to know if you’re adjusting alright.

Lalita: Oh, that. Well, yeah, it does kind of stink that I have no mirror or anything anymore. And those people are starting to get on my nerves. It’s hard to adjust to all this, I admit. But I wanted to come, remember?

Kael: I know, but… I just worry that you’ll find it too hard and get homesick and stuff. And it’s my job to look out for you as your big brother.

Lalita: I will not! I’m doing this for Mother and Father and I will keep doing this for them. I’ve always been interested in traveling and seeing what Tellius is like too. So stop doting on me!

Kael: Okay, sorry. I don’t mean to dote, I’m just trying to show I care.

Lalita: Well, try to do it without treating me like I’m five. I can take care of myself, you know.

Kael: I know that! I’m just trying to tell you that the others and I are here for you if things get really tough, alright? I mean, it’s not like our money and such will last forever.

Lalita: Okay, fine… So, are you getting hungry? Because I am and it’s near dinner time anyway. How about we go hunting?

Kael: Actually, yeah, I am. But there’s a nice-looking tavern not far from here. I’m sure we’d have better luck finding a decent meal there, and for a good price. We’ll hunt when funds are tight.

Lalita: Seriously? You can’t go out looking like that! Your hair is hardly combed at all and your clothes are dirty and tattered in places!

Kael: What? Lalita, this is a tavern I’m talking about, not a fancy restaurant. I look fine.

Lalita: You’ll still be around a lot of people! I won’t go until you at least comb your hair!

Kael: Ugh, you’re so annoying sometimes! Do what you want then! *walks away*

Lalita: Ha, look who’s talking…

B Support

Lalita: Hey, Kael! I’ve seen you sparring with Dilan and the others a lot, but we still haven’t gone against each other yet! I really want to see which of us is best fit to carry on the legacy of the Radiant Hero!

Kael: …What? Firstly, you already know that I don’t wish to fight against you even if it’s just practice. Second, Dad would never want to choose between us! He’d want us both to do great things!

Lalita: Oh come on, seriously? And I was only joking about the legacy thing, geez! I know Dad’s not ever going to favor one of us, that’s common sense. Anyone knows he values his family equally.

Kael: Well, I still will not fight you. I don’t want to hurt you. It’s my job to protect you, and I can’t do that if I’m making you bleed every day through sparring. I’ve asked the others to go easy on you in spars too.

Lalita: What?! Ugh, you’re such an idiot! I don’t need to be babied! I’ve trained hard with both Mother and Father, I’m just as good at defending myself as any of you are! I’m not some delicate little flower! And I’ve already fought in some real battles now!

Kael: You’re always close by the rest of us in those fights. It’s easy for us to make sure you’re alright in those cases. And how would Mom and Dad feel if I had to tell them I accidentally stabbed you in the leg and caused you to be out of commission for days or something? Dad would cut my meat servings for half a year when we got home!

Lalita: That’s not going to happen! I never said we wouldn’t be careful! And who cares about your stupid meat?!

Kael: Still, I just don’t want to fight you. I’m sorry. And I care about it! Dad’s got great taste, if you ask me! Juicy steaks and ribs, so delicious… Damn it, now you’ve got my mouth watering.

Lalita: Oh for goddess’s sake… Whatever! Go eat some meat then! Maybe some of it will be brains so yours can get help!

Kael: …Alright, now that’s just plain gross! And wait a minute, I thought Dad’s nickname was the Blue Flame?

Lalita: It is, but I’ve also heard some people call him the Radiant Hero. I like that one better! Dad’s world famous, you know, and did some amazing things. He needs a title that’s worth all of that!

Kael: Eh, doesn’t matter to me. Well, I’m going back to training! Remember, take it easy with your sword swings and don’t cut yourself!

Lalita: And he’s still an idiot…

A Support

Kael: The sun’s setting now… But I must train…for a little while longer…

Lalita: *walks over* What? Kael, you’re still out here? You’ve been swinging a sword around for hours! And you look like you’re about to pass out!

Kael: I am getting tired, but… I’m not strong enough yet…

Lalita: Seriously? You’re plenty strong! You’ve been defeating enemies left and right! Why, people would mistake you for Dad at this point, if you ask me!

Kael: No way. I still lost to him pretty good last time we sparred… I have plenty of room for improvement. And on top of that, those losses we suffered back in Astryn… We couldn’t rescue all those poor people…because I couldn’t lead us past the enemy fast enough!

Lalita: Oh get over yourself! So what, we lost a couple times! It happens! That doesn’t mean you should go pushing yourself so hard that you make yourself ill!

Kael: But losses like that one? So many innocent lives were lost! And I’m not ill! I’m fine…! I…

Lalita: Ugh, no you’re not! You’re sweating a lot and your legs are trembling! Please, come get some rest!

Kael: But… I can’t… *staggers and collapses to the ground*

Lalita: Kael! No! Dang it, now I’ve got to drag his butt to the medical tent…

*bushes nearby rustle*

Lalita: Huh?! What was that? …Ah!!

*later on*

Kael: *slowly awakens to find himself on a cot in the medical tent* …Huh? Where am I? What happened?

Lalita: You passed out from fatigue, that’s what, you dolt.

Kael: Lalita? You brought me in here?

Lalita: Duh. I had no choice! I wasn’t going to just leave you there. Especially after those bandits tried to get the jump on us.

Kael: Huh? What are you talking about? There were no bandits there.

Lalita: They showed up just after you went out cold. There were two of them, ugly and smelling like they bathed in stinkweed. I had to fight them off so they wouldn’t touch you.

Kael: What?! That’s impossible. You can’t take on two big bandits by yourself! You had to have gone for help.

Lalita: Hey, I’m not a liar! I saved your life! I deserve a thank you, not a scolding!

Ike: *from nearby* She did save you, Kael. *approaches the two*

Kael: Huh?! Dad! You saw it all?

Ike: No, but I did find the bandits’ dead bodies and get an explanation. Lalita came to me with a bloody sword after she’d dropped you off here. She really did a number on those guys too. But Kael, I have to say, I’m disappointed in you.

Kael: Wha?! But…why?

Ike: I taught you to train responsibly, not ignore your sister when she’s pointing out that you’re not well and should rest. We do always need to train hard, but if you’re doing so to the point where you’re already unconscious before a pair of hooligans attack, you’re doing it wrong.

Kael: I… I’m sorry, Dad… I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’ve just felt…so pressured and like I’m never good enough. Like I have a lot to live up to. Especially when I have you for my father and Lalita to protect while you and Mother aren’t around.

Ike: So that’s it. I was afraid of this. Kael, listen. You may be my son, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone else around you expect you to do anything similar to what I did. If other people are saying you should, they’re stupid. If you want to be a good mercenary and leader, that’s all I expect you to try to do. It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

Lalita: And like I’ve told you a million times, I can handle myself in a fight! I don’t need help all the time! I just proved it!

Ike: Indeed. It looks like fighting ability really does run in my bloodline! *smiles*

Kael: You… You really did fight and win all on your own, didn’t you, Lalita?

Lalita: That’s what Dad and I have been saying, isn’t it? I even kicked those two guys in the nuts before stabbing them. Sometimes you have to get dirty. Mother taught me that.

Ike: …Why am I not surprised?

Lalita: That's Mother for you. Anyway, I'm also going to get hurt sometimes no matter what, you can't prevent that. But I'm always trying to be careful, and I heal my wounds as soon as I can.

Kael: …Wow. I… I’m so sorry. Especially to you, Lalita. I really have been underestimating you this entire time. And Dilan was right when he told me awhile back that I shouldn’t let others’ expectations get to me. I just…found it all so hard to ignore.

Lalita: It’s okay, Kael. We understand why you’d feel that way. I should know better than anyone, I have the same father, after all. In fact, the truth is, I’ve felt the same way at times and it’s gotten me irritated. I’m sorry for calling you an idiot and all.

Kael: Heh, don’t worry about it. We’re brother and sister. We’re going to bicker sometimes.

Lalita: Ha, so true! Now can we start sparring together?

Kael: Sure! We’ll always help and protect each other too, right?

Lalita: Right!

Ike: *large smile* Ah, the joys of watching your kids grow up and become a real team…

Edited by Anacybele
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Awesome, somebody from an RP!

Well Cerai is one too I suppose. Obviously Dilan is from a different headcanon ;) Cerai wouldn't share her man with Mist...and Mist goes better with Rolf so yeah.

I'll have to do more with the said RP...

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Yeah, I prefer Rolf x Mist myself, but I've explained myself to you on Boyd x Mist in my headcanon instead. :P

Others here don't know though, so I might as well repeat it: I've already turned Geoffrey x Elincia into Ike x Elincia, so I didn't want to repeat the same thing with Boyd x Mist and Rolf x Mist. Mist's only ending where she isn't with Boyd leaves her single for the rest of her life. I try to stay as close as canon as I can. Though my headcanon is still a bit AU anyway... I don't mind Boyd x Mist though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ummm... Not to snark, but if this is a contest, shouldn't we be having, like, reviews and votes?

Here's an idea. Make it so that each person gets a randomly assigned pairing that they have to write for. Let them pick the game, but otherwise the pairing is random, and they have to write a support for it for voting on.

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Ummm... Not to snark, but if this is a contest, shouldn't we be having, like, reviews and votes?

Considering there's a deadline on the 17th, it would be safe to assume voting would begin after that.

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Canon x Canon, Calill x Tauroneo, Radiant Dawn. The support is after 3-E, given that is the first time they can be on the same team. Non romantic.

C Support

Calill: Well General, looks like you won't be getting your glorious death in battle after all.

Tauroneo: Not yet anyway- fate had a different plan in store for us it seems. From allies in the Mad King's War to enemies and back to allies again- 'tis truly a strange thing.

Calill: The strange thing is why in Ashera's name you were fighting against the Crimean army in the first place. I didn't think you were stupid enough to get caught up in that 'Maiden of Dawn' ridiculousness.

Tauroneo: Lady Micaiah is a honorable woman- worthy of following to the death.

Calill: No figurehead is worth dying for, honorable as they may be. People from Daein and Crimea care about you General- if you try to throw your life away again I will drag you off the battlefield you stubborn old fool.

Tauroneo: And what of you Calill? You have Largo and Amy back in Crimea and yet you continue to fight here. Wouldn't returning now guarantee that you would live to see them again?


B Support

Calill: I've thought about what you said General and I decided you're still being stupid. I fight so that Largo can return to flesh and blood, so that we can actually have customers in the pub instead of statues, so that Amy can grow up and have a normal life. I have no intention of dying any time soon.

Tauroneo: So you fight for a cause you believe in- we are not so different then. Though the reasons may not be clear to you, fighting against Crimea was necessary for the future of Daein.

Calill: Hmph...you seem to believe what you're saying at least. Still, you'll be of no use to Daein as an empty suit of armor, will you?

Tauroneo: I admit, I have perhaps been overly eager to die on the battlefield. Talking with you has strengthened my resolve to live for Daein's future.

Calill: That's the spirit General! Now, let's kill these fools so we can get back to doing what really matters.

A Support

Calill: You are rather handsome for an older man General. I'm sure your moustache tickled many a young lady back in the day.

Tauroneo: ...I fail to see where this line of conversation is going Calill. You are a married woman.

Calill: You must have thought about settling down at some point. No woman over the years managed to capture your heart?

Tauroneo: Aye...there was one a long time ago. My father was wounded as part of Ashnard's personal guard and my wife begged me to leave- but my family honor and duty to Daein came first. I began training my younger son to serve the Daein army- one night they had simply left.

Calill: I would have done the same thing in her shoes. Did you keep in contact with your son at least?

Tauroneo: No...I heard she went to live with her relatives in Crimea. Josh must be nearly a man grown by now.

Calill: You need to see your son again Tauroneo- before it's too late. He shouldn't be punished for the rest of his life because of your stupid decisions.

Tauroneo: My return would punish Josh more than staying out of his life forever.

Calill: That's just a cowardly excuse for not wanting to confront your mistakes. Every child needs their parent- and every parent needs their child. After this war is done, you're going to ask for some time off and you will travel to Crimea and see your son. Oh, and you're going to stop by our pub- Largo's still waiting to serve you that pie and brew. This is an order General.

Tauroneo: ...As you command, Lady Calill.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Ummm... Not to snark, but if this is a contest, shouldn't we be having, like, reviews and votes?

Here's an idea. Make it so that each person gets a randomly assigned pairing that they have to write for. Let them pick the game, but otherwise the pairing is random, and they have to write a support for it for voting on.

What Shin said, plus I've left some comments. Dcat has also commented on mine through PMs. Dunno if she's done so for anyone else though.

Cynthia: Nice! Pretty short, but still nice overall. I like reading about Tauroneo's family, I find his story interesting and I always felt bad for the poor guy. I think your conversations start off kind of random though. Other than that, I don't see any issues. :)

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Yep voting will begin on the 17th.

And I've commented on a few others in this thread. I just send Ana's via PM because we tend to have long ass conversations. If anyone wants me to comment on theirs, just ask!

Adding to OP...

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Yeah, we do tend to get into long conversations. XD

Anyway, I altered two of Ike's lines a bit in that Kael/Lalita support. I feel they make more sense now.

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I think this is a great idea. Writing supports is awesome!

My OC x OC entry's a bit long for the average support conversation (and it looks even longer double-spaced), but I believe it's still within range. If it isn't, let me know and I'll either trim it down or remove it entirely. I'll make a long post (or edit, if nobody else has posted) later commenting on everyone else. Of course, I welcome all comments on my own support, whether here or through PM!

Anyways, here's a bit of information about the OCs, from a Fire Emblem RP of mine on another site:

Max: A mercenary in his early twenties. He has a large build, shaggy light brown hair, and gray eyes. He wears a blue jacket with a white shoulderplate on his right shoulder -- his sword arm. He finds work as a bodyguard for his childhood friend, the noble Lynette, but along with her becomes tangled in a great war over the White Oracle: a prophetic immortal thought to have left the world long ago. He speaks with Benjamin often, taking his insights seriously despite his age.

Benjamin: A young shaman who looks to be in his early teens. He is tall for his age, but still short when compared to most adults. He has short and tidy dark brown hair, and light brown eyes behind rounded spectacles. He wears a brown tunic under a purple robe. Though he is young, he has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that surpasses sages many times older, bestowing upon him an air of mystery and eloquence belied by his bright, youthful appearance. He joins Lynette when he notices Max in her employ, describing himself as a wandering scholar.

Max and Benjamin:

[spoiler=C Rank]Max: Hmm, what should I start working on? My eyesight? I’ll try squinting at that tree across the field until I can see the ants crawling on it…

(Benjamin enters)

Benjamin: Ah, Sir Max, I must warn you that straining your vision without the proper procedure will only damage your eyes over time.

Max: Woah, Benjamin! How did you sneak up on me like that?

Benjamin: I apologize for startling you. I have been told my feet are quite light.

Max: So they are. Perhaps I should be focusing on my hearing instead...

Benjamin: On that subject, I notice you doing all manner of things in your idle time. Might I ask why?

Max: It’s part of my Warrior Code. “If there’s nothing else, stay alert and work to better yourself.”

Benjamin: I see. Improving oneself is certainly admirable. If I may be frank, with that sort of willpower and your mother’s blood coursing through your veins, I am surprised you became a swordsman instead of a mage.

Max: She tried teaching me, but there was always something that went over my head. In the end, I could do little more than light a candle.

Benjamin: Still an impressive achievement, I must add.

Max: Thanks, but I’ll stick to magic swords. That way I can do both, in a way.

Benjamin: But improving your sorcery would also benefit your skill with magic swords, would it not? Your tolerance of enemy magic would also increase--

Max: Fine, fine. I suppose I should be honored to be mentored by the boy prodigy himself. Here I thought only Lynette could push me around.

Benjamin: Perhaps being so easily swayed is the next thing you can improve on.

Max: Oh, ha ha. I’ll be at your tent tonight then, once camp is settled.

Benjamin: Very well. I will look forward to it!

(Benjamin leaves)

Max: The little guy seems even merrier than usual...

[spoiler=B Rank]Max: Oh Benjamin, there you are.

Benjamin: Ah! So you have improved your hearing, Sir Max.

Max: Haha, maybe. I only wanted to thank you for tutoring me last night. I really feel like I’m closer than ever to becoming a mage.

Benjamin: You are very welcome. I do enjoy teaching others, and you are a fantastic student. You can absorb nearly anything, so long as it is explained to you.

Max: I’m sure it’s because you explain it so well.

Benjamin: Mmm. Well, so long as you remember that it is wise to seek improvement, but foolish to do so alone.

Max: Right, right. You know, you remind me of someone.

Benjamin: Oh?

Max: There was an older boy who watched Al and me once when we were kids, and my mother was off doing some important sage business. I couldn’t do anything at all with magic at that point, but that boy... I felt like I could learn anything from him. He couldn’t have been older than thirteen, but he was so learned and wise. Mom and Al tried teaching me, of course, but they were always so busy. It was only a few weeks, but...when Mom came back and he left, I was so sad. He was one of the first friends I ever had.

Benjamin: ...

Max: Most importantly, he gave me the desire to learn more. Without that, I wouldn’t be who I am, and I certainly wouldn't be here. It was so long ago, though, that I can’t even remember his face. He must be a great sage by now. But listen to me, rambling in the middle of a battlefield! You might be rubbing off on me. Sorry, Benjamin. Let’s get back to the fight.

Benjamin: No...it is quite alright. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.

Max: You’re...welcome? In any case, let’s meet again soon for another lesson.

Benjamin: Of course. I would love nothing more.

[spoiler=A Rank]Benjamin: Ah, Sir Max. It seems you are the one observing me today.

Max: Yeah, sorry about that. Only...the more I think about it, the more you resemble…

Benjamin: …

Max: Nevermind. It’s impossible, after all. You aren’t a dragon, and no magic can keep a human from aging...

Benjamin: ...Tell me, Sir Max, do you remember what the Oracle said about the status of this world?

Max: You mean, about our world being sealed off from the rest?

Benjamin: Precisely. It is not nearly as binary as she might lead you to believe.

Max: So, it’s not as simple? Keeping the gate sealed might not be entirely good, and the other worlds might not be so bad?

Benjamin: That is very correct, but not what I meant. I was referring to the idea itself, of the world being either completely sealed off or completely open.

Max: In other words, you're saying there could be a way…

Benjamin: …

Max: Benjamin, who--what are you?

Benjamin: As I have always said, I am a wandering scholar, and nothing more. Please let me leave it at that.

Max: ...Alright. I--I suppose you’ve taught me everything else I ever wanted to know, so I can do without that.

Benjamin: No...Sir Max, please wait. There is one other thing.

Max: ...

Benjamin: Regardless of my circumstances, I will treasure our time together as I have no other. I never would have dreamed that the little boy with a smile that outshined the candle he lit with magic would become a man whose shoulders this world rests upon. After watching you for so long, I see you as not only a companion, but a model -- a standard to hold to all other beings I encounter. I have taught you many things, but learned so much more from you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Max: Benjamin, I…

Benjamin: Hush. No more of this, I beg you. Let us continue as we always have.

Max: ...Of course, my friend.

[spoiler=Ending]Shortly after the restoration efforts began, Benjamin vanished. His only benefactor was Max, to whom he left a first-hand account of the war, along with written accounts of everyone who played a part. Of note was Max’s own biography, the title page of which had been smudged just a bit by some drops of water. Max mentored his own children and many others, and his students grew to be among the greatest champions of their time.

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Some people seem to like saving comments/reviews for the voting round though. That's how they do it for the writing contests, anyway. :P I obviously do a few reviews before then, but yeah.

Spectral Procreation: Haha, my A supports are longer than yours, don't worry about length. XD And that was a very interesting read, btw! I think I saw implications that:

Benjamin WAS the boy that was watching Max when he was a kid. :o

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Some people seem to like saving comments/reviews for the voting round though. That's how they do it for the writing contests, anyway. :P I obviously do a few reviews before then, but yeah.

Spectral Procreation: Haha, my A supports are longer than yours, don't worry about length. XD And that was a very interesting read, btw! I think I saw implications that:

Benjamin WAS the boy that was watching Max when he was a kid. :o

Got a little Dart/Rebecca action going on I see!

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