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As many of you know, or can see, there's been a lot of tension in the forest. But rather than make a topic that tries to get everyone to join hands, and sing "We are the world" like the last topic I did, which resulted in making things worse (though I don't take blame for that, as it wasn't entirely my fault) I decided to just keep the focus on this thread about me.

SO, post your issues with me, so I can try to either explain why I do/act that way, and try to make amends. No one wants this forum to end up like Gamefaqs, so let's try to keep this civil and all be mature about it.


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People either hate you or love you. There is no middle road.

That seems to be the case. I don't know why people hate me though.

Though, I don't think Raven hates me, but I doubt he LOVES me. Unless he does hate me, and he hides it.

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You've done this before. Not everyone will like you Lyle. Not everyone will like me.

In this way, we are the same. I want everyone to like me too. But it just won't happen.


Stick with the buds who love you now. They like you the way you are, so why change?

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This was ages ago in chat, said by a certain member, but if I recall correctly: "Lyle always make his close friends the main characters in his stories whether they sign-up for his stories or not. The people who do sign-up, but are not his close friends usually get minor roles." Another one "Lyle is always nicer to girls, but isn't as nice to guys."

I don't recall 100%, but it was something like that. I no longer go into chat to hear any complaints about you.

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This was ages ago in chat, said by a certain member, but if I recall correctly: "Lyle always make his close friends the main characters in his stories whether they sign-up for his stories or not. The people who do sign-up, but are not his close friends usually get minor roles." Another one "Lyle is always nicer to girls, but isn't as nice to guys."

I don't recall 100%, but it was something like that. I no longer go into chat to hear any complaints about you.

-Well, I make my close friends the main characters in my story, because I know them better. Otherwise, I'd screw up their personality, and then people would yell at me for that. Plus, I didn't really know Bizz before I put her in my story. It's because I did that I became such good friends with her.

As for the treating of girls differently, I suppose that is true. But also, girls tend to treat me nicer than most of the guys here. So why shouldn't I treat them kinder. You can talk about making things equal all you want, but the fact remains that men and women are different. Treating women kinder then men may not exactly be fair, but it is natural. At least that's how I view it. I treat my male friends here kindly. At least the ones who aren't jerks to me.

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This was ages ago in chat, said by a certain member, but if I recall correctly: "Lyle always make his close friends the main characters in his stories whether they sign-up for his stories or not. The people who do sign-up, but are not his close friends usually get minor roles." Another one "Lyle is always nicer to girls, but isn't as nice to guys."

I don't recall 100%, but it was something like that. I no longer go into chat to hear any complaints about you.

I'll stick up for you Lyle....

I've only read one of his BUT: I am not GREAT friends with Lyle, and I'd say I am very grateful for the part I received.

Who else IS he gonna pick? He knows his best friends better, thus making it easier to base a whole story around them.

Lol. Hasn't he ADMITTED that before already? I don't see why that would be a big deal either...

I am the same way. I'm not "rooting for the other team," therefore I will be much nicer to girls, then guys.

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I think a LOT of people here are nicer to girls than they are to boys sadly. It happens all over the internet, not just here. I'm going to guess it has something to do with hormones. People need to learn the internet is not a solution to dating or flirting...

It has negative effects on both sides. Men begin to gather around the females, and thus lowering their sense of self value and dignity, and women either end up freaked out or let it go to their heads and get a big ego, with a few exceptions to this idea. The only time a woman seems to be ignored is if the male population that normally flaunt over these females happens to think they are too smart to fall for them, then they back off really.

There are a few males here who I see are not affected by a person's gender, and I commend them for that, and a few females who are impervious to either gaining a giant ego, or being flirted with.

All remaining nameless of course.

This is just a thought and partially an opinion, as there is no SOLID fact to back it up, but subtle hints and inferences were used to create this theory.

Like I said, it's a theory, as there could very well be other reasons, but this is my best guess based on the evidence that is available to myself. Some people might not even notice such a thing but I certainly do. Having a theory is better than not having an explanation at all I guess though.

That aside, I'm sure you already know that if I have a problem with anything you say or do, I shall address it directly to you Lyle, as I have always done.

Actually you bother me the least, it's how people react to things you do that bother me.

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I think a LOT of people here are nicer to girls than they are to boys sadly. It happens all over the internet, not just here. I'm going to guess it has something to do with hormones. People need to learn the internet is not a solution to dating or flirting...

It has negative effects on both sides. Men begin to gather around the females, and thus lowering their sense of self value and dignity, and women either end up freaked out or let it go to their heads and get a big ego, with a few exceptions to this idea. The only time a woman seems to be ignored is if the male population that normally flaunt over these females happens to think they are too smart to fall for them, then they back off really.

There are a few males here who I see are not affected by a person's gender, and I commend them for that, and a few females who are impervious to either gaining a giant ego, or being flirted with.

All remaining nameless of course.

This is just a thought and partially an opinion, as there is no SOLID fact to back it up, but subtle hints and inferences were used to create this theory.

Like I said, it's a theory, as there could very well be other reasons, but this is my best guess based on the evidence that is available to myself. Some people might not even notice such a thing but I certainly do. Having a theory is better than not having an explanation at all I guess though.

That aside, I'm sure you already know that if I have a problem with anything you say or do, I shall address it directly to you Lyle, as I have always done.

Actually you bother me the least, it's how people react to things you do that bother me.

1. I am one of those

2. lol Hika right there

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Geez, I should become female for more attention. It's fine Lyle, you are one of many victims.

I know. But the purpose of this thread is to discuss me. As selfish as that sounds. I have a feeling that I'm the cause for a lot of the tension in the forest right now. So I'm trying to make amends.

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Geez, I should become female for more attention. It's fine Lyle, you are one of many victims.

Actually people do that online a lot these days. I just leave my gender as unset so there can never be a certainty of how to treat me.

I will say that on sites where people thought I was male, as opposed to ones where I was thought to be female, I was treated substantially different...

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Actually people do that online a lot these days. I just leave my gender as unset so there can never be a certainty of how to treat me.

I will say that on sites where people thought I was male, as opposed to ones where I was thought to be female, I was treated substantially different...

You were flamed a lot more right?


Lyle, what do YOU think is wrong with you? Obviously no one has a problem, 'else we would have posted them. Why you gots to B zo zelf-conscience?

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Actually people do that online a lot these days. I just leave my gender as unset so there can never be a certainty of how to treat me.

I will say that on sites where people thought I was male, as opposed to ones where I was thought to be female, I was treated substantially different...

Generally males treat females alot nicer, considering they are women and deserve more respect, when you read this it will probably sound like ignorance, but yeah. I have always opened doors for women, admitted that I am wrong in an argument even though I'm not, and used different diction to them so I guess it's just nature for some men.

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Generally males treat females alot nicer, considering they are women and deserve more respect, when you read this it will probably sound like ignorance, but yeah. I have always opened doors for women, admitted that I am wrong in an argument even though I'm not, and used different diction to them so I guess it's just nature for some men.

That's pretty sexist of you to think someone deserves or doesn't deserve something based on gender.

Also, Lyle, I have not seen anyone saying anything about you. Anywhere. This tension has nothing to do with you at all, unless something else has happened in the last few hours, so please stop being so self-centered.

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That's pretty sexist of you to think someone deserves or doesn't deserve something based on gender.

One can say so yes.

It's like would you hit a girl? Obviously no, but you would a guy kinda like that, but to a less extreme

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