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Status Updates posted by Jyosua

  1. Thanks for the happy birthdays, guys! :P

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Happy birthday fellow fighting-game player!

  4. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!

  5. Merry Christmas! :D

  6. Lol, Merry Christmas to you too!

  7. I saw a link somewhere, but I forgot what it was.


  9. I write on a gaming journal now, so I follow rumors pretty closely - I don't report on them until they are confirmed, but I do take note of them. I'm also covering the conference in an article.

  10. The look of the chat, the ability to use board emotes, as well as a lot of other things. I don't see why this is bothering you. I'm most likely going to make a chatmod group on the forums, that will include most of the staff from the current IRC chat. On a side note, this conversation would be better off in a public ticket.

  11. I would prefer not to, simply because this has greater integration into the community, chatlogs that can be access up to 30 days, and greater customization possible.

  12. Because a nice truck and boat are better - I can go anywhere with those!

  13. has a nice boat

  14. Happy birthday bitch. XD

  15. lol Nice truck

  16. Haha no, we met on FESS around 5 years ago, maybe more (I can't recall the date of FESS1).

    He lives in the UK and I live in the US, so... XD

  17. Vincent made the mainsite. I pay for hosting and made the forums.

  18. lolwut

    You don't need to be formal with me in comments. XD Have I met you by the way?

  19. Sorry, I was busy earlier. I'll talk to you tomorrow if you'd like. :)

  20. Aha, but I already sipped it all!

  21. orly? Well your cup is empty!

  22. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip

  23. Clearly. And lol @ fox. Metal Rabbit didn't get any special group either. :P

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