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Everything posted by Jyosua

  1. I do, and I bet Vincent does as well.
  2. It's not like I'm going to warn him. I'll just curse a whole lot. It might be wise to note that in certain countries the laws don't apply. The Netherlands is usually the number one example of one of these places, and that's because they're lax in quite a few of their laws. I'm not sure about Kyle though, it looks like he's an aussie and I don't know their laws. However, for Archangel who lives in the US, it's illegal. It's also illegal for me as well, but frankly I don't give a crap. XD
  3. For fucks sake, yes it is. Here. http://jyosua.superbusnet.com/PICT0166.JPG Now do you believe me? I should tell you, defying me when I'm right, really ticks me off. If you don't think a ROM is a backup copy, I'll tell you how they're made. People take the cartridge, connect it to a device, that dumps the memory of the cartridge aka the ROM image, onto a PC, creating a backup.
  4. My real name is Josh. :P So of course that's fine. And thanks.
  5. The game is gradually returning to the difficulty it was at in FE4. I like this change, and I hope they continue with it. Personally the reviewers are generally casual gamers that just want to play through it, write a review, and be done. This Fire Emblem is definitely more challenging than the past couple have been, and I hope it stays this way. Personally, I would've liked it if normal mode was a little harder, but not as hard as the US hard mode. I enjoy a challenge. :D
  6. I never thought Janaff was female. For that matter, I never thought Lucius was female. There's just something about both of them that strikes me as male.
  7. Tibarn because of his character. I like his personality and I'm more fond of him than I am of the other Royals.
  8. Actually yes it is. XD People like to believe they're not, but, really, it is.
  9. I earn money by both having people click the ads, and simply allowing them to load. The pageview money is directly related to how much we've earned total, so the more clicks the better, however I'm not allowed put something on the webpage that tells people directly to click the ads. It says nothing about explaining how they work though. I can only see how much click money we've earned though, and so far it's something like 7 dollars. XD that's enough for 1 month of hosting. I'll only get the first paycheck once we reach 100 XD
  10. It's officially 550 pixels for width.
  11. I like my crazy stunts though... I hope they don't take that out. I especially got a few lulz out of the axe-user backrolls done in RD XD
  12. Jyosua

    Desktop thread

    That's why I said likely. It depends on his screensize.
  13. ... The ads are supposed to help us raise money you know. ~_~ Blocking them just screws us over.
  14. Jyosua

    Desktop thread

    His icons look large because it's a high resolution desktop you're viewing on a low resolution. On his screen, they likely look normal.
  15. Exactly. That's why I never said they could give it to a human. XD
  16. Plains because of bandits with axes, thus a chance to gain experience.
  17. No, it'll break the tables for 800x600 users unfortunately Also, I just realized you asked kb limit. So far, we have no rules on that. I don't see a need to unless someone decides they feel the need to link to a 1000 frame full color gif. Then I will personally travel to your house and kill you. (I'm just kidding about that XD)
  18. You read the limits backwards. This is the biggest a signature can be:
  19. Of course, just install apache and you're off! Except when you turn off your computer, we wouldn't be able to see the image. XD
  20. If you were, there'd be an option to do it in the profile manager.
  21. I considered calling Vincent that honestly. XD
  22. Lol. I wonder which I voted for.
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