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Status Replies posted by Florete

  1. hi RedFox!!!

    1. Florete


      Yeah, they were good times, but I don't think I could go back to that. I don't have the energy or mental fortitude for that stuff anymore.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. hi RedFox!!!

    1. Florete


      I do believe you have the wrong profile. I am Florete.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hey, what's up? I see you've been offline from Heroes for 3+ weeks but you're still posting around the Heroes subforum. Mind-boggling stuff!

    1. Florete


      I quit Heroes but I’m still keeping up with what’s going on and occasionally commenting on it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. HEYA. What's your FE Heroes friend code? Also, how's things?

  5. Irysa mentioned your name change and yet I still forgot about it lol.

    I would be interested in the FE7 Ranked thread by the way if only to see the philosophy changes and the like.

    1. Florete


      It's okay, lots of people still know me by my old name.

      If I can get it to a place where it feels good, I'll probably post it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. RFoF! How are you? :o

  7. Oh hey, nice to see you back around!

    1. Florete


      I'm doing well. Just needed some time away. How are you?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Oh hey, nice to see you back around!

    1. Florete


      I might be four months late seeing this, but hi! Nice to see you.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. I used to be a Sothe ha8er!!! (:

  10. I'm simultaneously surprised and unsurprised that both you and Matt are also watching this Valkyrie Drive.

    1. Florete


      There's so little this season that I had to resort to stupid stuff like that and Shomin Sample to have something to watch.

  11. Are you really a vixen?

    1. Florete


      Good question. Am I?

  12. I just realized we never would have talked if your avatar wasn't Citrus at some point in time.

    1. Florete


      What if it had been Girl Friends? I also had an Aikatsu one at one point.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. *creepily mouses over name to check which thread is being viewed*

    1. Florete


      Overexposure dilutes the quality. I absorb it in limited quantities so as to preserve the stimuli.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  14. *creepily mouses over name to check which thread is being viewed*

    1. Florete


      I'll just have to re-read Girl Friends for the 3rd time while I'm waiting.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  15. *creepily mouses over name to check which thread is being viewed*

    1. Florete


      Another month for volume 3, though. Sigh...

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  16. *creepily mouses over name to check which thread is being viewed*

    1. Florete


      I found a rough translation.

      "Yuzu laughs like the cute lesbian she is."


      Seems accurate.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

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