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Freohr Datia

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About Freohr Datia

  • Birthday 05/03/1993


  • Member Title
    I dunno I dunno I dunno I dunno

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    Free D, Lobby 3

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Three Houses

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    Order of Heroes

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  1. Since you had a Frozen avatar a while ago, I just randomly thought I should tell you that I watched it just now and found it awesome. =D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      I totally lost it at Olaf's song about summer. XD I'm glad he didn't end up melting in the end, though, since the movie was basically hinting that the whole time. And I'm glad that the older sister didn't turn villainous at all. She's too cute and innocent to be a villain.

    3. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Weeeee Olaf is the best~ And yeah true, Elsa wasn't bad! She was just scaaaared poor girl

    4. Randoman


      I feel quite bad for her, especially regarding how her parents went about treating her powers the wrong way and how it only made things worse, despite them having the best of intentions.

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