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Posts posted by Ronlyn

  1. On 16/4/2018 at 5:17 PM, Ablast6 said:

    This is neat, don't see why anyone'd need/want this though. The death requirements are one of the best things about the game IMO.

    That kind of requirement sucks because fire emblem tends to be realistic when it comes to death units (they don't come back) and killing off units in hopes to getting a shining new one (and an awful one on that) is kind of retarded

    Besides, Story-wise Marth it's against that kind of thinking

  2. I got out version 1.0 (several stats and growths were modified as I played though both Ch1 and Ch2, including M.def). I also took pics of Alm and Celica's teams at the start of Ch3 so you can have a look and compare them with their vanilla counterpart (just to give everyone and advance: boey can now properly do his job of tank stuff like the man he is)

    2 hours ago, DiogoJorge said:

    Seems interesting. Is Clive going to become a better unit? For his growths I would sugest:

    HP 50% STR 40% SKL 40% SPD 30% DEF 35% LUK 25%


    Also, remove the Angel ring from equation or have it increase growths by 10%, rather than double the amount gained.


    Needless to say, but if you improve everyone's growths, the bosses and some enemies probably shoud be buffed a bit.

    Those growths might work on thracia ( a game I would like to touch after this one it's done), but my vision is to keep the original game design while improving all the characters in the process (because lord knows Boey and Python receive the short end of the stick while May and Leo had all the fun)

    Speaking of the Angel ring: Yeah, I moved that thing further in Celica's route since now most characters have chances to level up at least one stat that will help them in the long run (str/spd/def/hp while skl and luck are better overall)

    Enemies and Bosses are still a threat and should be seen as such: You would be surprised with the amount of enemies than suddenly become deadly with something as simple as +1 movement. Besides, this is the tutorial and I don't want to screw anyone in case some of their units came out as crap (not as bad as vanilla but still)

    Midgame and Lategame however.........

  3. Hello guys, it has been a while doesn't it? Today I bring you my first go on nightmare modules: A rebalance project on Fire Emblem : Gaiden

    You see, some days ago I tried to play this old gem since echoes it's so far away from my hands and I just drop it at the beginning of CH3. Some could say it was the difficulty, but what really brush me in the wrong way was the fact that you need to grind in order to avoid frustration in the near future, and I really hate games with that kind of mindset, so I decided to give it whirl and make it better. 



    - All units on both routes got their bases & growths rates completely redone in order to avoid empty level ups (I played this whole thing twice and I haven't get an empty level yet) or units which are completely useless (I'm looking at you Boey). 




    - All weapons were changed in order to both bring a balance between power vs speed and create a more unique artillery



    - Magic spells got buffed since they don't scale with skill in order to ensure they are relevant the entire game



    - All classes base stats were changed in order to both nerf overpower enemies (the mercenary tree) and make other stand out (soldier tree)



    - Several changes were made to make sure the game is beatable even without the use of stat boost via the Lion Heads



    - New palettes for both player and enemy units:




    With this out of the way, here's the file: 


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/lekrcdzoekzhsh4/FE2 MR v2.0.rar?dl=0


    (You only need to patch a clean file, please don't use any translation or anything)

    ***VERY IMPORTANT***: This mod has been tuned with the EASY MODE in mind, please do not play it under NORMAL MODE unless you really want a BAD TIME

    If anyone can give me some feedback and suggestions, I would be glad

  4. Spoiler


    Let’s Play: Fire Emblem Super Thracia 776 (The comeback it’s real) – FINALE III: The Palace of Shadows


    Last time, we just killed Leaf’s mother (And a bunch of people that didn’t matter whatsoever). Today we’re doing a gaiden chapter then even the modder cannot access because he’s dumb enough or the requirements are basically bananas. Just enter this code on the cheats feature in you emulator (7E0E1121), load whatever save you have in-game and then save to override the data so you don’t lose it if you somehow managed to reach here without cheats


    Today’s team: Gonna do some leg work here if I wanna survive the final chapter (For the record: I had to hack that Kia staff)


    Cut-scenes: Leaf turned wrong in Albuquerque


    Riev take this chance to show off why CH24x shouldn’t be played unless you like to be a completionist (-_-)


    24x it’s basically the same as vanilla when it comes to nasty stuff: Teleports are your only way out now, so I hope you didn’t hate tile hunting in the original


    #NihilBait (Also, DAT steal skill on the Great knights)


    As always, Eyvel it’s chilling out up there and I’m planning to save her with the power of cheats (I’m not even feel bad by now, honestly)


    She’s guarded by Lil’Ardens, but since I’m cheesing it with Rescue/Warp I don’t even care


    For those who didn’t like good guys, I got some news


    Julius it’s right here and ready to kick some balls (Don't ask for the implications that this sole unit bring to the table, I'm sure the modder didn't care anyways)


    Finally, Riev it’s not exactly hard, but his gimmick can quite nasty once he’s reachable


    Only chests in this chapter


    Since the next chapter it’s a free for all, I’m doing some last minute training to make life easier (spoiler: It doesn’t matter)


    It doesn’t take too long before we start to get gangbanged


    Watch out: Novistadors are on the loose as always


    Turtling strats to the rescue


    Shiida comes in with the bolt axe


    Charisma: The blood of this mess of a team


    Leaf decides to go han-solo on Reinhart’s ass (Sorry Olwen)


    Julius, if you keep that I’m killing Ishtal


    Almost die, but down he goes


    The tiles where the bosses are stationed are your only way to reach Riev


    I got a Julius and a glitch cut-scene, yeah!!!


    I haven’t mentioned it until now, but all the legendary weapons are basically carrying me


    Fuck off, Cyas


    You know that they run out of ideas when you see a recolor of an already existing spell


    Or even worse: Said spell can petrify people who gets hit by it and your only way to cure it it’s basically out of reach


    Hey, do you renember those teleport tiles from vanilla 24x?


    Yeah……….They still sucks


    Team Mom got


    Barely useful. And before anyone ask: Levels doesn't matter at this point since units will get 3-4 KO all the time regardless 


    Aaaaaaaaaand done with this


    I suggest you try it out since you can choke several points and train your underling to not suck that much. Next time: I finally beat this crappy shit of a game (I hope)


  5. Today's update it's sponsored by Asvel's Robes:



    They don't leave anything up to the imagination 








     A battle of power: Dorias “The Ruby Streak” versus The Black Knight. The BK has been training since last time, meanwhile Dorias has been restored to his old self. Who’s gonna emerge victorius?







    *15 turns later and several Big Shields* Zzzz…. Ehhh? OH yes, the battle, uhhhhh………..BK has obliterated his target






    BK Wins!!!









    Every romance needs a closure: Will Lucius “The Faint Light” and Homer “The Spoony Bard” find their happiness?





    I knew you wouldn’t resist being apart from me, my darling


    For the last time: I’M.A.MONK.NOT.A.PRIEST!!!!!


    And Lucius proceeds to outright absorb his soul ala Shang Tsu. See Jake? This is why you don’t piss off a woman


    (*Sigh*.........Why do I even bother?)




     Lucius Wins…………..FATALITY!!!









    Who’s grampa little monster? Let’s find out at tonight’s mirror fight: Sara vs Sara!!!!





    It looks like the’re taking some spot-shots at each one……



    Holy cow!!! Look that level of tech; these two are really something else!!!!






    Ohhh, it’s looks like one of them decides to brought some extra help



    But she gets send into the Limbo nonetheless. I guess evil deeds doesn’t pay off in the end……






    Sara Wins!!!












    A match made in heaven: L’arachel “Queen of Light” and Tina “The Charming Cleric”


    Hmm……why I’m dealing with this old granny?

    Who you’re calling old granny, pipsqueak?!?!?

    Hey, calm down you two; save those insults till the fight, alright?  (-_-)lll





    Come here, you little cockroach!!!

    Ohh, sorry: I guess I’m too fast for those old and lazy bones 

    Ohhh, you didn’t just say that!!!!

    Well…..I guess spells aren’t the only thing flying around……





    Sadly, Prayers alone won’t save you from a crit so point, set and match for our annoying Matriarch over here!!!!!




    L’arachel Wins!!!









    History longest cliché: Judah “The Shifting Darkness” against Aless “The Dark Knight”







    Woozers!!! Judah doesn’t screw around. But I think he forgot one tiny detail




    And he goes poof. One minute of silence for those killed by a Wrath counter………






    Aless Wins!!!









    And last: The world’s fastest pickpockets: Parn “The Lurking Wolf” pitting with Sothe “Zephyr”  




    And Sothe goes off with a slam on his face






    Parn decides to back off and heal. I hope he has something more or else he’s just a punchbag















    Sothe Wins!!!




    And that’s a wrap up. They were powerful, but nothing can stand against the power of savestates Friendship!!! Coming back with you, Ronlyn







    We finally decided to recruit Ishtar: Since this game only uses the portraits as point markers, you can change Leaf’s portrait and recruit people this way (Why didn’t do it sooner? Well........I don’t know either)


    After all the slaughter we have comment this chapter, there is one more challenge that only Leaf can overcome…..





    Ethlin herself it’s quite the monster: Wrath and Prayer are always present on this kind of bosses, but unlike other bosses, we can’t mitigate her damage since she can hit hard with both magic and physicals, so better be prepared (or have a trained Fin/Master Knight Leaf)




    My beloved brothers and sisters…….I will avenge all of you……..EN GARDE!!!!!



    I must admit: If I had to save something from this hack, it would be all of his custom animations


    Some rounds later and Leaf finally deals the final blow to his beloved mother. It must be hard for him right now……



    And then I persuade him into nagging all of her booty because like hell I’m letting go that weapon



    Just look at that turn count. That’s way more than an FE7/8 low turn-count put together



    I’m finally free……..


    My son………look at you…..all grown up into such a fine man…….I’m so happy……….

    Please wait, I will get a healer for you!!!



    You have to understand……..my time in this world has pass already




    Renember my son: This world it’s for the living, but it doesn’t mean we just fade away when death comes to our doors. Our memories are with all of you, and we keep living if you have a place for us in your hearts…….never forget it……….



    Jesus Christ, it’s over!!!

     Next time: We gonna save one last person

  6. NOW………IT IS TIME FOR…………..





    Please put it on for the kicks

    Good evening, everyone!!! The name’s Anna and tonight’s we will witness the gracious art of beat the crap out of someone else until stops breathing!!!!




    So……….without further adds, let’s get to the juicy stuff, shall we?  






    Q1EaBiN.jpg VS4tsCJW9.jpg

    Our first match it’s Marty “The Unmovable” against Dagdar “The Purple Tiger”. Can the disciple surpass his Master?




    Aaaaaaand it’s over!!!!

    Heh…….you got some new tricks for me, eh Marty……....Keep them safe for me, will ya…..?

    I will, Dagdar……..



    Marty Wins………..FLAWLESS VICTORY!!!!!!!







    Next up, a dance of swords: Mareeta “The Starlight Gaze” versus Shanam “The Wandering Prince”




    HA! And you’re supposed to be a swordmaster, kid? Don’t waste my time!!!


    Aaaand with a mirage uppecut, Mareeta takes the point!!!!!


    I hope you can see me wherever you are, Mother……..

    Mareeta Wins!!!






    I hope the targets are ready, because they’re storming this place: Jeanne “Red Jasmin” versus Tanya “The Carnelian Cheetah”


    You have some good aim girl……but you’re slow as slugs. Now………DIE!!!!!






    Not today


    UGH!!!........Ohhh…..Othin…..I just wanted to……. see you one last-……..

    Sorry…….but I’m not giving up to life just yet: I found myself someone to look after.





    Jeanne Wins!!!







    Let’s have a break these brutes and let’s get more tactical: A Battle of minds, August “The prismatic Advisor” versus Asvel “Follower of the Winds”





    Nice aproach young lad, but you’re lacking killer intentions……here, let me show you some!!!






    Still not getting it, don’t you? It’s kill or be killed so stop being childish and do it!!!


    Heh…..completely defeated. I wouldn’t expect less from Leaf’s greatest tactician…….Farewell, and please take care of the prince in my stead……..

    You have my word, Lord August…….





    Asvel Wins!!!






    Things are getting sparky over here, next up we have: Eine “The Autumn Leaf” facing Kempt “The Thunder Blade”



    WAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......it this a joke? HA! Let’s see what you got, little creature…..



    Okay, that was……something……..




    Eine Wins……………FLAWLESS VICTORY!!!







    Ohhh boy, we got ourselves the spotlight for tonight’s show: Boiling Flames and Chilling Tides…………Ying and Yang……There are no others but Othin “The Wild” against Havan “The Silent Strike”


    Sooooo……we met again Othin. And this time that spoony prince of yours won’t save your hide…..

    Shut up, Havan: My axe will do the talking now!!!!



    Round one it’s over and they are on equal foot


    That’s the best you can do? No wonder why she died like a dog!!!


    Ohh, I hit a nerve? That’s sad but at the same time, what you can do, ehh country boy?



    *pant*…..*pant*……Not so chatty now, huh?

    ……….Good match, Othin……..You always had the potential in you………


    Please……keep Micky safe……….. this failure of a brother cannot do his job properly……….


    Othin Wins!!!



  7. Okay guys, here is my longest update yet:

    Chapter 24:


    Let’s Play: Fire Emblem Super Thracia 776 (The comeback it’s real) – FINALE II: Our grief it’s your pain




    Last time, we avoid total wipe out by using AI hijinks and stuff. Today we’re kinda entering into Hell…….Again




    DA TEAM. Olwen will make an appearance (when and who are two interesting questions, though)



    Cut-scenes: Leaf and Co stumbles upon some enemies, and everything would go swell except for one little fact:




    So……..Who wanted a boss rush (Feat Jemmy)?



    Today’s map it’s straight up BS: Every single horrible mechanic sans ch8 will appear here along some new ones, so I hope you’re prepared your anus




    Little Arden come back bringing his friends along while Jemmy goes wild against us for some reason (Since Zeed didn’t appear, I guess Lopto got tired of him…….THANKS GOD!!!!!). The new weapon in her possession it’s the Crimson Note, which it’s basically a OHKO nuke bomb to all non-magic units.




    New gimmick: Evil Anna over here uses this staff to completely randomize the enemies stats at the beginning of the battle, so don’t rely on those stats showed on the battle preparations to make a plan





    Strife, Weil and Hate make one final appearance wielding the earthquake spell ( A rank tome, effective against ground units, AKA the 90% of your whole army). Ishtar also makes her entry here wielding the almighty and over the top ThorHammer (Guess who’s recruiting her. I’m 99% sure you will be right and wrong at the same time)



    Kids and Novistadors are your typical endless reinforcements and unless you got the weapons to wither their relentless assault, you’re better off cheesing this like I did



    But before that, I just trash Jemmy for the last time (or not…?)




    Then I rescue as many of my units in the middle of the danger zone. You need AT LEAST 5 B-rank staff users to do this flawlessly (You technically have two in Safy and L’arachel/Sleuf so it’s not that hard, and besides, Sety gets started with a B rank too)



    Once everyone its safe, my trump card it’s revealed: SLEEP THOSE FUCKERS OTHERWISE YOU’RE FUCKED. There’s no way around this since the reinforcements consist on units with Fenrir and Novistadors who can ignore all kind of terrains (including walls) so this is a must (And before you even ask, Shiida and Karin can attract them, but not all of them)




    I haven’t touched my spare Master proofs, so Lucius gets a little upgrade. Unlike Asvel however, he does gain something useful in the form of Charisma (YOU CAN`T NEVER HAVE ENOUGH CHARISMA BOTS)



    Since the A team it’s locked into that tiny room, B team it’s the only one doing something resembling action and by that I mean completely avoiding contact with those girls to avoid death or even worse, reinforcements



    In my way to glory (or survival, it’s really the same) Marty gets to lvl 40



    And he just max out spd while getting Wrath. *sniff* and to think I almost use my entire spd ring stock on you not so long ago….


    Mission accomplished. Now we just have to wait…………. (I had to put in this otherwise this would have been as horrible as it sounds)

    :elevator music:



    Of course, my new time alone pondering why I have to suffer like this was also put into buff the hell out of my party via rings (of which you should have a long reserve since CH8x/12x/14x farts them like crazy)



    And the long awaited turn appears before us. It was a solid twenty minutes of me staring at the screen doing the same thing over and over……..The things I do for this lp (-_-)



    Since the next part it’s me against my former friends/enemies, I will do something “special”…….


  8. Chapter 23:


    Let’s Play: Fire Emblem Super Thracia 776 – FINALE I: Dark Metamorphosis


    Last time, I had enough of this game’s BS, so I actively decided to just go with the flow and completely cheese my way until beat it


    DA TEAM. Lucius means business


    Cut-scenes: Trabant deploys it’s army, while Gharnef plots with him about how to deal with us (SPOILERS: August was killed WAAAAAY BACK at CH2 and it was him all along)


    Today’s map looks pretty and dandy, but ohh boy if it’s annoying if you don’t know how to deal with it



    First of all: Coruta, Dean and Elincia’s army have both master weapons and equipment effective against some classes, which sucks because they will chase you like plagues


    Trabant also appears here, but he decides to turn down his Gungnir to someone else


    And that one it’s no other than Arion, and that kid it’s on steroids. What have everyone mentioned in common? All of them, without exception, have Dain’s shield on their profiles, so no cheesing with effective damage sadly


    Finally, we have a random bishop who got lost, but sadly that doesn’t mean he will not annoy the living shit out of me. How I’m dealing with this,you ask?


    Well........ you see, two can play that game: Dain’s Shield also have a special passive: The enemy completely ignores you.


    I immediately start this party by sending Karin in the middle of their forces and move her so she ends the turn on gray. Why you ask?


    Not so I could promote my units, You silly thing...........


    Remember when I said SUPER thracia doesn’t mess up with the in-game script? This chapter has an invisible barrier outside that when someone cross it, Sety appears and one-shot the pitiful boss on this chapter. Since BK (Cyas replacement) doesn’t appear here, it means two things:


    One: Arion get backstabbed by Gharnef (Or trips and stab himself since Gharnef just activates Big Shield)

     Two: Gharnef appearance cause that all the units on the map go agro on my ass. Not that I’m worried about it


    Since they’re ordered to attack the nearest enemy, but said enemy has Dain’s shield (AKA special immunity), they just gather around it and chill out


    Gharnef himself it’s just a punchbag: Yeah, he has essentially 62 def and 60 M.def, but the old man it’s as fast as Yune with that heavy tome (Helblindi: Nullify critical).

    Since, I shut down any immediate threat against the rest of my army, this chapter has become another “pick one by one” themed chapter


    Coruta it’s the first one to drop off, while Elincia decides to have a dignifying death and smash her face into Faval


    Of course, that doesn’t mean you should relax: Plenty of times I have died because of an unlucky 10% hit chance actually landing


    Dean gave me a hard time, but he dies eventually


    If you need someone to tank their hits so you can finish them off, Eine it’s your girl


    Magic units should avoid any one vs one confrontation unless they can’t hide (I almost lost my shit there with L’arachel)


    Boomerang sword it’s the best kind of sword


    Going in step by step……


    Sothe decides to be awesome and bait some enemies while unarmed, but then.....


























































    Nah, the RNG was top-notch today (But really, how many times I got jump-scared because I didn’t check the range of tome users?)




    You know you’re OP when Trabant with a darkness sword actively tries to AVOID YOU. Yeah, who’s the bitch now, huh? emot-smuggo.gif




    Faval it’s your best bet when it comes to deal with crap-tastic things like Gharnef here, so don’t waste Ichieval


    Done. Leaf feels remorse for all the lives we have lost because of this war……..


    But who cares about that, WE JUST GOT SETY-SAMA!!!!!!!!! emot-swoon.gif


    Next time: Battle Royale



    L’arachel               High Priest           lvl 27 – 36


     Hp   Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def  Bld  Mov


     56    14     40     32    33     33     17    8       6


     +8   +2      +5    +4     +7     +8    +1    +1




    Salem                     Druid                     lvl 38 – 40      


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def    Bld   Mov


    69     17     40      40    38     35    26     23       6


    +9     +2    Max  Max  +2     +2    +2     +2




    Faval                       Sniper                   lvl 37 – 40


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    77     40     13     40    40     33     30    18       8


    +2     +2     +0   Max   +2     +2    +2     +1




    Aless                       Paladin                lvl 35 – 38


     Hp   Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def  Bld  Mov


     69    37     21     38     34    38    30    20    10


     +3    +1     +1     +1     +2    +3    +1    +2




    Galzus                   Wanderer             lvl 36 – 39


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    72     39     18     40    36     28     34     24     8


    +3     +1     +1     +2    +2     +2     +0     +2   




    Mareeta  S.Fighterà Sword Master  lvl 40 – 40


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    68     40     26     40     40    38     24    14       7


    +0     +4     +3    Max  Max +0     +3    +2      +1




    Janne          Arch Knightà Ranger      lvl 35 – 40


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    72     38     40     40     38     40    28     18    10


    +0     +3     +3    Max  +2    Max  +3     +2




    Fin         L.Knightà Superior Knight    lvl 40 – 40


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


     76    40     28     40     38    38    36     24     12


    +0     +2     +5     +3     +2    +0    +1     +0     +2   


  9. Chapter 22:


    Let’s Play: Fire Emblem Super Thracia 776 (The comeback it’s real) – Part XXX: NO FUN ALLOWED


    Last time, leaf and co. manages to break in into the detention center to rescue one person……from the Ardens who moves one tile a turn. My heroes


    DA TEAM. Since we’re hitting the endgame, I decided to break up the chapters into two parts: one for analysis and the other for interesting gameplay (AKA me putting memes everywhere). I suggest bringing to this place these people:

    -      Any B-A rank staff user

    -      Bow users

    -      Units with great weapon selection (If said unit has below 35 spd, use brave/master weapons)

    -      BK

    Oh, and another thing: By this point just bring the best of the best: Silver/Killer weaponry should be use as they were iron weapons (you can even buy them right here) and rob those mobs so you have a healthy amount of master weapons (ten of each should be fine). I’m not kidding here: YOU WILL NEED THEM


    Cut-scenes: Arion decides than this map looks way too happy, so he decides to spread some brown everywhere.


    The BK also confirms that he’s Jesus by walking over the seas to protect poor Corple for being raped by Narcian


    This map it’s despise in the original game, and here it’s no exception: There are several niches you should take into account before even move near that bridge


    Our greeting team its composed of five ballistae (The nearest one even brings a Blue Swallow) and Several Pirates with the EXACT skill setup as CH2 except that it’s worse since they spawn as reinforcements, and YOU DON`T wanna get stuck with 30 pirates with 99% hit chances of crit your ass


    Blocking the bridge are the always dangerous Master Axe/Bow Warriors and Robert and his pals with 100% re-move stars (BTW, master weapons grants the critical skill. Guess who’s gonna abuse that)


    The third obstacle in our way it’s no other than our old pal Gromel and his draft queens. Nothing that we haven’t see before


    Our final Barrier before the boss consist on Wyverns packing immunity against bows and wind magic, so better bring the big guns in here. The odd thing here it’s the duo between Narcian and Kane: Narcian by himself would be a piece of cake, but since Kane can and will kill anyone put to sleep, make sure you kill at least one of them before their turn if they manage to reach you


    Corple it’s just filler since Cyas poof of existence, so moving on……


    The real boss here it’s the father of Claus (Translation, please?): If those bishops before didn’t gave you the idea, bring multiple restore staff to remove that pesky berserk that will land on someone as soon as the word “GO”

    And now, let me explain why the heck BK kicks out this old fellow of his castle: This hack mess up with the portraits and character slot in-game. Meaning? Modify important events like recruits and NPC appearances so the game becomes “fresh” (Or, in all the cases here, makes the game as painful and unbearable to the public as can muster)

    Shiida and Eine are our perfect example: Carrion it’s replace by Shiida BUT Eine uses the same slot as Tanya (Which if you don’t recall, it’s kinda dead at this point), so there is no problem about Eine being part of the team. BK does the same time by joining way too sooner that he should (Since he’s occupying Cyas slot) and since Corple actually have the same slot as him, weird things happens when you deploy him, such as kicking this old man out of his place, but there’s more:


    If you press start to skip all the cut-scenes, The BK data gets override by Corple’s data, thus blow him off existence by proxy. So please, if you wanna use him just press B to skip them one by one


    And the last trick this chapter has to offer is: after you cross that last bridge, Cyas comes out of nowhere and blow off the bridge, so better be careful and bring the whole team before making a move to the boss.

    With all this said, there are two ways to handle this whole chapter. The first one:


    BOOM!!, End of the deal. But since this will probably be my last attempt at NOT completely cheese this game, I will do it in the old fashion way, and by that I mean: “Run to the shops and buy some needed knight seals, then get Gromel’s awesome weapon to then just cheese my way to the throne”


    On the very first turn, I decimate the nearest ballistae and rescue BK while keeping everyone out of the enemy range


    You have three clear objectives: Remove those ballistae, block the pirates spawn blocks (PLEASE don’t let yourself get cripple by charisma spamming) and survive until turn 20 when the reinforcements dried out. Gromel and pals will chase you so be prepared


    Since he’s naked I could just take it down with a nice arrow on his chest, but since it has been a long tome since I got to face him, let’s make it more “interesting”





    Sadly, our beloved shemale wasn’t prepared and bites the dust


     Since I fucking abuse my infinite sleep staff, now I only have to deal with 4 wrath and 4 100% re-move dragons per turn. Still way more pleasant that deal with those fucking pirates


    Since I’m getting humungous amounts of exp, everyone not promoted manages to finally reach their 2nd tier (also, take note that Lucius it’s a FemSage……….Cheeky)


    The armory has a very beautiful glitch: If you press down while selecting the buy option, your cursor can pass through the screen and you can buy steel swords free and then sell them back for infinite money, so if you didn’t have any money to begin with, now there is no excuse to not blow off that place out of knight seals


    The other house has a rescue and holy water. Since I can cheat (and will keep doing it if I wanna end this hack before summer) I don’t give a flying shit about these joints


    Leaf unceremoniously takes down our green head over here while I blow off my last reserve


    Once I got tired of dealing with these cocks, I put the old and beloved Karin over there and wait until turn 20 pop up (even if she’s remotely near danger, prayer will save her)


    More kinky stuff: If you put sleep on Kane, Corple will restore him and will move. Since the AI wasn’t programmed to remount, the guy will instead head straight into the armory for a killing edge, the results? I like my New Iron Maiden


    Ohh, and if you didn’t blow him off existence already, turn 40 can kick in and remove the BK from the map. Yay for random time limits


    I could just blaze my way across these assholes and tear them a new hole, but I really wanna end this. So ciao, losers!!!


    Well, I hope you like my last attempt at trying to be fair with the game, because next time I will open a worm hole



    Shiida   W.Knight à Wyvern Lord    lvl 37 – 38

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

    73     40     33     38     40    36     31    17      12

    +1     +2     +3     +3     +1    +1     +2    +1     


    Karin     F.Knightà Seraph Knight    lvl 37 – 38

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

    69     36     35     37      40     40      26     16     12

    +1     +2     +3     +2    Max  Max    +0     +3  


    Marty                  Warrior                   lvl 36 – 39

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck    Def   Bld   Mov

    80      40    12     37    35     36     40     25       8

    +3     Max  +0    +1     +6    +3    Max  Max


    Nanna      Troubadour à Valkirie   lvl 37 – 40

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

    69     38     38     40     40    40     26    16     11

    +2     +6     +3    +1     +2     +3     +4     +4    +1


    Shiva   S.Fighter à Sword Master   lvl 37 – 40

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

    72     40    30      40    40     38    34     21       8

    +3    +5     +5     Max  +5     +3    +5     +4     +1


    Miranda               Princess                 lvl 37 – 40

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

     74    22     40     40    40     40     24    14     11

    +3     +1    Max  +2     +1     +3     +1    +1


    Brighton A.Knightà Great Knight  lvl 32 – 37

    Hp   Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

     77    40     21     40    37    32     40    25     11

    +3   Max   +4     +6    +3    +2     +4     +3     +1


    Faval                       Sniper                   lvl 36 – 37

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

    75     38     13     40    38     31    28     17       8

    +2     +2     +1   Max   +2     +1    +0     +0


    BK                       Black Knight             lvl 25 – 28

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov

    68     35     25     31    23     28    34     17       5

    +3     +3     +2     +2    +1     +3    +2     +1


    Lucius                Priestà Sage            lvl 40 – 40

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck    Def   Bld   Mov

     68    11      40    37     40    40     26     12      6

    +7     +0    Max  +3     +1    Max  +3     +2     +1


  10. Hey there guys, got back from a family trip. Since I got nothing, let me put 21X while I get to play CH22 (it's just 30 images or so since the chapter was kinda disappointing):

    Chapter 21X:


    Let’s Play: Fire Emblem Super Thracia 776 (The comeback it’s real) – Part XXIX: Attack of the Titans - FE Edition



    Last time, I somehow survive that horrible excuse of a gameplay that the game decides to throw at me, so let's go and save................someone? I really don't remember.........



    DA TEAM: BK come with us because I say so


    Cut-scenes: Arden copies Roro's niche while Leaf and co decides that the best way to help someone in jail it's to let yourself get caught (Someone has been watching prison break)


    Today's map it's filled with these creatures. While they can be dangerous in certain situations, since they have 0 Spd/luck until they enter a fight, we can basically squash them like ants with Armorslayers/Hammers.

    AfoZuew.pngCF6ft2c.png Before I even start to escape, Nanna decides to ditch her horse and grabs a pony (don't ask from where it comes, if FE doesn't care to explain this, won't do it either)


    This chapter it's soooooo uninspiring...................


    Trade-chain, units management, a random Morph Sara chilling up there........... I don't even know why I'm here............


    Leaf: "Hello? it's someone here?"

    Safy: "Ohhh thank goodness you came back from me!!!!!"

    Leaf: "..........And you are?" 

    Safy: " I'm.....................You know what? never mind, let's go. I feel a little strange.........."


    hehehehe........Everything's going as planned.


    Reinforcements will come from the stairs of both sides, but since they move like slugs inside a pot, you can just get out there, slaughter those protecting the exit and be done with this before turn 10 or so


    This chapter it's just a filler. Bring those in your party who are low level in order to catch up, otherwise don't even bother with it


    Before I go, have some plot that you never understand unless you actually care (which is a bad idea by itself, even worst play the whole game just for that)



    Salem                     Druid                     lvl 37 – 38      

    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def    Bld   Mov

    60     17     40      40      34     33      24      21       6

    +1     +0    Max   +1       +1       +1    +1     +1











    Mareeta        Swordfighter                lvl 37 – 40


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    68     36     23     40     40    38     21    12       6


    +3     +1     +1     +1     +3    +3     +1    +0









  11. 3 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    Don't make Gale playable. His death in the original was supposed to be sad, and with a bit of re-translation, it can be that way.

    I agree with this, but I think Gale does deserve a chapter for himself: I didn't connect that much with him since I was frustrated by all the shit you had to face in the chapter (-_-)

  12. Chapter 21:


    Let’s Play: Fire Emblem Super Thracia 776 (The comeback it’s real) – Part XXVIII: “Sir, did you ask for some cheese?


    Last time, Leaf was set on Going to Manster because god knows why he’s doing that without Celice. Sety-sama also decides to take a walk around the place, so I guess we’re getting him soon.


    Before I even start this: Look at this, we are now in hell……….it’s so fucking fitting for this chapter…….


    DA TEAM. I HATE L’arachel with all my soul, but all my staff users are tired and well I kinda need Rescue and Sleep to actually survive (Don’t worry, it will all make sense when this begins)


    Cut-scenes: Trabant it’s really piss about losing to Cuan’s disgraceful son (You may say whatever you want, but Leaf doesn’t have a holy weapon and Altenna does. #DEAL WITH IT) so he decides to pull off his trump card: A ballista with actual hit. Meanwhile, Asvel notice how fucked up things are since rivers doesn’t look like Kool-Aid and since his crush it’s still alive, Aless decides to join the front




    Today’s chapter it's what I like to call “HOW NOT TO DO A RAGEFEST CHAPTER”. It has everything wrong in so many ways that it cannot be fathom until you get to it.


    Aless as a unit it’s kinda underwhelming: Outside of the always OP Mistolteen, he doesn’t bring anything new to the table.Still, I must train him since the final chapter has a ludicrous deployment requirement (No, I haven’t play that far ahead sadly, but youtube it’s a godsend when it comes to kaizo hacks)


    This map features all the ballista flavors: Arbalests (Vanilla shots A.K.A they suck), Quicksilvers (Basically it’s just another brave weapon) and………….


    Disler, who brings the Blue Swallow to the field (That thing screams “Anti-RNG antics”). Two Wywern Knights are in front of him bringing some nice loot 


    This army over it’s what should really keep you awake at night: These dudes are fairly strong while packing the critical skill for giggles and shit. Also, since the endgame it’s looming, you should really steal all those juicy weapons (especially those effective against certain classes). What? You don’t have a thief with around 20-25 bld? Then WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BEING DOING THIS WHOLE TIME!?!?!?!?


    Our boss here it’s just another descendant of Tordo (In short: Crits for dayz, son)


    First thing: Linoan becomes awesome (alternately, if you hate her for some reason, just send someone else there and get a nice warp staff)


    Miranda doesn’t want to be left behind, so she grabs a master seal against my will and becomes a Princess. That spoiled child does know how to make me happy


    Sothe gets his BLD up, Leaf chokes a bridge and the horde has been released.


    Since this place will fart out reinforcements to death, I decided to say “screw it” and gave L’arachel 99 uses rescue and Sleep staffs (AGAIN, this shit has a purpose)


    For some reason, I decided to send the winged squad feat Galzus to deal some damage, but then I realize that even with an axe, Galzus still counts as sword user and the Rhamfada will break his ass no sweat. At least I got some exp


    I waited…AND WAITED and turn 60 pops in and still no stop to these fuckers. Okay then, new plan


    Please, ignore this suicide attempt and this weird glitch over here


    Back at turn 20 or so, everyone back the hell up and turtles in this canyon. Sothe seize this chance and stock his inventory with Fortifies so Galzus can kill the poor victim without any regrets.


    Once I got tired, I also realized that if I managed to just kill one unit per turn, I would always spawn a FemPaladin with a Master Sword and Restore, so I systematic killed off the other classes (while robbing them in the process) so the screen would be filled with ladies #GirlPower . Since Sothe has the best movility ever (Really, he can even cross lava like nothing), I decided to send him in a solo mission to rob blind the boss


    Interesting fact: If you put to sleep a flier in a place like a river, the unit gets relocated in the nearest place where it can walk unmounted


    New stuff; The Winged Squad tries again its assault, bringing both Faval and Salem along


    This looks like a pretty cruel battlefield with odds against Leaf and Co. But in newer FE games, this would be a realistic and accurate illustration on the #WAIFU WARS


    Sothe being the pro I need in my life, soloed this whole castle


    And then Karin, like the bitch she is, stoles the kill from his hands.


    Shops: The Armory just has silver tier weaponry, so stock up if you fell like it


    I was set to find out until when the reinforcements would come, so I set animations off, turn on the fast forward and skip all until that turn came by. Guess what?



    I’m really in disbelief: Even if you have the possibility of grind until lvl 40, I calculated the amount of enemies you would face if you decide so, and you would end up fighting around 1000 foes before they dried out…..and I’m not including the starting enemies

    Really people, I will need a break of the FE franchise after I get to finish this atrocious hack


    There. EVERYTHING'S DEAD. The river it’s now filled with their blood and my tears……..


    “Milord, I have notice something: Since our escape from Lenster, I feel like something it’s amiss…..”

    “Now that you mentioned it, there was something out of the norm back then…….”

    “So do you know, Milord?”

    “Yeah: I almost left Salem behind. I was a mistake I won’t allow once again”

    “Okay then………What I really wanted to say was: there is a hostage prison inside this hold. Maybe we should check it out”


    And that’s how it ends. Stay tuned!!!













































































































































     Salem                     Druid                     lvl 36 – 37      


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def    Bld   Mov


    59     17     40     39     33     32    23     20       6


    +1     +0    Max   +0     +0     +1    +1     +0




    Nanna             Troubadour                lvl 34 – 37


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    67     32     35     39     38     37    22     12      10


    +3     +2     +2     +3     +2     +3    +1     +0




    Marty                  Warrior                   lvl 35 – 36


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck    Def   Bld   Mov


    77      40    12     36    29     33     40     25       8


    +1     Max  +0    +1     +4    +4    Max  Max   +1






    Miranda     Fire Mageà Princess     lvl 36 – 37


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


     71    21     40     38    39     37     23    13     11


    +1     +8     +1    +5     +3     +1     +4    +2     +6




    Linoan                 Sisterà Sage          lvl 40 – 40


     Hp   Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def  Bld  Mov


     65     9      40     40     40     40    24    12     8


     +0   +0    Max   +2     +3    Max  +3    +2   +1




    Faval                       Sniper                   lvl 35 – 36


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    73     36     12     40    36     30    28     17     8


    +1     +0     +0     +1    +1     +1    +0     +0   




    Galzus                   Wanderer             lvl 30 – 36


    Hp    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def   Bld   Mov


    69     38     17     38    34     26     34     22     8


    +7     +6     +2     +4    +5     +4     +6     +5    +1




    L’arachel               High Priest           lvl 20 – 27


     Hp   Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def  Bld  Mov


     48    12     35     28     26    25    16     7       6


     +6   +4      +7    +5     +5     +5    +2    +0




    Aless                       Paladin                lvl 25 – 35


     Hp   Str   Mag   Skl   Spd   Lck   Def  Bld  Mov


      66   36     20     37     32     35    29   18    10


     +10  +7    +3     +8     +6    +10   +5    +1





    Hp: 95%

    Str: 60%

    Mag: 20%

    Skl: 60%

    Spd: 50%

    Def: 50%

    Bld: 30%

    Lck: 90%

    Mov: 3%

    HEZUL CRIST!!!! This kid sure eated his veggies. Aless won't let you down if you manage to bring him on par with your party. Besides, I have something Store for him once I get to deploy him again (Here's the clue: Vanilla Eltoshan)

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