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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. Honestly, I can't figure out why I love this game so much. I haven't had this much playing a video game in a long time.

    I really like the speed of the game. You're always doing something. The only time you aren't is if you're waiting your 3-5 seconds to respawn. I hate other shooters (and if anything, Splatoon makes me even less interested in the genre) because so many other shooters involve that standing around waiting game that I find incredibly boring. The idea that killing people isn't the main objective honestly flips the genre on its head and it's such an ingenious way to enhance the gameplay because players are active.

    In terms of the cost, the game is getting a lot of free DLC on a regular basis so it's hard to say how much it's really worth. By the end of the summer when the updates finish, I think the $60 price tag will definitely be warranted. But even right now, I'm in love with the little bit of the game I have and I have no regrets. I've played every mode and I really like all of them. Battle Dojo is honestly my favorite of the three modes and I really hope they flesh this mode out because there is so much to work with here. Story mode feels like the weakest of the modes because all of the depth from Turf War and Battle Dojo is gone.

    But yeah, if you're apprehensive about getting the game, I know a lot of people are waiting until the updates are done before getting it as it will justify the price tag more. Best thing I can suggest for now is finding someone with the game and give it a whirl.

    I just wished those new modes would come out soon. Turf War is fun but those other modes shown in the direct would be nice to play at this point as it is getting a bit repetitive.

    Not to mention I feel a lot of the weapons don't suit turf war all that well and the high firing rate weapons and rollers pretty much dominate Turf War. However those other modes that were shown off would at least make those other weapons more viable.

  2. Marth

    - Got on release date. Store literally only had two of them and they were all merths


    - Preordered from Gamestop but cancelled because too impatient and it was delayed too long. Imported from Germany


    - Preordered from Japan


    - Preordered from Japan

  3. Ana, you're lucky Tang got here first. I would have warned you.

    What do people think of the game so far? I'm delaying buying it until I hear good things about it. I'm not sure I'll like it, so I don't want to drop $60 unless I can be sure.

    Very individual preference right now but so far I am definitely loving it.

    The amount of manuverability that the squid forms offers so many different strategies and tactics to use in the shooting gameplay. You can use it to sneak attack, get to the front line faster, manuver around the map, get into high places to snipe, recharge your ink, dodge attacks and retreating.

    Some designs can turn off some people. Currently only 5 Maps where you can only play about 2 maps per rotation every 4 hours, weapons and loadouts are presetted meaning you cannot switch subweapons or special weapons like in Call of Duty or Battlefield. Very limited modes, Online 8 player Turf War, offline 1 vs 1 and a single player campaign that will last you 7-8 if you are not going 100%.

    However there are some nice little content in the package, the cosmetics offers a lot of variety of perks for gameplay purposes, the variety of presetted loadouts actually offer a wide variety of style of shooting mechanics, the miiverse integration can be pretty relaxing to look at and the single player campaign is a nice little add on to play around with.

    Once the newer modes are out like King of the Hill, payload, ranked battles and more maps come out, the 60 dollars would definitely be more worth it. Keep in mind the amount of content we currently have right now is almost equivalent to Team Fortress 2 when it was first released.

  4. Went out today and every single wave 4 amiibos were literally for preorders only. No extras, no Marths, no nothing. Half of the Ness amiibos could not be fulfilled at ebgames. Our local Walmart had 3 silver Mario amiibos and some guy had to go in and hold reserve on all 3 of them. Only Pacmans were the only smash bros amiibos that were available to buy without preorder.

    Not a single splatoon amiibo was available either.

  5. Well, now you guys are suddenly getting a whole bunch of restocks. Us? So far we've only gotten Marth and Shulk. Ike was only for preorders that was was GameStop only. Meta Knight IS on the way too, but when exactly, we have no concrete idea.

    oh please we don't have the Shulk restock here in Canada.

  6. Best Buy US hasn't added them. Man, and Canada thinks they're worse off than we are?

    what splart said and this is our listing on ebgames with the exception of the silver mario.

    You're saying we have it good but in reality it's all opposite


  7. to be fair Lucario and Jiggs are kind of nobodies as well

    just not quite as nobody

    Some of these characters I don't even recognize (which to be fair would've been the case for the "real" SSB# rosters as well); could you elaborate on who some of them are, and why you chose them?

    From what I know from top to bottom, left to right.

    Dr. Steward from F-Zero

    Ice Climbers from Ice Climbers

    Takamaru from Nazo no Murasame-jō (Currently an assist trophy)

    Lip from panel de pon (Japanese tetris attack or puzzle league)

    Dillon from Dillon's Rolling Western (Currently an assist trophy)

    Dr. Steward has been in the main F-Zero series since the beginning of the game and has been a main supporting character in the F-Zero anime. He's not exactly popular and honestly I don't see much from him since he's an actual doctor and not really a fighter. But he is skilled at what he did. During the great F-Zero accident, he was the main surgeon during that time. His father was naturally a racer but he urged steward not follow in his footsteps since it was so dangerous. But after his father's death he took this opportunity to become a f-zero pilot anyway.

    Takamaru is actually considered a Famicom classic in Japan and it was only released in Japan. It's basically a fastpaced arcade style Zelda game and it is challenging and difficult like many other old games at the time. His games have been referenced pretty frequently and even made an appearance as a minigame in Nintendoland with the Ninja minigame.

    Lip from panel de pon is a Japanese character that was used as the main mascot for Puzzle League in Japan. When they brought it over to americas, they replaced her with Yoshi and renamed it Tetris Attack for marketing purposes. However Lip is actually quite popular in the Japanese Nintendo fan community. You can still find fanart of her being drawn frequently in pixiv.

    Dillon is from an eShop exclusive game made by Nintendo. It's a tower of defense style of game. He's essentially a sheriff ranger and you have to gather resources and construct weapon towers to create defense to protect from a bunch of grocks from invading the town. At the same time there is a bit of combat you engage. You basically roll around the landscapes to find those resources and fight enemies with the touchscreen.

  8. Anyways from what I learned from my friend who played the midnight digital download release, when you want to join with friends there is a waiting queue that lets you wait until a slot is available unlike Mario Kart 8 where you have to hope there is an open space to join friend or else it would just kick you. So that's a nice feature that they implemented. So we can gather together in a single lobby on skype together more easily if we add each other properly on the Wii U.

  9. The Gold Mario? Well I'll be damned. In the US they are going from anywhere between $40-$50. I myself am only interested in the Smash Amiibos since they resemble the trophies in the game. Thats actually kinda why I got stands for them to make it look like the trophy boxes in the game. I might consider that as a future project and paint my wooden one red and try getting a glass casing over it.

    yeah honeslty the Mario amiibos are now on every shelf in all the stores I've been to now. I haven't seen many smash bros amiibos at all anymore with the exception of Mario characters. The supplies are really bad for the smash bros community here. Like Ness NA preorders are selling for 45 to 50 bucks at most right now and people are trying to offer 35 dollars for Lucina and Robin. I'm still having no luck or no offers for my used Lucina amiibo though.

  10. Wow I guess that would do it. That's pretty awesome though I bet there are alot of traders and events in your area. Even though everyone wants the same stuff leading to supply problems its gotta be cool being around all of that.

    most of the traders are people selling their gold Marios because no one in my local area wants them. We just want our smash amiibos. It's been dropped down in price a lot now. Almost in the 20 to 35 dollar CDN range.

  11. Hunger Games Amiibo Edition

    Damn Kingddd. You must be in a well populated area or at least one with alot of gamers if thats the case. Either that or I'm the only one hunting these things in my area...

    Well the vancouver area has a huge amount of gamers and has a huge fanbase for entertainment as a whole since we have a lot of animation and game studios here. We have a couple of huge fan conventions here and there. In my local store that I preordered my cancelled amiibo, they had about 91 orders of amiibo preorders before they had to cancel about 71 of them

  12. My friend wants me to go amiibo hunting with him tomorrow. I said that I would because he's moving in two days but nine o' clock wakeup WHY

    only 9 o clock? Try 4 am. People have been camping in my local area.

  13. I can see the similarities between VC and Code Name Steam but what differences are there compared to FE:if? Can you give us more examples?

    I heard that Valkyria Chronicles had a shitty plot. To the risk of causing a nuclear war, I want to ask: is that true ?

    I've only played the first and finished the first one and I don't recall a nuclear war ever occurring at all. The plot just takes inspirations from Europe's world war 2 fronts using the Darksen as an inspiration of destroying specific races and a bit of random fantasy elements with the Valkyria descendants.
  14. Edit: Okay, I tried to use Ike to take on those stun flies and... well, I learned that they have no less then 10HP (well, technically it might be between 9-11 HP but I think 10HP is a very safe bet). Also, the boss of chapter 6 apparently raises the defense of all enemies, otherwise I have no idea why Ike only deals 4 points of damage with each strike (without QuebQueb around, of course). But am glad that this method works. Even if it is not as effective as I hoped, it is reliable.

    Yeah it's mostly used for knockback and not really for killing but even then, Califia and Queequeg's attacks use just as much steam and can unleash devestating blows at the same time so why not ike? I guess they wanted to differentiate him from Robin since his attacks are equivalent to Califia's main weapon but with no knockback but that honestly doesn't matter much since his can overwatch. If Ragnell would do about 10 to 15 hp damage per hit it maybe a lot more viable since it is a multihit penetration attack but other than that the number of steam usage for what it currently does is so not worth it.

  15. Btw, does anyone know if Ike's sword beam can shot down those annoying Stun Flies?

    Man, I knew Ike's sword beam was weak but I had no it would be this bad. There is probably some utility for a reliable projectile with near unlimited range and reliable knockback but the beam is supposedly his "Primary Weapon". Just how is this guy intended to be used?

    yes they can be. Stun Bugs only fire their shots once per turn too so you can use Marth to prevent them from stunning you during that turn too. It really sucks that they don't give you scarecrow who has stun immunity beforehand when they were first introduced as it would have been very useful. In terms of Ike, that's pretty much the best use I got from him other than that, I feel Ike is starting to become the worst of the units almost reaching Dorothy tier at this point after playing 60 hours or so. I've been doing an FE runthrough and he's always the unit that dies first in my playthroughs and his lack of overwatch really hurts him.

    Marth's no damage from overwatch is actually surprisingly useful after playing with him for a while but how I wish his steam recharge was not so bad. 6 per turn is just why? He should have at least 8 if he were to be more viable. He does have some uses though. Later on in the levels there were a huge number of dreadnaughts and I just used Marth to make them lose all of their steam reserves and then just ran past them to the goal area. One time in Online, I used Marth to make an enemy opponent's fox lose all her steam reserves and then I put a bunch of bullets right at her.

    But yeah it still sucks that you have to have the amiibo to use them online as one time scan will not work since you have to rescan them everytime if you want to play online.

  16. Remember that puzzle called "Nintendo Starlets" in the Streetpass Mii Plaza game? It had Peach, Rosalina, and PAULINE. Oh, and Zelda and Toon Zelda. But no Daisy.

    I remember when Japan named it "Heroines" caused such a big uproar that they changed it in the localization. I really have no idea what Nintendo was thinking.

  17. I'm curious about why the characters (aside from the FE ones) speak English in every version of the game. I mean, sure, the characters are based off of American figures who speak English, but some players in Europe and Japan and whatnot won't understand what they're saying, I bet. Not everybody out there speaks/understands any English.

    This is more common than you think. Have you played Punch Out Wii? Every character there speaks his native language, and there's French, Spanish, Russian, German, and even a Turkish character in that game.

    I think a better example is Battalion Wars/Famicom Wars. There is no Japanese dub in the Japanese version at all. It just has Japanese subtitles.


  18. http://kingddd17.tumblr.com/post/119977802398/dna-media-comics-fire-emblem-awakening-anthology

    (DNA Media Comics) Fire Emblem Awakening Anthology 2
    Some preview scans made by me of the newest volume. Just like in the first volume, it has a lot of random stories made by fans and includes some small advertisements of FE:IF since it is officially licensed by Nintendo.
    Some stories I've seen so far (Just from my observation since I can't read Japanese) includes:
    - Male Morgan build traps
    - Lon'qu, Gregor and Anna adventures
    - Some good ol Say'ri and Tiki relationships
    - MaMU, Donnel and Walhart dress up
    - MaMU consolidating his friends about Tharja
    - Maribelle and Stahl haircut problems
    - Henry switching with Sumia's body again
    - Chrom and Panne request Kjelle to help with yarne's abilities
    - Children shenanigans mostly on Brady
    - Some Frederick focused development
    - Gaius focused story
    - Kellam and Cherche relationship
    - Lucina injured and a child that reminds of her inner child.
    Please support the artists as this is an official licensed book.


    [spoiler=some random pages]


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