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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. When they say main character created by the gamer does that mean only Kamui can have that same sex marriage? Will those A+ support change to S in the NA and Europe version? What about the other characters?

    Although this statement definitely alleviates some of those people concerned about Nintendo's inclusion, I personally could not care too much.

    Didn't we have a topic this morning stating that Same sex marriage isnt in the game?

    Only in Japan we don't know if this will change in the NA which a PR so far says it will but we don't really know yet.

  2. I actualy heard of a popularity pole that had luke as #1 and loyd as #2

    Yuri Lowell is the most popular tales character in Japan. So much so they had to remove him from the polls because he kept winning. The fanbase there is mostly of female which is why so many male characters dominate the polls there.

  3. MORGAN!!!

    Sorry, he just looks so very super cute in his art! I just wanna hug him and never let go! I may just have to collect those lol. Would kill for sleeves of that art. Morgan was my fave in that game (gender doesn't matter, cute either way).

    I can't seem to find Morgan or Anna's art anywhere or I might be blind. Looked at the main site, twitter and blogs but nothing. Any links?

  4. The website has a profile for her, (translated here) as did the most recent and first Famitsu (here) coverage on her : )

    Oh, okay. I have the actual reader and it prevents screen shots, so it's a complicated method of recording my screen, taking a screen shot of the video, then piecing it together in my paint program. The trade off is really high res pictures though : ) Like below

    If you want I can give you all the direct images through PM. They're about 2258x1381 resolution not the best but it's sufficient enough.

  5. EDIT 2: I checked the section, it is indeed all amiibo info you already know. By the way, are you using BookWalker or another program to view them?

    dang still no info if I can rub and pet Marth Sempai

    thanks for the info. I have direct *.JPG images of the entire scan so I'm just looking it through my windows image viewer.

  6. Unfortunately... there are 53 pages in here... :\ so I am sifting through it to find anything new to translate that people may not know, though it is mostly recap information, and character profiles (for characters that appear on the website that I already translated)

    I'm looking through it and I'm just wondering if there any new information about the amiibo characters in the scan or are they just reviewing the same stuff we already know about like, they appear, they can mann the shops, can join you in battle or battle them etc? Can't read other than looking at the screenshots.

  7. Well E3 is over lets rev up our report cards.

    Bethesda - C

    it was ok.

    Microsoft - B

    pretty nice games shown off and nothing cringey or anything but nothing too special to get insanely overhyped.

    EA - C

    Sports, Sports, Sports. Star Wars Battlefront gameplay was the best part.

    Ubisoft - D-

    Memes, Memes everywhere.

    Sony - A

    Definitely blew everyone out of the ball park.

    Nintendo - C-

    The digital event was very underwhelming and the trailers they showed off felt like they slapped random crap in the last minute. However the treehouse makes up for it explaining some of the games like Fatal Frame and SMTxFE gameplays a lot better than the digital event itself.

    Square - Didn't watch so no opinion.

  8. One big issue I did have with Assault and this maybe a nitpick but it is when you get hit. In Star Fox 64, when you get damaged, there is a loud sound that plays and the arwing/landmaster shakes and blinks a lot letting the player know that you're getting hit and you should manuever out of the way. In Assault however, many times, the rumble on the controller is very subtle, the hit sound is very quiety and your vehicles don't project as much damage feedback to the player. Many times, I didn't even know I was getting shot at only to find out I was at low hp. Sure the hp indicator was there but an early indication of me getting hit by all these lasers and projectiles would have been nice to know I'm doing something wrong.

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